
来源:好词好句 时间:2016-05-11 12:30:01 阅读:



40 Words of Wisdom Every Parent Needs to Give Their Child

父母需要送给孩子的40句箴言-中英文 -文章来源|爱思英语

I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are what I do best, I chose to pass on some wisdom that I've learned over the years. Who knows whether they'll be listened to! Would I have listened to my parents at 24?


Perhaps these are words of wisdom for us all, whatever our age. Perhaps if our children are younger, we can set the intention to parent in such a way that we teach them this wisdom by example.


1. You are not your job. You are not the amount of cash you have in the bank. You are not your possessions.

1. 你所从事的工作并不能代表你。你在银行的现金数额不能代表你。你的财产也不能代表你这个人。

2. Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.

2. 寻找你的生活激情。看看有什么能够鼓舞你的事情。去做你喜欢做的事并且全身心地投入进去。同时,希望你能够在其中找到赚钱的办法。

3. Love hurts. But it is so much better than closing yourself off for fear of being hurt and not experiencing love.

3. 爱情有时会很伤人。但这比因为害怕受伤而自闭或者是不曾体验过爱情要好多了。

4. Communication and respect are the foundations for a lasting relationship.

4. 友好的沟通交流和相互间的尊重是维系一份长久的关系的基础。

5. Three things are needed in a relationship -- lust, love, and shared values.

5. 有三样东西在一段关系里面是必需的——欲望,关爱以及共同的价值观。

6. Never compare yourself to others. It's a waste of energy. You are unique and have your own gifts to offer the world.

6. 永远不要拿你自己和别人做比较。这是一种浪费精力的行为。你是独一无二


7. Look after your health -- physical, mental, and spiritual.

7. 照顾好自己的身体——身体上,心理上以及精神上。

8. Don't complain. Decide what you will tolerate and get on with life.

8. 不要总是抱怨。学会接受你必须要忍受的事情,然后继续过你的生活

9. Set boundaries -- work, family, and friendships.

9. 设定工作,家庭以及友情之间的界限。妥善处理三者关系。

10. Little stuff matters -- manners get you a long way.

10. 细节很重要——好的习惯举止能让你走得更远。

11. Be grateful. List the things you are grateful for everyday.

11. 学会感恩。列下每天都能让你感动的事情。

12. Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal. Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again.

12. 随时准备接受失败。失败并不是致命的。从中吸取教训,然后重新振作起来再试一次。

13. Have outrageous dreams. You'll be amazed at what comes true.

13. 拥有一个独特的梦想。当一切成真的时候,你会感到震惊的。

14. Act with integrity at all times.

14. 任何时候都要诚信正直。

15. Call your parents. They may well have screwed up but they raised you to the best of their abilities.

15. 经常打电话给父母。他们也许有时会把事情搞砸,但是他们倾尽所有将你抚养长大。

16. Know your values. Let no one violate what you hold as important be that a boss or your partner.

16. 知道你自身的价值在哪里。不要让任何人侵犯你的信仰,即使那个人是你的老板或者伴侣。

17. You don't need to have it all worked out. Tomorrow is another day.

17. 你没必要一次性将事情全部弄好。明天还有时间去做。

18. Lighten up on yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly.

18. 放轻松点。做做缓慢的深呼吸。

19. Listen to your inner dialogue. Would you speak to someone you love in the same way?

19. 听听你内心的对话。你会跟你喜欢的人用同样的方式说话吗?

20. Take risks, take leaps of faith. You'll grow wings.

20. 接受挑战,你会有一个信仰上的飞跃。你会得到成长。

21. Be of service to others. Be interested in others. People will always remember what you did for them.

21. 学会服务他人,关心他人。别人会永远记住你为他们所做的事情。

22. "No" is a complete sentence.

22. 不要轻易说不。

23. Don't stress so much over decisions. Decisions needn't be forever.

23. 不要过多地纠结于你所做的决定。所做的决定是可以改变的。

24. Cultivate and nurture friendships. With love and care they can last a lifetime. At the same time don't be afraid to edit friendships.

