
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2016-09-05 10:48:03 阅读:


9A Unit 7 reading(1)Tom Sawyer paints the fence 教案

Reading (1)

备课人:杨扬 上课日期:2014. 11. _____

Tom Sawyer paints the fence ! 小组合作任务阅读设计


Saturday morning came, and everything was bright and fresh. Every boy in town was happy, except Tom Sawyer.

Tom stood on the sidewalk with a bucket of white paint and a brush with a long handle. He looked at the fence that his aunt had told him to paint, and felt very depressed. It was thirty yards long, and three yards high! He dipped his brush in the paint and painted a corner of the fence. Then he stood back and looked at it. The section he had painted was so small, and the unpainted section was so huge! He sat down under a tree to have a rest.

Task1 Match the words with their meanings

Depressed put

Dip part

Section unhappy

Task2 Read the two paragraphs and answer the following questions.

1. What was Tom asked to do on Saturday morning?

2. What did he need to paint a fence?

3. How long and how high is the fence?

3. How did he feel when he painted?


He began to think of the games which he had planned for this day. Soon the boys who were free would come along and make fun of him. But just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work.

Task1 Choose the best meanings for the phrases

1. come along A. arrive B. hurry C. happen

2. make fun of A. tell him some good jokes B. sing songs with him

C. laugh at him in an unkind way

3. just then A. a long time ago B. after that C. at that moment

Task2 Choose the best answer to each of these questions.

1. The boys who were free means the boys who __________

A. were not in prison (监狱) at that time B did not have to do any work

2.Tom’s wonderful idea was to _________

A. work as quickly as possible B. trick (欺骗) other boys into doing his work.


Ben Rogers came along the road, singing happily and carrying an apple. He stopped and looked at Tom. Tom went on painting and ignored Ben.

‘I’m going swimming,’ said Ben. ‘Do you want to go swimming, Tom? But I guess you can’t. You have to stay and work, don’t you?’

Tom went on painting. ‘Work?’ he said. ‘This isn’t work. I’m enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?’

Ben thought about this. Tom went on painting, carefully. Sometimes he stopped and stood back to look at the fence, and then added a bit more paint in just the right place. Ben was watching every move. He was getting more and more interested.

Task1: Choose the best meaning for the words and phrases.

1. go on A. continue B. stop C. come back

2. ignore A. take no notice of B. look at carefully C. hate


After a while, he said, ‘Tom, will you let me do some painting?’ ‘No, Ben, I can’properly. I’m the only one who can do it right’.

‘Oh, please, Tom,’ begged Ben. ‘I can do it. I’ll be really careful. Just let me try. I’ll give you half of my apple. I’’

‘Well, all right, Ben’, said Tom. ‘But you must be careful.’

He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down again under the tree, and started to eat the apple that Ben had given him.

Task1: What do the underlined words refer to in the story?

1. 2. 3. I’

Task2 Tom had ‘worry on his face’ because __________

A he was trying to fool Ben B. he did not want Ben to paint badly


All day, boys came to make fun, but they stayed to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tom a kite for a chance to paint. Then Johnny Miller offered him twelve marbles, and so on.

Task: Choose the best meaning for the words and phrases.

1. and so on A. and things continued in the same way

B. and that was the end of it

C. and so he painted the fence


By the afternoon Tom had gained all sorts of toys, and the fence had gained three coats of paint. Later Aunt Polly came to look at Tom’s work. She was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that she gave Tom a larger cake!

