
来源:高考百日誓师 时间:2016-03-30 11:23:56 阅读:




1. 该项计划经过了广泛的讨论。(extensively)

2. 人们意识到了相互沟通的重要性。(conscious)

3. 对他独特的思维方式,老师们大加赞赏。(unique)

4. 每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。(access)

5. 只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。(Only…..)

6. 令我们大家感动的是这位科学家虽身在异乡仍心系祖国。(think of )

1. The plan was / has been discussed extensively.

2. People are conscious of the importance to communicate with each other.

People are conscious of the importance of communicating with each other.

3. The teachers greatly praised his unique ways of thinking.

4. Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education.

5. Only when you have learned a lesson from failure can you make greater progress.

6. What moved all of us was that the scientist always thought of his country while he was abroad.

7. 大火过后,这所房子所剩无几.(remain)

8. 在最近的十年中,我国经历了历史性的变化.(experience)

9. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论.(before)

10. 多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素.(lack, v.)

11. 只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。(Only…..)

12. 只有通过亲身实践,你才能真正理解志愿服务的重要性.(Only)

7. Almost nothing/Little remained of the house after the big fire.

8. In the past ten years, our country has experienced historic changes.

9. We will have a further discussion before we draw the final conclusion.

10. Eat more fruit, and (then) you needn't be worried about lacking vitamins.

Or: Eat more fruit, and then you needn't worry about lacking vitamins.

11. It has never occurred to him that the easier the problems/exercises are, the more careful he

should be.

12. Only through your own practice can you really understand/make out the importance of

volunteer work.

13. 所有的公共汽车驾驶员都必须对每个乘客的安全负责.( responsible)

14. 如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激.(appreciate)

15. 中国在国际事务中正发挥着越来越重要的作用.(role)

16. 任何想让台湾独立的人必将以失败告终.(end up)

17. 毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很大的影响.(doubt)

18. 他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素.(Seldom)

13. All the bus drivers must be responsible for every passenger's safety.

14. I'd (would) appreciate it if you could do me a favor/ help me/ give me a hand.

15. China is playing a more and more important role in international affairs.

16. Anyone who/ Whoever wants to make Taiwan independent (of China) is sure/bound to / will

surely/certainly end up in failure/ end up failing.

Anyone who/ Whoever tries to separate Taiwan from China/ the mainland is sure/bound to / will

surely/certainly end up in failure/ end up failing.

17. There is no doubt/ No doubt (that) what teachers say and do will have a great/tremendous/

remarkable/ significant influence/ effect/ impact on students' growth/ development.

Without doubt, teachers' words and deeds will have a great/tremendous/ remarkable/ significant

influence/ effect/ impact on the growth/ development of students.

18. Seldom does he follow/ take others' advice, and (he) always behaves in his own way/ does

what he likes/ takes his own course.


20 边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的.(against)

21. 成功由三个重要因素组成: 天才,勤奋加上运气.(consist)

22 许多市民中意乘地铁,是因为它不会发生交通拥堵.(in favor of)

23许多人进行体育运动不仅是为了保持健康,也是为了缓解压力.(not only)

24 研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量.(concern)

19. Even if you skip breakfast, you won't lose weight.

Skipping breakfast won't help you lose weight.

20. Driving while talking on cell/mobile phone is against the traffic rules.

It is against traffic rules to drive and use cell phone (at the same time).

21. Success consists of three important factors: talent, diligence and luck.

22. Many citizens are in favor/favour of the subway because it is free from the traffic jam.

23. Many people take physical exercise not only to keep healthy, but also to relieve


24. The findings/result of researches and observations show that with the improvement/rising of

living standards, people are increasingly/ more and more concerned about the life quality.

25 这部有关战争的影片值得一看。 (worth)

26 我感觉我们无法在三小时内到达那里。 (it)

27 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议。 (Thank…)

28 那部电影很乏味,大部分观众放映结束前就离开了影院。(so… that…)

29 只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务。(unless)

30 我们的物理老师讲课总是生动有趣、清晰明了,学生们受益匪浅。 (benefit)

25. The film about the war is worth seeing.

26. I find it impossible for us to arrive there within 3 hours.

27. Thank you for providing us with so many practical suggestions.

28. That film was so boring that most audience left the theater before the end of it.

29. We won’t be able to finish the task on time unless we try our best.

30. Our physics teacher always gives his lesson in a lively and clear way, which greatly benefits

his students.

