
来源:邀请函 时间:2018-06-23 08:00:04 阅读:



Would you like to join us?You must join us for a coffee.你一定要来和我们喝一杯咖啡。Will you join us for lunch?你来和我们一起吃午饭吗?
Do you have time?你有时间吗?Are you free tomorrow evening?明晚你有空吗?Are you busy this afternoon?你今天下午忙吗?
What about going to a party?去参加聚会好吗?How about going for a walk?去散步怎么样?“What about...”和“How about...”意为“…怎么样?”后面如果要接动词,则要用“动词的ing”形式。
I was wondering whether you"d like to go on a picnic with us this Sunday.不知你本周日是否想和我们一起去野餐。wonder v. 想知道whether conj. 是否picnic n. 野餐go on/for a picnic“去野餐”
I want to invite you to my birthday party this Friday.我想请你周五参加我的生日聚会。I"m going to invite you to go with me.我想邀请你跟我一起去。Will you accept my invitation?你会接受我的邀请吗?invite v. 邀请invitation n. 邀请,请柬
Care to dance?= Would you like to dance?= You want to dance?你想跳个舞吗?care to“想要,喜欢”
Let"s go get coffee.= Let"s go for coffee.咱们喝杯咖啡去。Do you have time for a coffee?你有时间喝杯咖啡吗?
Inviting Someone邀请
Jennifer: Hi, Charles. I want to let you know that I finally found an apartment in Haidian.詹妮弗:嗨,查尔斯。我想告诉你,我终于在海淀区找到房子了。Charles: You did? That"s great!查尔斯:是吗?太棒了!Jennifer: Yeah. I"m having a party this Saturday night. A sort of housewarming, and I want to invite you. Are you busy?詹妮弗:是啊。这个周六晚上,我要办一个派对。就算是庆祝乔迁之喜吧,我想邀请你来。你忙吗?Charles: No, I"m free. I"ll be there. What time are things starting?查尔斯:不忙,我有时间。我会参加的。派对什么时候开始啊?Jennifer: Around 7.詹妮弗:7点左右吧。Charles: OK. Great. Should I bring anything?查尔斯:好的。太棒了。我该带些什么吗?Jennifer: No, but thanks for offering. Actually, could you bring some fold-up chairs ofor people if you have any? I"m afraid not everyone"s going to have a seat. Do you have any?詹妮弗:不用了,但谢谢你的好意。其实,如



Grace : Anna, are you free this Friday evening?
  Anna : Yes. Why?
  Grace : There is a get-together at my place. Would you like to join us ?
  Anna : Who else will be there?
  Grace : Oh, they"re all your acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Phil, Peter, Paul, Daniela, Lisa, Mr. Blake, Miss Fox, and some other colleagues in our company.
  Anna : Is William coming?
  Grace : No, I didn"t invite him. I know you two are on bad terms.
  Anna : Thank you. Shall I bring something to the get-together?
  Grace : That"ll be wonderful. What"s your specialty?
  Anna : Er, spaghetti?
  Grace : Mrs. Lee will bring that.
  Anna : How about pumpkin sponge cake?
  Grace : That"ll be great!
  Anna : By the way, can Bob come with me?
  Grace : Sure. He"s welcome. You know my place, don"t you?
  Anna : Yes, it"s been so long since I went there last time, but I think I can find the way.
  Grace : Great. Be there at about 5:00 p.m., OK?
  Anna : OK. Thank you for inviting me.


★英语口语频道为网友整理的《英语口语练习:邀请》,供大家参考学习。 Would you like to go for a walk? 去散步,好吗?What about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?How about having a swim? 去游泳,怎么样?Won’t you come in and have a cup of tea? 不进来喝杯茶吗?Shall we go there together? 我们一起去好吗?Do join me for a coffee. 过来同我一起喝杯咖啡吧。Do try to come. 请一定要来。Will you join us for dinner? 请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?Would you come to our party, please? 请来参加我们的聚会好吗?Why not go with us? 为什么不和我们一起去呢?B. 接受邀请OK. 好的。Thank you. 谢谢。I’d like that, thanks. 我愿意,谢谢。Yes, I’d love to. 好的,我很乐意去。I’d very much like to. Thank you. 我很愿意,谢谢你。That would be very nice. 那很好。Yes. It’s very kind [nice] of you. 好, 你太客气了。With pleasure. 我很乐意。C. 拒绝邀请No, thank you. 不,谢谢。I’m afraid I can’t. 恐怕我不能来。I’m sorry. I can’t. 对不起,我不能来。It’s very nice of you, but I’m too tired. 你真好,但我太累了。I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have no time. 我想去,但恐怕我没时间。I’d very much like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight. 我很愿意去,但今晚我已另有安排。I wish I could, but I’ve promised to show Tom around. 我希望能来,但我已答应带汤姆去到处转转。

