
来源:求职信 时间:2018-09-04 18:00:16 阅读:





Dear sir,
Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday"s newspaper.
Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the correspondence.In the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.
The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Brother,an accounting firm.There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.
I was graduated at Wah Yan College,in June 1974.I am twenty-five years of age and single.
I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.
May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.
Yours faithfully









Your Personal Information
FirstNameAddress Phone Number
Email Address Date Employer Contact Information
Address Dear Sir,I am pleased to submit herewith my application for the post of ----------- in your company.I believe that my qualification and working experience enable me to meet the expectations and demands of the said position.My resume Age:Sex:Education:Experience:My academic records as well as my involvements in co-curriculum activities has prepared me for this job and taught me the important of interpersonal skills.As an active person in various activities,I have the opportunities to lead,initiate and manage as well as developing the ability to work with people with different level and social backgrounds.This also allowed me to gain valuable working knowledge.The resume enclosed will provide you with more details of my qualification and experience.I would be very please to discuss to you further on my current duties and achievements as well as the expectation of your current available position in your organization.If you are favorably impressed with my qualifications and experience,I would very much appreciate if you could contact me in advance to set up a meeting to discuss a mutually favorable prospect.You can contact me at the above address or reach me by phoning the number on my resume attached.I could come to your office at any time convenient to you.Yours faithfully,-------------------( )



I am XX Vocational College of Foreign Language Institute of English Education, a professional X students, after five years of study and training, I will complete studies in June next year, the real into the community to begin a new period of life on the road journey.
More than four years, school leaders and teachers under the guidance of my efforts to learn professional knowledge, professional skills training, professional standards have improved each year, the basic freedom to be able to use English for listening, speaking, reading and writing basis, I covered the linguistics, British and American English and American Literature and an overview of the knowledge structure of the adjustment at the same time, the expansion of the field of vision.
Know very well that the people of the 21st century teachers on a more rigorous challenge, and I study at home and abroad in the influential theory of education, with particular emphasis on the cultivation of practical abilities, in addition to the active participation of the Department, the hospital and school activities, I enthusiastically into social practice, through training, to the theory applies to practice, and in accordance with the characteristics of the students to sum up and development of appropriate teaching methods, the initial accumulation of teaching experience, all I can in this year"s teaching practice to play a special outstanding tasks to complete their internship training, have obtained outstanding results.
In school, I won the contest two computer courseware making the second third of the good results
Four years of college life taught me learned how to calm and fortitude, so that I can in life to find the coordinates of the location of their own and constantly self-repairing, but also a profound understanding of the people I need to do everything carefully, serious and pragmatic to face every step of life. Therefore, I sincerely hope to join you this excellent, full of vitality of the groups, in your guidance and help to work together in the road of life keep making progress!