Task1: Choose the best meanings for the word

1. coat A. jacket B. the hair or wool of an animal C. a covering of paint

Task2: Can you find the synonym (同义词)of ‘kind’ in this paragraph? ____________

Task2: We can tell from the second paragraph that Tom

A. told Aunt Polly that other boys helped him B. did not tell the truth

Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence

Lesson 2 Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence

一、课文分析(Lesson Analysis)

(一)课文地位(Lesson Position)

1. 本课的主要内容为马克〃吐温所著小说《汤姆〃索耶历险记》的节选, 讲述的是小说中的一个幽默故事。具体围绕主人公Tom如何利用“智慧”来欺骗他的朋友们为他粉刷篱笆展开。设计活动让学生讨论有关Friends, Tricks, Humour等话题,帮助学生理解并能在现实生活中正确运用、处理并对待这三个环节。

2. 围绕“幽默故事”这一主题,设计活动让学生语言训练,加强对“幽默”内涵的理解,幽默是生活的调料,有了幽默,人们会在轻松、愉快、真心、适意中消除烦忧,解脱症结,拓展情怀。

3.本课中出现了新的语法现象——间接引语。本课主要学习直接引语是疑问句时,转换成间接引语应注意的语序、连接词、人称和时态的变化情况。如,Do you want to go swimming today? → Ben asked Tom if he wanted to go swimming that day. What are you doing here, Tom? Aunt → Polly asked Tom what he was doing there. 对于这一语法现象,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的句型操练。


(二)课文目标(Lesson Target)

1.了解间接引语语法现象,能注意直接引语转换为间接引语时语序、连接词、人称与时态的变化, 并熟练运用间接引语进行描述。



(三)课文重点(Lesson Points)


trick sb. into doing sth., stop to do sth., go on doing sth., more and more, be eager to, have a try, with great care, make fun of, end up, gain, up and down, sail, adopt, depth{tom,sawyer,paints,the,fence,On,saturday9A}.

2. 功能:

1) Telling and acting out a humourous story.

2) Describing things using the reported speech(“间接引语”描述事物)

 He asked Sue if / whether her optional course was French or not.

 He asked me when I was going on a trip to Beijing.



二、教学设计(Teaching Designs){tom,sawyer,paints,the,fence,On,saturday9A}.


1. Take the word „Person‟, write it on the board.

1. Students have to guess who he/she is.

2. Encourage „narrowing-down‟ questions, and give generous hints if the guessing

slows down or seems not to be progressing towards the right answer.

3. The number of questions can be limited to 10 or 20.

4. The student who guesses the answer is the winner.

Variations: Instead of defining the item to be guessed by saying whether it is an

object, animal or person, give different hints: whether it is animal,

vegetable or mineral; the first letter of the word („I spy with my little

eye something beginning with…‟); the coulor; the size, whether you

like it or not, etc.

1. Select an article to suit your teaching purpose and student level. Decide how

many sections into which you will divide all or part of it. (I recommend three, and no more than 4 sections, or the second group activity (see Procedure below) becomes time consuming.) If possible, enlarge it on a photocopying machine to make it easier for students to read and for you to cut. Generally you will want to omit the first paragraph of an average article because it contains all the key information.

2. Label each sheet differently as a way of making sure students in the first group

activity have the same handout. I recommend using colors (e.g. blue, red and green) as labels instead of numbers or letters. When numbers (1, 2 and 3) or letters (A, B and C) are used, students often assume that they indicate the order in which the sections appear in the original article. Using colors avoids this problem.

3. Divide the class into 3 or 4 groups, depending on how many sections you have

divided the article into. (More than four sections usually take too much time.) Give the same section of the article to each member of a particular group.

4. Have the students go through their section of the article together until they are

all satisfied that they understand it and can explain it to others.

5. As a group, have the students write out two questions they would like to ask

others to gain a better understanding of the entire article.

6. When you feel the students are ready, have them form new groups with at least

one member of each of the other groups. (For example, combine a member from the red, blue and green groups.) Warn them not to show their papers to the members of the new group.

7. Ask someone from each group to explain what they think the article is about

and any other important points or questions that came up as they tried to piece the article back together again. Eventually, each member must learn the entire article by sharing information with others in the group.{tom,sawyer,paints,the,fence,On,saturday9A}.

For Example: ( Blue, Green, Red paper)

Then Tom had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and started to work.