31. 电脑能帮助我们完成复杂的任务。(help)

32. 上海是座美丽城市,他决定再呆两天。(decide)

33. 既然得到了这么个好机会,你应该充分利用它。(make)

34. 有导游带着路, 我们顺利地走出了森林。(with)

35. 我坚持每天朗读,我知道练习得越多,进步就越大。(the more…the more)

36. 如果你要与身边的人改善关系,开发情商(Emotional intelligence)是你最需要做


31. Computers can help us to finish complicated tasks.

32. Shanghai was a beautiful city, so he decided to stay for another two days.

33. Since you have got such a good chance, you should make full use of it.

34. With the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest without any difficulty/

35. I keep reading aloud every day, for I know the more I practice, the more progress I will


36. Developing your emotional intelligence is what you need to do most if you want to

improve your relationships with people around you.

37. 今天早晨他的自行车坏了。(wrong)

38. 为了保持健康,我们经常参加体育活动。(To )

39. 正是在英特网上他找到了他所需要的东西。(what )

40. 不管有多么忙,老师总是抽时间帮我复习物理。(spare )

41. 从某种程度上来说, 一个国家的国际地位取决于该国的经济。 (depend on)

42. 他对医生的建议置若罔闻,以至于每天清晨他咳嗽不止。(turn a deaf ear )

37. This morning there was something wrong with his bike.

38. To keep fit, we often take part in sports activities /events .

39. It was on the Internet that he found what he needed.

40. However / No matter how busy he is, my teacher always spares time to help me

with my physics.

41. To some extent, the international position /status of a country depends on

its economy.

42. He turns a deaf ear to the doctor’s advice so that he keeps coughing early in

the morning.

43 老师的一席话使我受益匪浅。(benefit)

44 单单参加田径项目的人就达到了50人。(participate)高考英语翻译句子练习,60句

45 我们全家养成了在吃早饭前喝一杯水的习惯。(habit)

46 这是他第一次在校运会上获得冠军的称号。(the first time)

47 在这一行获得成功是难的,要想出类拔萃是难上加难的。(It)

48 赡养老人是子女应尽的责任,也是我们中国人的优良品质之一。( fine quality)

43 What the teacher said benefited me a lot.

44 Those who participated in track and field events alone added up to 50.

45 All my family have formed the habit of drinking a cup of water before breakfast.

46 This is the first time that he has won the championship at the school sports meet(ing).

47 It is hard to achieve success in the business, and it is twice as hard to be outstanding.

48 Supporting the old is one of the fine qualities of the Chinese people as well as what their

children should do.


50.你做得远不能让人满意。(far from)




54.现在许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(focus, adequate)高考英语翻译句子练习,60句

49. Many experts propose that the number of high buildings in Shanghai should be limited.

50. What you did is far from satisfactory.

51. To meet the expenses of his family, he had to do extra work at night.

52. His finger prints on the cup proved to the police that he was present that night.

53. The reason why his English is poor is that he concentrates on grammar instead of

54. Now one of the most serious problems many people talk about focuses on the lack of adequate

housing space .



57.近来,中国的贫富悬殊引起了广泛的关注。(There be…)




55. During the Spring Festival, the train fares are likely to keep the same.

It’s likely that the train fares will remain the same during the Spring Festival.

56. Nowadays, being equipped / equipping oneself with knowledge of computer is an important

qualification for most / most of the posts.

57 Recently, there is a widespread concern over the large gap between the rich and the poor in


58 It was such a kind of hidden power that enabled us to do / work / perform wonders/ miracles. 59 If you continue to focus on chatting on the Internet, you will undoubtedly / certainly regret

frequently in the future.

60 Young people should not avoid difficulties. On the contrary, they should try / do their best /

make every effort to overcome / get over them.




