
来源:热点事件 时间:2018-07-07 11:00:04 阅读:



传播科学,创造未来 科学出版社(龙门书局) 科学出版社(龙门书局)是中国科学出版集团的核心企业科技出版机构。近年来,在"立足科技,面向教育、多种媒体、综合经营"出版方针指导下,依托中国科学院和"科学家的出版社"的金字招牌,充分挖掘国内外优良出版资源,重视重大出版工程建设,形成了以科学(S)、技术(T)、医学(M)、教育(E)为主要出版领域战略架构与规模。科学出版社在国内拥有自己完善的出版、发行网络,下设龙门书局、上海分公司、武汉分公司和成都分公司,同时与十几个国家和地区的100多家出版公司建立了长期的良好合作关系。 科学出版社现在每年出书7000余种(含重印书),期刊200多种。 作为中国科学出版集团的核心企业,科学出版社正积极推进集团文化体制改革,努力完成中国科学出版集团"一个平台、两个中心"的建设,即建立集团科技内容资源平台,以适应数字化出版和内容产业发展的需要,同时将集团建设成为中国优秀科技成果的发布中心和国外优秀科技成果的引进中心,成为以STME为主要出版领域的高水平、综合性、国际化的科技出版集团,为促进中国科技走向国际做出贡献。 为不断加强企业人才队伍建设,提高企业核心竞争力,科学出版社诚聘热爱出版事业的同仁加盟。 投递应聘简历请注明专业方向
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Five thousand pounds was settled by marriage articles on Mrs. Bennet and the children. But in what proportions it should be divided amongst the latter depended on the will of the parents. This was one point, with regard to Lydia at least, which was now to be settled, and Mr. Bennet could have no hesitation in acceding to the proposal before him. In terms of grateful acknowledgment for the kindness of his brother, though expressed most concisely, he then delivered on paper his perfect approbation of all that was done, and his willingness to fulfil the engagements that had been made for him. He had never before supposed that, could Wickham be prevailed on to marry his daughter, it would be done with so little inconvenience to himself as by the present arrangement. He would scarcely be ten pounds a year the loser, by the hundred that was to be paid them; for, what with her board and pocket allowance, and the continual presents in money which passed to her through her mother"s hands, Lydia"s expences had been very little within that sum.
That it would be done with such trifling exertion on his side, too, was another very welcome surprise; for his chief wish at present was to have as little trouble in the business as possible. When the first transports of rage which had produced his activity in seeking her were over, he naturally returned to all his former indolence. His letter was soon dispatched; for though dilatory in undertaking business, he was quick in its execution. He begged to know farther particulars of what he was indebted to his brother; but was too a


angry with Lydia to send any message to her.还有一件可喜的意外,那就是办起这件事来,他自己简直可以不费什么力气,他目前最希望麻烦越少越好。他开头也曾因为一时冲动,亲自去找女儿,如今他已经气平怒消,自然又变得象往常一样懒散。他把那封回信立刻寄出去;虽然做事喜欢拖延,可是只要他肯动手,倒也完成得很快。他在信上请他舅爷把一切代劳之处详详细细告诉他,可是说起丽迪雅,实在使他太气恼,因此连问候也没有问候她一声。
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