
来源:热点事件 时间:2018-08-04 08:00:04 阅读:



以下是整理的《常用英语口语900句:没事的》,希望大家喜欢!第一, 迷你对话
  A: There is only one petrol station on the way there.What if we run out of petrol?
  B: I doubt that’ll happen. My car’s tank is plenty big.She’ll be apples.
  第二, 地道表达
  Sb. will be apples.
  1. 解词释义
  Sb. will be apples.用来表示不用担心某人,某人没事的。
  2. 拓展范例
  e.g. I know you may need some time to get over this breakup, but you"ll be appleseventually.
  e.g. Get yourself some coffee and you"ll be apples then.
  e.g. I"ve taken my pills and I"ll just stay in and lie down. Don’t worry, I will be apples.
  第三, 咬文嚼字
  1. run out of的意思是“用完,用尽”。例如:
  Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.事实证明对于世界燃料即将耗尽的担忧毫无根据。
  They have run out of ideas.他们已经想不出任何办法了。
  He has run out of food; his children are hungry.他家揭不开锅了, 孩子们都等着吃饭。
  3. Plenty big中的plenty做副词用,意思是非常。例如:
  We"ve got plenty more of them in the shop. 我们店里还有很多那种货物。
  There"s plenty more paper if you need it. 你需要纸的话, 有的是。
  4. What if……用来表示假设,意思是“…….怎么办?”例如:
  What if he doesn"t agree? 如果他不同意该怎么办呢?
  What if he comes back now? 如果他现在回来怎么办?


以下是整理的《英语口语练习经典短文:没事多喝水》,希望大家喜欢!Since all living things need it, and it makes up two-thirds of our bodies, it seems obvious that water is vital to our health. Most people, however, drink fewer than the eight recommended glasses each day. An alarming one-third drink no water at all!既然所有的生物都需要水,而且水占了人体的三分之二,所以似乎很明显水对我们的健康极为重要。然而,多数人的饮水量比建议的每天八杯水要少。更令人担心的是,有三分之一的人甚至一口水都不喝。So why is drinking enough water so important? A minor water deficiency can lead to headaches, sleepiness, and moodiness, while prolonged dehydration can cause high blood pressure and other serious problems.为什么喝足够的水这么重要呢?轻微的水分不足会导致头痛、嗜睡和情绪低落;而长期脱水则会造成高血压和其它严重问题。Drinking water helps our bodies in a variety of ways. It helps us get rid of toxins, which enables our kidneys to do a better job, and it helps prevent bladder infections. It improves digestion and helps us develop antibodies. Finally, water is a great moisturizer and gives our skin a healthy glow.喝水在许多方面都有助于我们的身体。它帮助我们排出毒素,使肾脏运作地更好,它也能避免膀胱受感染。水能促进消化并帮助我们产生抗体。最后,水是最好的保湿剂,可赋予肌肤健康的光泽。Drinking water throughout the day is an important habit to pick up. For your health, give this simple substance the importance it deserves.全天候饮水补水是个必须养成的重要习惯。为了你的健康,给予这个简单物质足够的重视吧。


英语听力频道为大家整理的英语听力网站推荐:我没事,供大家参考:)Farmer John was suing a trucking company for injuries sustained in an accident. The company"s lawyer was questioning John.农夫约翰因为意外事故受伤而控告一家货运公司,该公司律师正在质问约翰。
"Didn"t you say, at the scene of the accident, "I"m fine?"" said the lawyer.“你在车祸现场是不是说过‘我没事’?”律师说道。
Farmer John responded, "Well, I"ll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule Bessie into the..."农夫约翰回答:“这个嘛,事情是这样的。那时我刚把我心爱的骡子贝西装进...”
The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police officer that he was just fine.律师打断说:“法官大人,我只是想证明一件事情,就是这个人曾在车祸现场告诉警察他没事。”
"Now several weeks later, he is suing my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question."“现在几个月过去了,他却控告我的当事人,我认为有诈骗的嫌疑。请法官叫原告直接回答问题。”
But the Judge was interested in Farmer John"s story and said, "I"d like to hear what he has to say about his mule Bessie."不过法官对农夫的说辞很感兴趣,于是说:“我想听听他对骡子贝西怎么说。”
John proceeded, "Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side."约翰继续说道:“是这样的。正如我刚才所说,我把我心爱的骡子贝西装进拖车后,这辆大型半挂车便拉着拖车在公路上行驶,结果它闯过停车标志,我的拖车就这样啪的一声被它甩到一边。”
"I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting and didn"t want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was hurt."“我摔进一条小水沟,贝西则摔倒另一条。虽然我当时因为受伤不太能动,但却听到老贝西的呜咽哀鸣声,我知道它受伤了。”
"After the accident a police officer arrived. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning. So he went over to her. After he looked at her, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then he came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me."“发生车祸后,警察就来了。他听到贝西的呻吟声后便过去看看它怎么样,结果看了以后便掏出枪,超贝西两眼中间开了一枪把它给毙了。接着他拿着枪,到马路另一边来看我。”
"He remarked, "Your mu