24. 培养并发展友谊。有了爱和关怀,它们能够持续一生。同时不要害怕放弃友谊。

25. You are enough just as you are. Perfect in your imperfection.

25. 这样的你就已经很好了。缺陷使你更完美。

26. Learn to accept compliments. Simply say 'thank you'.

26. 学会接受赞美。只要说声谢谢就行了。

27. Be willing to show that you are vulnerable. It is in fact the greatest act of courage.

27. 你可以表现出自己脆弱的一面。事实上,它是最伟大的勇气。

28. You are never alone.

28. 你从来都不是孤独的。

29. Forgive. Yourself first and then others. We are all in this together.

29. 学会原谅。首先原谅你自己,然后要学会原谅他人。我们都需要被原谅。

30. Your attitude is always a choice.

30. 你可以选择自己的态度。

31. Laugh a lot. Have fun.

31. 多笑笑。找些乐子。

32. Magic happens outside your comfort zone.

32. 在你的舒适区以外随时都有奇迹发生。

33. Learn to love yourself now. It gets harder if you leave it until you're older.

33. 学会爱现在的自己。如果等你年纪更大一些,你会发现越来越难做到。

34. Don't worry about what other people think. They think about you a lot less than you imagine.

34. 不要在乎别人怎么看。他们想到的远比你想象的少。

35. Follow your intuition. Your guts have the answer. Every time.【关于父母的英语名言的句子_关于父母的英语的话_有关信仰的英文的短语】

35. 跟随自己的直觉。你的胆量能为你找到答案。每次都是如此。

36. Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy.

36. 幸福是自己给的。别指望别人能给你带来幸福。

37. Be financially savvy right from the off. Save 10%. Debt is not pretty. Make your own lunch for work. A cappuccino and a sandwich a day soon add up.

37. 保持财政支出少于财政收入。节省10%。欠债可不是什么光荣的事。自己带工作午餐去上班。否则每天一杯卡布奇诺咖啡和三明治,加起来也是一笔不小的开支。

38. Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.

38. 生活不是一项竞赛。停下来看看沿途的风景。真的。

39. When overwhelmed ask yourself, "Will this even be an issue in 5 years time?"

39. 在你不知所措时,问问自己:五年之后,这还会是一个问题吗?

40. Change happens. It's one of the great certainties in life. Learn to roll with it.

40. 变化随时会发生。这是生命中最大的确定性。学会适应它。


1、【Bonus Oriens】

The lunatic is the man who lives in a small world but thinks it is a large one; he is the man who lives in a tenth of the truth, and thinks it is the whole. The madman cannot conceive any cosmos outside a certain tale or conspiracy or vision. (G.K. Chesterton, English novelist and poet, 1874-1936)


2、Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling 5 balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends, and spirit - and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other 4 balls - family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. (Brian Dyson, former CEO of Coca Cola, b.1935)


3、Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.






4、Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today,

Tomorrow will be dying. (Robert Herrick, English poet, 1591-1674)





5、Time is a playful kitten. She creeps up on you and drinks the day like a bowl of milk. 时间是一只顽皮的小猫。她爬到你身上,像从碗里喝牛奶一样,喝掉一天的时光。

6、I had more pleasure in strolling about among the old melancholy-looking yew trees, or the firs, and picking up the red berries, and the fir apples, which were good for nothing but to look at - or in lying about upon the fresh grass, with all the fine garden smells around me - or basking in the orangery, till I could almost fancy myself ripening too along with the oranges and the limes in that grateful warmth. (Charles Lamb, English essayist, 1775-1834)



7、Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. (Eskimo proverb)


8、Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be. (William Clement Stone, American best selling author, 1902-2002)


9、Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it. (Bill Cosby, American comedian and producer, b.1937)


10、Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don't, they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgment. If a person offends you and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures. Simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.


