
来源:百科 时间:2018-08-09 18:00:02 阅读:





2013年上半年全国外语翻译证书考试(NAETI)报名通知  根据教育部考试中心的工作安排,2013年上半年全国外语翻译证书考试(NAETI)将于5月份举行,我考点的报名工作具体安排如下:  一、报名条件  不受条件限制,只要实力相当,任何学历的学习者和工作者均可报名。  二、报名时间、办法  1.网上报名阶段(3月15日——4月5日):考生登录报名网址后,按规定填写相关信息,提交后打印出报名确认单。  报名网址:。  2.考点确认阶段(4月6日——4月9日,节假日除外):考点对考生报名资格进行审核,考生到考点现场确认缴费。考生信息一经确认不得更改。  考生现场确认时,需携带报名确认单、本人的有效身份证件原件和复印件(有效身份证件包括身份证、军警证件、护照、港澳同胞证)、一张一寸正面免冠白底的近期照片。在校学生还需携带学生证原件和复印件。  三、开考级别  英语一级、二级、三级、四级。  四、考试时间  5月18日:英语一级、二级、三级和四级笔译,英语四级口译。  5月19日:英语一级、二级和三级口译。  五、收费标准  1.社会考生:四级笔译200元、四级口译300元、三级笔译400元、三级口译500元,二级笔译600元、二级口译700元。  2.在校大学生:四级笔译140元、四级口译210元、三级笔译280元、三级口译350元,二级笔译420元、二级口译490元。  六、考点地址:兰州大学医学校区恪勤楼529室。  七、咨询电话:0931-8912115。  教务处考试中心  二

三:[兰州翻译]my hometown英语作文:我的家乡——兰州

写作翻译网权威发布my hometown英语作文:我的家乡——兰州,更多my hometown英语作文相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。
Lanzhou is a city in the Yellow River basin only Yellow River Wear and the city, urban rivers, mountains, forming a unique urban landscape. In order to highlight the mountain and water features of the city, at present is to speed up comprehensive development project of North South Mountains Landscape and customs of the Yellow River tourism line, the urban section of the Yellow River 40 kilometres on both sides of the road bridge construction, the embankment built reinforcement, waterway dredging, the development of tourist attractions, architectural style of the city and green landscaping lighting as a whole, the Silk Road culture, Yellow River culture and national culture together the.The Yellow River not only to raise the people of Maryland, here brings a wealth of products, native products of prestigious Bailan melon, soft pear, winter pear fruit, white peach, melon and fruit, lily, black melon seeds, rose, bracken, shisha renowned Chinese and foreign, Lanzhou became renowned at home and abroad of melons city.Lanzhou is an important city on the ancient Silk Road. As early as 5000 years ago, humans thrived here. Western Han Dynasty set up county government, "an impregnable city" meaning and "jincheng. Suichu home to Lanzhou zongguanfu, was named Lanzhou. The ancient Silk Road also here left many monuments and splendid culture, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to come for sightseeing, so be across the 2000 km Lanzhou, connecting Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Maiji, Yongjing Bingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple and other famous attractions of the Silk Road Tourism District Center.

