
来源:求职信 时间:2016-06-22 10:55:51 阅读:





第一题:多少只高尔夫球才能填满一辆校车?(职位:产品经理) 解析:通过这道题,谷歌希望测试出求职者是否有能力判断出解决问题的关键。





第二题:让你清洗西雅图所有的玻璃窗,你的报价是多少?(职位:产品经理) 答案:这一题我们可以玩点花招,我们的答案是“每扇窗10美元”。









这个问题又被称为“费米问题”(Fermi problem)。费米提出的问题是“在芝加哥有多少钢琴调音师”。一个典型的答案是包括一系列估算数据的乘法。如果估计正确,就能得到正确答案。比如我们采用如下假设:












(芝加哥需要调音的钢琴数量125,000)/(每个调音师每年能调整的钢琴数量1000)=125 第五题:马路上的井盖为什么是圆的?(职位:软件工程师)






重 合的时间点分别是:上午,12:00、1:05、2:11、3:16、4:22、5:27、6:33、7:38、8:44、9:49、10:55;下午 12:00、1:05、2:11、3:16、4:22、5:27、6:33、7:38、8:44、9:49、10:55。

第八题:请阐述“Dead beef”的意义。(职位:软件工程师)


第九题:有人把车停在旅馆外,丢失了他的财物,他接下来会干什么?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:下车踏到人行道上。

第 十题:你需要确认朋友鲍勃是否有你正确的电话号码,但不能直接问他。你须在一张卡片上写下这个问题,然后交给爱娃,由爱娃把卡片交给鲍勃,再转告你答案。 除了在卡片上写下这个问题外,你还必须怎样写,才能确保鲍勃在给出答案的同时,不让爱娃知道你的电话号码?(职位:软件工程师)


第十一题:假设你是海盗船的船长,船员们即将对黄金的分配方案投票。如果赞成票不到半数的话,你会被杀死。你怎样才能在保证自己存活的情况下拿到最多的黄金?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:将黄金平均分给最有权势的51%的船员。




答案:14 次。从14楼丢下第一颗鸡蛋,如果破碎了就逐层往下试验,共需14次。如果没有破碎,往上走13层;在27楼第二次丢下第一颗鸡蛋,如果碎了,换第二颗鸡 蛋往上走12曾测试,若仍没碎,往上走12层试验第一颗鸡蛋;以此类推,直到走到第99层。如果鸡蛋要到100层高度落下才会破碎,总共需要14次尝试。






想去谷歌工作?15个面试问题据说难倒天才! 谷歌公司的面试题在刁钻古怪方面相当出名,科技博客BusinessInsider贴出了15道谷歌面试题,并一一给出了答案。 第一题:多少只高尔夫球才能填满一辆校车?(职位:产品经理) 解析:通过这道题,谷歌希望测试出求职者是否有能力判断出解决问题的关键。 网友的答案:我想,一辆标准大小的校车约有8英尺宽、6英尺高、20英尺长——我能知道这些数字完全是因为我曾经无数次被堵在校车后面。 据此估算,一辆校车的容积约为960立方英尺,也就是160万立方英寸。一个高尔夫球的半径约为0.85英寸,我认为一个高尔夫球的体积约为2.6立方英寸。 用校车的容积除以高尔夫球的体积,得到的结果是66万。不过,由于校车里面还有座位等等各种东西,而且高尔夫球的形状使得不同的球之间会有不少空隙。我的最终估算结果是50万。这听起来有些荒唐。如果我直接猜的话,我给出的答案肯定是10万以下,不过我相信我的数学水平。 当然,如果这里的校车是小布什当年坐过的那种,结果还要除以2,差不多是25万个。 第二题:让你清洗西雅图所有的玻璃窗,你的报价是多少?(职位:产品经理) 答案:这一题我们可以玩点花招,我们的答案是“每扇窗10美元”。 第三题:有一个人们只想生男孩子的国家,他们在有儿子之前都会继续生育。如果第一胎是女儿,他们就会继续生育直到有一个儿子。这个国家的男女儿童比例是多少?(职位:产品经理) 答案:这一题引发了不少争议,不过我们发现,这一题的解答步骤如下: 1、假设一共用10对夫妻,每对夫妻有一个孩子,男女比例相等。(共有10个孩子,5男5女); 2、生女孩的5对夫妻又生了5个孩子,男女比例相等。(共有15个孩子,男女儿童都是7.5个); 3、生女孩的2.5对夫妻又生了2.5个孩子,男女比例相等。(共有17.5个孩子,男女儿童都是8.75个); 4、因此,男女比例是1:1。 第四题:全世界共有多少名钢琴调音师?(职位:产品经理) 答案:我们的回答是“要看市场情况。如果钢琴需要每周调音一次,每次调音需要1个小时,且每个调音师每周工作40个小时。我们认为每40台钢琴就需要一名调音师。” 这个问题又被称为“费米问题”(Fermi problem)。费米提出的问题是“在芝加哥有多少钢琴调音师”。一个典型的答案是包括一系列估算数据的乘法。如果估计正确,就能得到正确答案。比如我们采用如下假设: 芝加哥约有500万人居住; 平均每个家庭有2人; 大约有1/20的家庭有定期调音的钢琴; 平均每台钢琴每【面试常见问题--难倒天才的谷歌面试题】

