
来源:自我介绍 时间:2018-08-08 11:00:03 阅读:



1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor""s office of the Embassy of the People""s Republic of China in……, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.
2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.
3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……
4. From ……, we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of …… We have pleasure in offering you …… of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.
5. We learn from …… that your firm specializes in ……, and would like to establish business relationship with you.
6. Through the courtesy of…… we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ……
7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.
9. The…… Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of …… and are interested in trading with China in these lines ……
10. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ……,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


英语口语频道为大家整理的英语口语练习软件之以not开头的口语表达,供大家参考:)Not good enough. 还不够好。
这句话是专门用来挑剔别人用的。例如小孩考了八十分就很兴奋地跑去跟父母说, "I got 80 in the test!" 他父母如果是那种比较严苛一点的人的话, 可能就会说, "Not good enough." 或是你也可以泼别人冷水, 例如别人说, "That book is awesome!" 你就可以回他一句, "Not good enough for me."
Not a soul in sight. 半个人影也没有。
这句话算是固定的用法,Soul 在这里就是指人而言。 如果讲的不是人而是其它的东西的话, 则用 "Not a thing." 例如别人问你, "Did you see anything in the bush?" 要是你什么也没看到, 你就可以回答, "Not a thing."
Not a chance. 一点机会也没有。
这句话根 "You don"t have any chance" 是一样的, 都是表示根本就没有机会。例如比赛前别人问你, "Can we beat them?" 你就可以说, "Not a chance"。
跟 Not a chance 意思相当的句子有很多, 例如 "Not really", "Not in a million years", "Not in my life time" 或是 "Not in your life time" 例如你要跟朋友去打球, 你朋友说, "You man. I"m gonna kick your ass!" 你就可以说, "In your dream, pal! Not in your life time" 意思就是, 作你的大头梦去吧! 我看在你的有生之年是不可能了!
Not again 不会再来一次吧。
当有什么倒霉事第一次发生时, 你可以笑笑地说 bad luck 或是 rotten luck. 但是当第二次又接著发生了, 你大概就会说, "No, not again" 。例如车子爆胎了, 你刚拿去补完才出汽车修理店门口又被一根铁钉刺到, 我想任何正常人的反应一定都是 No, not again 吧!
Not a word. 保持安静。
"Not a word" 跟 "Be quiet." 一样都是要别人安静下来的意思。 例如你跟朋友去看电影,结果电影都开演了,你的朋友还在叽叽喳喳讲个不停,这时候你就可以跟他说,"Shhhhhhh. Not a word." 或是 "Be quiet." 要是你真的已经很烦了,就说 "Shut up!"
Not so fast. 不要那么快啦。
有些男女朋友第一次约会就牵牵手,如果你是女生,觉得这样子实在是太快了,你就可以说,"Hey, not so fast." 同样的,有些男生去陪女朋友就像例行公事一样,随便敷衍个二句就想走人,这时女生就可以说,"Not so fast."
Not possible. 不可能。
这个 not possible 跟 impossible 是一样的意思. 可是就算有了 impossible 这个字, 很多老美还是喜欢说 not possible. 可能是这个 not 比较能强较出 "不"的意思吧! 例如有人问你可不可以在半小时内到某地会面,你就可以说, "Not possible, it"s rush hour now."
Not today. 不要今天啦。
这种用法常常用在二个人相约时间的时候。例如有人找你去看电影,"Do you want to go to see the movie?" 你就可以说,"Oh, not today" 这表示出你还是蛮想去的,只不过今天不行。另外 "Not at this moment." 或是 "Not now." 也蛮常用的。
Not me. 不是我。
嘿……没想到这么简单吧!这种看似简单,文法也不对的句子,却是老美天天挂在嘴边的话。 这句话简单明了,而且把重点“不是我”给强调出来. 这是非常好的一个句子。 另外,老美也很喜欢讲 "Wasn"t me." 这跟 "Not me." 都是一样的意思,同样强调这不是我干的。
Not at all. 一点也不。
这句话通常是用来回答别人的问题, 例如别人问你, "Do you like American foo


英语口语频道为大家整理的常用英语口语大全:直接回到起始位置,供大家参考:)[00:04.00]Go right back to the beginning. 直接回到起始位置。
[00:14.22]He does everything without aim. 他做事都漫无目标。
[00:23.47]He is respectful to his elders. 他对长辈很恭敬。
[00:33.08]He knows English better than I. 他比我懂英语。
[00:42.76]He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。
[00:52.38]His talk covered many subjects. 他的报告涉及很多课题。
[01:02.71]I fear that he drinks too much. 我担心他喝的酒太多了。
[01:13.04]I have my hair cut every month. 我每个月都理发。
[01:23.01]I want to have a part-time job. 我想有一份兼职工作。
[01:32.34]I"m sorry to have bothered you. 对不起,打扰你了。
[01:41.73]It is not so easy as you think. 这事没有你想象的那么简单。
[01:51.99]Keep your temper under control. 不要发脾气。
[02:01.60]Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎和偷窃都是不道德的。
[02:10.78]My efforts resulted in nothing. 我的努力毫无结果。
[02:20.04]My false teeth are stuck to it. 我的假牙还在上边呢!
[02:29.94]She is a composer for the harp. 她是位写竖琴曲的作曲家
[02:39.19]Take me to the airport,please. 请送我去机场。
[02:48.80]Talking with you is a pleasure. 和你谈话很愉快
[02:57.98]The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋按打卖。
[03:07.23]The price just covers the cost. 这个价格正好抵消成本。
[03:16.99]The sweater is of good quality. 这件毛衣质地很好。
[03:26.17]The teacher got a little angry. 老师有点生气了。
[03:35.49]Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。
[03:45.82]Walt invented the steam engine. 瓦特发明了蒸汽机。

