
来源:故事 时间:2018-11-23 11:00:07 阅读:




营销企划部 就是酒店的一个部门 知道的麻烦回复下

Marketing planning department


一个替人割草打工的男孩打电话给一位陈太太说:“您需不需要割草?” 陈太太回答说:“不需要了,我已有了割草工.” 男孩又说:“我会帮您拔掉花丛中的杂草.” 陈太太回答:“我的割草工也做了.” 男孩又说:“我会帮您把草与走道的四周割齐.” 陈太太说:“我请的那人也已做了,我不需要新的割草工人.” 男孩便挂了电话,此时男孩的室友问他说:“你不是就在陈太太那割草打工吗?为什么还要打这电话?” 男孩说:“我只是想知道我做得有多好!”




This paper is intended to XX by the Hotel Rooms business channels and marketing strategy of investigation and analysis,to study Hotel Rooms understanding of the marketing issues.XX Hotel Rooms marketing channels mainly three :Reservation Center and travel agency market,the company markets and market ministries.Each market,the hotel has a corresponding marketing strategy.But XX Marketing hotel rooms,there are some problems and deficiencies mentioned in the text are :focus on the pursuit of short-term sales goals,neglect after-sales service; lack of market segmentation and comprehensive management awareness; the high turnover rate of employees.To solve the above problem,the authors of the XX Hotel Rooms Marketing made some reasonable proposals,including :focus on long-term planning and development,actively establish a complete system of products and after-sale services; strengthen market segmentation of the highly diversified and marketing.



The aim of this passage is to understand the room-management business of this hotel through studying and analyzing its management metholds.
客房营销翻作room-management businesss似乎有点牵强.我再去查查资料.如果找到更合适的翻法,给你发信息...



On basis of research the business customer’s requirement to hotel, this article gives strategies by analyzing service, hardware facilities, marketing, creating hotel culture and so on to meet the requirements of customer and improve the satisfaction of customer to the hotel.


帮忙翻译一个简单的句子 汉译英

I have worked in the marketing department of the hotel since June of 2009,the job title is an assistant manager


翻译句子:星级酒店业服务营销策略研究----以A宾馆为例 翻译姓名:樊淑华,邰株

Research of the Service and Marketing Strategy for Star-Rated Hotel Industry
Take Hotel A for example
Translators:Fan ShuHua,Tai zhu【小酒店营销】



At present, China has a huge carting market with a scale of 700million RMB,where a great numbers of corporations are competing with each other fiercely. So, how can one stand out?This article analyzes the innovative marketing of Qiaojiangnan,summarizes its successful reasons,and tries to anticipate and analyize the innovative marketing methods of carting enterprises in the future according to this successful enterprise.An important issue facing carting enterprise is how to market so as to make its products taking a larger market share in a new enviorment.A restaurant should not use the old model to promote its products and services,but change its marketing concept..


As a new hotel industry in our country,the small and medium has been enjoying rapid development in recent years.Already forming brand stacks of development present situation,and increasingly fierce competition.Small and medium-sized hotels in domestic has welcomed a new transformation,is by the elimination of fore or market,depends on the marketing strategy research and application.The development of small and medium-sized hotels in domestic and international experience and conforms to China"s reality marketing strategy to explore became domestic small and medium-sized hotels for the further development of the breakthrough.
This paper mainly studies the concept is found that the small and medium-sized hotel marketing work JiLin province shortage,and find solutions.Combined with small and medium-sized hotel industry characteristics and JiLin tourism situation,and from products and services,and combined with the existing resources of the marketing strategy formulation for JiLin province,makes the strategy,mentioned in JiLin is the development of the hotel marketing after has stimulative effect.

As a new kind of hotel industry, the small and mediun hotel has developed rapidly in recent years in our country. In this field, many famous brands forms the development situation and the competition...


关键词 经济型酒店 营销策略 盈利模式
请在线的达人尽快帮帮忙 另外谷歌百度金桥自动翻译的勿来哈

Content Abstract:
With the booming development of Mass Tourism,our nation"s budget hotels are facing an unprecedented opportunity of development.Budget hotels gain their market values by means of the popularization of the target market,the price economy,the rapid expansion and the chain operation.With the advantage of short profit cycle and big market space,budget hotels attracted lots of investment capital.An era of China"s hotel industry focuses on budget hotels is forming.In recent years,budget hotel management companies,budget hotel brands are emerging one after another.Famous foreign hotel groups all entered the domestic market and accelerated their expansion paces,and this led the boom of the building of budget hotels.Nowadays,the development of budget hotels is stepping into the stage of integration and expansion,and marketing strategies have become the focus of the industry.How to formulate and implement the profit-making pattern of budget hotels efficiently and the marketing strategies are significant in demonstrating the development of China"s budget hotels.
Key Words:
Budget Hotel,Marketing Strategies,Profit-Making Pattern.


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