
来源:百科 时间:2016-03-21 11:16:50 阅读:



第二篇:《狼 原文翻译 阅读答案》《杀身成仁》阅读答案及原文翻译《杀身成仁》阅读答案及原文翻译




Section A

I Read the text carefully, and try to sum up (in one sentence if possible) the two or three main points, which the writer is making

Gun control

A student of the gun control issue will readily perceive the arena is indeed a broad one, in which we must struggle to preserve the right to keep and bear arms. It is a struggle which will test whatever there might be of genius in any of us and it is one which will merit the devoted efforts of every citizen who in the broadest sense can perceive the relationships which our Bill of Rights liberties bear one to another.

I suggest we begin our affirmative role immediately in the area of crime control. The truth is that gun control does not equate with crime control. We have an advantage in this fact which we have neither exploited nor advanced convincingly. It is demonstrable that in those sections of the country where gun possession is most prevalent, crime is least.《杀身成仁》阅读答案及原文翻译

Encouragingly, many moderate and reasonable men among our opponents are beginning to see that our problem is crime control and that gun control is not going to have much, if any, effect upon it. Of course, for

reasons-of their own, some of them still say gun control is desirable. For these people we can only wonder, as would any good citizen, what it is they have in mind for us that our possession of guns makes them so nervous.《杀身成仁》阅读答案及原文翻译

As long as we concur that any measure of gun control equates with some measure of crime control we are in agreement with those who would eliminate our rights. We would then again be backed into defensive position, held for forty years, always losing a little here and a little there unfit finally nothing would be left us.

No group of good citizens has ever struggled more conscientiously along the narrow pathway, between hope and moderation on one hand, and the cold facts of efforts to abolish our rights on the other, than the leaders of the National Rifle Association. Every gun owner in America should applaud the action taken by the Executive Committee of the NRA in Washington, D.C. on July 12, 1974: „...the NRA opposes any proposed legislation, at any level of government, which is directed against the inanimate firearm rather than against the criminal misuse of firearms.

A reasonable degree of order in society must prevail first. Criminals must be controlled first. we are the decent people. We try to be reasonable and we are not fools even though we have so often made mistakes in the past 40 years.

many people turn to England as an example for crime control. The fact is

that in England, for hundreds of years, a man found guilty of any one of number of crimes was promptly hanged. Now that a more humanistic generation of Englishmen has lately abolished these stern but effective methods, crime-including armed crime - is sky-rocketing. Recently armed Englishmen, amid a hail of their own bullets, attempted to kidnap the eldest daughter of the reigning Queen of England! Unbelievable! (From an article in Guns and Ammo by Harlan Carter)

Suggested answer.


The writer believes that gun-owners are good citizens, and everyone should be free to own guns. If we wish to reduce crime, we should not ban guns, but impose harsher punishments for criminals.

II In a paragraph of not more than 100 words, say simply what the witnesses thought happened, and what really happened.

A séance

A good example of this technique of investigating the reliability of reports is an experiment reported by S·J Davey. He was interested in the kind of phenomena reported during séances and, using quite simple trickery, which he had planned in advance, he reproduced some of the effects popular among the mediums of the day. His audiences were asked to write down accounts of what they had witnessed, and these observations were then compared with what actually happened. Here is a report written by one witness of such a séance. `On entering the《杀身成仁》阅读答案及原文翻译

dining-room where the séance was held‟, so the report runs, every article of furniture was searched and Mr. Davey turned out his pockets.The door was locked and seated, the gas turned out, and they all sat round the table holding hands, including Mr Davey. A musical box on the table played and floated about. Knockings were heard and bright lights seen. The head of a woman appeared, came close and dematerialized. A half-figure of a man was seen

a few seconds later .He bowed and then disappeared through the ceiling with a scraping noise..‟

Another witness also described the searching of the room, the sealing of the door, and the disposition of the medium and sitters round the table. the medium and sitters round the table, She alleged that a female head appeared in a strong light and afterwards a bearded man reading a book, who disappeared through the ceiling.

A11 the while Mr. Davey‟s hands were held tightly by the sitters on either side, and when the gas was relit the door was still locked and the seal unbroken.A third witness‟s account was even more sensational. He reported that „nothing was prepared beforehand, the séance was quite casual‟. Having described the locking and sealing of the door, he went on to say that he was touched by a cold, clammy hand and heard various raps. After that he saw a bluish-white light which hovered over the heads of the sitters and gradually developed into an apparition that was „frightful in its

ugliness, but so distinct that everyone could see it .... The features were distinct ... a kind of hood covered the head, and the whole resembled the head of a mummy‟. After this an even more wonderful spirit appeared. It began with a streak of light and developed by degrees into a bearded man of Oriental appearance. His eyes were stony and fixed, with a vacant listless expression. At the end of the séance the door was still locked and the seal was intact.

So much for some of the reports. Now for the reality. The séance was not a casual affair at all, but had been carefully rehearsed beforehand. At the beginning, Mr Davey went through the motion of apparently locking the door, but he turned the key back again so that the door was actually left unlocked. The „props‟ for the materializations had been stowed away in a cupboard underneath a bookshelf; this was not looked into by the witnesses who searched the room because, just as they were about to do so, Mr Davey diverted their attention by emptying his pockets to show that he had nothing hidden on his person. The phenomena were produced by a confederate who came in by the unlocked door after the lights had been turned out, and while the musical box was playing loudly to drown the noise of his entry. The „apparition offrightful ugliness‟ was a mask draped in muslin with a cardboard collar coated with luminous paint. The second spirit was the confederate himself, standing on the back of Mr Davey‟s chair, his face faintly illuminated by phosphorescent light from























    1.下列句子中加点的词解释错误的一项是(  ▲  )





   2.下列各组句子中加点词的意义和用法不同的一项是(  ▲  )

    A.皆服其能                          空乏其身

    B.弓手者因事至村步             罔不因势象形

    C.遂曳矛而斗                        遂许先帝以驱驰

    D.见必与之决生死                时人莫之许也













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