
来源:百科 时间:2018-08-07 08:00:05 阅读:



hear musiclisten to musiclistening to musicmusic in the mindmusicsslippagewinamp
When he listens to music he has lost to the world .他一听音乐便把整个世界忘之脑后。
2.I like swimming , reading novels and listening to music .我喜欢游泳,看小说和听音乐。
3.He listens to music as an escape from the pressures of work .他听音乐以缓解一下工作的压力。
4.Madam said, "the people are down listening to the music. "夫人说:“老百姓们正在下面听音乐。”
5.When he listens to music he is unaware of what is happening around him .他一听音乐便把整个世界忘之脑后。
6.In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate planes .从某种意义上说来,我们都在三个不同的层次上听音乐。
7.The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself .听音乐最简单的方式就是从乐声本身中获取纯粹的美的享受。
8.They go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it .他们到另一个所在去梦想,他们由于有了音乐而梦想,关于音乐的梦想,但却从来不真正在听音乐。
9.He likes listening to music and making model planes他喜欢听音乐和做模型飞机。
10.We watch tv or listen to music in the living - room我们在起居室看电视、听音乐。


哈哈,两个人吵架的时候,总是喜欢说:真的是受够你了,受够你了,受够你了!“受够了”英文怎么说呢?听音频学英语:“受够了”英文怎么说?be fed up with 对...感到厌烦,受够了I am fed up with the food here.I miss my mom"s cooking.这里的食物我是受够了,想念妈妈做的菜。Mary is so fed up with her boyfriend.Mary受够她男朋友了。Yuyu老师微信:hahaxiniu,也就是“哈哈犀牛”4个字的拼音。【feed up】:feed up (with)1.给(某人)以充分的(或有营养的)食物;养肥:That thin little boy needs feeding up.那个瘦小的小男孩需要充分的营养。2.[口语]使对…厌烦,使厌倦[常用被动语态]:I"m fed up with this wet weather.我讨厌这种潮湿的天气。【fed up】:If you are fed up, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time. 厌倦的I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men.关于女人该如何着装以取悦男人我都看腻了。He had become fed up with city life.他已厌倦了城市生活。Molly : You must be kidding? I am fed up with your poor work habits. 莫莉:你一定是在开玩笑吧?我受够了你差劲儿的工作习惯。I"m fed up with all those nonsense. 所有那些胡言乱语我真听腻了。哼,再见,再也不见,“受够了”的英文表达你学会了吗?


当你要跟别人宣布一件很重要的事情时,可以先说一声 "Listen." 或是 "Look." 来提醒大伙的注意。但是如果真这件事非常地重要,我们还可以更强调一些说 "Listen up." (但是注意没有人说 look up。) 例如:"Folks now listen up, the meeting will begin at 1 pm. (大伙们听好了,会议将在下午一点开始。)"
但是如果你所要表达的意思是"你给我仔细听好了",那么 "Listen up" 还不够,要用 "Read my lips." 才更能确切地表达中文的意思. "Read my lips." 字面上指的是"读我的唇", 但真正的含义就是"你给我仔细听好了"。例如别人约你:"Do you want to hang out with me tonight? (今晚你想不想跟我在一起啊?)" 如果这个人是个很讨厌的人的话,你就可以回答他 "Read my lips. NO." 当然我看老美在讲这句话时一定会放慢讲,好把那个 "NO" 的唇形给表现出来。
话说 1988 年 George Bush Sr. 竞选时向选民保证当选后不加新税,他当时是这么说的: "Read my lips: No new taxes." 但是他当选之后并未实践诺言,所以后来 read my lips 也变成对不履行诺言的总统的一种讽刺语