年调音一次; 每个调音师调整一台钢琴需要2小时; 每个调音师每天工作8小时、每周5天、每年50周。 通过这些假设我们可以计算出每年在芝加哥需要调音的钢琴数量是: (芝加哥的500万人口)/(2人/家)×(1架钢琴/20家)×(1架钢琴调整/1年)=125000 平均每个调音师每年能调整的钢琴数量是: (50周/年)×(5天/周)×(8小时/天)/(1架钢琴/2小时)=1000 芝加哥的调音师数量是: (芝加哥需要调音的钢琴数量125,000)/(每个调音师每年能调整的钢琴数量1000)=125 第五题:马路上的井盖为什么是圆的?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:圆形的井盖在任何角度都不会掉下去。 第六题:为旧金山市设计一个紧急撤离方案(职位:产品经理) 答案:这又是一个考察求职者是否能够发现问题核心的题目。我们在回答之前首先要问的是,“撤离方案应对的是什么样的灾难”。 第七题:一天之中,时钟的时针和分钟会重合几次?(职位:产品经理) 答案:22次。 重合的时间点分别是:上午,12:00、1:05、2:11、3:16、4:22、5:27、6:33、7:38、8:44、9:49、10:55;下午12:00、1:05、2:11、3:16、4:22、5:27、6:33、7:38、8:44、9:49、10:55。 第八题:请阐述“Dead beef”的意义。(职位:软件工程师) 答案:网友给出的正确答案是,在大型机和汇编语言的时代,“DEADBEEF”是调试计算机时所使用的一个十六进制值,以便于在大量的十六进制中断信息中标记和查找特定的内存数据。大多数计算机科学专业毕业生都应该会在汇编语言的课程上见过这个概念。 第九题:有人把车停在旅馆外,丢失了他的财物,他接下来会干什么?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:下车踏到人行道上。 第十题:你需要确认朋友鲍勃是否有你正确的电话号码,但不能直接问他。你须在一张卡片上写下这个问题,然后交给爱娃,由爱娃把卡片交给鲍勃,再转告你答案。除了在卡片上写下这个问题外,你还必须怎样写,才能确保鲍勃在给出答案的同时,不让爱娃知道你的电话号码?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:既然只需要核对鲍勃手中的号码是否正确,你只需要让他在某个特定的时刻给你打电话,如果他没打过来的话,就能确认他没有你的号码。 第十一题:假设你是海盗船的船长,船员们即将对黄金的分配方案投票。如果赞成票不到半数的话,你会被杀死。你怎样才能在保证自己存活的情况下拿到最多的黄金?(职位:软件工程师) 答案:将黄金平均分给最有权势的51%的船员。 第十二题:有八个大小相等的球,其中有一个重量比其他球略重。如何在只用天平称两次的情

