
来源:模板 时间:2016-05-05 11:03:36 阅读:


第一篇:《英语演讲稿 地震》

英语演讲稿 地震

since we enter the 21st century,the spirit of cooperation has

become more and more important.win-win is a popular word. in this way, one plus one is actually bigger than rather than just equal to two. in this highly developed society,the progress of science and

technology is the result of cooperation.the human genome project is a good example.more than 1000 top scientists from different countries have participated in the great project. every scientist may be a

'one',but one plus one, the final result is much greater than 'two'. the theme of our society is not competition, but cooperation. every stage of practice shows that people with spirit of cooperation or team work will win success much more easily than those without the spirit, and a country or region will develop faster and better if cooperating with the outside world instead of self-enclosed. we can benefit from each oher if we create value together.we must correctly handle the relationship between cooperation and competition, and learn to cooperate with other. we need to make one and one bigger than two.

the terrible disaster caused more then 40075 inhabitants deaths and countless injured up to18:00 may 20th. the 8-day search-and- rescue efforts have put more strain on people's nerves. many chinese spent the agonizing week following news on tv, on net, or glancing over newspapers and on public transport during rush hours. even strangers exchanged information on the updated death toll and the latest outcome of rescue missions; cheered for every survival

narrowly escaping hell; mourned each new death; and prayed for the strong lives still trapped in the debris. but hope is dimming as time

is running out. so many people lost their lives in a flash, so many happy family become destitute and homeless far and near, so many

buildings collapsed without any hesitate, the earth cracked, and even worse, it rained while others try to rescue them…i can not image how sad a child will be that she or he turn out to be orphan after this earthquake.or the old lost all her offspring in this

earthquake.people begin to wonder what they can do to help those who are still suffering.

what else can i do? has been the question on everyone's mind since the deadly quake hit sichuan province.

after all, only a few warm-hearted volunteers could access the front lines of combating disaster considering the complicated conditions and fear of potential calamity. people can be seen

everywhere lining up to make donations. in many cities, blood banks have been reported up to saturation; and volunteers wishing to donate blood have to register and wait for to be notified. more and more people are eager to be involved in the rescue and relief work that they are becoming unsatisfied with the disaster-relief efforts made outside of the quake-ravaged areas; and volunteers are descending upon the worst-hit areas in growing numbers.

it is pity that there are a lot of disasters in this olympic year. this year, we, chinese people, really have suffered a lot. however, we have not been defeated, instead, we've become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.

when people shout slogans cheer up, china!, cheer up, wenchuan! after a three-minute silent tribute to quake victims, at the

第二篇:《诸康妮英语演讲稿 超强完整版(包括即兴演讲部分)》【英语演讲稿地震__英语演讲稿精彩范文Discovermyself】

Today I’m going to talk about discover yourself.

Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discovery of nature have companied mankind all along the journey. It was by discovering the world around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life. However, as G.K. Chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star. Thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting offers to discover more of ourselves. When I was six, I constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Xiao Bang’s nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance. However, as I further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills. Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair, when I woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic. Brutal but real. It was the first time; I had discovered that I couldn’t have it at all, when I was twelve. I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon. I spent hours and hours watching the drama Grey's Anatomy and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream. I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use.

However, I stop to dream about being a surgeon when I discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeals to me, not what it truly was. As a result, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself. This year, I turned sixteen and I could proudly say I do not dream to be, but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future. Since junior high school I had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in. I can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly. My huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal. Being aware of the obstacles and the hardships on the way becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after. G.K. Chesterton was absolutely correct; the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of somehow smaller world, ourselves. I subsequently realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves. We got to know what we truly are and become who we dream to be.As we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives,we gradually become more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently learn to adjust what’s out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen I’m proud to say that I have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely a lot more in the future. I would always keep this embedded in my heart.

Things do not change, we do!

First of all, I would like to say that this is a rather prevalent phenomenon these days, we can see a lot of students around me are having this young puppy love and I think it’s utterly normal for them because I can understand why they do this. They try to seek recognition from the other sex instead of academic success. However, Imorally against it because it’s suddenly detrimental to our future development and it would never last long. First of all, as we can understand that we are still rather immature psychologically in this current stage. And most important thing for love is that we cannot actually thoroughly understand what love is. And for most important part is that I can see students around me having puppy love for simply messing around, seeking pleasure instead of making commitments.And because of this kind offlippancy attitude, I think all they could do is to messaround and that is why puppy love dies in the blink of an eye. And for example I could say, Mary would be dating David on the first day of November, however two days later she

