
来源:电脑网络 时间:2018-08-05 08:00:06 阅读:



       A:Marco, here is an easy psychological test. Are you interested?
  B:Yes. But make sure you speak slowly so that I can follow you.
  A:Ok. Here we go. Well ,the first question is when you walk \into\ a forest,what is the first qnimal that you wanna see?
  B:Tiger. I love tigers.
  A:Ok. Then what"s the second animal you wanna see ?
  B: The second. I guess a pig. That"s my girlfriend"s sign.
  A:Now, after the forest,there comes a little stream. The water is nice and clean. But you are not thirsty. Would you drink some water?
  B:No, cause I"m not thirsty.
  A:The second stream is very dirty,and you are really thirsty this time.Now, would you drink some water?
  B:I guess so.
  A:After this ,you see a small house. So you open the door and go in. You see a vase and lots of roses on the floor. Now tell me how many roses you wanna put \into\ the vase.
  A:Okay. That"s the last question. Now let me tell you its meaning. The first animal is you and the second animal is your girlfriend. You said you"re a tiger and she"s a pig. That shows you"re a really bossy man and you"re lazy, cause your girlfriend is lazy.
  B:What about the streams?
  A:The 2 streams are 2 opportunities in your life. You caught one.
  B:Then the roses.
  A:The roses refer to your lovers after you get married. You may have one lover.
  B:That"s not t


Let me live in your heart
Meet you is my fate
Fate I met you, no openings are feeling. Hazy night, faint heart. Don"t want to seen him at that moment, his eyes suddenly lit up! o Good figure tall and straight, tall, love said love to laugh, a masculine chiseled face, the body is permeated with enthusiasm, sending out the air of a man! Particularly that magnetic voice and pleasing to the ear, listening to the heart, sense of comfortable. So, I feel that heaven opened and scene, the face of the moon! Gently passing a piece of paper, he left his phone number, inadvertently swept to he a beautiful teeth... The wind gently blowing, because you smiled to me, so I feel very happy. Love at first sight is not hidden, two hearts don"t lonely...
I was hit by a love a low back
Huge in met you, everything becomes meaningful, this mountain in the world than one mountain high, but in my heart, you always the best in the world!
Since then, he at six o "clock every night on time a phone call, I will firmly hold in telephone. Fan of the voice in my heart a soft, crisp fall for it. He would take me going out for a walk in the square, the time he can"t help the arcana wildfire in gently to burn for me "can"t tell from what time to start, I have quietly falling in love with you..." Later, I saw him in my written in the book "thick eyebrows and big eyes, a button nose, the man of my dreams..." He will be for me when the day is cold good coat, wear a hat, bold and vigorous appearance he will so exquisite and affectionate. I deeply intoxicated, in the world there are hundred flatters thousand red, will you love me only this one?
Heart to let you hear love to let you see
Clearly know lovesickness bitter. Suddenly tasted the taste of love. Sometimes a person quietly sat there staring blankly, mind is full of his shadow, always feeling chi always for you! Some people say that make a wish, make to the one thousandth time, favorite people will appear. Where can I find your shadow? so Began to f


[摘要] 在现实中,英语广告发挥着不可低估的作用。广告语言对消费者的心理产生巨大影响,使其产生购买欲望并最终促成购买行为的实现。本文以消费心理为基础对英语广告进行分析研究,希望对中国营销具有借鉴作用。   [关键词] 英语广告 消费心理 语言      一、广告的重要性   随着我国对外经济交往迅速加深与扩大,广告逐渐成为人民生活密切相关的一部分和人们获取外在信息的重要途径。广告英语作为一种应用语言,因其所具有的特殊效用,已逐渐从普通英语中独立出来而发展成为非规范化的专用语言,用词造句与普通英语也有着许多差异,并随着广告的发展、时代的前进、科技的进步及社会的变更而变化。怎样的广告活动才能够激起消费者的欲求,怎样的广告词能够促使他们购买并持久地使用广告主的产品呢?要探讨这个问题,就必须对广告心理学及广告英语进行研究。   二、广告运作的心理机制   一个成功的广告,在于积极地利用有针对性的诉求,把广告主所需传播的信息进行加强,传递给消费者,从而引起消费者的注意,使消费者对广告主的产品发生兴趣,并进而刺激起消费者的欲求,促使其产生购买行为。可以看出,广告发生作用的这一机制和过程完全是心理性的,而广告也是针对消费者的物质欲求心理而发。这就是所谓的广告心理功效,它是广告宣传通过对消费者的感觉和知觉刺激去激发消费者的认知过程的结果。   要想有效发挥商业广告的认知、诱导、便利、教育和促销的心理功能,将广告的语言文化因素、心理功能与消费者心理活动联结起来,在广告设计中必须充分重视对消费者心理活动规律与特点的研究,增强广告的表现力、吸引力、感染力和诱导力。   三、英语广告与消费心理   一般地讲,广告与消费者心理联系的过程大体如下:引起注意→启发联想→增进感情→增强记忆→实现购买。那么优秀的广告在语言上是如何揣摸消费者的心理,刺激消费的呢?我们从以下几方面来分析:   1.多采用简单句,祈使句,省略句,避免复合句,节奏明快活泼,琅琅上口,增加可读性,易于传颂,易于记忆。   例如:The taste is great(味道好极了!) 雀巢咖啡   Ask for more.(渴望无限。)百事可乐   Good to the last drop(滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!)麦斯威尔咖啡   Impossible is nothing(一切皆有可能!)Adidas   2.多采用疑问句,引起消费者的注意与参与。疑问句在广告中颇受欢迎,因为疑问句可以有效调动消费者的注意力,引发他们的参与性,利用消费者的好奇心起到启发联想的作用,使消费者参与到广告中来。   例如:Arthritis pains? All you need is Bayer Aspirin.   关节痛吗?你需要Bayer牌阿司匹林片。上面这则广告站在用户立场上以问句形式出现,目的在于吸引读者去思考,去寻求答案,去购买。   3.注意当地文化风俗,增进与消费者的感情。由于社会文化不同,英汉民族观察事物、对待事物的角度和观念也不同。英汉民族有着不同的价值观念,不同的社会习俗。要使广告的商品被接受,打开市场,就要使广告迎合当地价值观念,顺应当地的风俗习惯。如,著名的 “金利来”(goldlion原意金狮), 正是迎合了中国百姓求吉求利的心态。   索尼公司名字的修改也可以看作是广告要顺应当地社会风俗的一个例子。50年代末期日本“东京通讯工业公司”创始人盛田昭夫平认为,公司名称外国人不容易念,决定改名为 Sony。公司名字的修改对于索尼在西方的发展起到了很大的作用。4.采用各种修辞方法,引起注意,引发联想,刺激购买欲望。英英语广告往往会采用各种修辞方法,加强广告的感染力、渲染力和说服力,从而引起注意,引发联想,刺激购买欲望。   Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.(动态的诗,向我舞近。)丰田汽车这一广告把汽车比作诗歌,在心理上给人以华美优雅的暗示,引起消费者的美好联想,最终能刺激消费欲求。Flowers by Inter-flora speak from the heart. 这是一家花店的广告,拟人手法使鲜花成为传递情话的使者,充满了浪漫的情怀,无疑能被消费者在众多花店中能一眼选中。   We lead, others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。理光复印机广告中的“copy” 一词一词双关,既有复印的意思又有仿效的意思,不但语言优美流畅,还可以给消费者留下深刻的印象,堪称是广告中的经典。   Not all cars are created equal. 丰田汽