1. 得知自己被那所梦寐以求的大学录取时,她是如此激动以至于彻夜未眠。(So…that…)

2. 一项新披露的调查表明网络最吸引人之处在于它能让网民及时了解世界大事。(inform)

3. 中国的经济每年增长百分之八左右,这使世界上许多正遭受经济危机的国家非常震惊。(which)

4. 专家建议上了年纪的人每天喝少许红酒,因为可以开胃消食,有益健康。(stimulate)

5. 据说新的微博用户注册时必须用实名的原因是保护网民的利益和提高网络的可信度。(register)

6. 如果饭店老板们把游客当作将要上钩的鱼而不是受到欢迎的客人,旅游事业就不能得到发展。(hook)

7. 世界各地的导演、演员不远万里齐集一堂,令本次电影节受到了广泛的关注和报道。(attention)

8. 出国学习会使学生受益匪浅,但是他们也有可能会面临一系列前所未有的挑战。(likely)

9. 他向经理保证,一经录用,他会竭尽所能为公司服务,绝不辜负公司的期望并为自己的理想打拼。(assure)

10. 无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。(that)

11. 实验结果与我们所期望的大相径庭,但我们相信探索越


12. 事实证明网络购物存在风险,因此下定单之前一定要深思熟虑。(exist)

1. So excited was she that she failed to fall asleep the whole night when she learned she had been admitted to the university she had been dreaming of for a long time.

2. A newly-revealed survey indicates that the biggest attraction of the Internet is that it makes people who surf the Internet informed of the world events.

3. The economy of China increases by about 8% every year, which shocks many countries that are suffering from the economic crisis in the world.

4. Experts suggest that elderly people should drink a little wine each day, because it can stimulate their appetite and digestion, which is good for their health.

5.It is said that the reason why new users of microblog must use real names when they are registering is to protect web users’ interests and improve credibility of Internet.

6. The tourist industry won’t grow if the restaurant owners regard tourists as fish to be hooked rather than as guests to be welcomed.

7. Directors and actors from all over the world have traveled all

the way to gather here, making the film festival receive widespread attention and coverage.

8. Studying abroad will benefit students a lot, but they are likely to be faced with a series of challenges that they will never meet before.

9. He assured the manager that if / once (he was) appointed / accepted, he would do his best to work for / serve the company, live up to the expectation of the company and strive for his own ideal.

10. The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the attention/awareness of the public.

11. The result of the experiment is totally different(contrary to) from what we have expected, but we believe (that) the more we explore, the more likely we are to/will succeed.

12. Evidence has proved that risks exist in on-line shopping, so you have to think carefully before you place an order.


1. 参赛者答对的题目数量越多,他所赢得的奖项越高。

The more questions the contestant answer, the higher prize he will win.

2. 科学家们在科学领域获得的成就越多,先进技术的运用就越广泛。(the more… the more…)

The more achievements scientists make in the field of science, the more widely advanced technology will be used.

3. 因为现今的情况而指责政府没有任何意义,除非能够立刻采取行动阻止环境进一步被污染。

There is no point in blaming the government for the present situation, unless immediate action can be taken to prevent the environment from further pollution.

4. 据估计, 这次地震所造成的损害远远超过人们的想象。

It is estimated that the damage caused by the earthquake is far beyond imagination.

5. 尽管人们似乎总是与悲剧中的主人公产生共鸣,很少有人真的会施与援手。高考英语翻译句子练习,60句

Despite the fact that people seem to identify with the main character in a tragedy, few people will really offer their help.

6. 政府决定禁止广告商征用儿童演员,因为这样做会对儿童的成长产生消极影响。

The government decided to ban/put a ban on advertisers from using child actors because it will have a negative effect/influence/impact on children.

7. 大城市的犯罪率正在上升,每天平均有5起抢劫案。

Crime in big cities is on the increase/increasing, with 5 robberies every day on average. ……, with an average of 5 robberies every day.

8. The key to balancing expenses against income is to budget/make a budget of all your spendings. 保持收支平衡的一大关键是为你所有的开销做预算。

9. 在高考中遇到难题,冷静和自信是成功的关键。(face)

When you face/are faced with difficult problems in the college entrance examinations, being calm and confident is the key to success.

10. 说实话,我真后悔没有帮助他克服英语学习方面的困难。 (regret)

To tell the truth, I really regret not helping him overcome difficulties in English learning.

