
来源:专题 时间:2018-07-12 18:00:04 阅读:



题规律 1、含有指示代词的句中,常有被考查词汇或短语。2、具体环境中,具有指代上下文语义功能的词汇尤其是名词,常成为考查对象。3、一词多义的常见词及词组易考例题: CET4 1995年6月第2篇Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely, Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward." To keep from losing the forest for the trees", says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, "We must constantly ask ourselves how the details we"re working On fit into the larger picture. If they don"t, we should drop them and move to something else". Q:The word"perfectionists"(Line 1,Para.3.)refers to those who ____.[A]demand others to get everything absolutely right[B]know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances[C]pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives[D]are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do正确答案是 [C]perfectionist本义是“完美主义者”,似乎与[A]和[D]更接近,但本文主旨,甚至通过本段也可知,作者反对对细节过分注意,结果反倒牺牲了大局。而perfectionist正是作者批评的那类人,因而选项应是符合作者批判态度的,因此[C]是正确的。通过连接词关系如and,or等判断被考词汇含义。一般来说,and与连接的两项内容在义上是接近的或递进的,而以or连接的两项内容在含义上往往相反,但有时or后面的内容,也是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明。当然其他表递进、转折、因果等关系的信号词均可用来帮助判断词义。


1、列举处常考列举处指的是 First,...,Second ,...,Third,..., 等并列关系词出现的部分。要求考生从列举出的内容中 , 选出符合题干要求的答案项。列举方式有时不用数字排序 , 而是采取句式排比的方式进行。
2、 举例与打比方的地方常考为了使自己的观点更具有说服力,更加明确 ,作者常以具体的例子来佐证。这些例子或比喻常会成为考点,因此考生应对那些引出这些例子或比喻的标志词加以注意。这类词很多,常见的有as, such, for example, for instance, a case, in point 等。
3、 (指示)代词出现处常考这类考题 ,常用来考查考生是否真正理解上下文之间的句际关系和意义。
4、 引用人物论断处常考作者为正确表达自己观点或使论点更有依据 , 常会引用某些权威人士的论断或采纳其重要发现等。命题者常在此处作文章。
5、 特殊标点符号后的内容常考由于特殊标点符号后的内容常是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明, 因此命题者常对标点符号后的内容进行提问。具体说,特殊标点符号包括:破折号(表解释),括号(表解释),冒号(表解释),引号(表引用)。
CET4 1999 年1月第2篇President Coolide"s statgnent,"The business of America is b11sines,"still point to an important truth today --that business institution have more prestige(威望)in American society than any other kind of organization,including the government.
Q:The statement "The business of America is business"probably means__.[A]the business institution in America are concerned with commerce[B]business problems are of great importance to the American governmenthinmis[C]business is of primary concern to Americans[D]Aameric is a great power in world business
正确答案是 [C]根据引号及其内容很快找到原文相关部分,其后的破折号必是对该句的解释。因此考生不必在原文所引内容的两个busine为何意上绞尽脑汁,只须理解破折号后内容,其意思是:美国商业机构在美国社会中享有的威望比包括政府在内的其他所有机构都要高。这个意思与选项 [C]中的"primary concern"(头等大事)相对应,故选[C]。如果题目只是针对某一段的内容提间,可只看该段内容即可答题,而不必等到把文章全看完才做。
例题: CET6 2002年12月第29题In fact,the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states; average weekly wages in 1972 to 97 percent today.But,as most studies show,every 10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims.And with so much more money floating in the workers" compensation system,it"s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie.