况下找出那个不一样的球?(职位:产品经理) 答案:从八个球中取出六个,在天平两边各放三个。如果平衡,把剩下的两个球分别放在天平两边,就能找出较重的球。如果不平衡,较重的球就在天平下沉的一边,从这三个当中取出两个称量,若不平衡,下沉的一边较重,若平衡,剩下的就是较重的球。 第十三题:你拿着两个鸡蛋站在100层的大楼上。鸡蛋或许结实到从楼顶掉下也不会摔破,或许很易碎,在一楼摔下就破碎。最少试验多少次可以找出鸡蛋不会被摔碎的最高楼层?(职位:产品经理) 答案:14次。从14楼丢下第一颗鸡蛋,如果破碎了就逐层往下试验,共需14次。如果没有破碎,往上走13层;在27楼第二次丢下第一颗鸡蛋,如果碎了,换第二颗鸡蛋往上走12曾测试,若仍没碎,往上走12层试验第一颗鸡蛋;以此类推,直到走到第99层。如果鸡蛋要到100层高度落下才会破碎,总共需要14次尝试。 第十四题:如果用三句话向你8岁大的侄子解释什么叫数据库?(职位:产品经理) 答案:这一题考察的是求职者用简单的语言阐述复杂概念的能力。我们的答案是“数据库是一个能够记住关于很多东西的很多信息的机器。人们用它来帮助记住这些信息。出去玩吧。” 第十五题:你被缩小到只有硬币厚度那么点高,然后被扔到一个空的玻璃搅拌机中,刀片一分钟后就开始转动。你会怎么做?(职位:产品经理) 答案:这一题考察的是求职者的创造性。我们会尝试把电动机弄坏。


据国外媒体昨日报道,美国西雅图市求职顾问刘易斯·林(Lewis Lin)收集了谷歌向应聘者提出过的140个问题,其中15个问题让许多应聘者自叹弗如。



































 Product Marketing Manager Product Manager Software Engineer Software Engineer in Test Quantitative Compensation Analyst Engineering Manager

 AdWords Associate


Product Marketing Manager

 Why do you want to join Google? What do you know about Google’s product and technology? If you are Product Manager for Google’s Adwords, how do you plan to market this? What would you say during an AdWords or AdSense product seminar? Who are Google’s competitors, and how does Google compete with them? Have you ever used Google’s products? Gmail? What’s a creative way of marketing Google’s brand name and product?

 If you are the product marketing manager for Google’s Gmail product, how do you plan to market it so as to achieve 100 million customers in 6 months?

 How much money you think Google makes daily from Gmail ads?

 Name a piece of technology you’ve read about recently. Now tell me your own creative execution for an ad for that product.

 Say an advertiser makes $0.10 every time someone clicks on their ad. Only 20% of people who visit the site click on their ad. How many people need to visit the site for the advertiser to make $20?

 Estimate the number of students who are college seniors, attend four-year schools, and graduate with a job in the United States every year.

Product Manager

 How would you boost the GMail subscription base? What is the most efficient way to sort a million integers? (陈皓:merge sort)

 How would you re-position Google’s offerings to counteract competitive threats from Microsoft?

 How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? (陈皓:这种题一般来说是考你的解题思路的,注意,你不能单纯地把高尔夫球当成一个小立方体,其是一个圆球,堆起来的时候应该是错开的——也就是三个相邻的球的圆心是个等边三角形)

 You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally reduced so as to

maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?

 How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?

 How would you find out if a machine’s stack grows up or down in memory?

 Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew. (陈皓:用三句话向8岁的侄子解释什么是数据库,考你的表达能力了)

 How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?(陈皓:经典的时钟问题)

 You have to get from point A to point B. You don’t know if you can get there. What would you do?

 Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval? (陈皓:很不错的一道题,不要以为分类查询很容易,想想图书馆图书的分类查询问题吧。另外,你处想想如何在你在你的衣柜里实现一个相当于Hash表或是一个Tree之类的数据结构)

 Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens? (陈皓:这个问题很有限制级,哈哈,非常搞的一个问题,注意wife们的递归,这类的问题是经典的分布式通讯问题,上网搜 一搜吧。)

 In a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they have another child. If they have a boy, they stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?(陈皓:第一反应是——这个国家是中国。一个概率问题,其实,无论你怎么生,50%的概率是永远不变的。)

 If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is 0.95, what is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default probability)?