is kissing Tom on the other side of the campus. And that’s very normal these days. And secondly I think is because for puppy love is very detrimental to our future development because this particular stage of our time what we should do is to allocate our time to studying and participating in ex-curriculum activity in order to go to the wonderful college in the future. And time is scarce because of that I think as Shake spear once said love is blind and a lot of young students thought they’ve lost themselves in this procedure. And that is very very costly. And so in conclusion, we’d like view this problem from the view of economics, when we are making more rational choices, we should consider the marginal benefits and marginal costs for this particular problem and in the case of puppy love, I see the marginal costs exceeds the marginal benefit a lot. And that is reason why I think this is something we should not be approbated and for the case of those people who are thinking that true love might be lost through this way. I would they that the true love can wait, because if not, it wouldn’t be true love at all, and we’ll have nothing to lose. and that is the reason why I have this kind of opinion.

I think the reason why I choose to be a lawyer in the future I choose to pursue this career is different from choosing to become a pianist and surgeon is because this was one time I think this kind of career that’s best fits me. I’m a sort of debater in my early days and I have this kind of technique in order to pursue this career. And that is the practical reason why I think this career is best fits me. And secondly, because personally I have watched a movie called the time to kill it is about a case where a black girl got raped and the only lawyer who step to fight for her is a white lawyer, and the whole process is very complicated but what I see from that story is that I’m very interested in human rights and I want to argue for these people who had their rights trampled and their freedom, how to say, steal away. And if I can be that lawyer, although sometimes I may go against my will and argue for a murderer, a reaper or a criminal, I will always remember that I have taken the oath, that I have to do this job this is my obligation. And because of these reasons I have this passion because I love this job, and I have technique because I’m a debater and a speaker in public situations. And this is why this is different from the other choices.

I think love is something that cannot be measured qualifiedly, but the reason why I brought up this terminology in economic is because it first jumps to my mind when I think about making rational choices, and love is something that make us irrational and that is the reason why put out these terminologies, but I think to answer your question of what love is, personally I would say that, knowing from parents view, and also looking at different cases around me from novel, films and movies. I think love is something about commitment. It’s something of responsibility, not just love for the first sight. Because if you believe in love for the first sight, you should believe that it would be gone instantly away. And because of that I think love is something should be taken at heart, it’s not just physical attraction. Because one it would die out. What makes for love go for forever is kind of responsibility that we have to shoulder. That is something that we should not be given away instantly, and that is what I think is love.


  雅安地震演讲稿范文  地震无情,人间有爱  尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是:地震无情,人间有爱!2013年4月20日一个沉痛的消息传遍了整个中国,四川雅安发生了7级大地震,我的心也再次被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生之际,我首先想到了那次汶川大地震,雅安,你不会像汶川那样给我们那么打的伤痛吧!这是我们任何一个人都不认看到的。 那一次,四川省发生了强烈地震,全国大半地区都有明显震感。震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。说它是大地震,是因为它比我们都知道的唐山大地震还要严重,余震异常频繁,是新中国成立以来,一次史无前例的大灾难! 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震——这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。【英语演讲稿地震__英语演讲稿精彩范文Discovermyself】“一方有难,八方支援。众志成城,抗震救灾。”不错,这次大地震发生后,全国乃至全世界都举行了捐款捐物捐衣捐水活动,各国人民也纷纷解囊相助,用爱心来为灾区人民营造幸福乐园。 这次的雅安地震给四川人民带来流离失所的悲痛,同时也体现了众多人们伟大的人格,在灾难降临的时候,四川人民没有退缩,中国人民没有退缩,他们抛弃了个人的一切,甚至写下遗书奔赴抗震救灾第一线。国家领导人不惜一切代价抢救灾情,为灾区人民送去温暖和希望。温家宝总理在第一时间赶到了抗灾第一线,向灾区人民嘘寒问暖,表达了党中央对他们的爱护及关心。温家宝总理在抗震前线吃的是馒头榨菜,每时每刻都往返在各个救灾帐篷之间…… 许许多多的人都为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。他们有的是从全国各地赶来的志愿者,有的是没有遇难的本地人,有的则是来四川探亲的……他们也许失去了亲人,也许没有了家园,但是他们没有时间去过多悲痛,而是化悲伤为力量,为了灾区人民夜以继日地奔波着忙碌着。还有那些最可爱的官兵战士们,为了多救出一个灾民,为了早一分钟让灾民脱离危险,他们置自己的生死于不顾,和时间赛跑,和余震斗争,多可爱的人啊,我向他们致敬! 我知道了汶川大地震的消息后,对灾区人民的遭遇感到非常同情,但更多的是关切,是感动。不知道有多少人在这无情的灾难中丧生,又有多少人逃过了一劫;不知道有多少人在第一时间赶往四川,为灾区人民尽一份力,又有多少人不幸殉职。为人民献身的英雄们啊,你们的死是光荣的,你们的牺牲是伟大的,中国人民永远不会忘记你们! 我也为灾区人民捐了款,虽然只有区区的50元,但那也几乎是我的全

