
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2018-06-05 11:00:05 阅读:


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英语听力频道为大家整理的listen to this 下载版,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站英语听力频道。Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Preparatory Lesson 1 

Chemist: He is a clever chemist. 他是一个聪明的化学家。 Take this prescription to the chemist"s. 拿这药方到药店去。
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Piccadilly :皮卡迪利大街 a major London street, running from Hyde Park Corner in the west to Piccadilly Circus in the east .

Piccadilly Sign
Hyde Park
Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers" Corner.

英国的皇家公园。位于伦敦市中心的威斯敏 斯特教堂 (Westminster Abbey,即西敏寺)地区,占 地360多英亩,原属威斯敏斯特教堂产业。十八世 纪前这里是英王的狩鹿场。16世纪,英王亨利八 世将之用作王室的公园。查理一世执政期间,海 德公园曾向公众开放。1851年,维多利亚女王首 次在这里举办伦敦国际博览会。这里现在也是人 们举行各种政治集会和其他群众活动的场所,有 著名的“演讲者之角”(Speakers‟ Corner)。
Piccadilly Circus
James Bond
James Bond 007 is a fictional character created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who featured him in twelve novels and two short story collections 是一套小说和系列电影的主角名称。小说 原作者是英国作家伊恩· 弗莱明(Ian Fleming)。在故事里,他是英国情报机构 军情六处的特工,代号007

经典开场白是:我的名字是邦德,詹姆士· 邦德。 他既是一个出色的间谍,也是一位风度翩翩的绅 士。他举止文雅,衣着得体。他的衣服出自 的裁缝之手,从不起皱。他常驾驶一辆与众不同 的跑车(阿斯顿马丁),并配有杀人执照。他有 许多的敌人,都是世界上最危险的敌人。他们中 的许多人只有一个欲望,那就是统治整个世界和 世界上的所有人。詹姆士· 邦德的任务就是要阻止 他们的野心。他总是以它独特的方式杀死敌人。 在没有比詹姆士· 邦德的故事结局更有戏剧性了!
Eton College (伊顿公学)

是英国的一所著名的公学,位于英格兰温 莎,泰晤士河的河边。 这所学校目前有约1300名13至18岁的男生, 每名住校生一学年(三学期)的学费和住 宿费大约是26,490英镑。伊顿公学学生的成 绩都十分优异,也是英国王室、政界经济 界精英的培训之地,被公认是英国的 公学。
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Bond Street /Oxford Street Eton Avenue Eden Square/Tiananmen Square Dizzy: I feel dizzy and weak.

in the Bible 《圣经》 the beautiful garden where Adam and Eve, the first human beings, lived before they did sth Go


(2) [外研版英语听力下载]外研版高中英语听力[2]

lbum is the man listening to?A. Jennifer’s. B. Westlife’s. C. Norah Jones’.17 Why does the woman love Norah Jones?A. She plays the piano and guitar in the album.B. B. Her last two albums were extremely popular.
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(3) [外研版英语听力下载]外研版高中英语听力必修三[6]

ame very popular.必修三Module 6 听力原文1M: What are you looking for?W: A map of China.M: I"ve got a book here that has lots of maps of China. It"s called Maps of the World. Which placeare you looking for?W: I"m trying to find the Three Gorges Dam.M: Is it a big dam?W: Big—it"s absolutely enormous!2M: I saw a film on TV about a dam last night.W: Really? Which one? The Three Gorges Dam?M: No. The film I saw wasn"t about the Three Gorges Dam.W: Wasn"t it?M: No. It was another dam. It was in Egypt.W: Was it an interesting film?M: Interesting? It was absolutely fascinating!3W: We visited the Three Gorges Dam in December.M: Really? How did you get there?W: We took a boat that went up the Yangtze River.第5/6页M: Was it a nice trip?W: Nice? It was absolutely wonderful!4W: What are you doing?M: I"m writing an email to some people I met on the boat. W: Where are they from?M: Vietnam. They were on a visit organised by the government. W: How many of them were there?M: Well, I spoke to a man who said there were 25 in the group.
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