11. 这本书太振奋人心了,很值得一读,因此我毫不犹豫地买下了它.(worth)

This book is so inspiring that it is well worth reading, so I bought it without hesitation.

12. 遵照标签上的说明,你就会知道怎样服这药了。(and)

Follow the direction on the label, and you will know how to take this medicine.

13. 与会者来自各行各业,但他们对教育的重要性问题的看法却是一致的。(Although) Although the people attending/at the meeting come from all walks of life, they share a common opinion/view on the importance of education.

14. 他犹豫了好久才决定去美国留学。(before)

He hesitated for a long time before he made the decision to further his study in America.

15. 你最好乘地铁去机场,不然就要错过航班了。(or)

You had better go to the airport by underground, or you'll miss the flight.

16. 令他激动的是,他实现了成为2010上海世博会志愿者的梦想。(realize)

To his excitement, he realized his dream of becoming/being a volunteer for the 2010 World

Expo in Shanghai.

17. 爱因斯坦被认为是20世纪最伟大的思想家之一。 (consider)

Einstein was considered (to be/as) one of the greatest thinkers of the century.

18. 意料之外的坏天气给这个地区带来了巨大的损失,使成千上万的人流离失所.(cause) The unexpected bad weather did great damage to the place, causing / which caused thousands of people homeless.

19. 在你的建议中没考虑老人们的特殊需要。 (consideration)

In your proposal you haven’t taken into consideration the special needs of the old people.

20. 即使智力一般的学生也可以通过改进学习习惯而成为优等生。(average)

Even students of average intelligence can become top students by improving their learning habits.

21. 在我看来,在这样恶劣的天气里没有什么比呆在家里更舒服的了。(seem)

It seems to me that nothing is more comfortable than staying at home in such a bad weather.

22. 他花了一个下午与当地人品茶聊天。(spend)

He spent the whole afternoon drinking tea and chatting with the local people.

23. 只有实话实说,你才能取得别人的谅解。(Only...)

Only by telling the truth can you be forgiven by others.

24. 人们发脾气的原因之一是期望与现实之间存在差距。(exist)

One of the reasons why people lose their temper is that there exists a gap between their expectation and the reality.

25. 我们的健康得益于每日的运动和均衡的饮食。(benefit)

Our health benefits from daily exercises and a balanced diet.

26. 我忘了通知他这么重要的决定,这是我的错。(inform)

I forgot to inform him of such an important decision, which is my fault.

27. 直到患了重病,他才下决心马上戒烟。(suffer)

He did not make up his mind to give up smoking at once until he suffered from a serous disease.

28. 中国政府强烈反对美国向台湾出售先进的武器。(against)

The Chinese government are strongly against the United States' selling advanced weapons to Taiwan.

29. 在日木几乎每个人都知道在地震发生时该怎么办。(occur)

In Japan nearly everybody knows what to do when an earthquake occurs.

30. 他们决定组织一次演出来为失学儿童筹款。(raise)

They decided to organize a performance to raise/collect money for the children who could not afford to go to school.

31. 与班级里其他同学相比,他在工作方面更有责任感。(compare)

Compared with the other students in the class, he has a stronger sense of responsibility in work.

32. 我认为能否实现理想主要靠努力而不是机遇。(not…but)

I think whether we can realize our dreams mainly depends not on opportunities but on our effort.

33. 在暑假期间,我们学校的许多学生志愿去帮助孤寡老人。(volunteer)

During the summer holidays, many of the students of our school volunteered to help the old people who live alone.

34. 一个遇到困难就退缩的人是永远不会成功的。

A person who will give up when meeting with difficulties will never succeed.

35. 第一次坐飞机时,飞机起降时感到不舒服是很正常的。

When you take a plane for the first time, it is normal for you to feel uncomfortable while the plane is taking off or landing.

36. 世界各地举行了各种仪式来庆祝二战结束60周年。(hold)

Mary ceremonies were held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

37. 在日常生活中,我们不要与经常言而无信的人交朋友。(fail)

In our daily life, we mustn't make friends with those who often fail to keep their promises.

38. 老师鼓励我们尽可能多找出儿种方法来解这道数学题。(work out)

The teacher encouraged us to find out as many ways as possible to work out this maths problem.