11、Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.(Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist, 1879-1955)


12、Life is like a cafeteria. You take your tray, select your food and pay at the other end. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. In a cafeteria, if you wait for people to serve you, you will wait forever. Life is like that too. You make choices and pay the price to succeed. (Shiv Khera, Indian motivational speaker and author)


13、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French pilot and writer, 1900-1944) 生活已经告诉我们,爱不在于相互凝视,而在于眺望同一方向。(安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里,法国飞行家、作家,1900-1944)

14、To do a common thing, uncommonly well, brings success. (Henry John Heinz, American businessman, 1844-1919)


15、The wonderful about living is that this sort of thing can happen.


In a shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.【关于父母的英语名言的句子_关于父母的英语的话_有关信仰的英文的短语】


It's a high price to pay for it.


I don't think so.


I do. Do people have to kill each other to give them a heightened sense of life?


16、Legend says that long ago, there was a bird that sang just once in its life. From the moment it left its nest, it searched for a thorn tree. And it never rested until it found one. Then it began to sing more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. And singing, it impaled its heart on the longest, sharpest thorn. But as it was dying, it rose above its own agony to out-sing the lark and the nightingale. The bird pays its life for that one great song, existence is the price but the whole world stills to listen and God, in His heaven, smiles. (Colleen McCullough, Australian author, b.1937)


17、Sometimes you need patience in order to find true happiness. It won't come fast and it won't come easy, but it will be worth it.


18、Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. (Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet, 1861-1941)


19、You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian political and ideological leader, 1869-1948)


20、The Princess promised she would be here,

Upon the northern isle she'd appear.

Yet though I strain and strain my eyes,

She's never seen to be drawing near.

O why would thou, the autumn wind,

So steadily, stoutly rave and rave?

O'er the wavering waves of Dongting Lake,

Trees are helplessly shedding their leaves.

(Qu Yuan, ancient Chinese scholar and poet, 340 BC-278 BC)




21、Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.


22、Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you. (Annie Dillard, American author, b.1945) 用掉这个下午。你不可能把它带走。(安妮·迪拉德,美国作家,生于1945年)

23、The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference. (Elie Wiesel, Jewish-American writer, b.1928)


24、When I am dead, my dearest,

Sing no sad songs for me;

Plant thou no roses at my head,

Nor shady cypress tree:

Be the green grass above me

With showers and dewdrops wet;

And if thou wilt, remember,【关于父母的英语名言的句子_关于父母的英语的话_有关信仰的英文的短语】

And if thou wilt, forget. (Christina Rossetti, English poet, 1830-1894)









25、Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. (Charles Schulz, American cartoonist, 1922-2000)


26、A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. (Maya Angelou, American poet, b.1928)


27、Nature satisfies by its loveliness, and without any mixture of corporeal benefit... The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light. From the earth, as a shore, I look out into that silent sea. I seem to partake its rapid transformations: the active enchantment reaches my dust, and I dilate and conspire with the morning wind. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet and essayist, 1803-1882)


28、In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King, Jr, American civil-rights leader, 1929-1968)


29、Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. (Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism)


30、A father is someone who,

Holds your hand at the fair;

Makes sure you do what your mother says;

Brushes your hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy;

Lets you eat ice cream for breakfast,

But only when mother is away.

He walks you down the aisle,

And tells you everything's going to be OK.










31、One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention. (Clifton Fadiman, American radio host, 1904-1999)


32、To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour. (William Blake, English poet, 1757-1827)



33、All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. (Indian proverb)


34、Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. (Robert Heinlein, American science-fiction writer, 1907-1988)


35、Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.


40 Words of Wisdom Every Parent Needs to Give Their Child


I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are what I do best, I chose to pass on some wisdom that I've learned over the years. Who knows whether they'll be listened to! Would I have listened to my parents at 24?


