
来源:剧情 时间:2018-10-03 18:00:55 阅读:





Home Alone II 小鬼当家 2
The McAllister family go on a holiday to Florida.Kevin McAllister gets separated from his family,and manages to get himself onto a plane to New York instead.There,he checks into the best hotel with his father"s credit card,and sets out to enjoy himself.Unfortunately,the burgulars he had foiled before were in New York after being released from jail,and had plans to rob the biggest toyshop in New York on Christmas Eve.Kevin discovers their plan,and sets out to foil their plots again,while the burgulars set out to finish off what they had not done before - the killing of the brat Kevin.



this is a magic story about a blue macaw family
one day jewel know there are lots of own kind macaw live in the jungle
they want to help linda and tulio find them so they fly to the jungle
jewel find her dad still alive she is so happy
but blue donot think so.
he never lives in the jungle
he is very upset because of the creepy bugs and wild live but the things is another handsome
macaw love his jewel.
but jewel donot think so
she meet her father and her kids have a great fun in the jungle
at last bad human appear in the jungle
they all in danger so they stay together to fight bad human
the end they become a great family again



In 1891, Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) delivers a package to Dr. Hoffmanstahl—payment for a letter he was to deliver. Hoffmanstahl opens the package, triggering a hidden bomb which is prevented from detonating by the intervention of Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.). Holmes takes the letter and disposes of the bomb while Adler and Hoffmanstahl escape. Holmes later finds Hoffmanstahl assassinated. Adler meets with Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris) to explain the events, but Moriarty poisons her—deeming her position compromised by her love for Holmes.
Some time later, Dr. Watson (Jude Law) arrives at 221B Baker Street, where Holmes discloses that he is investigating a series of seemingly unrelated murders, terrorist attacks, and business acquisitions, that he has connected to Moriarty. Holmes meets with the Gypsy fortune-teller Simza (Noomi Rapace), the intended recipient of the letter he had taken from Adler, sent by her brother Rene. Holmes defeats an assassin sent to kill Simza, but she flees before Holmes can interrogate her. After Mary (Kelly Reilly) and Watson"s wedding, Holmes meets Moriarty for the first time. Moriarty informs Holmes that he murdered Adler and will kill Watson and Mary if Holmes" interference continues.
Moriarty"s men attack Watson and Mary on a train to their honeymoon. Holmes, having followed the pair for protection, throws Mary from the train into a river below where she is picked up by Holmes" waiting brother Mycroft (Stephen Fry). After defeating Moriarty"s men, Holmes and Watson travel to Paris to locate Simza. When she is found, Holmes tells Simza that she has been targeted because Rene is working for Moriarty, and may have told her about his plans. Simza takes the pair to the headquarters of an anarchist group to which she and Rene had formerly belonged. They learn that the anarchists have been forced to plant bombs for Moriarty.
The trio follows Holmes"s deduction that the bomb is in the Paris Opera. However, Holmes realizes too late that he has been tricked and that the bomb is in a nearby hotel; the bomb kills a number of assembled businessmen. Holmes discovers that the bomb was a cover for the assassination of Meinhart—one of the attendees—by Moriarty"s aide, Sebastian Moran (Paul Anderson). Meinhart"s death grants Moriarty ownership of Meinhart"s weapons factory in Germany. Holmes, Watson, and Simza travel there, following clues in Rene"s letters.
At the factory, Moriarty captures and tortures Holmes, while Watson is under sniper fire from Moran. Moriarty reveals that he owns shares in multiple war-profiting companies, and intends to instigate a world war to make himself a fortune. Meanwhile, Watson uses the cannon he had been hiding behind to destroy the lighthouse in which Moran is concealed. The structure collapses into the warehouse where Moriarty is holding Holmes captive. Watson, Simza, and an injured Holmes reunite and escape aboard a moving train. Holmes deduces that Moriarty"s final target will be a peace summit in Switzerland, creating an international incident.
At the summit, Holmes reveals that Rene is the assassin and that he is disguised as one of the ambassadors—having been given radical reconstructive surgery by Hoffmanstahl to alter his appearance. Holmes and Moriarty, who is also in attendance, retreat outside to discuss their competing plans. Watson and Simza find Rene and stop his assassination attempt, but Rene is himself silenced by Moran. Outside, Holmes reveals that he previously replaced Moriarty"s personal diary that contained all his plans and financing with a duplicate. The original was sent to Mary in London, who decrypted the code using a book that Holmes had noticed in Moriarty"s office during their first meeting. Mary passes the information to Inspector Lestrade (Eddie Marsan) who seizes the bulk of Moriarty"s assets, financially crippling him. Holmes and Moriarty anticipate an impending physical confrontation, and both realize Moriarty would win due to Holmes" injured shoulder. Holmes instead grapples Moriarty and forces them both over the balcony and into the Reichenbach waterfall below.
Their bodies are not found. Following Holmes" funeral, Watson and Mary prepare to have their belated honeymoon when Watson, who is now writing the last few lines from "The Final Problem", receives a package containing a breathing device of Mycroft"s that Holmes had noticed before the summit. Contemplating that Holmes may still be alive, Watson leaves his office to find the delivery man. Holmes, having concealed himself in Watson"s office, reads a fresh eulogy on Watson"s typewriter and adds a question mark after the words "The End".



