
来源:百科 时间:2018-05-31 08:00:07 阅读:



以下是整理的《酒店英语口语:礼宾部英语常用句子》,希望大家喜欢!【常用句子】 May I help you sir? 我可以帮你吗,先生? How many pieces of your luggage sir? 你有多少件行李,先生? Are these your luggage? 这些是您的行李吗? Is this everything, sir? 这是全部东西吗,先生? Let me help you with your luggage. 让我来帮您拿吧。 I will take care of your luggage. 我会照看您的行李的。Just moment please, sir. I"ll bring them to you right away. 等一会儿,先生。我马上送来。The bellman will show you to your room, sir. 先生,行李生会送您到房间的。Here is your room key. 给您房间钥匙。You may leave your luggage in the Concierge. 您可以把行李放在礼宾部。Would you like to leave your luggage here? 您要寄存行李吗?Don’t worry, your luggage will be sent up at once. 别担心,您的行李很 快就会送上去的。May I know your room number? 您能告诉我您的房间号吗?May I have a look at your room card? 我可以看一下您的房卡吗?Do you mind if I put your luggage here? 我把您的行李放在这里好吗?Please sign your name here. 请您在这里签名。Would you like me to call a taxi for you? 你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗?About 60 minutes by taxi from here to Airport. 从这里到机场大概需要 60 分钟。I"m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了。Would you tell me your phone number? 您能告诉我您的电话号码吗?After you, please./ You first, please. 你先请。This way, please 这边请。Is there anything else I can do for you? 您还有什么事要我做吗?I’ll send the luggage up by another lift. 我乘另一部电梯把行李送上去。Here we are, sir, room 1101 先生,1101 房到了。一.对客提问方式1. 自己要做什么事时,就使用 May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? 2. 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗? 3. 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用 Would you ~ Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡? Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗? Would you mind sitting here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗?When would you like to visit Da Lia




 1.May I take you luggage?  我能帮您提行李吗?  2.Please give me your room key.  请把您的房卡给我.  3.Have a nice day!  祝您在此度过愉快的一天!  4.Do you need to store your baggage?  您需要寄存您的行李吗?  5.What is your room number?  您的房号是几号?  6.Do you need taxi?  请问您需要出租车吗?  7.This way please!  这边请!  8.Here is your handbag tag!  这是您的行李寄存卡。  9.Excuse me , Sir, this is the bellboy ,I am sorry to trouble you , we have a message/Fax /parcel for you,.can I bring it to your room now?  对不起先生,我是行李生,很抱歉打扰您了,这里有您的一个留言/传真/包裹给您,现在我方便送到您房间吗?  10.What is your friend’s name?  您的朋友叫什么名字?  11.What month is it?  现在是几月?  12.What can I do for you, please?  你需要什么?  13.What time are you coming back?  您打算什么时候回来?  14.Would you please tell my friend I am here?  请您告诉我朋友,我在这里,好吗?  15.Would you mind mailing this letter for me?  您能替我寄这封信吗?  16.Will you do me a favor?  帮我个忙好吗?  17.Can you tell me where is HEALTH CLUB/ OPERA HOUSE?  你能告诉我健身房/演艺馆在哪里吗?  18.What day is it today?  今天是星期几? 19.What is the date today?  今天是几号?  20.What would you like to eat?  您喜欢吃点什么食物?  21.What is your address?  您要到的具体地址是什么?  22.How far is it to the Shen zhen/Guang zhou?  到深圳或广州有多远?  23.I’d like to see your manager, please. 我想见你们经理。  24.We hope to see you again.  希望和你能再相逢。  25.My pleasure.  很高兴为您服务。  26.I’m always glad to be of service.  我随时乐意为您服务。  27.Where will you becoming from , Sir?  先生,你将以什么方式来我们酒店?  28.What time do you serve breakfast?  你们何时供应早餐?  29.Would you mind spelling that for me?  你不介意把你的姓名拼写给我吗?  30.Do you have any baggage in the trunk / boot?  您车的后尾箱还有行李吗?  31.Is this everything else , Sir?  先生,就这些物品了吗?  32.We will deliver your baggage to your room shortly.



1.May I take you luggage?  我能帮您提行李吗?  2.Please give me your room key.  请把您的房卡给我.  3.Have a nice day!  祝您在此度过愉快的一天!  4.Do you need to store your baggage?  您需要寄存您的行李吗?  5.What is your room number?  您的房号是几号?  6.Do you need taxi?  请问您需要出租车吗?  7.This way please!  这边请!  8.Here is your handbag tag!  这是您的行李寄存卡。  9.Excuse me , Sir, this is the bellboy ,I am sorry to trouble you , we have a message/Fax /parcel for you,.can I bring it to your room now?  对不起先生,我是行李生,很抱歉打扰您了,这里有您的一个留言/传真/包裹给您,现在我方便送到您房间吗?  10.What is your friend’s name?  您的朋友叫什么名字?  11.What month is it?  现在是几月?  12.What can I do for you, please?  你需要什么?  13.What time are you coming back?  您打算什么时候回来?  14.Would you please tell my friend I am here?  请您告诉我朋友,我在这里,好吗?  15.Would you mind mailing this letter for me?  您能替我寄这封信吗?  16.Will you do me a favor?  帮我个忙好吗?  17.Can you tell me where is HEALTH CLUB/ OPERA HOUSE?  你能告诉我健身房/演艺馆在哪里吗?  18.What day is it today?  今天是星期几? 19.What is the date today?  今天是几号?  20.What would you like to eat?  您喜欢吃点什么食物?  21.What is your address?  您要到的具体地址是什么?  22.How far is it to the Shen zhen/Guang zhou?  到深圳或广州有多远?  23.I’d like to see your manager, please. 我想见你们经理。  24.We hope to see you again.  希望和你能再相逢。  25.My pleasure.  很高兴为您服务。  26.I’m always glad to be of service.  我随时乐意为您服务。  27.Where will you becoming from , Sir?  先生,你将以什么方式来我们酒店?  28.What time do you serve breakfast?  你们何时供应早餐?  29.Would you mind spelling that for me?  你不介意把你的姓名拼写给我吗?  30.Do you have any baggage in the trunk / boot?  您车的后尾箱还有行李吗?  31.Is this everything else , Sir?  先生,就这些物品了吗?  32.We will deliver your baggage to your room shortly.  我们很快把行李送到您


