
来源:热点事件 时间:2018-08-04 08:00:04 阅读:




  fortunately英[ˈfɔ:tʃənətli] 美[ˈfɔ:rtʃənətli]  adv.幸运地  幸运地;幸而;幸亏;好在  词形变化:  比较级:more fortunately 比较级:most fortunately  双语例句  1 . Fortunately for me, my friend saw that something was seriously wrong.  对我来说幸运的是,我的朋友发现了非常严重的错误。  来自柯林斯例句  2 . The rest of the apartment had fortunately remained unaltered since that time.  幸运的是,从那时起公寓的其余部分就没有变过。  来自柯林斯例句  3 . Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.  幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。  来自柯林斯例句  4 . Fortunately, such cowboy firms are becoming rarer.  幸运的是,这样的欺诈公司越来越少了。  来自柯林斯例句  5 . Fortunately for John, he had an understanding wife.  幸运的是,约翰有一个通情达理的妻子。  来自柯林斯例句  网络释义  -fortunately  1 . 幸运地  unfortunately/Qn5fC:tjunEtli/ (不幸地)即un+fortun(e)+ate+ly,un-否定前缀,fortune(幸运)见2003年Text 3,-ate后缀,-ly后缀。反义词为fortunately(幸运地)←fortun(e)+ate+ly。去ly即为二者的形容词形式:unfortunate(不幸的)←u.  2 . 幸而  胡杏儿(Myolie Wu) - 幸而(Fortunately)  3 . 幸亏  give off 发出(蒸气、光等)fortunatelyadv. 幸亏;幸运地in the future 将来,今后  4 . 好在  fortunately(好在), 此释义来源于网络辞典。  相关词条-good fortune  1 . 好运来  -皇本坚-商标转让-医疗器械类商标买卖-知易商标网 ... 准者 rigorer 好运来good fortune 月嫂 YUESAO.  -fortune teller  1 . 看命图  商品分类 ... 远航图 Sailing Far Off 看命图Fortune Teller 寺庙图 Temple.  -and fortune  1 . 和财富  As I above , the happiness and fortune come from your mind ., 正如我所上面所说的 , 幸福和财富来源于你的想法.  -fortune hunter  1 . 钻石人生  陈汉玮 - 环球人物资料库 ... 奇缘之怨偶天成 Strange Encounters II 1989 钻石人生Fortune Hunter 鼓舞青春 Magic Of Dance.


1. b
  从课文第5-7行可以判断出,只有b. suspected that he writer was a thief 是课文所暗示的情形,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。
  2. c
  3. d
  本句只有选不定式的被动语态才能与前一句I don’t think the windows need cleaning (我认为不必擦窗子)的意义相符。a. to clean; b. to be clean 和 c. to be cleaning 这3个选择都不是不定式的被动语态,因此都不正确,只有d. to be cleaned 是不定式的被动语态,所以应该选d. to be cleaned.
  4. c
  只有选c. to have done(我后悔这样做了)才与前一句 I regretted answering like that的含义和时态相吻合。因为前一句是一般过去时,表示对做过的事情感到后悔,所以只有选不定式的完成式c. to have done 才与前面时态一致。
  a. to do 是不定式现在时,与前面时态不符合;
  b. in doing 和 d. to be doing 都不符合习惯用法,意义讲不通,所以选c.
  5. b
  excuse sb. for doing sth. 是固定短语,表示抱歉做了某事。
  6. a
  只有选a. you to come才能与前一句的would you mind coming with me 的含义相吻合.若选b. to come和c. coming都不符合逻辑,意义不通. d. you coming不合乎语法.所以a是正确答案.
  7. b
  只有选b. rather do(那是我宁愿做的)才能同前一句I"d prefer to stay here 的含义相符。
  would rather do 与 would prefer to do 意义相同。而其他3个选择都与前一句意义不符合,所以b.是正确答案。
  8. b
  只有b. sound能和asleep构成固定短语。sound asleep意思是“酣睡”与前一句中的fast sleep(酣睡)意义相同,所以选b. sound.
  而a. deeply, c. quick, d. soon 都不和asleep连用,所以不选它们。
  9. a
  本句需要一个同前一句I got a ladder from the shed(我从小棚里搬来了一个梯子)中的动词got含义相近的词。
  a. fetched(去拿来,取来);
  b. took(拿,取);
  c. brought(带来,拿来);
  d. carried(拿着,手提,运送)中,只有a. fetched 与前一句中的got含义最接近,其他3个选择都有“拿”的意思,但都没有“去拿来”的含义,意思都不如a.更贴切,所以选a.
  10. d
  本句需要一个同前一句中的形容词sarcastic (讽刺的,讥笑的)意义相同的词。a. funny (可笑的,好玩的);b. laughing (笑的,欢乐的);c. despicable (可鄙视的,卑鄙的)和d. mocking (嘲笑的)这4个词中只有d与sarcastic 的含义最接近,所以应该选d.
  11. c
  本句需要一个同前一句中的动词短语fell off the ladder (从梯子上掉下来)含义相同的词组。a. fell in (塌陷,下沉);b. fell over (向前跌到,翻倒);c. fell down (掉下,倒下)和d. fell away (离开,疏远)中,只有c. 与fell off the ladder 意义最接近,所以应该选c. fell down.
  12. a
  本句需要选一个同前一句中的Fortunately (幸运地)意义相同的词或短语,才能与前一句意义吻合。a. luckily (幸运地);b. By chance (碰巧);c. By accident (偶然,意外地)和d. On purpose (故意地)中,只有a. 与fortunately 的意义相同,所以选a.


The Building of the Pyramids
The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems like that __________(46). There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the tree pyramids. The most famous of these are the "Step" pyramid and the "Bent" pyramid.
Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, __________(47). The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape__________ (48). These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever.
It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids __________(49).
However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used. Nevertheless,by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.
One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning __________(50). The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere.
Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.
A.for stone to use in modern buildings
B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin
C.before they could begin to build
D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved
E.while building the pyramids
F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet
A.for stone to use in modern buildings
B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin
C.before they could begin to build
D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved
E.while building the pyramids
F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet
A.for stone to use in modern buildings
B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin
C.before they could begin to build
D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved
E.while building the pyramids
F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet
A.for stone to use in modern buildings
B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin
C.before they could begin to build
D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved
E.while building the pyramids
F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet
A.for stone to use in modern buildings
B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin
C.before they could begin to build
D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved
E.while building the pyramids
F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet
47.答案:A。此处用语法原则来判断最合适,前一句有look for,两空格前有and,需要填入一个带介词的并列结构,直接判定选择A,主要讲述的是那些去金字塔寻找现代建筑能使用的石头材料的人破坏了金字塔。

