
来源:百科 时间:2016-07-26 10:35:49 阅读:


Interactive Language Teaching

Interactive Language Teaching.


Rivers, Wilga M., Ed.


245 pp.








Classroom Techniques, Communicative Competence (Languages), Drama, Educational Technology, Essays, Foreign Countries, Grammar, Group Discussion, Interaction, Language Tests, Listening Comprehension, Music Activities, Oral Language, Poetry, Reader Text Relationship, Second Language Instruction, Student Motivation, Student Participation, Testing, Writing Assignments

Authentic Materials

In this collection of essays, a group of innovative teachers and writers describe the approaches and techniques they have incorporated into their own language teaching. The articles are designed to help classroom teachers make language classes more participatory and communication oriented. The book is divided into three sections: (1) What Is Interactive Language Teaching? (2) Language in the Classroom, and (3) The Wider World. The chapters and authors are as follows: "Interaction as the Key to Teaching Language for Communication" (Wilga M. Rivers); "Interactive Discourse in Small and Large Groups" (Claire J. Kramsch); "Speaking and Listening: Imaginative Activities for the Language Class" (Stephen A. Sadow); "Motivating Language Learners through Authentic Materials" (Bernice S. Melvin and David F. Stout); "Interactive Oral Grammar Exercises" (Raymond F. Comeau); "Interaction of Reader and Text" (Anthony Papalia); "Writing: An

Interactive Experience" (Gloria M. Russo); "Poetry and Song as Effective Language-Learning Activities" (Alan Maley); "'The Magic If' of Theater: Enhancing Language Learning through Drama" (Richard Via); "Interactive Testing: Time to Be a Test Pilot" (Marlies Mueller); "Culturally Diverse Speech Styles" (Gail L. N. Robinson); "The Use of Technology: Varying the

Medium in Language Teaching" (Karen Price); "Interaction Outside the Classroom: Using the Community" (Peter Strevens); "Interaction in the Computer Age" (Robert Ariew and Judith C. Frommer); and "Preparing the Language Student for

Professional Interaction" (Anne R. Dow and Joseph T. Ryan, Jr.). Questions at the end of each chapter encourage readers to design their own activities; reading lists are also provided. Contains approximately 160 references. (LB)

245 标识符:

Teachers; Practitioners


Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011 (hardcover--ISBN-0-521-32216-2; paperback--ISBN-0-521-31108-X).




English Classroom Teaching Teacher-Dominant or Student-Centered



摘 要.....................................................................................................4

1. Teachers Centered and Students Centered Theory...........................6

1.1 The History of Teachers Centered ...............................................6

1.2 The History of Students Centered................................................7

2. The Two Teaching Modes ....................................................................8

3. How to Create Students Centered English Classroom Teaching...11

3.1 The Concept of Changes in Teaching........................................11

3.2 To Establish the Dominant Position and the Leading Role of


3.3 To Create a Democratic and Equal Teaching Atmosphere.......14

4. Students' Self-Learning Awareness...................................................15

5. Arrangements for Carrying Out Interactive Teaching and Learn17


English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-Dominant or


Abstract: Along with the challenge against the traditional classroom

teaching mode, teacher-centered mode of teaching is replaced by the

student-centered mode of teaching. This article mainly introduces the

advantages of the "student-centered" mode of teaching. Then it simply

analyzes the necessity of carrying out and the relationship with teaching in

the class. Finally it introduces how to carry out the "student-centered"

mode of teaching and encourages the foreign language teacher to make

use of the new mode of teaching.

Keywords: English Classroom Teaching, Teachers Centered, Students

Centered, the Dominant Position



关键词:英语课堂教学 教师中心 学生中心 主体地位

Over the years, how to understand the status and role of teachers and students in the teaching process has always been a vexed issue. Traditional "teachers" teaching mode of "one-way indoctrination" is commonly used by teachers to students in the classroom, students subject to the teacher, and losing the dominant position of learning can only passively accept. They lack of autonomy, initiative and creativity. The new teaching concept is agreed that the teaching activities must enable students to become active by the education. Training students' ability to learn English in the teaching situation is the inevitable requirement of the modern language teaching theory; it is also a strong guarantee to improve English teaching efficiency. Teachers can improve the learning environment for English language learners to develop awareness and motivation of students learning, and the creation of the development of classroom teaching mode. They should strengthen the training of English learning strategies to make full use of multimedia, network resources, and guide students' independent study measures gradually so that it shows the main role of the students in the English classroom. In teaching, the need to solve many problems of teaching and learning relationship is the essence of the teaching process. English classroom should be student-centered teachers and students interact actively and develop together, which is a major breakthrough in the traditional concept of "teachers teach the students". English teaching should adapt to the cause

