
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2018-06-22 11:00:03 阅读:




天使的英文:angel参考例句:Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible.六翼天使是圣经中级别最高的天使。Every man hath a good and bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long.每一个人的一生自始至终都会有一位善良天使和一位邪恶天使陪伴着他。They battled like an avenging angel for the seamen"s rights.他们像复仇的天使一样为海员的权利而斗争。I wonder now how many other Hell"s Angel-types are really closet marshmallows.我很想知道现在有多少地狱天使般的人实际上却深藏着一颗善良的心。If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal如果我拥有人和天使的言辞,而没有爱,那么我只是宏亮的锣或铿锵的钹。The Quran is the literal word of God, which He revealed to His Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.古兰经是真主的真言,是由真主靠加百列(GaBriel)天使,对其先知穆罕默德所揭示的。The pastor escorted Miss Betty Ray in to meet the pseudo-angelic-looking group.贝蒂·雷小姐去见这一群看起来像假天使一样的孩子们的时候,教区牧师亲自为她护驾。Angels are superhuman beings.天使是超人。A host of angels一群天使A rainy day gets me down雨天使我情绪低落。angel是什么意思:n. 天使;守护神;善人Enough to make the angels weep.非常动人She"s a perfect angel! 她是真正的好人!An angelical fiend is a contradiction in terms.天使般的恶魔-这是一种自相矛盾的说法。Lucifer, the fallen angel.堕落天使路西法。He looked angelic.他看上去善良温柔。

天使英文二:英文歌词:Angle 天使

英语资源网权威发布英文歌词:Angle 天使,更多英文歌词相关信息请访问英语资源网。
Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会 For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好 There’s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好 And it’s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过 I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱 Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出 Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂 And maybe I’ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here 愿你能得到安慰 So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线 And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方 There’re vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后 The storm keeps on twisting暴风雨仍肆虐不止 You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言 That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的 It don’t make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次 It’s easier to believe会使人更容易相信 In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里 That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰


1.Madeleine 法语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala2.Madeline 英语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala3.Madge 希腊语 光之子4.Maeve 拉丁语 女神5.Maha 非洲语 美丽的眼睛6.Maha 希腊语 珍珠7.Malak 阿拉伯语 天使8.Maleah 未知 独一无二的小姑娘/美丽的年轻女子9.Malina 希伯来语 塔10.Malinda 希腊语 温柔的女子11.Manda 拉丁语 可爱的12.Mangena 希伯来语 悦耳的音调13.Maren 拉丁语 大海14.Margaret 波斯语 光之子15.Marmara 希腊语 发光的16.Mathea 斯堪迪纳维亚语 上帝的礼物17.Mathilda 德语 权力18.May 拉丁语 伟大的19.Mercia 拉丁语 仁慈20.Meta 拉丁语 雄心勃勃的21.Miette 未知 小的甜东西22.Michelle 希伯来语 她像神一样23.Miki 日语 花茎24.Mora 西班牙语 甜甜的浆果25.Muriel 拉丁语 6月的天使

