
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2018-07-14 08:00:04 阅读:



【导语】Stepping up at work是什么意思呢?是往前走一步,升职吗?其实,stepping up在英语里是“挺身而出”的意思,是在工作场合多主动付出,主动要更多的responsibility。那外国人是怎么做的呢?
R: I need someone to put a proposal together for a potential new client. It"s urgent.
K: I"ve got this.Anything special I need to know?
R: Great. They need a marketing strategy for their latest product line. Specs are in this file.
K: Got it. When"s the deadline?
R: Have it on my desk by the end of tomorrow.
K: No problem. I"ve got this.
R: What angle are you going to take?
K: I"ll need to look into the data, but I was thinking of a similar approach to the big campaign we did last quarter for Walker & Walker.
R: Ok, where are you going with this?
K: I"ll let the data do the talking, highlighting the promotions we did and the related boost in sales they"ve seen as a result.
R: Great. Looks like you"ve got everything under control. Look forward to seeing your plan.
Have sth on my desk by...
这个短语大家经常听到,也应该都能看得出来是哪儿来的。之前的工作都是在纸上写的。完成了任务就把文件放上司的办公桌上上交,是吧?现在很多公司都已经是paperless了,为了环保基本上不用纸了,都是电子文档。那这种情况下还可以用这个短语吗?当然可以。所以如果你们公司平时用的都是电子文档,你的老板给你说这个project要have it on his desk by 什么时候,不要以为你一定要把文件全部都打印出来哦。意思就是give it to me by....
Let... do the talking
对话里说的是I’ll let the data do the talking,意思是我跟客户讲方案的时候会靠数据说话。再举个例子吧。She always let"s her body do the talking,她总会靠她肢体语言表达她想表达的意思。
Get recognition (获得认可)
相信大家在工作上希望get recognition。没有人会默默地付出,不让别人看得到。但不能为了get recognition就吹牛。谦虚的低头做好每一件事,老板肯定是看得到的,早晚就能get recognition for your work.
Go the extra mile(加倍付出)
你们在工作上会go the extra mile吗?其实如果你想与众不同,想让上司看到你的不一样,你是避免不了going the extra mile的。不管是提出更多的ideas,付出更多的时间加班还是更积极地去完成每一个任务,都能叫做going the extra mile.
Stand out from the crowd(鹤立鸡群,脱颖而出)
刚刚才说到的,想与众不同,就是要stand out from the crowd,让老板看到你的优点。


1. Let"s pig out.
看来不论中外都一致认为“猪”是一种好吃的动物。不过中文里形容吃相说的是“狼”吞“虎”咽,英文中却说 pig out,当然意思都是相同的,例如:We pigged out on pizza last night.
2. Those fighters just had a dog-fight in the sky.
Dog-fight 这个词指的是那种近距离的缠斗,特别是指发生空战,像电影 Top Gun 里面那样精采的缠斗画面就叫 dog-fight。想想看,这和狗狗打群架时的样子还真有点像。
英文里还有几个成语是和 dog 有关的,比如 This is a dog-eat-dog world.(这是一个狗吃狗的世界。)我们中文里讲人吃人的世界,英文里讲的是狗吃狗。当然,关于狗的好话在英文里也很多,这里就不一一赘述了。
3. You"re chicken.
Chicken 指的就是“胆小鬼”的意思。记得有一次我跟老美出去,过马路的时候大家都是嗖一下子就冲过去了,偏偏有一个人他说什么都不敢过,非要等到全部没车了他才敢过。其它的老美就跟他开玩笑说:Now we know who is chicken!
Chicken out 则是说因为胆子小而落跑,所以下次你看到别人因为胆子小而不敢坐云宵飞车时,不妨说:Hey! Don"t chicken out!
4. This is like chicken-and-egg.
在美国你说 chicken-and-egg 别人就知道你是在说先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题,跟中文的用法差不多,都是用来比喻一件事不知谁先谁后。例如你说:Is that book famous because of the author, or is the author famous because of the book? It"s just like chicken-and-egg.


这篇《英语实用口语:“我属马”英语怎么说?》,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!  那么如何用英语来表达自己“属……”呢?首先还是把十二生肖的英语梳理一遍:  鼠 Rat (/Mouse)  牛 Ox  虎 Tiger  兔 Rabbit (/Hare)  龙 Dragon  蛇 Snake  马 Horse  羊 Goat (/Ram/Sheep)  猴 Monkey  鸡 Rooster  狗 Dog  猪 Boar (/Pig)  如果要说“我属马”,那就是:  I was born in the Year of the Horse.  I was born under the Year of the Horse.  介词用in或under都可以。  "马年是我的本命年"英语怎么说?  而按照中国的属相,我是属马的,今年是我的本命年。  Since I am a Horse in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.  本命年相关英语说法:  今年是我本命年,中国人在本命年都要系红腰带、穿红袜子什么的。  This year is my chinese zodiac anniversary year, chinese people have to tie a red belt and wear red socks, and so on.  本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的崇拜。  The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture"s veneration towards red colour.  正因为有生肖纪年的习俗,于是在我们这里有了“本命年”的概念。在英语里,“本命年” 的地道说法是year of fate或者animal year,此外也可以看到把“本命年”翻译为birth year和big year的。  所以“今年是我的本命年”用英语来说就是:  This year is my year of fate.  This year is my animal year.  This year is my birth year.  This year is my big year.  现在大家也来说说自己的生肖和本命年吧!

