
来源:热点事件 时间:2018-08-04 18:00:12 阅读:



  December 25th is the day of celebration and of fun and frolic. As the long awaited winter holidays arrive, Christmas spirit builds up. The lovely snowflakes, our dear Santa, decorated homes complete with whole range of Christmas star, mistletoe, the good-luck plant, ivy, laurels and not the least the beautifully decorated and illuminated Christmas tree are some of the inseparable parts of the picture. The soft music of the Christmas carols and children eager to open their gifts certainly lend unique warmth to the coldest day of the year.
  The birth of Christ is perhaps the most popular festival around the world. The dark night sky, the chilly winters all just provide the perfect backdrop for the reigning red and green colors that cheer up the entire scenery. People visit www.qieWO.comtheir families and arrange some of the most lavish parties. The most awaited festival, the Christmas signifies love and kindness, joy and happiness. The holiday spirit of the season in one word is - infectious!




I’m usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today’s children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago.
  Why are America’s kids so stressed? The report cites two main causes: increasing physical isolation—brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things—and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.
  Given that we can’t turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation cope.
  At the top of the list is nurturing (培育) a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. Strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.
  To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and they will get more sleep.
  Limit the amount of virtual (虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to. It’s not just video games andmovies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.
  Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.
  Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a goodmodel for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life.
  Choose correct answers to the question:
  1.The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are ________.
  A. surprising
  B. confusing
  C. illogical
  D. questionable
  2. What does the author mean when he says, “we can’t turn the clock back” (Line 1, Para. 3)?
  A. It’s impossible to slow down the pace of change.
  B. The social reality children are facing cannot be changed.
  C. Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.
  D. It’s impossible to forget the past.
  3.According to an analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentallyill 50 years ago ________.
  A. were less isolated physically
  B. were probably less self-centered
  C. probably suffered less from anxiety
  D. were considered less individualistic
  4.The first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is ______
  A. to provide them with a safer environment
  B. to lower their expectations for them
  C. to get them more involved socially
  D. to set a good model for them to follow
  5.What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?
  A. Anxiety, though unavoidable, can be coped with.
  B. Children’s anxiety has been enormously exaggerated.
  C. Children’s anxiety can be eliminated with more parental care.
  D. Anxiety, if properly controlled, may help children become mature.
  1.[D] 题目中的people’s state of mind就是本文第1句中either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves。而对于这种研究,作者开门见山地表明自己的态度是skeptical怀疑的,因此该研究结论是questionable “可疑的”,故选D。
  2.[B] 第3段说“虽然我们无法使时光倒流,但是我们成年人还是可以做很多事情来帮助下一代,使他们可以妥善应对”所以,“使时光倒流”实质上是改变孩子们现在所生活的环境,正确答案为B。
  3.[C] 只要读懂第1段最后一句的比较结构:该分析显示,现在9到17岁的普通儿童比50年前接受精神病治疗的儿童所表现出来的焦虑不安程度还要高,此题答案就一目了然,即选C。
  4.[C] 根据第4段开头的At the top of the list可知答案可在该段中寻得。由该段最后一句“加强社会联系有助于社区的建设,也有助于使个人免受压力的侵扰”可知正确答案为C。
  5.[A] 根据文章最后两句“有时候焦虑是难免的,但它并不是非要毁掉你的生活不可”可知A说法与之相符,故选A。


【手机用户】→点击进入免费试听>>【CET4】 * 【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试一次课程!  英式英语和美式英语中对年月日的表达大有不同。  美式:March 29, 1983 读作 March the twenty-ninth, nineteen eighty-three  英式:29 March, 1983 读作 the twenty-ninth of March, nineteen eighty-three  言下之意,前者为美国英语,后者为英国英语,彼此天各一方,泾渭分明。  一、在英国英语中,通常可有两种表达法。以“1988年5月2日”为例,即:  1. 写法:(the) 2(nd) May, 1988  读法:the second of May, nineteen eighty-eight  2. 写法:May (the) 2(nd), 1988  读法:May the second, nineteen eighty-eight  注意:  1)写法中,日期与月份之间不可加逗号。  2)写法中,年份前的逗号可以省略。  3)写法中,代表日期的序数词词尾(-st,-nd, -rd或-th )均可省略。  4)写法中,序数词前的定冠词the,一般可省略(尤其是以序数词开头的场合);但在读法中,该定冠词则不省略。  二、在美国英语中,通常只采用一种表达法。以“1988年5月2日”为例,即:  写法:May 2(nd), 1988  读法:May second, nineteen eighty-eight  注意:  1)写法中,日期与月份之间不可加逗号。  2)写法中,年份前的逗号可以省略。  3)写法中,代表日期的序数词词尾(-st,-nd, -rd或-th )均可省略。  4)写法中,序数词前的定冠词the,一般可省略;在读法中,该定冠词一般亦省略。  三、无论英国英语或美国英语,在需要突出年月日的场合(尤其是在正式文件中),均可采用以下表达法。以“1988年5月2日”为例,即:  写法:the second (day) of May, in the year (of) 1988  读法:the second (day) of May, in the year (of) nineteen eighty-eight  四、书写时,还可以完全采用数字表示。这时,英国英语与美国英语在表达上大相径庭。以“1988年5月2日”为例,即:  英国式:2. 5. 88;2-5-88;2 / 5 / 88  美国式:5. 2. 88;5-2-88;5 / 2 / 88  对比以上可以清楚看出,两种表达式存在严重差异,即在月份和日期方面完全颠倒。因此,在用纯数字模式的场合,极易产生混淆。  五、不论英国英语或美国英语,有时出于需要,在年月日表达的同时标明“星期几”,按习惯应遵循“‘星期’在前,‘年月日’在后”的原则。比如,以“1988年5月2日星期一”为例,不能说:  *May (the) 2(nd), 1988, Monday  而应说:  Monday, May (the) 2(nd), 1988  六、不论英国英语或美国英语,书写时,月份还常用缩略式(May除外)。即  January ~ Jan. / Jan (一月)  February ~ Feb. / Feb (二月)  March ~ Mar. / Mar (三月)  April ~ Apr. / Apr (四月)  May (五月)  June ~ Jun. / Jun (六月)  July ~ Jul. / Jul (七月)  August ~ /`Aug. / Aug (八月)  September ~ Sept. / Sep. / Sep (九月)  October ~ Oct. / Oct (十月)  November ~ Nov. / Nov (十一月)  December ~ Dec. / Dec (十二月)  以上,缩略式中的圆点号可以省略。  最后,在年月日的表达方面,所谓的英国英语与美国英语之间,实际应用中并无清晰严格的界限,不少人似乎更乐于随心所欲,投其所好。

