
来源:心情说说 时间:2018-09-14 11:00:07 阅读:







额,我在荷兰,现在时间凌晨3:39, 以上事情都在刚刚半小时以内左右发生,我是真的好害怕好害怕,但是室友睡得像猪一样-_-!不好打扰,有木有高人啊?快给我想想办法,标题比较惊悚是为了吸引更多的人啦,不好意思哈~




In my humble opinion, it is better to live inside the university not outside. Expecailly for some students who can"t restrict themselves. If they choose to live outside the univercity, they will have more freedom, but on the other side, when they get this called freedom, maybe they will know some bad guy who will have bad influnce on them. And second, as we know, many students like to surf on line to kill their time. If they live outside, they will do it without any time limit. So without a doubt, it is very bad for them for their study and their health. And beside this, if they live outside, it is not very convinent to get some information promptly. So it is not good for them to make a schedule according to the notification of the university.
For all the reasons I mentioned, I think it is better to live inside the school.



should students live in school housing or outside on their own?
I believe that students who live in community learn a lot more things then that live in university houses. Many students all over the world come to attend schools in most of these students are from different background or different culture. I believe that it is not enough for them to be just in the schools all the time without getting to know the American culture. This is a good example to explain my pint of view. May be it cost less money for them to live in schoolhouses than rent an apartment outside, but it is worth it. Interacting with the community is a vital positive step in student’s life, because it teaches him a lot such as community lifestyle, independence, life experiences, big school and knowing more people.
The community and its life style would be a real school for him. Being involved in new life style and new thoughts would learn him more then school. Cooperating with others in community will make the life much easier for the student. All students leave their family and friends to go somewhere far in order to learn new things not only being around the same students all the day, everyday. Living in schoolhouse would not give him enough ideas about the new culture that he live in now.
Moreover, student would be more independent then other in school homes. He would be responsible for his own bills and rent. He would more organize in everything, as he knows that nobody would do it for him. In addition, he would look for a job part time to be able to bay the bills, which would teach him a lot. In schoolhouse, all do the same things together most of the time. They have rolls must follow. All the students around the same age no one has more experiences then others.
On the other hand, many students prefer to be in schoolhouses then be on their own. I am not trying to say that schoolhouses are not good, but I believe that living on your own would be the real abroad education. Moreover, students would meet more people from all over, and would get more fun and ideas about different cultures. Engage to the community you live with shows you much more thing you would not expect it.
As a conclusion, I feel that living in community on your own would teach you a lot more then living with your peers. World is huge and whenever you get chance to meet or involve in another culture would be a great experiences for you. Success would never be with out life experiences.
1.Nearly nobody can live his/her whole life in campus. Campus is a micro-society, most of people came to cumpus for the knownage, with similar objective, people can get alone with each other easier. However, when you get out of the campus, you will find the society is much more complicate than the campus. Is this mean the campus live better than off campus live? No, i don"t think so.
First of all, people need to get the ability to solve the problems, campus can show you the theoritical way, however, these sulotions must be adjusted according to the different environment in the practice. So you can not learn the alternative or adjusting method in the campus, you can only figure it in the off campus live by yourself.
Second, nearly everything is arranged for the students, the lectures, accommodation, teachers and examinations. What you need to do just follow the instruction and rules. Things are changed in the off campus live, you must arrange every thing for yourself, sometimes, you have to make the schedule for others. that means the off campus live will show you how to manage your live. some people can learn it very well and they got everything they want.
last, but not the least, the communication in the campus and off the campus are different. people are easy to communicate with their classmate, because they have similar age, and same position. the communication is acadamy oriented. when you come to the society, you will meet more people, your friend, your colleague, your boss, your customer even your father(mother)-in-law. Your communication is not only the acadamy oriented, but also business oriented, family oriented etc.
you can"t use score and examination to measure your off campus live, it is more challenge, interesting and attractive. think about it, you can make it better!



小学生英语作文:My New Teacher
My new teacher is science teacher.He’s very strong.He has a big mouth,two big ears,two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose.He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants,with two big shoes.
My science teacher is very kind.And he is very smart,isn’t he?Today,we have science class.We are very happy.Because he is so funny.Who is he?He’s a Mr.Zhou .


一个大学生 花销吃紧 向农民父亲写了一封信 信中写了三个字“爸:钱.儿.”以这个材料以大学生的同学写一封信的作文

生儿育女,孝敬父母,是中国家庭传承了几千年的道统.这种家庭伦理文化,在现代社会里,仍然闪烁出无与伦比的光芒和力量.也正因此,一个家庭乃至一个民族、一个国家才能生生不息,繁荣昌盛. 但是,这种中国家庭伦理在受到以金钱与物质为核心的商品经济浪潮冲击之下,渐呈溃败之势.
草木知春,人孰无情? 人之所以为人,之所以与一般动物有区别,在于人是一种有丰富情感,而且有着强烈的情感需求.如亲情、爱情、师生情、同事情、朋友情等等,人同此心,事同此理.当父子之间,只剩下“爸钱儿”三个字的时候,人与人之间这种亲情伦常无疑随之打破.在形式上讲,父亲接到“爸钱儿”三字短信,无异于接到银行的催债通知单,父子之间关系转而成了欠债还钱的关系;实质上讲,父子之间的道德伦常已上升到“欠债当还”的法律规范层面.


