
来源:百科 时间:2018-08-09 18:00:02 阅读:




老外眼中,中国人取英文名字的有趣现象 叫 michael的通常都很自负觉得自己受到众人欢迎痴 叫 gary的通常都很弱智 常做白痴的事情 叫 jessica的通常都很精明算的很精讲话永远都有官方说法 叫 ruby 的也是蛮有自信的女强人多 叫 vincent的通常官位都蛮大的也通常帅 叫 peggy的没什 多半是名字里有个佩字 叫 larry 的通常长的黑黑阴阴的 叫 jennifer的通常都很机车,嘴巴很坏 叫 jacky 的看起来都很老实 叫 dick 的很无聊和很好色 叫 irene 的通常都是知性美女 叫 claire 的甜姐儿多 叫 robert的通常头都有点秃(要小心喔!) 叫 kenny 的通常调皮捣蛋 叫 catherine 的大肥人多 叫 anita 的通常小鼻子小眼睛 叫 terry 的通常有点自大 叫 vivian的通常都很娇气, 叫 ivy 的通常很爱打人 叫 rita 的精明的美女 叫 jackson 的通常有点自以为是 叫 eric 的通常是有自信的臭屁王 叫 simon 的通常是有自傲的人 叫 james 的通常都有点自恋 叫 sam 的通常是快乐的要宝王 叫 hank 的通常是温和的有点迟疑的 叫 sarah 的通常是聪明漂亮 叫 kevin 的通常长的蛮帅 叫 andy 的通常自认长的蛮帅 叫 angel 的有点黏人的小女人 叫 golden 的通常爱喝酒 叫 marshall的通常蛮无聊的 叫 jimmy 的通常是矮矮胖胖的 叫 docata 的通常都很自恋很自大 叫 tom 的通常很乡土 叫 jason 的通常带有一点邪气





Meetings and greetings
Do you ask everyone you see, "How do you do?" Though quite common in days past, today it"s only appropriate in very formal situations - not with your friends. In most situations, choose a more common phrase like, "How are you?" With friends, you could also say, "Hey, what"s up?" or "How"s it going?"
Wining and dining
"Would you mind passing me the salt, please?" It"s always important to remember your manners, especially when you"re eating with business associates or important guests. But when you"re just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, and you need the salt, it"s quite OK to just say, "Hey, pass the salt."
Coming and going
You receive an urgent message during an important meeting, so you ask, "Would you excuse me for a moment, please?" But what if you"re with your friends? Just tell them to "hang on a sec" or say you"ll "be right back." Remember, it"s not always impolite to be informal.
Didn"t hear it?
Your customer is speaking to you, but you didn"t understand what she said. Don"t panic. Just be polite and say, "Excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?" On the other hand, in more casual situations, just ask, "Come again?" or "What did you say?"
Good impressions
"This is quite an impressive abode, my dear." This is a formal way to tell people that you really like their home. If you"re over at a friend"s place, however, there"s no need for such serious language. Your friends would be perfectly happy to hear you exclaim, "What a cool place, man!" 译文:
你遇到每一个所见的人都会问:「How do you do?」虽然这句话在过去每天的问候相当普遍,今天只适用在非常正式的场合

你的英文篇(三):英文歌词大全:Every Breath You Take 你的每次呼吸

你的英文_英文歌词大全:Every Breath You Take 你的每次呼吸

英语资源网权威发布英文歌词大全:Every Breath You Take 你的每次呼吸,更多英文歌词大全相关信息请访问英语资源网。
以下是为大家整理的关于《英文歌词大全:Every Breath You Take 你的每次呼吸》文章,供大家学习参考!
every breath you takeand every move you makeevery bond you break, every step you takei"ll be watching youevery single dayand every word you sayevery game you play, every night you stayi"ll be watching youoh, can"t you seeyou belong to me?how my poor heart acheswith every step you takeevery move you makeevery vow you breakevery smile you fake, every claim you stakei"ll be watching yousince you"ve gone i"ve been lost without a tracei dream at night, i can only see your facei look around, but it"s you i can"t replacei feel so cold, and i long for your embracei keep crying baby, baby please.oh, can"t you seeyou belong to me?how my poor heart acheswith every step you takeevery move you makeevery vow you breakevery smile you fake, every claim you stakei"ll be watching youevery move you make, every step you takei"ll be watching youi"ll be watching you

