
来源:各类报告 时间:2018-08-09 18:00:02 阅读:




尊敬的校长:  你好!  三年前,我通过国编在职教师考试被分配到啦这所学校教书,我感到非常荣幸,经过三年的努力学习,我不再是那个青涩而又稚嫩的孩子,同事们教会我很多,我也成长了不少,我非常感谢你们大家对我的教诲。首先,我最想说的,就是“对不起”,真的对不起,四年来,没能以最好的成绩回报您的知遇之恩。三年来,愧疚于我还记得,在我到校的当晚,您百忙之中还记挂着来我们教师宿舍亲切的慰问。  和善的交谈,让我消除了孤身离乡的伤感,多了一份亲切的温暖,多了一份对未来的乐观信念。我还记得,XX年9月1日,在开学大会上我代表新进14名教师发言的情景,那时的天气、那时说的话、那时的心情,都清晰可忆,至今想来,仍有几许激动。  三年来,有对欢笑,有过泪水,有过失败,有过收获,有一种信念陪我走过成长的日夜,那就是,我要努力地工作,努力地学习,历练完善自我,以对得起信任我的领导,对得起我的学生,对得起我拥有的身份、地位。  由于我个人的原因,非常遗憾我想要辞职,我觉得教师好像并不适合我,我对孩子没有什么耐心,我是个性格比较直爽比较急躁的人,对孩子们的无理取闹一忍再忍,渐渐消失啦我对教师这个职业最初的兴趣与热情。让我不得不向这一切告别,心里,有诸多不舍,有说不出的纠结。  但是,有时候,现实总是让我们陷入抉择,有时候,我们在不明前方时,不得不低头于当下。为了不让日渐衰弱的父母再为我牵挂,我将告别长中这里我所顾念的一切,再回到那个熟悉又陌生的地方,再重新打拼我的生活。想说的太多,却只能就此止笔,即将离别,真心祝福。  愿我校在今后的工作中,发挥优势、续写辉煌、团结共进、蒸蒸日上! 愿我校的教师,日益卓越、广塑栋梁、工作顺心、身体健康!  此致敬礼!  辞职人  xx年x月x日  在编教师辞职报告范文二:尊敬的校长:  本人自于xx年xx月xx日,有幸与xx学校签约,成为教书育人队伍的一员,收获很大,也十分珍惜这段美好的时光。最近,由于本人家庭原因,父母需要照顾。我经过长时间的考虑,不得不做出这个决定,辞去所担当的课程教授任务,离开xx学校。 希望校长能够批准我的申请。  此致敬礼!  辞职人:  xx年x月x日  在编教师辞职报告范文三:尊敬的学校领导:  您好!首先向您诚挚的说声对不起,正当我们学校大好发展用人之际,我辜负了您对我的期望,向您提出辞职申请。  自从9月进入**学校这个大家庭以来,我备受各位领导、同事长期对我工作、生活的帮助、支持、肯定及关心,在这里跟大家道声感谢!这几个月来我在为和兴学校服务的同时,自身也在各个方面得到良好的发展。正值**学校迎来大好发展的今天,我选择离开和兴学校,我内心也有很多留恋与不舍,之所以我选择离开和兴学校,原因有很多:  一、离家太远,不能照顾父母,父母也很不放心  这里到我家有一千五百多公里,离家很远,父母都很不放心,想让我在家乡的学校教书。其次,我也是家里的长子,父母年龄也大了,有些重要的事情或选择都需要我来做,家里的大事也差不多要我来处理了,我在家乡工作就会方便很多。  二、对这边的工作生活方式有些不适应,出现问题较多  初次来广州,对这边的许多方面都不怎么适应,阻力较多。对这边学生的学习方式和学习能力不能很好的把握,我的课堂教学情况没有达到学校和自己的预期目标,这点很是惭愧。  家乡那边的学校的学生毕竟还是了解一些,语言等习惯都能相互适应和接受,自己也想在家乡那边有个安定的工作,这符合我自身的意愿,也是父母希望的。  三、没有达到自己期望的薪资待遇  说到薪资,这的确是不好说的,一分耕耘一分收获。做为刚出来的大学毕业生,都希望能够找到待遇高一点的工作,所以跳槽的比较多,我承认自己也不可摆脱的称为这个队伍中的一员。和兴给了我起步的平台,我非常感谢;对于我的自私,我很抱歉! 这次辞职是我经过了深思熟虑之后做出的决定。  我感谢学校和您给我这个机会,能让我为学校工作;我亦感谢您和其他同事,对我的一切支持和指导。我有信心在您的领导之下,学校定能在今后的工作中发挥优势,扬长避短,祝愿学校兴旺发达!  此致敬礼!  辞职人:  xx年x月x日


ragraph refer to?
A. To find the new kid’s mistakes.
B. To think up the most original way to explain,
C. To use all kind of stuff.
D. To follow him home after school.
35. What would be the best title foe the passage?
A. The learning Method B. The stupidest Child
C. The New Teacher’s strategy D. The challenging Job
A proverb from ancient China was widely spread in the west; if you want to be happy for a few hours, go to get drunk; if you want the happiness to last three years, get married; if you want a lifetime happiness,take up gardening. The reason for the last choices is this: gardening is not only useful, it helps you to identify yourself with nature, and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health.
A research for a US university that I have read (www.zgjsks.com)gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortable pleased. To put it simply, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one’s life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than temporary.
Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure. But according to the study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not spell gains which one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not cherish what they already have but (www.zgjsks.com)yearn(渴望) for what they can not get. That is somewhat like a man indulging(沉湎于) in dreams of numerous lovers while unwilling to settle down with the woman beside him.
Happiness is a game balancing between two ends---what one has and what one wishes for. E.g. One’s dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion. A happy man is one who aims high but never forgets his actual situation: one who meets challenges (www.zgjsks.com)that tap his ability and potential; one who is proud of his achievements. He has self-r


( ),the child sees mother and father, relatives and neighbors working nearby and often shares in that work.
A child( )in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community’s work; helping to dig or build,look after animals or babies - rather than through playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets ( )playing with dools.
These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the western children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, on the other hand, are with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows.
The Third World children do not usually( )to stay indoors, still less in (www.zgjsks.com)highrise apartment(公寓). Instead of dangerous roads, “keep off the grass” sign and |”don’t speak to strangers”, there is often a sense of freedom to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them( )from ten floors up.
Of course, twelve million children under five still die every year through(www.zgjsks.com) hunger and disease. But children in the Third World is not all bad.
21.A.As usual B. For instance C. In fact D. In other words
22.A .children B. Poverty C. spirit D. survival
23..A. relatives B. father C. neighbors D. adults
24.A. Anyhow B. However C. Instead D. Still
25.A. growing up B. Living through C. playing D. working
26.A. and B. but C. or D. so
27.A. easiest B .earliest C. happiest D. quickest
28.A. Worry B. fear C. hurry D. care
29.A. dare B. expect C. have D. require
30.A. anxiously B. eagerly C. angrily D. proudly
3. Reading comprehension(question 31 to 45)(30分,每小题2分)
That year, in the local school, there was a new math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the stupidest child that anyone had ever seen. It made no difference how quickly or how slowly they tired explaining numbers to him; he would alwa