Why living off campus is popular?

live off campus 不住在校园里,校外租房
是相对于live on campus说的
Because you can choose your roommate,and have more personal space.
You can also enjoy the happiness of cooking.


(2):产生这一问题的原因,大学 扩招,大学生人数增多,知识高,能力低等

教育部发布消息称,原则上不逊于学生自行在校外租房居住. 你这句话是不是漏还是多了几个字.
1. The department of education has announced the latest news, students will need to rent their own house outside of the school. Some people protested while some people agreed. People agreed indicate that students feel more comfortable in a better condition. Meanwhile, the disagreed people indicate that the students will not concentrate on their work and will not get a good grade.
(1). Some people think that lottery has many benefits, for example, it’s always a kind of entertainment for many people.
(2) Some people think that lottery harms people, for example, they can indulge them and etc.
(3) To my opinion, I will not stop people or convince people. This profession should be developed freely.
(1) Some people supported and have a positive attitude while watching a talent show, thinking that they could find many superstars.
(2) Some people do not support talent shows, they think that it’s not realistic, there are always people operating behind the scene that made it unfair.
(3) To me, they’re fine, but they don’t need to be too seriously, it’s just a part of our lives.
(1) This year, college students are having trouble finding a job.
(2) There are many causes, for example, college schools are enrolling new students widely, college schools are over crowded, high knowledge, and low capacity, etc.
(3) To solve the problem, reinforce the practical ability of students and quality education.
(1) The safety of foods are one of our big problems.
(2) This issue caused the danger to people’s health, and damaging the image of food markets.
(3) The only way to solve the problem is to increase the security, and spread the thinking of healthy ideas.
这是自翻的. 可能有点语法问题 请见谅.



如果说找工作是一场战役,需要毕业生付出相当大的心血和代价,那么对于出身寒微的大专生们来说则无异于一场残酷的近身肉搏战. 我查阅了一些大专毕业生的就业统计数据,根据个人的经验,认为教育部高教司提供的数据比较接近真实(许多部门的统计数据经常是相互矛盾且令人生疑的),该数据显示:2001年有50%的专科生没有找到婆家;2002年全国普通高校未就业的专科生未就业的共有34.8万人,2003年,全国高校的大专毕业生的就业率跌破最低点,仅有30%暂时成功就业. 可见,在如此惨烈的战役中,能侥幸存活的大专生还真的不多,有的甚至一两年后还没就业.远的不说,以我所毕业的那个专科班为例,三十多个专科生,他(她)们绝大部分来自农村,三年的时间已经过去了,到现在只有三四个人的就业情况比较好,其他人多半暂时就业且不断地换工作,生活也基本都处于糊口阶段,挣的钱只够自己日常开销和租房费用,存的钱只够再找份工作.在求职市场饱受令人寒心的冷遇,专科生毕业找工作的起点已经是相当的低,个人将来的发展自然很成问题. 我对大学教育多出人才,快出人才,出好人才的初衷和动机的良好表示理解,但对其所走向的方向很是怀疑.本科注重的应该是培养理论型研究人才,而专科注重培养应用型的技术人才,这是本科教育和专科教育的根本区别所在. 从人才的类型来看,这应该是一个金字塔式的平台,博士生,研究生,本科生位于塔尖,然后是专科生,高职生,中专生等则在下面,越往上走人数应该越少,社会普遍需要的是应用型实践型人才,因为不可能有那么多的人才都来搞研究.从我国大专生招生人数与本科生招生人数所成比例来看,本科生和大专生比例严重失调,本科生和专科生的人数几乎对等,而在其他很多国家,专科生的比例远大于本科生,甚至比本科生更容易找到工作. 我国大专生的就业形势怎么样呢?一个又一个例子说明,专科生就业率不仅不能与本科生相提并论,相反毕业就失业的大专生随处可见.另外的一个既成事实是很多追求高学历的人不是用来搞研究,而仅仅是为了增加找工作时的筹码,这对国家的教育资源、人力资源都是一种极大的浪费. 还有一个更值得深思的问题是,在我国大学毕业生当中,专科生和本科生的能力究竟有多大的区别?专家解释大专生就业难的惯常说法就是,专科毕业生既缺乏知识的广度与深度,又缺乏熟练的专业技能.我不否认,但这只是现象,而不是根本原因,我要问的是,什么造成了专科生缺乏知识的深度和熟练的专业技能呢? 在教育产业化的今天,不少大学都在不断地扩招,却并没有认真考虑专科和本科的根本区别所在,在培养模式上专科往往只是本科专业在内容和学时上的简单压缩.很多大学里同专业专科生和本科生前两年半开设的课程和教材完全一样,平时也都是在一起上专业课和公共课,甚至考卷也相同,惟一不同的是本科生毕业前半年增加三到四门课程,时间上比专科生多学五个月.所谓的知识广度就在这里吧,但知识深度值得怀疑,稍有学习常识的人都知道,五个月学三四门课程并不是件容易事. 在大学呆过的人也都知道,大学老师讲课最常用的方法就是串讲,而串讲是怎么回事呢?就是将课程中的重点(也是考试重点)挑出来讲讲,然后大家自己回去看,到时参加考试就行.可见,专科生和本科生的能力相差其实并不大,但就是这短短的五个月,造成了本科生和专科生在找工作时所受待遇的天壤之别!


推荐访问:朋友欠钱失联 美国失联大学生