
来源:爱情语录 时间:2016-07-08 10:39:25 阅读:



6人英语爱情话剧剧本-Where Is My Mr. Right?



Female leading character: Oneday

Oneday’s first friend: Wayne

Oneday’s second boyfriend: Tom

Oneday’s third boyfriend & Beryl’s boyfriend: Jack

Oneday’s fourth boyfriend: Martin

Oneday’s friend: Beryl


Scene 1 A Big Shock

Beryl: Oneday, how about going to see stars together this evening?

Oneday: O.K.! I want to ask my boyfriend to join us.

Beryl: Um! Sure, but I don't want to get caught between you and your boyfriend.So I think I'd better ask my boyfriend to go with me, too.

Oneday: O.K.!

Oneday: Honey, look. There are so many stars in the sky.It's really a breath-taking picture, isn't it?

Wayne: Um!

Oneday: Why do you look so unhappy this evening? Is everything O.K.? Wayne: Oneday, I am sorry. There's something I want to tell you.

Oneday: What? What is it?

Wayne:I feel so sorry to you.

Oneday: Why? Why did you say that? Is there something wrong?

Wayne: I'm very sorry. The thing is I'm in love with someone else.

Oneday: What? Someone else? What about me?

Wayne: I am very sorry. It's my fault. Please forgive me.I hope you can find a man who really loves you.

Oneday: Wayne...NO!!

Wayne: Good luck!


Beryl: What's wrong? You look awful. What happened to you?

Oneday: Wayne just broke up with me.

Beryl: I'm so sorry to hear that. But, why?

Oneday: Don't ask me why. Let's just get out of here.

Beryl: Sure. Let's go.

Scene 2 A Chance Encounter

Beryl: Oneday, there is a man who has been peeping at you for a while.

Oneday: Really? Where is he?

Beryl: Don’t look now. He is just behind you on the side, and he wears a white shirt. I can’t believe it; he is still looking at you.

Oneday: How interesting! I must take a peek at him.

Beryl: O.K. But don’t make it too obvious.


Tom: Should I go tell Oneday that I love her?

Martin: Why not? I think you two make a great couple. You should give it a try. Tom: O.K. Wish me luck!


Beryl: Oneday, you won’t believe this. That man is coming right up this way. Oneday: Really? I wonder what he is up to.

Tom: Hi, Oneday. It is nice to see you here.

Oneday: Hi, Tom.

Beryl: You two know each other?

Oneday: Yeah. Berly, this is Tom.

Beryl: Hi.

Oneday: Tom, this is Beryl.

Tom: Hi.

Tom: Oneday, I would like to let you know that I like you. Let me take care of you. I am not like Wayne. I won’t treat you the way he treated you. You can put yourself at ease.

Oneday: This is happening too fast. I have to think about it.

Beryl: He seems to be a nice guy. Just give him a chance.

Oneday: Are you sure? (in low voice)

Beryl: (Nodding.)

Oneday:O.K., Tom. Let’s give it a try. I hope that you will remember what you just said and you will keep your promise.


(One month later.)

Tom: Oneday, I have to tell you that I will have to leave Taichung because I am going to school in Taipei. I am afraid we won’t be able to be together any more. Sorry!

Oneday: Even if you have to leave Taichung, we can still be together, can’t we? Tom: No, I don’t think so. Distance will change our relationship sooner or later. So, it would be better we just call it quits. I am very sorry.

Oneday: I cannot believe this is happening to me again.

Scene 3 Another Romance

Jack: Oneday, I know you had two unpleasant relationships before, and those two men hurt you very much. But please believe me. I am different from them. I will take good care of you with all my heart.

Oneday: (talking to herself) Maybe Jack is really serious about me. Maybe I should give him a chance and accept his love. (talking to Jack) O.K., Jack. I will accept

your love.

Jack: Thank you so much. You won’t regret it.

Oneday: I surely hope not.

(One year later.)


Beryl:Oneday, I’m so happy for you. It seems you really found your Mr. Right this time. Jack has been so nice to you all this time.

Oneday: Yes, I feel so much in love. We have known each other for one year, and we are going to celebrate this special day tonight. So let’s chat some other day. Bye!


Jack: Today is our first anniversary. I’ve got some good news and bad news to share with you.

Oneday: Good news and bad news? Well, good news first, then

Jack: I passed the graduate school entrance exam, and will soon go to graduate school. Oneday: That’s great. Congratulations! Going to graduate school has always been your dream. I’m so glad that you have made your dream come true.

Jack: But……

Oneday: But what? This is great news. You should be happy.

Jack: But, there’s some bad news.

Oneday: Bad news? O.K., I am ready for it.

Jack: Let’s break up!

Oneday: What? Break up? Why?

Jack:You know I have to concentrate on my schoolwork and study very hard after I go to graduate school.Therefore, I choose to give up our relationship, and I hope you can understand my decision. I’m really sorry.

Oneday: That’s enough. No more sorry! You just go.


(On the phone.)

Oneday: Beryl, it happened again. Jack broke up with me (crying).

Beryl:Oh, poor girl. Stop crying. What you need right now is a good break and sleep. You can tell me the whole thing when we see each other tomorrow.

Oneday: O.K.! I’ll try to get some sleep. Good night.

Beryl: Good night.

Scene 4 A Happy Ending

Oneday: What kind of girl do you think I am?

Martin: What kind of girl are you? Um…, you are a lively and kind girl.

Oneday: I’m glad to hear that. Actually, I quite like you.

Martin: Really?

Oneday: I feel we can talk to each other. When I am sad, you comfort me and try to

make me happy. I feel so lucky to have you as my friend.