Perhaps these are words of wisdom for us all, whatever our age. Perhaps if our children are

younger, we can set the intention to parent in such a way that we teach them this wisdom by example. 也许这些富含哲理的话对我们所有人都适用,不管我们年龄多大。如果孩子还年幼,我们应该用这样的方法来教育他们,那就是以实际行动作为例子来教会他们这些人生智慧。

1. You are not your job. You are not the amount of cash you have in the bank. You are not your possessions.

1. 你所从事的工作并不能代表你。你在银行的现金数额不能代表你。你的财产也不能代表你这个人。

2. Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.

2. 寻找你的生活激情。看看有什么能够鼓舞你的事情。去做你喜欢做的事并且全身心地投入进去。同时,希望你能够在其中找到赚钱的办法。

3. Love hurts. But it is so much better than closing yourself off for fear of being hurt and not experiencing love.

3. 爱情有时会很伤人。但这比因为害怕受伤而自闭或者是不曾体验过爱情要好多了。

4. Communication and respect are the foundations for a lasting relationship.

4. 友好的沟通交流和相互间的尊重是维系一份长久的关系的基础。

5. Three things are needed in a relationship -- lust, love, and shared values.

5. 有三样东西在一段关系里面是必需的——欲望,关爱以及共同的价值观。

6. Never compare yourself to others. It's a waste of energy. You are unique and have your own gifts to offer the world.

6. 永远不要拿你自己和别人做比较。这是一种浪费精力的行为。你是独一无二的,你能够为这个世界奉献你独有的能力。

7. Look after your health -- physical, mental, and spiritual.

7. 照顾好自己的身体——身体上,心理上以及精神上。

8. Don't complain. Decide what you will tolerate and get on with life.

8. 不要总是抱怨。学会接受你必须要忍受的事情,然后继续过你的生活。

9. Set boundaries -- work, family, and friendships.

9. 设定工作,家庭以及友情之间的界限。妥善处理三者关系。

10. Little stuff matters -- manners get you a long way.

10. 细节很重要——好的习惯举止能让你走得更远。

11. Be grateful. List the things you are grateful for everyday.

11. 学会感恩。列下每天都能让你感动的事情。

12. Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal. Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again.

12. 随时准备接受失败。失败并不是致命的。从中吸取教训,然后重新振作起来再试一次。

13. Have outrageous dreams. You'll be amazed at what comes true.

13. 拥有一个独特的梦想。当一切成真的时候,你会感到震惊的。

14. Act with integrity at all times.

14. 任何时候都要诚信正直。

15. Call your parents. They may well have screwed up but they raised you to the best of their abilities.

15. 经常打电话给父母。他们也许有时会把事情搞砸,但是他们倾尽所有将你抚养长大。

16. Know your values. Let no one violate what you hold as important be that a boss or your partner.

16. 知道你自身的价值在哪里。不要让任何人侵犯你的信仰,即使那个人是你的老板或者伴侣。

17. You don't need to have it all worked out. Tomorrow is another day.

17. 你没必要一次性将事情全部弄好。明天还有时间去做。

18. Lighten up on yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly.

18. 放轻松点。做做缓慢的深呼吸。

19. Listen to your inner dialogue. Would you speak to someone you love in the same way?

19. 听听你内心的对话。你会跟你喜欢的人用同样的方式说话吗?

20. Take risks, take leaps of faith. You'll grow wings.

20. 接受挑战,你会有一个信仰上的飞跃。你会得到成长。

21. Be of service to others. Be interested in others. People will always remember what you did for them.

21. 学会服务他人,关心他人。别人会永远记住你为他们所做的事情。

22. "No" is a complete sentence.

22. 不要轻易说不。

23. Don't stress so much over decisions. Decisions needn't be forever.

23. 不要过多地纠结于你所做的决定。所做的决定是可以改变的。

24. Cultivate and nurture friendships. With love and care they can last a lifetime. At the same time don't be afraid to edit friendships.