Although the face of the earth end of the war,but war between the Transformers has not ended.Panonychus sabotage to fly back to planet,it is intended to return to Earth with the army fighting a Daredevil.Automotive weizhentian found the body gone,the original has been stolen saxophone giant,was the revival of weizhentian,determined to revenge the beginning.At the same time,spider is led by the reinforcements came sabotage,cars were at this time to enhance their combat effectiveness,a war is inevitable.



二 去鬼屋的那次.
三 善良又充满正义的汤姆是一位顽皮、爱幻想又喜欢冒险的男孩.
四 谁有一个妙趣横生的童年谁就拥有了世界,并可以让我们留恋往返! 《汤姆索亚历险记》的主人翁汤姆是个有理想有抱负也有烦恼的男孩,他和他的小伙伴讨厌牧师骗人的鬼话,不喜欢学校枯燥刻板的教育,与循规蹈矩的人们唱对台戏,为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教条和呆板的生活环境,他们作了种种冒险来改变自身的环境.
汤姆的父母早年就去世了,寄养在姨妈家里,在姨妈眼里,他是个捣蛋鬼,而自己却又情不自禁地喜欢这个孩子.汤姆本人则是一个天真活泼又调皮的典型美国少年,在他身上我们看到了自己想要的影子:聪明、勇敢、正直、乐观.在那个年代,汤姆有一点叛逆,有一个梦想就是去当绿林好汉.在他们的头脑里,强盗就是劫富济贫的英雄好汉.“西班牙海上黑衣大盗”,“血手魔王”,“海上霸王”,这都是孩子们向往的头衔.在此次冒险中,他们完成了自己的心愿,而汤姆成了这三个离家出走的孩子的领袖.逃到荒岛后,人们以为他们淹死了,正在为他们举行丧礼时,他们却回来参加自己的丧礼. 从他们在困难中表现出正直和勇敢,在平时生活中聪明活泼,幼稚而又认真的言行,给我们留下了深刻的印象,可以说是当时美国社会的一个缩影.从小说中我们可以了解到穷人与富人,教堂和学校,宗教与犯罪等当时美国生活的各个侧面. 读了这本小说后,我觉得做人应该要正直,诚实,遇到困难要镇定自若,冷静分析,并尝试勇于解决问题,在我们考试失败后,我们也要多加勤奋,不要灰心气馁,争取更好的成绩,如果能够克服到困难,走向成功,这可是一件可歌可泣的事情.汤姆在充满阳光的世界里,告诉我们只要有欢乐,有梦想,美梦便可成真.终有一天,我们的天性可以自由自在地发挥,创造出一片属于我们自己的梦幻天地. 其实,我觉得汤姆虽然天真活泼,但总有缺点,就是喜欢打架,还有,我却不喜欢他那高傲的性格,还有小说中的他实在是过于调皮了,即使不喜欢呆板的生活,枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教条,但也要尊重别人,别让人家担心了,特别是他的姨妈,要经常为他担心,表面上是冷酷无情,但其实是心地善良的,但是我觉得等汤姆理解姨妈的时候已经太迟了,对一个妇女来说,总希望一个孩子能够理解他的心灵深处,更不想孩子误会他,但汤姆却不明白,还经常气她,给她的心灵受到创伤,这是不可原谅的事,这也是汤姆唯一做得不足的地方,不过我还是比较欣赏他对外界的一切事物充满好奇心和想象力,而且大胆尝新,机智勇敢,向往自由,向往未来,这不能不使人赞叹! 我说童年就像一罐甜酒,时隔越久,尝起来就越香,越纯,越让人回味.所以童年时期特别宝贵,不过人总要向前望,我相信,接下来的日子一定会更充实,更充满活力,用一支彩色的画笔给生活划下一道彩虹线!
五 不要去