Martin: Of course, we are good friends!

Oneday: But, what if I want for you is something more than JUST a good friend? Martin: More than just a good friend? What do you mean?

Oneday: I mean I like you. I…I want to be your girlfriend.

Martin: Girlfriend? Oh, no. I must be frank with you because you are a very good person. I don’t want to hurt you. So, let’s just be friends.

Oneday: Can’t we give it a try? I’ll be a very sweet girlfriend.

Martin: For Pete’s sake. Let me be honest with you. I’m in love with a man. He…he is Wayne!

Oneday: Oh, my god!!!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wayne: I’m so lucky to have you. I love you.

Martin: I love you, too, Wayne. (Holding each other’s hands.)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oneday: That’s not fair! They’ve got each other and love each other so much. But, look at me. Where is my Mr. Right?!



Character: a boy; a wolf; some farmers, a group of sheep, a storyteller


Scene One: farmers working in the field (第一场:三个农民在地里劳动)


歌词:We are farmers, we are farmers, happy happy happy!


farmer A: Let’s have a rest, OK?

Farmer B C:OK!


Scene Two: A boy is shepherding ( 第二场:一个小孩在放牧)

(男孩上,赶着一群羊, 然后走到树下休息)

Boy: (挥舞着他手中的鞭子)Hmn, I feel very humdrum. There is nobody here to talk with me. How humdrum!(嗯,太无聊了。这儿一个说话的人也没有。真没意思!)

Sheep: Baa…(咩咩……)

Boy: Um, I have a good idea. I am sure people will come soon.(嗯,我有了一个好主意.我相信人们很快就会来了。)

(大声喊)a wolf is coming .A wolf is coming.(狼来了。狼来了。)

Scene Two: Some Farmers Are Working(第二场:几个农民在干活)


Boy: wolf is coming. A wolf is coming . Help!(狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!)

Farmer A: Hi, do you hear anyone crying? (嗨。你听见有人在喊叫吗?)

Farmer B :(听) Yes. It’s the shepherd’s voice.(是啊,是那牧童的声音。)

Farmer C: (放下手中的活。) Yes. Let’s go and help him. Let’s kill the wolf. (是的,咱们去帮他。快去打狼吧。)


Scene Three: The Farmers Are Fooled(第三场:农民被愚弄了)


Farmer A: Where’s the wolf? Where is it? Can you see it? (狼呢?它在哪儿?你看见了吗?) Farmer C: Hi! Little boy! Are you all right? We are coming to kill the wolf. Where is it going? (嗨!小孩。你没事吧?我们是来打狼的。狼在哪儿?)

Boy: Hahaha! Sorry. There’s no wolf here. I’m joking. Haha…(哈哈哈!对不起,这儿没有狼,我开玩笑呢。哈哈哈……)

Farmer C: No wolf? You cheat us. It is not good to do this. (没有狼?你骗我们。这样做不好。) Boy: Hahaha! What fools! Hahaha…… (哈!真傻!哈哈……)



Boy: A wolf is coming. A wolf is coming. Help! Help! (狼来了。狼来了。救命啊!救命啊!) Farmer B (对 Farmer C说): Maybe the wolf is really coming. (或许这一次狼真的来了。)

Boy: Help! Help! Wolf …(救命啊!救命啊!狼来了…….)

Farmer C: Let’s go to the hill and kill the wolf . (咱们上山打狼去。)



Boy: Hahaha! Don’t angry with me, uncles. Why not sit down and have a chat? (哈哈哈!大叔大伯,你们别生气。坐下来跟我聊会天,好吗?)

Farmer A: You naughty boy! (你这顽皮的孩子!你可不应该再骗人啊!下次再也没有人相信你了。)

Farmer B: The boy fool us again. Let’s go!(这孩子又骗人,咱们走!)

Farmer C: What a bad boy! Don’t believe him. (这孩子真不象话!别在理了。)


Scene Four: A wolf Is Really Coming(第四场:狼真的来了)


Boy: (他怕极了。) Wolf ! Wolf ! The wolf is really coming. Help! Help! (狼!狼!狼真的来了。快救命啊!)

Wolf: So many fat sheep. I can have a good lunch. (这么多肥羊。我能吃顿丰盛的午餐了。) Boy: The wolf is coming. Help ! The wolf is coming. Help!(狼来了。救命!)




(I Am Hungry)



Act 1

雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!

I am the lion,

the king of the forest.

No one is stronger than me.

Roar, roar!

小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry.

雄狮:You are big now.

Be brave!

Go and find your own food.

小狮:But, I don’t know how.

雄狮:Do it like me.

Roar, roar! (怒吼)

小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!

雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.(露出尖利的牙齿)

Go and do it now.

小狮:Yes, daddy.

Act 2

小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)

Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater.

He says there is nothing sweeter,

Than a carrot everyday,

Munch and crunch and run away.

小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.

Roar, roar!(小声地)

小白兔:Do you want some carrots?

小狮:Yes, please.


小狮:Thank you.

小白兔:Carrots are the best food.

小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it.

Anyway, thank you, rabbit.


小白兔:You are welcome.

(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”


Act 3

三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot”)

Pease porridge hot,

Pease porridge cold,

Pease porridge in the pot,

Nine days old.

Some like it hot,

Some like it cold,

Some like it in the pot,

Nine days old.

小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry.

Roar, roar! (小声地)

小熊们:Do you want some porridge?

小狮:Yes, please.


小狮:Thank you.

小熊们:Porridge is the best food.

小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! It’s too hot.

I don’t like it.

Anyway, thank you, bears.

