
来源:电脑网络 时间:2018-08-04 18:00:12 阅读:



【导语】我们中国人通常都很忌讳说"死"这个字,古代按照等级的划分有"天子死曰崩,诸侯死曰薨,大夫死曰卒,士曰不禄,庶人曰死"的说法,现在我们会说一个人"离开了我们"、"走了"等。英语同样忌言"死",虽然有die这个词,但口语中人们一般不用 die来直说死亡。pass away和pass on都是暗指过世。例:Sadly, Georgia"s uncle passed away yesterday after a short illness(真伤心,乔治亚的叔叔昨天得了一场急病去世了);I"m sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on(很遗憾听到*妈刚刚去世的消息)。lose one"s life一般指由于意外事故、战争等不可抗力而造成的死亡,为意外死亡。例:How did he lose his life(他是怎么死的)?depart也是死亡的委婉说法,主要用于短语depart this life/depart this earth,意思是灵魂离开了肉体的存在去往另一个世界了。例:He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny(他带着一种已完成使命的满足感离开了这个世界)。expire的意思是呼气,这里引申为呼出最后一口气,暗指死亡。例:The patient expired early this morning(这位病人今天早晨去世了)。perish多指非自然死亡。例:Many soldiers perish in battle(很多士兵死于战争)。
go to meet one"s Maker也是死亡的委婉说法,注意这里Maker要大写,是造物主的意思,去见造物主了就是死了。例:He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty hands(他知道他是一无所有地来到世上,也将会两手空空地离开人间)。其他英语中常用的"过世"的委婉说法还有:His time has come.He has climbed the golden staircase.He is sleeping the final sleep.He is resting in peace.He has breathed his last.He answered the last number.He has joined the angels.


英语资源频道为大家整理的英语短文故事:死亡城 ,供大家阅读参考。A few years ago when I was 18, I was dating a girl from Edinburgh. Now this place has quite a lot of history so ghost tours are common but one stands out as being famous due to the fact that it has an extremely well documented case of a poltergeist called the Mackenzie Poltergeist. After having read the book written by the founder of the City Of The Dead tour I was really looking forward to going on it.故事发生在几年前,那时我刚好十八岁,正在跟爱丁堡的一个女孩约会。当时,这个地方的鬼怪旅游就已经具有很长的历史了,开展得也非常普遍,但是其中有一个与众不同的地方非常有名,因为这里出了一个叫做麦肯斯的闹鬼,并且据说对这个鬼还有着非常充分的考证。在拜读了景点“死亡城”创始人所写的书后,我由衷地憧憬着能到此一游。
The tour starts off by taking you around Edinburgh and telling you stories of certain parts, but it all kicks off when they take you into a place called the covenanters prison. In this small cemetery is the Black Mausoleum where the poltergeist is. Many people have felt cold spots in this tomb and have left the tour only for cuts and welts to appear later. Part of the tour is for all of the participants to be locked in the tiny mausoleum for ten minutes. Now while I was in there I felt things touching me and heard scratching noises on the walls and ceiling of this sandstone tomb. While this wouldn"t be uncommon, what happened to me after I left that still scares me.在旅游开始时,他们会带着你绕着爱丁堡转转,向你介绍一些景点。只有当他们将你带入一个叫做“神圣盟约监狱”的时候,旅游才算真正开始,这是一块面积不大的墓地,这里有一个叫做“黑陵”的坟墓,里面就住着那个闹鬼。在坟墓里,许多人都会感到阴森森的,里面的磕磕绊绊也往往吓得他们提前结束游程。在游览中有一部分内容是把游客关在一个很小的墓穴里,让他们在里面呆十分钟。当我被关在这座用砂岩砌成的墓穴时,感觉到有什么东西一直在碰着我, 并且还听到在穴壁和顶部有“唰唰”的擦划声。如果这还算是正常的话,那么在我走后所发生的事情至今还让我心有余悸
After enjoying the whole thing I left the graveyard to return home to the flat but as I was exiting the cemetery I felt something come with me, a heavy kind of feeling, as if there was something on my back but not physically. This continued all the way home which was quite a long walk. When we got there we were the only two in the house, save for the cats, or so we thought. It wasn"t long before I felt something in the house with us, like t


pass away
Sadly, Georgia"s uncle passed away yesterday after a short illness.真伤心,乔治亚的叔叔昨天得了一场急病去世了。
pass on
I"m sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on. 很遗憾听到*妈刚刚去世的消息。
pass away 和 pass on 都是暗指过世。
lose one"s life
How did he lose his life?他是怎么死的?
depart 也是死亡的委婉说法,意思是灵魂离开了*的存在去往另一个世界了。
Comrade Zhou Enlai finally departed from us.周恩来同志和我们永别了。
The patient expired early this morning.这位病人今天早晨去世了。
perish 指的是非自然死亡。
Many soldiers perish in battle.很多士兵在战斗中死去了。
go to meet one’s Maker
He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty hands. 他知道他是一无所有的来到世上,也将会两手空空的离开人间。