39. 如果你有留学的打算,就要尽可能早些做好准备。

If you have an intention to study abroad, you should make preparations/prepare for it as early as you can.

40. 每个人应该明白,当你得到某些东西的时候,也在失去某些东西。(aware)

Everybody should be aware that you are losing something while you get something.

41. 老实说,我不相信那些声称能治愈一切疾病的私立医院。(claim)

To tell you the truth, I don't believe in the private hospitals which claim to be able to cure any disease.

42. 科学家们一直在寻找新的能源来代替石油。(replace)

The scientists have been trying to find some new resources of energy to replace oil.

43. 他犹豫了好儿天,才下决心买下那套房子。(before)

He hesitated for several days before he made up his mind to buy that house.

44. 我怀疑这种在电视里做广告的减肥药是否真正有效。(advertise)

I doubt whether the medicine for losing weight which has been advertised on TV is really effective.

45. 社会上许多热心肠的人对那位病重的孩子伸出了援助之手。

Many warm-hearted people in the society lent a hand to the child who was seriously ill.

46. 这条河流受到严重污染的原因是那家化工厂大量排放废水。(pour)

The reason why the river is badly polluted is that the chemical factory has poured a great deal of waste water into it.

47. 随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起了越来越大的作用。(role)

With the rapid development of economy, China is playing a greater role in international affairs.

48. 在发展经济的过程中,我们必须要注意保持生态平衡。(course)

In the course of the economic development, we must pay attention to keeping the balance of nature.

49. 在西方国家,有心理问题去咨询心理医生是很普遍的。(consult)

In western countries, it is quite common for a person to consult a psychologist if / when he has some psychological problems.

50. 随着人口飞速地增长,水资源的缺乏成了一个大问题。(lack)

With the rapid increase in population, the lack of water resources becomes / is becoming a big problem.

51. 来自农村的学生不必感到比大城市的学生低一等。(inferior)

The students from the countryside needn't feel inferior to those from big cities.

52. 今天天气特别冷,要多穿一些衣服,以免着凉。(in case)

It is terribly cold today and you should put on more clothes in case you might catch cold.

53. 学生们在热烈讨论是否钱越多越幸福。(discussion)

The students are having a heated discussion about whether the more money you have, the happier you will be.

54. 他从小养成了随手关灯的良好习惯。(develop)

In his childhood, he developed a good habit of turning off the light when he left the room.

55. 许多年轻人毕业后不工作,而依靠父母生活,这是多么可悲啊。(live on)

How sad it is that many youngsters don't go to work after graduation, but live on their parents.

56. 社会应该为每个人提供公平的竞争机会。(provide)

Society should provide everybody with a fair opportunity in competition.

57. 面对新的挑战,他始终充满信心。(be full of)

Facing some new challenges, he is always full of confidence.

58. 在国外是否要付小费和讨价还价要人乡随俗。(bargain)

Whether you should pay tips or whether you can bargain abroad, you must do as the Romans do.

59. 毫无疑问每个人有选择自己生活方式的权利。(choose)

There is no doubt that everybody has a right to choose his own way of living / life.

60. 我父亲打算退休后到离上海100公里的农村去生活。(intend)

My father intends to live in the countryside 100 kilometers from Shanghai when he retires.

61. 神州六号成功返回地球显示了我国科技的巨大进步。(indicate)

That Shenzhou VI succeeded in returning / The successful return of Shenzhou VI to the earth indicates the great progress in the science and technology of our country.

62. 相对来说年轻人更容易接受新事物。(tend)

Relatively speaking, young people tend to accept new things / something new.

63. 爱一个孩子并不意味着要满足他的一切要求。(satisfy)

Loving a child doesn't mean you should satisfy all his requirements.

64. 那些过多地注意荣誉和金钱的科学家不可能获得诺贝尔奖。(possibility)

There is little possibility that the scientists who pay too much attention to honor and money will be awarded the Nobel Prize.

65. 石油价格的上升造成了一系列的经济问题。(cause)

The rising in oil prices has caused a series of economic problems.

66. 努力工作,享受生活才是积极的人生态度。(It is… that)

It is working hard and enjoying life that are the positive attitudes / is the positive attitude to life.

