
来源:推荐阅读 时间:2018-07-22 11:00:04 阅读:


(1) [dangrous]The Dangerous Couple

写作翻译网权威发布The Dangerous Couple,更多The Dangerous Couple相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。
 who entertained a lot, and at one of the parties, while my wife was off talking to someone in the next room, she told me that her husband was impotent. It wasn"t that I"d asked her or that we were engaged in some deep conversation or that she knew me well enough to tell me such things. She happened to be standing next to me and was watching him across the room and she came out with it. There were other reasons I didn"t like her. She had a smirk that never let up, and she rarely showed any interest in what anyone said.
  I didn"t like her husband either. An overbearing one-upper, knew a better vodka than you were drinking, a better car than you were driving, knew more than you did about any subject that came up. Too much domination in his voice, wanted to be the only voice in the room, talked over you if you tried to get a word in, gobbled you up like food.
  I didn"t like them separately, and I liked them even less together. When they were together she would eel herself against his body, her hands moving over his torso, her eyes searching her surroundings for other visceral stimulation. He held a martini in one hand while his other hand wandered over her from behind, and his eyes roamed hungrily around the room as if somehow connected to the tour of his hand. They were like two people masturbating publicly and in unison.
  I wouldn"t mention either one of them, but something happened that I can"t put to rest. My wife and I were at a restaurant one night, a small restaurant, dark and romantic, secluded booths, lots of angles, known for its wine list and its veal, and we saw him there with another woman. I could see them clearly and my wife could too if she looked back, though there were tables and booths between our booth and theirs. He would have had to turn and look over his shoulder to see us. The woman had a view of us but did not know us, and I could watch everything without drawing their attention, only my wife had to turn her head to watch.

(2) [dangrous]我的父母英语作文带翻译-Parents

I love my parents.My father is a policeman.He works as a policeman for sixteen years.He loves his job very much.
I think his job is a little dangrous.My mother is a teacher .She works as a teacher for seventeen years . From Joozone.com.
She likes her students very much.Her students love her,too.I think her job is exciting.And I want to be a teacher too when I grow up.

(3) [dangrous]新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历

英语口语网权威发布新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历,更多新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历相关信息请访问英语口语网。
新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson46:Dangerous Experiences危险的经历
676. I slipped on some ice and broke my arm.我在冰上滑了一跤,把手摔断了。677. The car accident almost killed my brother.我弟弟差一点死于那次车祸。678. She almost fell into the tiger cage.她差点就跌进老虎笼子了。679. That rock just missedu my head.那块大石头差点就打中我的头了。680. I almost didn’t see that bus coming.我几乎没有看到那辆开过来的公共汽车。681. He’s very lucky to have survived the war.他在战争中幸存下来,真是幸运。682. I’m worried about him because he works in a prison.我为他担心,因为他在监狱里工作。683. Mountain climbing is exciting because it can be dangerous.登山有危险性,因而很刺激。684. Steve drives too fast and takes too many risksv.史迪夫开车很快,太冒险了。685. Ann was in the hospital for six weeks after getting hurt.安受伤后在医院呆了六个星期。686. I was driving to work when a huge truck ran a red light.当时我正开车去上班,突然一辆大卡车闯了红灯。687. I’m sorry you had to go through that. 我为你经历的这一切感到难过。688. There were always bombs and gunfire all around us. 我们的周围总是有炸弹和炮火。689. My stomach would have been full of butterflies. 如果是我,我心里肯定会七上八下的。690. I’ve never been so scared in my life, and my entire life flashed before my eyes. 我从来没有那样害怕过,我感觉我的整个生命历程就在我眼前闪动。
【生词解读】1. miss [mis] vi. 未击中;打偏2. risk [risk] n. 危险,风险