 If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)

 Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it’s only strong enough to support two people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10 minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?(陈皓:经典的过桥问题)

 You are at a party with a friend and 10 people are present including you and the friend. your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have the same birthday as you, he gets $2. would you accept the wager?

 How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?

 You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?(陈皓:经典的称重问题。这样的问题花样很多,不过都不难回答)

 You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order. The top pirate has the right to propose how 100 gold coins should be divided among them. But the others get to vote on his plan, and if fewer than half agree with him, he gets killed. How should he allocate the gold in order to maximize his share but live to enjoy it? (Hint: One pirate ends up with 98 percent of the gold.)

 You are given 2 eggs. You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process. (陈皓:从3的倍数的楼层开始扔,比如3,6,9,12…..,如果鸡蛋在3n层碎了,那到在3n-1层扔第二个鸡蛋,如果没碎,则最高不碎楼层为3n-1,否则为3n-2)

 Describe a technical problem you had and how you solved it. How would you design a simple search engine? Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco. There’s a latency problem in South Africa. Diagnose it. (陈皓:这个问题完全是在考你的解决问题的能力。没有明确的答案。不过,解决性能问题的第一步通常是找出瓶颈,找瓶颈有很多种方法,工具,二分查,时间记录等等。)

 What are three long term challenges facing Google? Name three non-Google websites that you visit often and like. What do you like about the user interface and design? Choose one of the three sites and comment on what new feature or project you would work on. How would you design it?

 If there is only one elevator in the building, how would you change the design? How about if there are only two elevators in the building? (陈皓:经典的电梯设计问题,这种问题千变万化,主要是考你的设计能力和需求变化的适变能力,与此相似的是酒店订房系统。)

 How many vacuum’s are made per year in USA?

Software Engineer

 Why are manhole covers round? (陈皓:为什么下水井盖是圆的?这是有N种答案的,上Wiki看看吧)

 What is the difference between a mutex and a semaphore? Which one would you use to protect access to an increment operation?

 A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened? (陈皓:脑筋急转弯?他在玩大富翁游戏?!!)

 Explain the significance of ―dead beef‖.(陈皓:要是你看到的是16进制 DEAD BEEF,你会觉得这是什么?IPv6的地址?)

 Write a C program which measures the the speed of a context switch on a UNIX/Linux system.

 Given a function which produces a random integer in the range 1 to 5, write a function which produces a random integer in the range 1 to 7.(陈皓:上StackOverflow看看吧,经典的问题)

 Describe the algorithm for a depth-first graph traversal.

 Design a class library for writing card games. (陈皓:用一系列的类来设计一个扑克游戏,设计题)

 You need to check that your friend, Bob, has your correct phone number, but you cannot ask him directly. You must write a the question on a card which and give it to Eve who will take the card to Bob and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure Bob can encode the message so that Eve cannot read your phone number?(陈皓:协议+数字加密,我试想了一个,纸条上可以这样写,―Bob,请把我的手机号以MD5算法加密后的字符串,比对下面的字符串——XXXXXX,它们是一样的吗?‖)

 How are cookies passed in the HTTP protocol? Design the SQL database tables for a car rental database. Write a regular expression which matches a email address. (陈皓:上StackOverflow查Write a function f(a, b) which takes two character string arguments and returns a string 相当的问题吧。) containing only the characters found in both strings in the order of a. Write a version which is order N-squared and one which is order N.(陈皓:算法题,不难,不说了。一个O(n^2)和一个O(n)的算法复杂度)

 You are given a the source to a application which is crashing when run. After running it 10 times in a debugger, you find it never crashes in the same place. The application is single threaded, and uses only the C standard library. What programming errors could be causing this crash? How would you test each one? (陈皓:和随机数有关系?或是时间?) 

 Explain how congestion control works in the TCP protocol. In Java, what is the difference between final, finally, and finalize?

