
来源:创业指导 时间:2018-10-26 11:00:04 阅读:





第三章  第七条 本会会员有个人会员和单位会员.
  第八条 申请加入本会的会员,必须具备下列条件:
  ⒈ 承认本会章程;
  ⒉ 有加入本会的意愿;
  ⒊ 高等院校本科毕业,从事物理研究、教学、技术工作的物理学工作者;热心物理学发展,有一定专业知识,积极支持本会发展的有关部门的工作人员;


SEC found that bank one investment advisors violated the antifraud provisions of the Advisers Act and the Investment Company Act by the following:
1.allowing excessive short-term trading in One Group funds by a hedge-fund manager that was inconsistent with the terms of the funds" prospectuses and that was potentially harmful to the funds;
2.failing to disclose to the One Group Board of Trustees or to shareholders the conflict of interest created when Respondents entered into a market-timing arrangement with a hedge-fund manager that was potentially harmful to One Group,but that would increase BOIA"s advisory fees and potentially attract additional business;
3.failing to charge the hedge-fund manager redemption fees as required by the international funds" prospectuses when other investors were charged the redemption fees;
4.having no written procedures in place to prevent the nonpublic disclosure of One Group portfolio holdings and improperly providing confidential portfolio holdings to the hedge-fund manager when shareholders were not provided with or otherwise privy to the same information;
5.causing One group funds,without the knowledge of the funds" trustees,to participate in joint transactions,raising a conflict of interest in violation of the Investment Company Act

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发现一家银行的(或者叫bank one)投资顾问群在以下方面违反了《投资顾问法案》和《投资公司法案》中的反欺诈规定:
1.允许一名对冲基金经理人使用One Group基金的资产进行过量的短期交易,而这些交易与基金的章程的条目要求不一致,从而对基金构成潜在的损失危险;
2.当对One Group构成潜在危害的一名对冲基金经理人的答辩进入到市场规定的披露时间,没有及时向One Group托管人董事会或者基金持有人披露,对各方造成利益冲突;
4.没有符合规定的文字的程序以防止One Group投资组合的非公开披露,和不适当地提供给这名对冲基金经理保密的投资组合持有情况,而并没有提供同样的信息给基金持有人或其他利害相关的人;
5.在基金董事会不知情的情况下,把One Group的资金投入到风险交易,造成了《违反投资公司法案》的利益冲突


SEC found that bank one investment advisors violated the antifraud provisions of the Advisers Act and the Investment Company Act by the following:
1.allowing excessive short-term trading in One Group funds by a hedge-fund manager that was inconsistent with the terms of the funds" prospectuses and that was potentially harmful to the funds;
2.failing to disclose to the One Group Board of Trustees or to shareholders the conflict of interest created when Respondents entered into a market-timing arrangement with a hedge-fund manager that was potentially harmful to One Group,but that would increase BOIA"s advisory fees and potentially attract additional business;
3.failing to charge the hedge-fund manager redemption fees as required by the international funds" prospectuses when other investors were charged the redemption fees;
4.having no written procedures in place to prevent the nonpublic disclosure of One Group portfolio holdings and improperly providing confidential portfolio holdings to the hedge-fund manager when shareholders were not provided with or otherwise privy to the same information;
5.causing One group funds,without the knowledge of the funds" trustees,to participate in joint transactions,raising a conflict of interest in violation of the Investment Company Act

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发现一家银行的(或者叫bank one)投资顾问群在以下方面违反了《投资顾问法案》和《投资公司法案》中的反欺诈规定:
1.允许一名对冲基金经理人使用One Group基金的资产进行过量的短期交易,而这些交易与基金的章程的条目要求不一致,从而对基金构成潜在的损失危险;
2.当对One Group构成潜在危害的一名对冲基金经理人的答辩进入到市场规定的披露时间,没有及时向One Group托管人董事会或者基金持有人披露,对各方造成利益冲突;
4.没有符合规定的文字的程序以防止One Group投资组合的非公开披露,和不适当地提供给这名对冲基金经理保密的投资组合持有情况,而并没有提供同样的信息给基金持有人或其他利害相关的人;
5.在基金董事会不知情的情况下,把One Group的资金投入到风险交易,造成了《违反投资公司法案》的利益冲突


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