of socialist modernization and develop students' initial application of English communicative ability, and students can obtain a certain degree of self-learning ability through class learning. English teachers should have the awareness to fully embody the role of teacher-led and student-centered in the classroom, and should create active teaching and learning environment to stimulate students' interest and ability, to train students to master and apply knowledge, to enable every student to fully develop.

1. Teachers Centered and Students Centered Theory

Teachers are the absolute authority in the traditional classroom teaching. They impart knowledge, always standing in front of the podium, tell the students "what" and "why"; students, as the absorption of knowledge always sitting on the seat, nod after they rote. Correspondence between teachers and students is static, never being the role of regulating.

1.1 The History of Teachers Centered

In fact, classroom teaching has a long history. Early in the 17th century, Czech Comenius proposed a system of class instruction in his "teaching theory", creating a teacher-centered teaching structure. For centuries, the theory of Teachers centered has gone through on the continuous development and improvement. It appears the optimization theory of Babanski, Bruner’s disciplinary structure theory, and Bloom's mastery learning theory, in the middle of the 20th century, Ausubel's



1. 论互动课堂教学的有效性

On Effectiveness of Interactive Classroom Teaching

2. 论英语学习策略

On English Learning Strategy

3. 高中英语跨文化渗透教学探究

Incorporation of the Teaching of Culture into School English Class

4. 英语课堂的合作学习策略

Cooperative Learning Strategy in the Teaching of English

5. 英语课堂中的交际原则和交际活动

Communicative Principles and Activities in English Classes

6. 利用影视进行英语教学

Teaching and Learning English by Using Videos

7. 英语教材的评价

The Evaluation of English Textbooks

8. 浅谈高中英语任务型教学模式及应用

On TBL Activity In Senior Middle School

9. 简析中学任务型教学在英语阅读中的现状

A Brief Analysis of TBLT Implemented in Middle School English Teaching

10. 大学生英语写作的问题以及教学策略【the,Interactive,Classroom,Teaching】

College Students’ English Writing Problems and Teaching Strategies

11. 高中英语教学心理环境的创设

The Establishment of Psychological Environment in High School English Teaching

12. 影响听力的因素

On Factor Affecting Listening Comprehension

13. 如何提高学生的口语能力

How to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

14. 论肢体语言在初中英语教学中的应用

The Use of Body Language in Junior English Teaching

15. 多元智能理论在英语教学中的应用

Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English Teaching

16. 论中学英语教学中教师的角色

Analysis Teacher's Role in English Teaching of High School

17. 论影响英语阅读理解的主要因素及对策

The Main Factors Influencing English Reading Comprehension

18. 肢体语言在英语教学中的应用

On the Use of Body Language in English Teaching

19. 英语谚语特点及其在英语教学中的应用

Features of English Proverbs and Their Applications in English Teaching

20. 如何激发学生英语学习兴趣

Ways of Arousing the Students’ Interest in Learning English

21. 高中生英语文化学习与英语阅读能力相关性分析

The Analysis of Correlation between English Culture Learning and Reading Competence of High School


22. 肢体语言在小学教学中的应用

The Use of Body Language in Primary School Teaching

23. 初中英语语法情境教学法

Situational Teaching Method in the Teaching of English Grammar at Junior Schools

24. 激发大学生英语写作学习动机的研究

A Brief Discussion on Stimulating College Students’ Learning Motivation in English Writing

25. 初探提高初中生阅读理解能力的方法

On the Methods to Develop Junior HighSchool Students’ Reading Comprehension


26. 如何在初中英语教学中培养学生的自主学习能力

How to Cultivate Junior Middle School Students’ Autonomous Learning Abilities in English Classes

