
来源:剧情 时间:2018-12-07 08:00:02 阅读:




加勒比海盗1 加勒比海盗1、2、3 加勒比海盗1影评,急
剧情介绍 故事发生在传说中海盗最活跃的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea).这片神秘的海域位于北美洲东南部,那里碧海蓝天,阳光明媚,海面水晶般清澈.17世纪的时候,这里更是欧洲大陆的商旅舰队到达美洲的必经之地,所以,当时的海盗活动非常猖獗,不仅攻击过往商人,甚至包括英国皇家舰队.

可以说影片的拍摄过程是打破常规的,因为在剧本完成前,剧组就开始设计和搭建布景,并着手物色合适的外景地.导演维宾斯基已经提前制作出了情节串连图板,并和制作设计师布莱恩·莫里斯(Brian Morris)及几位编剧一道交换想法.维宾斯基找来之前与他合作《危险情人》的摄影师达瑞兹·沃斯基(Dariusz Wolski)为本片掌镜.对沃斯基来说,海上外景的拍摄是富有挑战的,因为在陆地上,白天的外景可以根据光线做出调整,而在海上,船只只会朝着一个方向航行,由此为取景角度造成了不小的局限.在莫里斯揣摩那个年代的绘画作品以获取设计来源的同时,维宾斯基和沃斯基也在研读大量早期的海盗和一些探险题材的经典影片,希望从中有所借鉴.片中最重要的布景是巴伯萨藏匿财宝的洞穴,在迪斯尼电影公司最大的2号摄影棚搭建,1997年同样由布鲁克海默制作的《绝世天劫》也曾在此拍摄,后来该摄影棚被扩建,非常适合打造洞穴中错综复杂的水道和怪石嶙峋的地势.制片方雇用了100名工匠耗费了5个月时间才搭建成这个布景,注水30万加仑用去了3、4天时间,最后的装修又花费了3周.片中的“无畏”号是根据当年英军舰队中常胜战船“胜利”号建造的,在长岛码头中的一艘浮式驳船上打造完成,雇用了150名工匠,花费了三个半月的时间,船身长170英尺,宽34英尺,使用了近4万磅钢材和1千平方英尺帆布.片中“黑珍珠”号耗时三个月建成,有关的场景一部分在摄影棚拍摄,一部分在水上由拖船拖带完成.剧组于2002年11月赴洛衫矶的圣佩德罗港拍摄,其中部分激烈的海战场景在南湾的摄影棚中拍摄,后来的一些则在加勒比海上完成.在整个拍摄过程中,对两位主演约翰尼·德普和凯拉·奈特利的最大挑战莫过于在"黑珍珠"号伸出甲板的窄木板上的拍摄,木板距海面15英尺高,两位演员在上面站了将近三天,没使用替身,没有任何保护设施.凯拉·奈特利回忆说:“那个木板只有跳水板大小,站在上面只有风声水声,稍有动作就会上下颤动,我被吓呆了.”这位勇敢的女演员最终还是战胜了恐惧,亲自完成了包括跳海在内的所有惊险镜头.



Scent of a Woman
Review by James Berardinelli
Scent of a Woman is about Charles Simms (Chris O"Donnell), a Boston prep school senior, and the Thanksgiving weekend he spends working as the aide and companion of Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino), an embittered, lonely, blind veteran. The job, which begins as an onerous task performed principally for money, becomes a tour of self-discovery when Slade decides to make an unexpected visit to New York City. There, amidst all the holiday hoopla, the lieutenant"s actions force Charlie into making an emotionally painful - and potentially physically dangerous - decision.
There are certain actors that, when they appear in a film, are almost invariably indicators that the production is of high quality. They are an elite few, with names like Nicholson, Hoffman, Hackman, and Pacino. Considering some of the roles that Al Pacino has played during his celebrated career (in The Godfather trilogy, for example), it would be hyperbole to say that he gives the "performance of a lifetime" in Scent of a Woman...or would it? For two hours, he brings Frank Slade to life in a way that few others in Hollywood could. As portrayed by Pacino, there"s far more to this man that a rancorous outlook on life and a couple of hearty "hoo-ha"s.
Chris O"Donnell, a fresh-but-not-unknown face, is solid, if somewhat obscured in the more experienced man"s shadow. Although the role of Charlie is understated by O"Donnell, he nevertheless manages to fashion a rapport with the audience. This is necessary for the film to succeed, since it"s through his eyes that the story unfolds.
In essence, Scent of a Woman is another in a never-ending series of bonding pictures where each person has something unique to offer to the other. If there"s anything special about the film, it"s that on this occasion, the emotional realism of the characters, especially Slade, is heartwrenchingly believable. His relationship with Charlie works because Pacino won"t let it fail.
There are numerous dynamic scenes in Scent of a Woman, along with a surprising amount of comedy. Director/Producer Martin Brest knows how to blend humor with drama to good effect. His mix is nearly flawless, and he manages to do almost (and I emphasize almost) the entire film without resorting to manipulative tricks. Pacino"s tango scene with Gabrielle Anwar is one such magical moment - unfettered, unforced, and highly enjoyable.
Unfortunately, considering how sound the bulk of the picture is, the final moments, with their overt pandering to a Hollywood-style ending, are a severe liability. Certainly, such "triumphs" are fun to watch, but they cheapen Scent of a Woman. Would it have cost the production team that much to inject a little realism into the film"s last reel?
The movie is as long as its storyline demands. It doesn"t seem like two and one-half hours, and less time with these characters would have cheated the audience. Aided by an emotive score from Thomas Newman, the picture has opportunities to soar. Hampered by the script"s limitations, however, Scent of a Woman falls short of being a masterful production.


剧情简介 在英文里怎么说

Plot Summary


《夺宝奇兵4》 English剧情简介

During the Cold War, Soviet agents watch Professor Henry Jones when a young man brings him a coded message from an aged, demented colleague, Henry Oxley. Led by the brilliant Irina Spalko, the Soviets...


求the rock的英文剧情介绍

第一种:A group of renegade marine commandos seizes a stockpile of chemical weapons and takes over Alcatraz,with 81 tourists as hostages.Their leader,a former highly-decorated U.S.general,demands $100...



An alien botanist stranded on Earth is found by 10-year-old Elliot (Henry Thomas),who,along with his older brother Michael (Robert MacNaughton) and his younger sister Gertie (Drew Barrymore),teach him to communicate and help him build a device to contact his people to bring him home.When ET becomes sick,a medical facility is set up in Elliot"s home as scientists try to study ET.The scientists find remarkable evidence indicating linked brain activity between Elliot and ET.
ET,who had previously been sick after trying to contact his species outside and catching pneumonia (or some pneumonia-like illness),miraculously recovers.Elliot helps him escape the government facility where he is being kept,and the two finally reach the aliens,who have returned after receiving ET"s message.Elliot knows he must stay on Earth and cannot go with ET.






Character profile、Story overview、
Favorite story


简爱 英文的剧情介绍

Small,plain and poor,Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester.Denied love all her life,Jane can"t help but be attracted to the intelligent,vibrant,energetic Mr.Rochester,a man twice her age.But just when Mr.Rochester seems to be returning the attention,he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram and her party to stay at his estate.Meanwhile,the secret of Thornfield Hall could ruin all their chances for happiness.Written by A.L.Beneteau





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