
来源:两会专题 时间:2018-08-05 11:00:03 阅读:



两会的英文:Lianghui Two Sessions the National People"s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
参考例句:Chinese and foreign journalists covering the two conferences采访两会的中外记者The day before yesterday I read a piece of news about "Job problem" of the Two Sessions.前天,我看了一则关于两会就就业问题提出的主题讨论消息。lianghui是什么意思:n. 两会two是什么意思:num. 二,两个n. 两个人adj. 两个的Knit two, purl two.两针朝下,两针朝上。the better of the two两者中的更好者What does two and two make?2加2等于几?sessions是什么意思:n. 一场;开庭期;学年;聚会There is no user session key for the specified logon session.没有指定登录会话的用户会话密钥。$_SESSION contains HTTP variables registered by the session module包含着所有session模块注册的HTTP变量It was a very good training session. 这是一场很好的热身赛。


“流氓软件”如今人人喊打,反流氓软件可谓是2006年互联网一件大事儿。11月8日,中国互联网协会公布了“流氓软件”官方定义:在未明确提示用户或未经用户许可的情况下,在用户计算机或其他终端上安装运行、侵害用户合法权益的软件。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:Internet Society of China has published its final definition of malicious software after it has collected more than 8,500 opinions from the public since early this month. Malicious software is defined as a program that is installed on computers or other terminals without the user"s permission and infringes the user"s rights. “流氓软件”即“恶意软件”,以“installed without notification or approval”(强制安装)、“browser hijacking”(浏览器劫持)、“triggering pop-up ads”(广告弹出)等恶行为主要特征。 英语中,“流氓软件”常用“malicious software”或者“malware”来表达。显然,malware是malicious software的合成形式,英语中类似造词法比比皆是,如:motor + hotel--motel(汽车旅馆);smoke + fog--smog(烟雾);breakfast + lunch--brunch(早中饭)。 此外,“流氓软件”也可用“rogue software”来指代,“rogue”在英语中指“流氓、无赖”。


monthmonths of the year
她抬起头来,凝望着十二月份阴沉沉的天空。She looked up staring at the sombre December sky.二月是一年的第二个月份。February is the second month of the year.本月份本人国库空虚。There"s nothing left in the exchequer this month.本月份鱼供不应求。Demand for fish this month exceeds supply.方法确定当前月份中剩下的天数。Structure to determine how many days are remaining in the current month.客户机应用程序向用户查询月份和日期。The client application queries the user for a month and a date.每个诞生月份也都有自己的诞生石跟生日花。Each birth month also has its own birthstone and flower.不同月份的蜱种组成有所不同。The species composition of ticks varied with different months.该合同方将在冬天月份把他的设备交由他人托管。The contractor will bail his equipment during the winter months.