24. 培养并发展友谊。有了爱和关怀,它们能够持续一生。同时不要害怕放弃友谊。

25. You are enough just as you are. Perfect in your imperfection.

25. 这样的你就已经很好了。缺陷使你更完美。

26. Learn to accept compliments. Simply say 'thank you'.

26. 学会接受赞美。只要说声谢谢就行了。

27. Be willing to show that you are vulnerable. It is in fact the greatest act of courage.

27. 你可以表现出自己脆弱的一面。事实上,它是最伟大的勇气。

28. You are never alone.

28. 你从来都不是孤独的。

29. Forgive. Yourself first and then others. We are all in this together.

29. 学会原谅。首先原谅你自己,然后要学会原谅他人。我们都需要被原谅。

30. Your attitude is always a choice.

30. 你可以选择自己的态度。

31. Laugh a lot. Have fun.

31. 多笑笑。找些乐子。

32. Magic happens outside your comfort zone.

32. 在你的舒适区以外随时都有奇迹发生。

33. Learn to love yourself now. It gets harder if you leave it until you're older.

33. 学会爱现在的自己。如果等你年纪更大一些,你会发现越来越难做到。

34. Don't worry about what other people think. They think about you a lot less than you imagine.

34. 不要在乎别人怎么看。他们想到的远比你想象的少。

35. Follow your intuition. Your guts have the answer. Every time.

35. 跟随自己的直觉。你的胆量能为你找到答案。每次都是如此。

36. Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy.

36. 幸福是自己给的。别指望别人能给你带来幸福。

37. Be financially savvy right from the off. Save 10%. Debt is not pretty. Make your own lunch for work. A cappuccino and a sandwich a day soon add up.

37. 保持财政支出少于财政收入。节省10%。欠债可不是什么光荣的事。自己带工作午餐去上班。否则每天一杯卡布奇诺咖啡和三明治,加起来也是一笔不小的开支。

38. Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.

38. 生活不是一项竞赛。停下来看看沿途的风景。真的。

39. When overwhelmed ask yourself, "Will this even be an issue in 5 years time?"

39. 在你不知所措时,问问自己:五年之后,这还会是一个问题吗?

40. Change happens. It's one of the great certainties in life. Learn to roll with it.

40. 变化随时会发生。这是生命中最大的确定性。学会适应它。


40 Words of Wisdom Every Parent Needs to Give Their Child


I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are what I do best, I chose to pass on some wisdom that I've learned over the years. Who knows whether they'll be listened to! Would I have listened to my parents at 24?

今年,我想给我年龄最大的孩子一份特殊的生日礼物,然后我发现那些我写给他的话就是我所能做的最好的事情了。我选择了将我这些年所经历并且学到的东西里面包含的智慧传授给他们。谁知道他们会不会听呢!在我24岁的时候我有听取过我父母的建议吗? Perhaps these are words of wisdom for us all, whatever our age. Perhaps if our

children are younger, we can set the intention to parent in such a way that we teach them this wisdom by example.


1. You are not your job. You are not the amount of cash you have in the bank. You are not your possessions.

1. 你所从事的工作并不能代表你。你在银行的现金数额不能代表你。你的财产也不能代表你这个人。

2. Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.