 What is multithreaded programming? What is a deadlock?

 Write a function (with helper functions if needed) called to Excel that takes an excel column value (A,B,C,D…AA,AB,AC,… AAA..) and returns a corresponding integer value (A=1,B=2,… AA=26..).

 You have a stream of infinite queries (ie: real time Google search queries that people are entering). Describe how you would go about finding a good estimate of 1000 samples from this never ending set of data and then write code for it.

 Tree search algorithms. Write BFS and DFS code, explain run time and space requirements. Modify the code to handle trees with weighted edges and loops with BFS and DFS, make the code print out path to goal state.

 You are given a list of numbers. When you reach the end of the list you will come back to the beginning of the list (a circular list). Write the most efficient algorithm to find the minimum # in this list. Find any given # in the list. The numbers in the list are always increasing but you don’t know where the circular list begins, ie: 38, 40, 55, 89, 6, 13, 20, 23,

36. (陈皓:循环排序数组的二分查找问题)


 Describe the data structure that is used to manage memory. (stack) What’s the difference between local and global variables? If you have 1 million integers, how would you sort them efficiently? (modify a specific In Java, what is the difference between static, final, and const. (if you don’t know Java sorting algorithm to solve this) they will ask something similar for C or C++).

 Talk about your class projects or work projects (pick something easy)… then describe how you could make them more efficient (in terms of algorithms).

 Suppose you have an NxN matrix of positive and negative integers. Write some code that finds the sub-matrix with the maximum sum of its elements.(陈皓:以前见过一维数组的这个问题,现在是二维的。感觉应该是把二维的第一行的最大和的区间算出来,然后再在这个基础之上进行二维的分析。思路应该是这个,不过具体的算法还需要想一想)  Write some code to reverse a string.

 Implement division (without using the divide operator, obviously).(陈皓:想一想手算除法的过程。)

 Write some code to find all permutations of the letters in a particular string. What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary? (陈皓:使用排序,哈希,树等算法和数据结构)

 Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?

 You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you fine the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?

 What is the C-language command for opening a connection with a foreign host over the internet?

 Design and describe a system/application that will most efficiently produce a report of the top 1 million Google search requests. These are the particulars: 1) You are given 12 servers to work with. They are all dual-processor machines with 4Gb of RAM, 4x400GB hard drives and networked together.(Basically, nothing more than high-end PC’s) 2) The log data has already been cleaned for you. It consists of 100 Billion log lines, broken down into 12 320 GB files of 40-byte search terms per line. 3) You can use only custom written applications or available free open-source software.

 There is an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to multiplication of all the elements of A[N] except A[i]. For example Output[0] will be multiplication of A[1] to A[N-1] and Output[1] will be multiplication of A[0] and from A[2] to A[N-1]. Solve it without division operator and in O(n).(陈皓:注意其不能使用除法。算法思路是这样的,把output[i]=a[i]左边的乘积 x a[i]右边的乘积,所以,我们可以分两个循环,第一次先把A[i]左边的乘积放在Output[i]中,第二次把A[i]右边的乘积算出来。我们先看第一次的循环,使用迭代累积的方式,代码如下:for(r=1; i=0; i<n-1; i++){ Output[i]=r; r*=a[i]; },看明白了吧。第二次的循环我就不说了,方法一样的。)

 There is a linked list of numbers of length N. N is very large and you don’t know N. You have to write a function that will return k random numbers from the list. Numbers should be completely random. Hint: 1. Use random function rand() (returns a number between 0 and 1) and irand() (return either 0 or 1) 2. It should be done in O(n).(陈皓:本题其实不难。在遍历链表的同时一边生成随机数,一边记录最大的K个随机数和其链接地址。)

 Find or determine non existence of a number in a sorted list of N numbers where the numbers range over M, M>> N and N large enough to span multiple disks. Algorithm to beat O(log n) bonus points for constant time algorithm.(陈皓:使用bitmap,如果一个长整形有64位,那么我们可以使用M/64个bitmap)


