
来源:周公解梦 时间:2018-09-26 11:00:21 阅读:





You to me what air is to human beings.
总之格式就是:A is to B what C is to B
(肯定没错!意思是:A 对 B,就相当于 C 对 B.你自己往里填词儿吧!A 是你要倾诉的那位,B 是你自己,至于CD,你自己看着办吧!)


一句英语的情话,要求第一个字母是h 最后一个字母是l .

honey,Thank you for your support for i



you are my life ,my heart,you are mine,i want give u all my love,when i met u first time,my world become more beautiful,the stars r more lovely,u r the man of my dream ,it will become reality ,the space time"s door will open for me,two hearts never apart.


In this picture we can easily find,this young man is dicussing a subject with an old man~The young man seems
happily about the topic of their talking,but he has his own mind~That it is,say one thing and mean another.
Now,this kind of phenomenon is more and more common.The youngersters has thier unique thoughts,and old men"s thoughts are always deep routed~It is difficult to be move by the youngersters.So the gap of the two generations to block their exchange.
The old man always snuff out the creative idea of youngerster and the young men are beneath the old men"s notice.
Two thoughts has their own strong point though I thought.They should draw the strong points of others to offset their own weakness.The idea of young men are always creativily but still juvenility;The idea of old men are usually dominance and colourless.Their minds would hit the spark if they learn each other.Then,their minds which various conception would has a new state.

In this picture we can easily find that this young man is discussing a subject with an old man.The young man seems
happy about the topic,but he has his own mind,That is saying one thing and meaning another.
Now,this is becoming a more and more common phenomenon.The young has unique thoughts,and old"s thoughts are always deep routed.It is difficult to change by the young.So the gap of the two generations blocks their communication.
The old men always cut the creative ideas of the young men and the young men are always beneath the old men"s notice.
Two thoughts have their own strong points I think.They should even the strong points with their own weaknesses.The idea of young men are always creative but still undeveloped;The idea of old men are usually dominating and pale.Their minds would hit the spark if they learn each other.Then,their various conceptions would have a new state.
好累~有句话不太理得清——Their minds would hit the spark if they learn each other.要想说擦出火花吗?感觉不是这么表达的~





I can still remember it like it was yesterday.I was a college freshman and had stayed up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends.Now just before first class of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a pillow .A few minutes nap(嗑睡)time before class couldn’t hurt I thought.
BOOM!I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers.I looked around with my heart beating wildly trying to find the cause of the noise.My young professor was looking back at mc with a boyish(孩子气的)smile on his face.He had intentionally dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk.“Good morning!”,he said still smiling .“I am glad to see everyone is awake .Now let’s get started.”
For the next hour l wasn’t sleepy at all.It wasn’t from the shock of my professor’s textbook alarm clock either.It was instead from the fascinating discussion he led.With knowledge and good hunor he made the material come alive .His insights(见识)were full of both wisdom and loving-kindness.And the enthusiasm and joy that he taught with were contagious(富有感染力的).I left the classroom not only wide awake,but a little smarter and a little better as well.
I learned something far more important than not sleeping in class that day too.I learned that if you are going to do something in this life,do it well,do it with joy .What a wonderful place this would be if all of US did our work joyously and well.Don’t sleepwalk(梦游)your way through life then.Wake up!Let your love fill your work.Life is too short not to live it well.

"早安!" 他还在笑著说,"我很开心看见大家都醒来了,就让我们开始罢."


Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.

Never imagine yourself not to be what you had been would have appeared to others.



1.Nice to meet you!很高兴见到您!
2.How are you!最近怎样!
3.Long time no see!好久不见!
4.What about you?你呢?
5.How much?多少钱?
6.Shut up!闭嘴!
7.May I help you?我能帮您什么?
8.Hold on!(打电话时)等一等
9.What’s the matter!出什么事,出什么问题!
10.I"m sorry to have bothered you. 对不起,打扰你了.
11.What"s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?
12.It’s Sunday today. 今天是星期天.
13.Welcome to visit our factory!欢迎参观我们工厂!
14.We look forward to your visit. 期待您的光临
15.How about your opinion!请说说您的看法!
16.I think so. 我也这么想.
17.How are things going?事情进展得怎样?
18.Good luck!祝好运!
19.Of course!当然了!
20.I promise. 我保证.
21.Take care!保重!
22.Let me try!让我试试
23.Don’t move!不许动!
24.My treat. 我请客.
25.Forget it!休想!(算了!)
26.No problem!没问题!
27.Time is up. 时间快到了.
28.I"m looking forward to a prompt reply.盼迅速答复
29.Don"t worry. 别担心
30.Are you sure?你肯定吗?
31.Take it easy. 别紧张.
32.To be careful!一定要小心!
33.Enjoy yourself!祝你玩得开心!
34.Give me a hand!帮帮我!
35.Just wonderful!简直太棒了!
36.You"re welcome. 不客气.
38.Follow me. 跟我来.
39.It sounds great!. 听起来很不错.
40.You can make it!你能做到!
41.I"ll try my best. 我尽力而为.
42.No pain,no gain. 不劳无获.
43.I beg your pardon. 请你原谅.
44.I beg your pardon?请您再说一遍(我没有听清).
45.I"ll be back soon. 我马上回来.
46.Bless you!祝福你!
47.Don"t give me that!少来这套!
48.As soon as possible!越快越好!
49.My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了.
50.None of your business!与你无关!



我不是学外语专业的,但无意听到某位老师讲到这个规则,具体就是“清清元浊浊”.清即清辅音,元即元音,浊指浊辅音.具体是那几个应该知道吧?(发音时声带振动的就是浊辅音,没有振动的即清辅音自己搜索下吧).这句话的意思就是:以清辅音结尾的单词,其第三人称单数,或复数形式结尾的那个s 发『s』的音,属于-清辅音,即你说的清对清如looks,books等,.对于你说的第二句不够全面,除了浊辅音还包括20个元音,而以元音,浊辅音结尾的单词则发[z]-属于浊辅音,即元浊浊如,hambergers,hands.不过好像总结的不够全面,另外我觉得,以-ed结尾的过去分词,过去时,也遵循这个原则.发[t]的音(亲辅音)或[id],[d](浊辅音)等.如helped,looked,都发[t] ,与此对应的另外两个例子便是,cleaned,needed.应该全面了希望对你有用.



"The Story of the Stone" is written by Caoxueqin, a writer in Qing dynasty.


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