2. 寻找你的生活激情。看看有什么能够鼓舞你的事情。去做你喜欢做的事并且全身心地投入进去。同时,希望你能够在其中找到赚钱的办法。

3. Love hurts. But it is so much better than closing yourself off for fear of being hurt and not experiencing love.

3. 爱情有时会很伤人。但这比因为害怕受伤而自闭或者是不曾体验过爱情要好多了。

4. Communication and respect are the foundations for a lasting relationship.

4. 友好的沟通交流和相互间的尊重是维系一份长久的关系的基础。

5. Three things are needed in a relationship -- lust, love, and shared values.

5. 有三样东西在一段关系里面是必需的——欲望,关爱以及共同的价值观。

6. Never compare yourself to others. It's a waste of energy. You are unique and have your own gifts to offer the world.

6. 永远不要拿你自己和别人做比较。这是一种浪费精力的行为。你是独一无二的,你能够为这个世界奉献你独有的能力。

7. Look after your health -- physical, mental, and spiritual.

7. 照顾好自己的身体——身体上,心理上以及精神上。

8. Don't complain. Decide what you will tolerate and get on with life.

8. 不要总是抱怨。学会接受你必须要忍受的事情,然后继续过你的生活。

9. Set boundaries -- work, family, and friendships.

9. 设定工作,家庭以及友情之间的界限。妥善处理三者关系。

10. Little stuff matters -- manners get you a long way.

10. 细节很重要——好的习惯举止能让你走得更远。

11. Be grateful. List the things you are grateful for everyday.

11. 学会感恩。列下每天都能让你感动的事情。

12. Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal. Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again.

12. 随时准备接受失败。失败并不是致命的。从中吸取教训,然后重新振作起来再试一次。

13. Have outrageous dreams. You'll be amazed at what comes true.

13. 拥有一个独特的梦想。当一切成真的时候,你会感到震惊的。

14. Act with integrity at all times.

14. 任何时候都要诚信正直。

15. Call your parents. They may well have screwed up but they raised you to the best of their abilities.

15. 经常打电话给父母。他们也许有时会把事情搞砸,但是他们倾尽所有将你抚养长大。

16. Know your values. Let no one violate what you hold as important be that a boss or your partner.

16. 知道你自身的价值在哪里。不要让任何人侵犯你的信仰,即使那个人是你的老板或者伴侣。

17. You don't need to have it all worked out. Tomorrow is another day.

17. 你没必要一次性将事情全部弄好。明天还有时间去做。

18. Lighten up on yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly.

18. 放轻松点。做做缓慢的深呼吸。【关于父母的英语名言的句子_关于父母的英语的话_有关信仰的英文的短语】

19. Listen to your inner dialogue. Would you speak to someone you love in the same way?

19. 听听你内心的对话。你会跟你喜欢的人用同样的方式说话吗?【关于父母的英语名言的句子_关于父母的英语的话_有关信仰的英文的短语】

20. Take risks, take leaps of faith. You'll grow wings.

20. 接受挑战,你会有一个信仰上的飞跃。你会得到成长。

21. Be of service to others. Be interested in others. People will always remember what you did for them.

21. 学会服务他人,关心他人。别人会永远记住你为他们所做的事情。

22. "No" is a complete sentence.

22. 不要轻易说不。

23. Don't stress so much over decisions. Decisions needn't be forever.

23. 不要过多地纠结于你所做的决定。所做的决定是可以改变的。

24. Cultivate and nurture friendships. With love and care they can last a lifetime. At the same time don't be afraid to edit friendships.

24. 培养并发展友谊。有了爱和关怀,它们能够持续一生。同时不要害怕放弃友谊。

25. You are enough just as you are. Perfect in your imperfection.

25. 这样的你就已经很好了。缺陷使你更完美。

26. Learn to accept compliments. Simply say 'thank you'.

26. 学会接受赞美。只要说声谢谢就行了。

27. Be willing to show that you are vulnerable. It is in fact the greatest act of courage.

27. 你可以表现出自己脆弱的一面。事实上,它是最伟大的勇气。

28. You are never alone.

28. 你从来都不是孤独的。

29. Forgive. Yourself first and then others. We are all in this together.

29. 学会原谅。首先原谅你自己,然后要学会原谅他人。我们都需要被原谅。

30. Your attitude is always a choice.

30. 你可以选择自己的态度。

31. Laugh a lot. Have fun.

31. 多笑笑。找些乐子。

32. Magic happens outside your comfort zone.

32. 在你的舒适区以外随时都有奇迹发生。

33. Learn to love yourself now. It gets harder if you leave it until you're older.

33. 学会爱现在的自己。如果等你年纪更大一些,你会发现越来越难做到。

34. Don't worry about what other people think. They think about you a lot less than you imagine.

34. 不要在乎别人怎么看。他们想到的远比你想象的少。

35. Follow your intuition. Your guts have the answer. Every time.

35. 跟随自己的直觉。你的胆量能为你找到答案。每次都是如此。

36. Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy.

