
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2018-07-17 18:00:05 阅读:



雅思范文参考:教育类:雅思范文参考: 教育应包涵哪些内容,以实现个人发展以及社会财富功能。
it is generally believed that education is of vital importance in individuals" development and well-being of societies. what should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?
both individuals and societies benefit from education. for individuals, the potential benefits lie in general quality of life and in the economic returns of sustained, satisfying employment. for societies, the potential benefits lie in economic growth and the development of shared values that underpin social cohesion.
societies make substantial investments from both public and private sources in education, both formal provisions and informal provisions in the community and the workplace. it is important to ensure that the education programmes they support are effective and efficient and that the benefits are distributed equitably.
work on education at those non-profit organisations seeks to develop and review policies to enhance the efficiency and the effectiveness of education provisions and the equity with which their benefits are shared. strategies include thematic reviews in specific policy areas, and collecting detailed statistical information on education systems, including measures of the competence levels of individuals. for example, the policies addressed include those implemented within countries for national benefit and those involved in the provision by countries of development aid to build capacity and to spread the benefits of education and training in other countries; the programme on educational building promotes the exchange and analysis of policy, research and experience in all matters related to educational building. its work is of relevance to policy-makers in national and regional authorities responsible for educational facilities, to architects, to system level and institutional managers, and to researchers in the field.
to sum up, promoting educational equity is a longstanding goal and



  .Education 教育  accommodation 住宿  creativity 创造力  imagination 想象  memory 记忆  observation 观察  scan 浏览  skim 浏览  a book worm 书虫  a learned person 知识渊博的人  ability of expression 表达能力  at college / university 上大学  attend class 上课  attend spare time school 上业余学校  be a pedant 书呆子  be a qualified teacher 合格的教师  be absent minded 心不在焉  be enthusiastic about 对…热爱  be lost in thinking 陷入思考中  begin / start school 开始上学  brain work / manual work 脑力/体力工作  break / interval 课间休息  complete one’s college courses 完成大学学业  creative work 创造性工作  develop reading speed 提高阅读速度  difficult point 难点  extensive reading 泛读  feel bored 感到无聊  find specific information 找出特定信息  general revision 总复习  get / receive education 接受教育  graduate from 从…毕业  have a desire to learn 学习的欲望  infant school education 幼教  intensive listening practice 精听练习  intensive reading 精读  learn by heart 用心学  leave school 离开教学中心  major in 专业为  mechanical job 机械工作  out of class 课外  play an active part in 积极参与  pre-discussion questions 讨论前的问题  pre-listening activities 听前活动  preschool education 学前教育  purposeful listening 有目的的听  read silently 默读  reform in education 教育改革  resolve difficulties 解决困难  set a time limit 设置时间限制  skim through 浏览  take a science / an arts course 选理/文科课程  take notes 做笔记  teaching materials 教学资料  teaching methods 教学方法  work in groups 小组活动  work in pairs 两人活动  work out an outline 制定出大纲


教育1:学点啥?060318 061014 070707 070113 071208 080522 080605
  Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  翻译:学做人 vs 学做事
  有些人觉得老师应当只关注(focus on)学术科目,这是老师的基本职责(fundamental responsibility),比如幼儿园(nursery school)和小学的识字、算术、美术、音乐、体育;中学的外语、物理、化学、自然、生物、历史、地理;大学的各种专业知识(specialist knowledge)。但学生和老师相处时间长,除了学习学术科目,在为人处世方面也会潜移默化(unconsciously)地受老师影响(influence)。
  所以,我认为老师也有责任教学生如何判断对错和行为得体,比如守时(punctual)是好习惯,而浪费是坏习惯;应当重视家庭,尊重长辈;应当相信工作,相信人,相信神(believe the God,西方人常见世界观之一)。这些做人方面的内容(How to be a qualified citizen)对学生在未来职业的帮助甚至超过专业知识。虽然孩子们也能从家长处或媒体上学到相关内容,但老师通常是主体。
  Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to teach children to be a good citizen or worker rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  学校目的是教学生做个好市民或好工人,这是从政府的角度考虑问题(Viewed from government aspect),比如英国中学里的确有一门citizenship课,讲的就是如何做一个好公民,比如应诚实守信,勤奋努力,遵守法律,为国家做贡献,也算是一种“愚民政策”。
  学校目的是对学生个体有益,这是从个体教育消费的角度考虑问题(Viewed from individual aspect)。学生接受教育,学会基本的数学和读写技能,掌握通才知识(General knowledge like history)和专才知识(Specialist knowledge like law and accounting),为未来的事业发展铺路,live a decent life.
  In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects; in others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is more appropriate?
  翻译:通才教育 vs 专才教育