 You are given a game of Tic Tac Toe. You have to write a function in which you pass the whole game and name of a player. The function will return whether the player has won the


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Google 招聘的21道题目 (GLAT)


LoadRunner8 认证考试题



国外软件测试工程师面试题 (QA工程师面试题集)

国外软件测试工程师面试题 - 4


QA Software Questions

Helpful Hints for Interviewing Experienced QA/Testing Candidates(转贴)By Jose Fajardo 国外软件测试工程师面试题 - 3

Google 招聘的21道题目 (GLAT)

pcl | 18 十一月, 2004 12:25

B. Buffy fans google brainy test/exam 就是流传胜广的传说中的google 的21道 GLAT 考试了。今天为大家揭开这个面沙,你也做作看。





1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of course that values for M and E could be interchanged. No leading zeros are allowed.


2. Write a haiku describing possible methods for predicting search traffic seasonality.



1 1

2 1

1 2 1 1

1 1 1 2 2 1

What is the next line?

4. You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. There is a dusty laptop here with a weak wireless connection. There are dull, lifeless gnomes strolling about. What dost thou do?

A) Wander aimlessly, bumping into

obstacles until you are eaten by a grue.【面试常见问题--难倒天才的谷歌面试题】

B) Use the laptop as a digging device to tunnel to the next level.

C) Play MPoRPG until the battery dies along with your hopes.

D) Use the computer to map the nodes of the maze and discover an exit path.

E) Email your resume to Google, tell the lead gnome you quit and find yourself in whole different world.

5. What's broken with Unix?

How would you fix it?

6. On your first day at Google, you discover that your cubicle mate wrote the textbook you used as a primary resource in your first

year of graduate school. Do you:

A) Fawn obsequiously and ask if you

can have an autograph.

B) Sit perfectly still and use only soft

keystrokes to avoid disturbing her


C) Leave her daily offerings of granola and English toffee from the food bins.

D) Quote your favorite formula from the textbook and explain how it's now

your mantra.

E) Show her how example 17b could

have been solved with 34 fewer lines

of code.

7. Which of the following expresses Google□ over-arching philosophy?

A) "I'm feeling lucky"

B) "Don't be evil"

C) "Oh, I already fixed that"

D) "You should never be more than

50 feet from food"

E) All of the above

8. How many different ways can you color an icosahedron with one of three colors on each face?

What colors would you choose?

9. This space left intentionally blank. Please fill it with something that improves upon emptiness.

10.On an infinite, two-dimensional, rectangular lattice of 1-ohm resistors, what is the

resistance between two nodes that are a knight's move away?

11.It's 2 PM on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the Bay Area. You're minutes from the Pacific Ocean, redwood forest hiking trails and world class cultural attractions. What do you do?

12.In your opinion, what is the most beautiful math equation ever derived?

13. Which of the following is NOT an actual interest group formed by Google employees?

A. Women's basketball

C. Cricketeers

D. Nobel winners

E. Wine club

14.What will be the next great improvement in search technology?

15.What is the optimal size of a project team, above which additional members do not contribute productivity equivalent to the percentage increase in the staff size?

A) 1

B) 3

C) 5

D) 11

E) 24

16.Given a triangle ABC, how would you use only a compass and straight edge to find a point P such that triangles ABP, ACP and BCP have equal perimeters? (Assume that ABC is constructed so that a solution does exist.)

17.Consider a function which, for a given whole number n, returns the number of ones required when writing out all numbers between 0 and n. For example, f(13)=6. Notice that f(1)=1. What is the next largest n such that f(n)=n?

18.What's the coolest hack you've ever written?

19.'Tis known in refined company, that choosing K things out of N can be done in ways as

many as choosing N minus K from N: I pick K, you the remaining.

Find though a cooler bijection, where you show a knack uncanny, of making your choices contain all K of mine. Oh, for pedantry: let K be no more than half N.

20.What number comes next in the sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66,?


B) 1000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000

C) Either of the above

D) None of the above

21.In 29 words or fewer, describe what you would strive to accomplish if you worked at Google Labs.


推荐访问:谷歌公司面试题 外企面试常见问题