67. 直到他长大成人后才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。(Only)

Only when he grew up did he really realize his father's love for him.

68. 在许多发达国家,自行车仅仅用于运动而不是交通工具。(instead of)

In many developed countries, bikes are only used for sports instead of a means of transportation.

69. 电视里有关那个家庭的报道引起了社会对弱势群体的关心。(concern)

The report about that family on TV has caused the concern of the society about the weak group.

70. 父母在整天忙于工作的时候,不要忽视孩子的成长。(engage)

While parents are engaged in work all day, they shouldn't neglect their children's growth.

71. 英语考试的真正目的是检测学生是否有运用英语的能力。(ability)

The real purpose of the English exams is to test whether the students have ability to use English.

72. 他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要。(aware)

He failed in the exam, which make him aware of the importance of reviewing his lessons regularly.

73. 丰富的工作经验使他能胜任这个岗位。(qualify)

Rich working experience qualified him for the post.

74. 各校都已采取了措施,将流感患者与其他人隔离开来。(infect)

Every school has taken measures to separate those infected with flu from others.

75. 尽管训练要求高,挑战大,但我们相信只要坚持练习,终将梦想成真。(come true) Although the training is demanding and challenging, we believe that as long as we keep practising, our dream will eventually come true.


Never fear to think because we will benefit from thinking.

77. 与B1食堂相比,A1食堂的菜味道更好。(compare)

Compared with Dining Hall BI, Al provides dishes that taste better.

78. 从图表我们能得出结论,世界人口正急剧增。(conclusion)

From the chart we can come to the conclusion that the world population is increasing rapidly.

79. 选择我们的数码相机,它会满足你所有的要求。(and)

Choose our digital camera, and it will meet all your needs.

80. 为了迎接世博会(World Expo)到来,政府号召大家积极参与,得到了市民的迅速回应。(response)

In order to welcome the World Expo, the government calls on people to get involved, which receives a quick response from the citizens.

81. 那个偏僻的山村至今尚不通车。 (inaccessible)

To this day that remote mountain village is still inaccessible to vehicles.

82. 尽管天气不好,但运动会还是按计划举行了。(despite)

Despite the bad weather, the sports meet was held as planned.

83. 他站在窗旁沉思良久。(lose)

Standing by the window, he was lost in thought for quite some time/for a long time.

84. 他的演讲给观众们留下了如此深刻的印象以至他们难以忘记。(impression)

His speech left such a deep impression on the audience that they couldn't forget it.


Translation (1)

1. 她很有教书的才干。真遗憾她放弃了她的教师职位。(ability, abandon)

2. 每次我看到他的时候,他总是专心于他的功课。(absorb)

3. 门锁上了,所以我们只得从窗户进入房间。(access)

4. 我们的班主任和我们同学很亲近。(accessible)

5. Tom在告别会上自告奋勇弹钢琴为我伴奏。(accompany)

6. 一些学生常把老师和家长的话当作耳边风,经常表现不佳。(take … account of)

7. 班长昨天职责Jack上课迟到,今天又责备他做功课动作慢。(accuse, blame)

8. 他于多年前养成抽烟的坏习惯,因此现在的健康越来越差。(acquire)

9. 虽然他是新来的,但他很会适应新环境。(adapt)

10. 在开学典礼上,校长代表全校致欢迎辞。(address)

11. 我们订购了一些可根据孩子们不同高度任意调节的椅子。(adjust)

12. 他承认丢了这间屋子的钥匙。(admit)

13. 如果假期要出游,最好预先订好票。(in advance)

14. 因她比别人在英语上更有优势,所以她轻易地得到了这份工作。(advantage)

15. 就我的肺病我请求医生能给我些忠告,她劝我不要抽烟。(advise)高考英语翻译句子练习,60句

16. 今年,我本可以腾出一周的时间去度假。但老板要我放弃,我无法无视老板的命令。


17. 由于上了岁数,他的健康开始衰退。此外,疾病使他老得更快。(age)

18. 惟有努力学习,你才会赶超班上其他同学的。(Only, go ahead)

19. 我祖父还很有活力,比我们年轻人更活跃。他的双眼总是因为快乐而炯炯有神。(alive)