部了,我希望我这区区的50元,也能为灾区像我这么大的学生多买几本书,多买几只笔,也是我为灾区尽了一点力。 灾区人民如此不幸,失去了亲人,失去了家园。我的同龄人,毫无疑问也失去了学校,被迫停课,我们应该感到无比幸福才是啊,可以坐在宽敞明亮的教室里学习,可以吃着热气腾腾的饭菜,可以安心地躺在温暖的被窝里睡觉,可以…… 灾区的同胞们啊,不要伤心,不要担心,国家和政府不会抛弃我们,失去了小家我们还有大家,我们一起努力重建家园吧! 地震无情,人间有爱! 所以这次的雅安地震我更要出份力。 《雅安地震演讲稿范文》

第四篇:《英语演讲大赛范文 & 演讲技巧简介1》

英语演讲大赛范文 & 演讲技巧简介1

Prepared Speeches 全国英语演讲大赛 演讲范文 1

31 What's Right with the World?

People often whether the younger generation has to the of the future. Do the the and e-generation, share the their parents and grandparents worked so hard to and right?

The answer seems clear. On 24, a group of post-90s from saw two small boys struggling(奋力挣扎) in the water. Without a moment's they a and entered the the TV of members of 病人;患者) 残骸) even as the aftershocks(余震) continued.

的;无关联的) examples(个案) of the heroism(英勇行为) of the younger generation. In China and in other countries, shows and in a world that often seems wrong an and a globe and wars and - we remain and and our world.

Our determination(决心;坚定) is also our way to honor(=respect尊重) and 育) that reflects(体现;折射出) the values(价值观) rooted(根深蒂固的存在于) in our 人) to the elders(老者;老人), is what is, and always will be, right with the world. Thank you very much!【英语演讲稿地震__英语演讲稿精彩范文Discovermyself】

Prepared Speeches 全国英语演讲大赛 演讲范文2

32 What's Right with the World?

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!


Witnessing(=seeing看到) global change(全球的变化), flu threat(流感威胁), deforestation(砍伐森林), we exclaim(大声疾呼), "What's wrong with the world?!" By "wrong", we mean something is out of order(无序;失去秩序), against rules(规章), and beyond(超出) all understanding.

Also we wonder, "What, then, is still right with the world?" What is still in order, acceptable(可接受的) and favorable(让人赞成的) today? My answer is that we still have philosophers(哲学家).

So why is it right with the world to have philosophers? Because philosophers see the boundaries(范围;界限and hence(=so因此) know the limits.


Every single(=one 每一个) thing in the world has its boundaries, and what is so important about this is that only when you meet(看到) the boundaries can you really Take this studio(演播室;录音棚) for example. We see the screens(屏幕), the audience(观众), the cameras(摄像机), but we never fully comprehend(=understand) what a studio is until we touch(碰触) the rough(粗燥的) walls and the ceiling(天花板).

We human beings(人类) have our natural(自然的) boundaries(界限) too. You leave the city, walk through the suburbs(郊区), step out of (走出)civilization(人类文明) and watch back(回顾;往后看), you finally see that we are but(=only) one of the species(物种) in the world. We are finite(有限的), in mind(思维) and in might(体力;力量). What is fundamentally "wrong" with the world today is that we forget such finitude(有限性;局限性) and start to fancy(=imagine幻想;想象) ourselves being almighty(万能的;有无限权力的).

Nature, however, is a judge(裁判;法官), more powerful(强大的), quicker, more just(公正的) than anyone. We produce air-conditioners(空调器) to get us cool; nature repays(回报砍伐森林) for urban(都市的) splendor(壮丽); nature buries(埋葬) it with sandstorms(沙尘暴).

It is right with the world to have philosophers because philosophers see the boundaries; they mark(标示;做记号) the safety line(安全线) for us that we cannot transgress(违反;越界); they teach us the necessary self-restraint(自我克制;自我约束) to achieve(成功实现) harmony(和睦;和谐) in the world. In one word(总而言之), philosophers guide(引导;引领) the world to the right.

Thank you!