这是最重要的一项,内在美的意思即是要令求职信有内涵,要"投其所好.投其所好即是说你 要为每份工作都写下求职信,千万不要千篇一律,用一篇全世界通用的求职信来应征只会反 映出你对这份工作毫无诚意.
你应该 :
- 清楚表明你来信的目的 .
- 在信中表现得对申请的工作很有兴趣 .
- 重点介绍跟申请工作有关的长处和优点 .
- 如果你是刚刚毕业的话,因为没有实际工作经验,故你可透过介绍在课外活动、暑期工、义工 等所取得的经验,来突显你的优点和长处 .
- 切忌使用浮夸的字眼去形容你的专长,用字应谦虚有礼.
第二点 - 外在美
写求职信时注重外在美并非要你找些红红绿绿有花纹的信纸来书信,亦不是要你用什么华康标 楷体来作求职信的字体,外在美的意思是要令对方收到信时有舒服整齐的感觉. 而文章最好是能够长短得宜 .
要注意的地方 :
--- 求职信的长度不要过长, 最好以一页为限,不要超过一页.
- 如果你是用电子邮件的话,最好选用通用的英文,以免出现怪码,如果要用中文的话,请在编码之处选用BIG 5, 最好先将电邮寄一次给自己,确定能够没有乱码的情况才寄出电邮.
--- 如果你是选用Freemail Account的话应该不出现乱码的问题,不过就不要用过于怪诞的电 邮Account作联络电邮,如 pocketmonster@hongkong.com, 这难免给人不够稳重的感觉,除非你是应征电玩行业的工作啦 !
--- 信纸方面,选用质素好的纯白A4纸便可,这可以给人一种整齐舒服的感觉 .
--- 千万不要使用影印本.如果连你的签名都是影印的话,就可以反映你的诚意是如何不足了. 因此,求职信内的签名,最好要亲笔签名,以示专重和诚意,一封壮重的求职信才可以为你带来 面试的机会.
--- 行距方面,不要太密,亦不必太疏,要适中.不然只会令雇主会看得很辛苦,对于看不顺眼的求职信, 最终只会落得被投篮的下场.
第三点 - 精而简要
顾名思义,写求职信的内容应尽量精简,不宜累赘,用字亦要精确恰当,不要标新立异.此外, 不要以为用一些异常深涩难明的词语可以突显你的才华,应该要以简洁易明为原则.格式要尽量 跟足,除非你是创意非凡兼且写得一手好文章,否则破格的求职信绝对不适合您 .
- 用字要精简,一针见血.
- 切忌离题万丈,又或者长篇大论滔滔不绝也不到正题.
- 避免使用深涩难明的字词.
- 套用一般公文的格式来写作 .
第四点 - 反覆校正
注 要 事 项 :
- 小心错别字.
- 公司名称和负责人的职衔及姓名要多加留意有否出错,以免被扣印象分.
- 反覆校正,确定信件无误才把求职信寄出.
- 检查一下附加的资料是否齐全,如履历表、相片及学历证明等等.
- 可以的话不妨将求职信给朋友看看,看看有没有错漏之处.
1、 开头 开头部分你要交代清楚你是谁,你为什么写此信或你对此公司的了解程度.在"你是谁"部分,用以下一句话简单介绍一下你自己:"我是XYZ大学大四的学生,在五月毕业,专业是生物等."只要把最重要、也是与未来雇主最有关的信息写清楚就可以了.在"为什么你写此信"部分,你写清楚谋求的职位或职业目标,告诉他们你对此企业了解的情况,你可以说:"我在Rhode岛设计学校的职业发展部办公室看到你们招聘一个纺织设计员的广告."或者"在《时代》杂志上我读到了你们东扩的计划,很感兴趣,想加入你们的企业中."
2、 自我推销 在这一部分,要直奔主题.这一部分的目标就是或用段落或提示号的方式把为何你的读者要雇佣你的理由陈列出来,最好先把你的资历来个总括,然后再具体的说,加以实例.一个典型的开头可以这样写:"我的专业是政治科学,在美国国会实习过,我获得过以下的成就,具有以下的技能."
3、 客套话 在这部分里,你要对此企业赞赏一番,让他们知道你很愿意在此服务,你可以提一提洗企业的名声、销售成绩、公司文化、管理宗旨或任何其他他们感到骄傲的东西.雇主们通常想知道为什么此企业是你的目标,而不是你一下发了许多求职信中的公司中的普通一个.对每一个企业,你要用不同的客套话,以表达你对他们的公司有所了解.
4、 进一步行动的要求 一些人认为此部分是求职信的结尾部分,其实不然.结尾部分不仅仅只是对你的雇主花时间读你的信表示感谢,这里是开启另一扇门的地方,这里你可以建议如何进一步联络,或打电话或发email.最重要的事是你以积极肯定的语气结束,并主动采取行动.【求职信范文大全200字】






Respected leaders:
First of all thank you in spite of being very busy toglance browse my letter of recommendation for a full of enthusiasm,opens up a door of hope college door.
My name is li xx,is chengdu vocational and technical college property management professional graduates.Take this employment with a pleasure for me,my singleness of heart and to the cause of the persistent pursuit,sincerely recommend myself.
Five years of university life,in the strict teachers efforts of individuals and instructive,my system has studied the property management professional theory and practice knowledge,but also learn the enterprise management knowledge,and with the demands of the society for talents for guides,trying to make myself to direction development,multiplex talents in spare time,learning computer knowledge,be familiar with the Windows operating system,also took marketing,the economics principle of management course,master of relevant theoretical knowledge.Have certain work ability and the organization coordinated ability,and down-to-earth run every thing.
Actively participate in operational stronger practice,strengthen their practical ability,because I know,in society,only theory knowledge is not enough,need to put all the theory and the practical application of the employment in order to lay a good foundation in the future.I have attended many social activities and part-time.Exercise their communication ability
The past does not represent the future,diligence is real connotation to practical work,I believe I can adapt themselves to the working environment,familiar with the business,and in practical work constantly learning,and constantly improve themselves,completes the work.Hope you can give me a company to prove yourself,the chance to show themselves.I believe that I must can contribute to the growth of your company.Finally and I wish your esteemed unit career:
Flourishing prosperity



标签:英语 Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for a position as a computer
engineer in your company.First of all,your company is
the king in the area of software and is well-known for
its development of software.It would be a great
opportunity for me to start my career in the company.
What is more,my major is computer,and I have a strong
interest in software.
When I was still a freshman,I got Band Two certificate
for computer,which was outstanding in my class.Besides,
I have attended various computer contests and won top
prizes several times,which greatly enriched my knowledge
on computer.Finally,I had once worked part-timely in a
company for two years,and I gained wide experience in
software in these two years.
I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity
to interview me.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours
Li Hua.
Write a letter to a company for position as a computer
engineer.Your letter should include:
1).Why do you choose the company.
2).Why do you think that you are capable for the position.


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