27. 如何培养高中生自主学习英文单词的能力

How to Cultivate Senior School Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability in English Vocabulary

28. 高中口语训练中情绪的影响与激发

The Emotional Impact and Ways to Emotionally Motivate Senior High Students in Spoken Language Training

29. 在高中课堂贯彻英语报刊阅读的教学策略——以《21世纪报(高中版)》为例

Teaching Strategies of English Newspaper Reading in Senior Middle Schools’ English Classes -- 21st Century (senior middle school version) as an Example

30. 高中生英语自主学习能力的培养途径

Cultivating Senior School Students’ Autonomy in the Learning of English

31. 如何提高中学生的英语学习效率

How to Improve Middle School Students’ English Learning Efficiency

32. 大学英语写作教学存在的问题与对策

Problems and Coping Strategies in the Teaching of College English Writing

33. 高中英语词汇的记忆策略

Memory Strategies for Senior High School English Vocabulary

34. 培养与利用兴趣提高英语教学效果探究

A Study On Utilizing the Interests to Improve the Effect of English Teaching

35. 母语迁移对中国大学生英语学习的影响

The Effect of the Transfer of Mother Tongue on English Language Learning in Chinese Universities

36. 中国背景下外籍教师对英语教学的影响

Study on the Influence of Foreign Teachers on English Teaching in Chinese Context

37. 学生眼中外教在英语教学中的作用

On the Role Played by Foreign Teachers in English Teaching

38. 中国英语教学中“听说”环节的低效问题及应对策略

A Study of Inefficiency of Chinese Students in Listening and Speaking

39. 大学生自主学习能力的培养

The Cultivation of English Learner Autonomy of University Students

40. 情景教学法在儿童英语教学中的应用

Application of Situational Teaching in Chinese Elementary School

41. 背诵在英语学习中的作用探究

The Effect of Recitation on English Learning

42. 交际教学法在大学英语口语交际能力方面的初步研究

A Study on CLT in Developing College Students’ Spoken English

43. 英语课堂提问策略的研究

A Study on the Strategies of Questioning in English Classroom

44. 在英语教学中如何行使教学评价

How to Conduct Assessment in English Teaching

45. 浅析心理干预在英语教学中的应用

Brief Analysis of Psychological Intervention in English Teaching

46. 创新教育下教师角色再定位

Reorientation in Role of English Teachers under Innovative Education

47. 论修辞手法在英语教学中的重要性

Comment on the Importance of Rhetoric in

48. 高中英语听力教学分析

Analysis of High School Students’ Listening Teaching【the,Interactive,Classroom,Teaching】

49. 英语专业学生接受性词汇与产出性词汇关系研究

Study on Receptive Vocabulary and Productive Vocabulary in the Teaching of English Major Students

50. 探究以学习者为本位的高中英语教材模式

Research on Mode Based on Learner-centered English Teaching Materials for Senior School

51. 简析中国学生在英语阅读中的障碍

Brief Analysis of Chinese Students’ Obstacles in English Reading

52. 英语游戏在小学英语教学中的应用

Analysis of the Application of the English Games in Elementary School Teaching

53. 试论哑巴英语的成因和解决方案

Comment on the Causes of Dumb English And its solutions

54. 论教师的反馈在英语教学中的应用

On the Implementation of Teachers’ Feedback in English Teaching

55. 关于商务英语教学法的研究

On the Teaching Methods in Business English

56. 如何培养中学生学习英语的兴趣

How to Cultivate Middle School Students’ Interest in Learning English

57. 英文电影在中学英语教学中的作用

The Effect of English Films on Middle School English Teaching

58. 论母语迁移对中国学生英语学习的影响

The Analysis of the Impact of Mother Tongue Transfer on Chinese Students’ English Learning

59. 英语教学中素质教育的实施

The Implementation of Quality Education of English Teaching

60. 论中学生英语阅读能力的培养

How to Improve the Ability of English Reading in the Middle School

61. 论提高英语词汇教学效果的方法

On Ways of Improving the Effectiveness of English Vocabulary Teaching

62. 关于提高中学生的口语能力

On Improving Middle School Students’ Speaking Ability

63. 浅析初中英语教学的