我对我家庭负责. 作文形式的介绍家庭里面的情况和条件,人口,经济收入等.



加勒比海盗1 加勒比海盗1、2、3 加勒比海盗1影评,急
剧情介绍 故事发生在传说中海盗最活跃的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea).这片神秘的海域位于北美洲东南部,那里碧海蓝天,阳光明媚,海面水晶般清澈.17世纪的时候,这里更是欧洲大陆的商旅舰队到达美洲的必经之地,所以,当时的海盗活动非常猖獗,不仅攻击过往商人,甚至包括英国皇家舰队.

可以说影片的拍摄过程是打破常规的,因为在剧本完成前,剧组就开始设计和搭建布景,并着手物色合适的外景地.导演维宾斯基已经提前制作出了情节串连图板,并和制作设计师布莱恩·莫里斯(Brian Morris)及几位编剧一道交换想法.维宾斯基找来之前与他合作《危险情人》的摄影师达瑞兹·沃斯基(Dariusz Wolski)为本片掌镜.对沃斯基来说,海上外景的拍摄是富有挑战的,因为在陆地上,白天的外景可以根据光线做出调整,而在海上,船只只会朝着一个方向航行,由此为取景角度造成了不小的局限.在莫里斯揣摩那个年代的绘画作品以获取设计来源的同时,维宾斯基和沃斯基也在研读大量早期的海盗和一些探险题材的经典影片,希望从中有所借鉴.片中最重要的布景是巴伯萨藏匿财宝的洞穴,在迪斯尼电影公司最大的2号摄影棚搭建,1997年同样由布鲁克海默制作的《绝世天劫》也曾在此拍摄,后来该摄影棚被扩建,非常适合打造洞穴中错综复杂的水道和怪石嶙峋的地势.制片方雇用了100名工匠耗费了5个月时间才搭建成这个布景,注水30万加仑用去了3、4天时间,最后的装修又花费了3周.片中的“无畏”号是根据当年英军舰队中常胜战船“胜利”号建造的,在长岛码头中的一艘浮式驳船上打造完成,雇用了150名工匠,花费了三个半月的时间,船身长170英尺,宽34英尺,使用了近4万磅钢材和1千平方英尺帆布.片中“黑珍珠”号耗时三个月建成,有关的场景一部分在摄影棚拍摄,一部分在水上由拖船拖带完成.剧组于2002年11月赴洛衫矶的圣佩德罗港拍摄,其中部分激烈的海战场景在南湾的摄影棚中拍摄,后来的一些则在加勒比海上完成.在整个拍摄过程中,对两位主演约翰尼·德普和凯拉·奈特利的最大挑战莫过于在"黑珍珠"号伸出甲板的窄木板上的拍摄,木板距海面15英尺高,两位演员在上面站了将近三天,没使用替身,没有任何保护设施.凯拉·奈特利回忆说:“那个木板只有跳水板大小,站在上面只有风声水声,稍有动作就会上下颤动,我被吓呆了.”这位勇敢的女演员最终还是战胜了恐惧,亲自完成了包括跳海在内的所有惊险镜头.


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