
来源:小品剧本 时间:2018-08-09 11:00:01 阅读:




 1. Fall foul of something: quarrel; fight; get into trouble. 与某人/某事冲突
  Example: Being dishonest, he soon fell foul of the law.
  2. Fall in/ into place: become clear. 开始有头绪;开始明朗了
  Example:Just wait and see. The mystery will fall into place soon.
  3. Fall in love with someone:love someone. 爱上某人
  Example:The two young persons fell in love with each other.
  4. Gasp out something:say something while breathing. 喘着气说话
  Example:The girl ran up and gasped out the robbery to the police.
  5. Gateway/ pathway to something, the / a way of reaching a place or gaining something. 达到……的途径
  1. Generally speaking, diligence is the gateway to success.
  2. Constant practice is the pathway to a better command of the language being learned.
  6. Gather from something: understand from something said or done.(从所做的或所说的事)理解
  Example: I didn"t gather much from the confused story he had just told us.
  7. Hang on someone"s lips/ every word/ the words of someone: listen attentively to someone. 注意听某人说话
  1. The speaker was so eloquent that everybody was hanging on his lips.
  2. June hung on every word of her teacher and took detailed notes.
  3. Deeply interested, the audience hung on the words of the invited speaker.
  8. In a fit of ……: under the influence of a sudden violent feeling (e.g. temper, anger, etc.) 在一股……下;在一阵……下
  Example: Mr brown hit his son in a fit of temper.
  9. in/ like a flash: in a very short time; quickly. 很快;立刻
  1. I will be back in a flash.
  2. Last night"s bank robbery happened like a flash.
  10. In a fog: in a confused and uncertain state of mind. 迷惑
  1.Tom was in a fog about his science lesson this morning.
  2.Mr Lin told me he was in a fog about what to do.
  11. Jumble up/ together: mix or throw together without any order. 胡乱混在一起

习语篇(二):英语习语 英语谚语

习语_英语习语 英语谚语

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- mouth
今天我们要给大家介绍两个以“嘴巴”这个字为主的习惯用语- mouth。大家可能还记得上次我们讲过,to bad-mouth and to shoot one"s mouth off. To bad-mouth就是说别人坏话; to shoot one"s mouth off是指一个人在某种场合滔滔不绝地说一些不适时宜或者不该讲的话。今天我们要讲的第一个习惯用语是:Motor mouth. Motor就是发动机。现在,你可以猜到什么是motor mouth了。Motor mouth就是那种滔滔不绝,除了喘气之外,说话没完的人。这种人的嘴巴就像一部机器,或汽车一样,发动了以后就好象停不下来了。不过,虽然这样的人有时会使得亲戚朋友感到难受,但是,除了这个不太好的习惯以外,他们也可能是很好相处的人。下面这个例子就是在说一个说话没完的人。
Dick is a nice guy. But he"s such a motor mouth that people avoid talking to him. He just can"t stop talking, and nobody else has a chance to get a word in the conversation.
The Rosens" friend David is a real motor mouth. I never go to any event when he"s invited. He talks on forever, jumping from topic to topic like he knows everything. But for some reason the Rosens seem to like him.



  With a heavy heart心情沉重。
  Heart and soul全心全意。
  Heart to heart心心相印。
  Strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁。
  More haste, less speed欲速则不达。
  T o pass fish eyes for pearls鱼目混珠。
  Many hands make light work.人多好办事 (众人拾柴火焰高)。
  Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。
  Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。
  Look before you leap.三思而后行。
  Where there"s smoke there"s fireo无风不起浪。
  Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。
  Given a person a dose of his own medicine.以其人之道还治他人之身。
  All good things must be come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席。