Soon, Ben Rogers came along the road. He was happily eating an apple. He stopped to

look at Tom. Tom went on painting the fence and pretended not be see Ben. “I’m going swimming,” said Ben. “Do you want to go swimming, Tom? But I guess you can’t. You have to stay and work, don’t you?”

“Work?” Tom said. “This isn’t work. I’m enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?”

“Just let me try, Tom. I’ll give you half of my apple. Well, I’ll give you all of it!” said Ben.

“Well, all right, Ben,” said Tom. “You must be very careful.”

Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down under the tree, and started to eat Ben’s apple. When Ben got tired, his other friends were waiting. Billy gave Tom a kite for a chance to paint. Then Johnny offered him twelve marbles, and so on.

By late afternoon, the fence had gained three coats of paint. Later Aunt Polly came to

look at the painted fence. She was so pleased with Tom’s work that she gave Tom a large cake!

Tom continued painting the fence carefully. Sometimes he stopped, stood back to look at the fence like an artist, and then added a bit more paint in just the right place. Ben was watching Tom paint with great interest. He was getting more and more eager to have a try himself. After a while, Ben asked Tom if he would let him paint a little. Tom thought about it, and said, “No, Ben, I can’t. You see. Aunt Polly wants it to be done well. Aunt Polly said that I must paint it with great care. “Oh, please, Tom,” begged Ben. “I can do the painting. I’ll be really careful.”


1. On separate cards, write key words that can be put together to form sentences.

Clip together the cards for each sentence.

2. Divide the class into 6 groups and give a clipped set of cards to each group.

Tom Sawyer paints the fence

This is a story on the morning of one Saturday. The weather is pretty great, every boys in the town was happy, except Tom Sawyer.

Tom’s aunt Polly asked Tom to paint the garden fence. It was thirty yards long and about three yards high! Tom painted a small corner, and then he felt bored. So he sat down under a tree to have a rest.

Tom knew that after a while, other boys would come together and laugh at him. But just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work again.

Soon, Ben Rogers came by. He sang a song happily, with an apple in his hand.

Ben: Hi! Tom, I' m going to go swimming, would you like to come with me? But I think you have something more important to do, such like painting the wall,don't you?

Tom: Work? No,Ben!This isn't a work! It's full of fun! As a boy, we can't get any chances like this. It's my pleasure!

Tom went on painting, he worked very carefully so that he seemed to be pleased with his job. Ben was watching and he was getting more and more interested. After a minute, he walked up to Tom.

Ben: Oh, dear Tom, I think we're good friends, so....Tom,will you

let me do some painting?

Tom: No! You mean you would like to paint the wall instead of me? You see, my aunt always wants it to be done properly. I can do it well, but you can't.

Ben :Er, you just guess half of what I think. I mean if you let me brush all of the wall ,I would like to give you half of my apple. Fair? Just let me try!

Tom: But...

Ben: OK,OK, I know that. You want all of my apple? OK, you will get it. Oh, please let me try!

Tom:Well,all right. But you must be carefully!

Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face, but joy in his heart. He sat down again under the tree , and started to eat the apple which was Ben gave him.

All day, every boys came to the garden and offered to do some painting. When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tom a kite. Then Tom was given twelve marbles from Johnny Miller, and so on.

That afternoon, Tom got many different sorts of toys, also the fence gained three coats of paint. His aunt Polly though that Tom did a good job, so she gave him a large cake!

1.1 Chapter 4 Tom Sawyer paints the fence 每课一练(牛津上海版九年级下)



Ⅰ. 听力试题(每小题1分,共15分)

第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。每组对话读一遍。

1. How did her father go to the station?

2. When was Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened to traffic?{tom,sawyer,paints,the,fence,On,saturday9A}.

3. What does Fuwa do on weekends?

4. What is the girl doing at the moment?

5. How is the weather now?

第二题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每组对话读两遍。

6. What does