36. 幸福是自己给的。别指望别人能给你带来幸福。

37. Be financially savvy right from the off. Save 10%. Debt is not pretty. Make your own lunch for work. A cappuccino and a sandwich a day soon add up.

37. 保持财政支出少于财政收入。节省10%。欠债可不是什么光荣的事。自己带工作午餐去上班。否则每天一杯卡布奇诺咖啡和三明治,加起来也是一笔不小的开支。

38. Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.

38. 生活不是一项竞赛。停下来看看沿途的风景。真的。

39. When overwhelmed ask yourself, "Will this even be an issue in 5 years time?"

39. 在你不知所措时,问问自己:五年之后,这还会是一个问题吗?

40. Change happens. It's one of the great certainties in life. Learn to roll with it.

40. 变化随时会发生。这是生命中最大的确定性。学会适应它。


I wanted to give my eldest a different birthday present this year and seeing that 'words' are what I do best, I chose to pass on some wisdom that I've learned over the years. Who knows whether they'll be listened to! Would I have listened to my parents at 24?


Perhaps these are words of wisdom for us all, whatever our age. Perhaps if our children are younger, we can set the intention to parent in such a way that we teach them this wisdom by example.


1. You are not your job. You are not the amount of cash you have in the bank. You are not your possessions.


2. Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.


3. Love hurts. But it is so much better than closing yourself off for fear of being hurt and not experiencing love.


4. Communication and respect are the foundations for a lasting relationship.


5. Three things are needed in a relationship -- lust, love, and shared values. 有三个东西在一段关系里面是必需的——欲望,关爱以及共同的价值观。

6. Never compare yourself to others. It's a waste of energy. You are unique and have your own gifts to offer the world.


7. Look after your health -- physical, mental, and spiritual.


8. Don't complain. Decide what you will tolerate and get on with life.


9. Set boundaries -- work, family, and friendships.


10. Little stuff matters -- manners get you a long way.


11. Be grateful. List the things you are grateful for everyday.


12. Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal. Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again.


13. Have outrageous dreams. You'll be amazed at what comes true.


14. Act with integrity at all times.


15. Call your parents. They may well have screwed up but they raised you to the best of their abilities.


16. Know your values. Let no one violate what you hold as important be that a boss or your partner.


17. You don't need to have it all worked out. Tomorrow is another day.


18. Lighten up on yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly.


19. Listen to your inner dialogue. Would you speak to someone you love in the same way?


20. Take risks, take leaps of faith. You'll grow wings.


21. Be of service to others. Be interested in others. People will always remember what you did for them.


22. "No" is a complete sentence.


23. Don't stress so much over decisions. Decisions needn't be forever.


24. Cultivate and nurture friendships. With love and care they can last a lifetime. At the same time don't be afraid to edit friendships.


25. You are enough just as you are. Perfect in your imperfection.


26. Learn to accept compliments. Simply say 'thank you'.


27. Be willing to show that you are vulnerable. It is in fact the greatest act of courage.


28. You are never alone.


29. Forgive. Yourself first and then others. We are all in this together.


30. Your attitude is always a choice.


31. Laugh a lot. Have fun.


32. Magic happens outside your comfort zone.


33. Learn to love yourself now. It gets harder if you leave it until you're older. 学会爱现在的自己。如果你离开他,这会变得越来越难,直到你年纪更大一些。

34. Don't worry about what other people think. They think about you a lot less than you imagine.


35. Follow your intuition. Your guts have the answer. Every time.


36. Happiness starts within. Do not expect anyone else to make you happy. 幸福是自己给的。别指望别人能给你带来幸福。

37. Be financially savvy right from the off. Save 10%. Debt is not pretty. Make your own lunch for work. A cappuccino and a sandwich a day soon add up.


38. Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.


39. When overwhelmed ask yourself, "Will this even be an issue in 5 years time?" 在你不知所措时,问自己在5年时间里,这会成为一个问题吗?


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