
来源:百科 时间:2018-07-10 18:00:05 阅读:



例:Waiters and waitresses work in restaurants ,hotels, cafe and snackbars. 男女服务员在餐馆,旅 馆,咖啡馆,快餐馆里招待顾客。 While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter came up tous bearing a large basket full of huge peaches. 当我们在等咖啡的时候,那个领班侍者拎来满满一大蓝子特大的桃子。 The millionaire had a staff of 30 servants. 这个富翁有仆从30名。 In poor countries, live-in servants are present in home not onlyof the wealthy but also of middle-ciass families. 在贫穷国家,不仅富裕家庭,而且中等阶级家庭也有常住的佣人。 The queen was always surrounded by her attendants. 女王身边总有仆从跟随。 The attendants went out backwards. 随从倒退着出了房间。


attendant [ə"tendənt]基本翻译adj.伴随的n.服务员网络释义attendant:服务员|乘务员|出席者Flight Attendant:空中服务员|机组乘务员|空服员staff attendant:员工出勤情况waiter ["weitə]基本翻译n.侍者,服务员网络释义waiter:(餐厅)服务员|侍者|服务员dumb waiter:送菜升降机|餐用升降机|小型送货升降机bead waiter:侍役领班

篇三:[waiter]少儿英文小故事:The Waiter

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以下是为大家整理的关于《少儿英文小故事:The Waiter》,供大家学习参考!
Alvin didn’t like the way the waiter walked—he projected an air of arrogance. The waiter came to their table with three glasses in one hand and three menus in the other. His thumb and fingers were all over the insides of the glasses. Alvin was disgusted. Hank and Nathan didn"t seem to mind. “Any germ that doesn’t kill you, just makes you stronger,” Hank said. Alvin told Hank to remember that in a day or so when he was barfing in the toilet.
Alvin refused to drink or eat anything. He told them he would eat when he got home. Ten minutes later, after finally getting the waiter’s attention, Hank and Nathan each ordered a small salad, a double cheeseburger with chips, and a couple of beers. Alvin asked the waiter if he had worked there long. “Long enough,” the waiter replied. When he returned with the beers, Nathan told the waiter thanks. The waiter said nothing in reply.
“Did you see that?” Alvin asked. “You said thanks, and he didn’t bother to say you’re welcome.” Hank said that younger people today were not taught the finer points of etiquette.
“The finer points?!” Alvin said. “The finer points are knowing which side of the plate the forks and spoons are supposed to be on. Knowing when to say ‘sir,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘you’re welcome’ is elementary etiquette.” The waiter came back to clear the plates from the table. Nathan hadn’t quite finished, but said nothing. When the waiter brought the bill about ten minutes later, Alvin motioned to him.
“Give me the bill,” he said. “I’m going to treat my friends.” Wordlessly, the waiter placed the bill in front of Alvin.
Nathan and Hank were astounded. “You know,” said Nathan, “this might be the first time I’ve ever seen you pick up the tab. What’s the occasion?” Alvin told Nathan that he just felt like being nice to his friends for a change. The bill was $20. After his friends had left the table, Alvin put a 35-cent tip on the table.