1. 演讲内容(40%):要求紧扣主题,观点鲜明,内容生动,具有新意,演讲结构清晰,论据充足,逻辑性强。

2. 语言表达(40%):要求用词恰当,发音准确,吐字清晰,语调准确,表达流畅,富有感染力。

3. 综合印象(20%):要求举止得体,仪表大方,富有表现力,能够灵活运用眼神,表情和身体语言与听众交流。


定题演讲:40% ; 即兴演讲:40%; 现场问答: 20%



 内容 content

 结构structure

 语言 language

内容 content 涉及以下两部分:

1. 观点 viewpoints

2. 支撑观点的材料 supporting materials



a) 所选题材和角度一定是演讲者本人有感触的或能让听众受到感动的


b) 所选题材和角度一定是新颖的,独创的或是听众感兴趣的

例如:”我眼中的最伟大发明” ,有人就写计算机,网络,音乐,学校,电,指南针,印刷术,电视等,但演讲人则写的是“眼镜”

In the past few days, I was troubled(受到困扰) by a really controversial(有争议的) topic. What is the greatest invention(发明)? I did a little survey(=research调查), and was dazzled(=confused感到迷惑) by many brilliant(=good) ideas such as wheels, paper, clock, language, agriculture, penicillin(盘尼西林), and so on. All of them are so great that I can’t stop admiring(钦佩) the power(能力;力量) of men’s innovation(革新;创新). However, I am still quite uncertain(不确定的) is.

Then this happened. I woke up this Friday morning and what’s wrong? I couldn’t find my glasses! How could I live without them? Eyeglasses are always a part of me: They are the very first thing I put up when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I take off before I go to sleep. I was so terrified(=afraid/frightened/scared害怕的) walking outside of my dorm(寝室), bare-eyed(裸眼的). And suddenly, flick(啪的一弹). The sparkles(火花,灵感=inspiration) came out and I found my answer: The greatest invention in my eyes is the eyeglasses.【英语演讲稿地震__英语演讲稿精彩范文Discovermyself】

c) 所选题材和角度一定是具体的


例如:某一演讲的初稿主题是:希望学生参与学校的决策过程,增加学生的自主权。内容过于宽泛,参与哪些事物的决策过程?为什么有这种必要性?出现了什么问题?怎么参与? 经过修改后,第二稿的主题缩小后,就更具体了---针对学生对该校学生成绩实行正态化分布计分法(Score Normal Distribution)政策的不满和该政策的弊端,建议学生去反映问题,参与决策。以下是演讲的开头部分:

Though you work hard in your major course during the whole semester(学期), your score, 84, is far from your expectation(期望). As your teacher has admitted, some students’ scores have to be lowered(被降低) randomly(随机地;任意地) in order to meet some requirements(达到要求) of the Academic Division(正态化分布). You are discontented(不满的) because this score cannot represent(代表) your actual performance(实际表现) in your coursework effectively.

This is my own experience and I believe most of you would have similar ones because the Academic Division(教务处) has adopted “Score Normal Distribution” policy(正态化分布计分法) since last semester. Since I have learnt something about testing in my statistics courses(统计学), I find some weaknesses(缺陷) in this policy. Besides, I have read some related articles(文章) and talked with my classmates and teachers to verify(验证;确认) my doubts(怀疑) about this policy. So, today I want to talk about the faults(缺陷;不足) of this policy and encourage you to take action(采取行动) to make university administration abolish(废除;去除) normal distribution requirement.


1. What is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work?

2. If you were given the chance to study and work in Sweden, What preparations do you think you should make? Why?

第五篇:《英语演讲稿 Yes, we can》

Yes, we can

This is for my people who just lost somebody, your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady. Lift your head to the sky, we will never say bye.

These are words of the song Bye-Bye. Every time when I hear it, I’ll always lose myself in grief recalling the tough time we came through in 2008.

The snow storm, the Tibet issue, the obstruction to the Olympic torch relay,the earthquake……Time dates back to the day the horrible earth quake

occurred in Sichuan, tens of thousands of people lost life and families. I’ll never forget those days I sat front of the TV, moved by people never gave up under ruins even there’s little hope to survive. I’ll never forget those days most newspapers and websites were all in black and white. I’ll never forget those days I had my black coat on, writing down my best wishes to the suffering people.

At the same time, I also remember those days my friends abroad told me that they joined in the protest against western world’s bias on China and the fight against the Tibetan separatists. I can still remember the day when I went to see the torch relay at Hangzhou with heart shaped stickers on cheek. I wore the T-shirt with words Light the Passion, Light the Dream . When the torch passed by, we cheered Go China, Go Beijing, sang the national anthem again and again, waving flags, dancing, hugging, clapping.

It was the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games which shocked the whole world and told the entire human Yes, we can.

Yes, we can, because we are united and brave

Yes, we can because we have trust and love

Yes, we can because we are the member of the great nation China






这是2008年北京奥运会而震惊了整个世界,告诉整个人类,是的,我们可以的开幕仪式。 是的,我们可以,因为我们是团结和勇敢



