
来源:热点事件 时间:2018-07-18 08:00:06 阅读:



以下是整理的《常用英语口语1000句:非认真的》,希望大家喜欢!第一, 迷你对话
  A: Is that true that you wanna go with me for a trip around the US?
  B: I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark.
  第二, 地道表达
  1. 解词释义
  Tongue-in-cheek用来形容一件事情,那件事情听起来似乎是很严肃的,但实际上不是认真的,半开玩笑的。Make a tongue-in-cheek remark的意思就是“说话虚情假意的,说话不算数的”。
  2. 拓展范例
  e.g. Don"t be fooled by all his complimentary remarks as they were all tongue-in-cheek.
  第三, 视野拓展
  类似用法:with one’s tongue in one’s cheek:虚情假意地
  e.g. He was saying that with his tongue in his cheek.
  e.g. There"s a look on Jan"s face that makes me think he"s speaking with his tongue in hischeek.
  e.g. He threatened to write to the newspapers about it, but I think he had his tongue in hischeek.
  e.g. She knew that his elaborate gallantries and his florid speeches were all done with histongue in his cheek.


当别人以为你开玩笑时你知道该如何应对吗? 这一次我们就来谈谈在开玩笑时要如何作出适当地回应。
1. I am serious.
如果别人说Are you kidding me? 最好的回答就是 No, I am not kidding you. (我不是在开你玩笑。) 或是 I am serious. (我是认真的。) 比如有些东西我们中国人吃但老外就觉得非常不可思议。有一次我跟老美说 We eat pork"s blood. (我们吃猪血。) 老美听了之后直呼 Are you kidding me? 这时我就可以回答 I am serious.
2. Get out of here.
Get out of here 也可以简单说成 Get out,原意是叫别人走开,但可以引申成“我不相信你说的话”。 例如有人说 I solved the problem on my own. (我自己把这个问题解出来了。) 你就可以不屑地回答Get out of here. You are such a dweeb. (少来了,你这个笨蛋怎么可能解出来呢?)
另外 Give me a break 跟 Get out of here 的意思差不多,都是用来表示你觉得别人开玩笑开得太夸张了,到了不可思议的地步。例如某位丑男对你说 I had a dozen of girlfriends during the past five years. (过去五年内我交了一打女朋友。) 你就可以说 Give me a break! (你少在那 吹牛了。)
3. Are you making fun of me?
这个 make fun of someone 是有点取笑或是嘲笑别人的意思,和无伤大雅的 play jokes 是不太一样的。例如你说别人又矮又胖,像个水桶一样,这就是 make fun of someone.这样子是会伤到别人的。
4. You sneak.
Sneak 指的是一个人很聪明,但是却很爱利用自己的一点小聪明去开别人的玩笑,或是捉弄人家。下次看到这种人你就可以跟他说 You sneak!

篇三:[认真的英语]英语口语:白领的一天 场景107:你不是认真的吧!

英语口语网权威发布英语口语:白领的一天 场景107:你不是认真的吧!,更多英语口语相关信息请访问英语口语网。
第 26 集: 你不是认真的吧!
Narrator : 欢迎回到 Tip Top 贸易公司,大家看起来都有点儿不知所措。
Paul : …and we really need the best biscuits there are.
Denise : Yes, and I"ve made sure there"s tea and coffee…
Paul : …and the carpets?
Denise : Uh?
Paul : …have they been cleaned?
Denise : Don"t panic Paul, all taken care of.
Narrator : 美国总部的大老板 Mr Socrates 突然到这里来,所以什么事情必须都得做好,不能出错。Anna, 你对他的印象如何?
Anna : Well, so far he seems OK. A bit bossy, quite short and… a bit smelly.
Narrator : 他从美国飞了很久才过来。你帮他订了五星级的酒店,希望他能好好休息洗漱一下。
Anna : I hope so!
(Phone rings) Oh, I had better get that. Hello? Ah hello Mr Socrates, did you sleep well? Oh! I see… I see… erm… well… oh, I don"t know… Tom said it was five-star… well… OK… goodb- Oh, he"s hung up.
Paul : Everything OK Anna? You look a bit pale.
Anna : It was Mr Socrates. He"s not happy.
Paul : Golly gosh, oh dear. What"s the matter?
Anna : It"s his hotel room. He doesn"t like it. The bed"s too soft, too small and it"s a single room not a twin room.
Paul : Oh yes, he likes to have two beds in the room for some reason.
Anna : But Tom said he only likes a single bed in the room.
Paul : Really? Oh no, he insists on a twin