20. 据我所知,只有她能回答这个问题,所以我想与她单独谈谈。(only, alone)

Translation (2)

1. 我们当时急切地等待着那位歌手在舞台上出现。有些歌迷甚至等着有机会与他握手。

(await, wait)

2. 他只是班上的一个普通学生,但他的学业远在平均水准之上。(average)

3. 我们时常为贫困地区的人们募集钱款。(backward)

4. 他在桌上用双臂抱持平衡。几分钟后,他突然失去平衡,跌倒在地。(balance)

5. 冬天,所有的树叶都掉了,展现在我们面前的唯有光秃的山脉。(bare)

6. 因为这件外套售价实在便宜。我抵不住诱惑买了下来。(bargain)

7. 他对我咆哮地说:“我受不了一个人独居。”(bear)

8. 老师上课前先讲了一个笑话。我们每个人都忍不住爆发出笑声。(begin)

9. 她对她孩子的良好行为感到欣慰。她孩子整天都很守规矩。(behave, behavior)

10. 信不信由你,大多数人相信慢跑对健康有益。(believe)

11. 他不属于任何党派,因此显得在此有点格格不入。(belong)

12. 我看见地上放着一本书,就弯腰把它捡了起来。(bend)

13. —电脑使我得益很多。 —是的。我们从中获益不少。(benefit)

14. 人人抱怨这些题目远远超出他们的能力(理解力)外。(beyond)

15. 人们为了纪念那些为国流血的英雄建立了纪念碑。(bleed)

16. Jack获得了就读美国州立大学的奖学金,但他的母亲阻止他出国留学的计划。(block)

17. 据报道那次台风刮走了一些店家的招牌,大量大树被风刮倒。(blew)

18. 他常自夸擅长数学,最近老是因得高分而洋洋得意。(boast)

19. 你最好立即去售票处,早些预购周末那场电影票。(book)

20. 那位小男孩经常一会儿问他母亲一些愚蠢的问题来烦她;一会儿又吵着要他父亲买玩


21. 学校要求我们每天早晨在校门口,向老师点头鞠躬打招呼。但有些同学常因为害羞而低


22. 她因才貌双全受到广泛尊敬。她喜欢动脑筋,遇(危难)事常保持清晰头脑。(brain)

23. 他被当成贼而遭到痛打。(brand)

24. 据说他们的婚姻破裂了。她于上月与她的丈夫分手了。(break)

25. 他试图用钱贿赂警察,结果却为此被处以重罚。(bribe)

26. 那时一个晴朗的明媚的日子,海水在清晨阳光照射下闪烁发光。(bright, brilliant)

27. 那位老人有逛旧货店,捡便宜货的习惯。(browse)

28. 你有没有闻到东西烧焦的味道?肉肯定烧焦了。(burn)

29. 在营业时间,电话很忙;每个人都忙于所有事物,甚至无暇吃饭。(busy)

30. 圣诞节,他花了两百元为他妻子买了一只包,而他妻子花了三百元买了一条领带给他。

(buy, spend)

Translation (3)

1. 众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病。(cause)

2. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩的英语听说能力更强。(compare)

3. 只要你专心学习,你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate)

4. 事实上,学会用外语交际比只学会单词更为重要。(communicate)

5. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客。(choice)

6. 如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient)

7. 如果你赞扬他的行为,他就会对自己更有信心。(compliment)

8. 据估计,上海20年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约,伦敦这样的国际大都市。(catch)

9. 假如一个广告声称某种药能治愈一切疾病,那肯定是假的。(claim)

10. 后来他渐渐明白为什么他的英语教师经常叫他们背诵课文。(come to)

11. 我真担心计算机将会控制人们的生活。(control)

12. 他向我抱怨,他放在办公室抽屉里的三份《中国日报》,不见了。(complain)

13. 他指责我忽视了自己的职责。(charge)高考英语翻译句子练习,60句

14. 你要是去散步,我来陪你做个伴吧。(company)

15. 观众大多数由年轻人组成。(compose)

16. 这所大房子的价格很便宜了,但你还得把维修费用考虑进去。(consideration)

17. 我们举行了一个盛大的聚会来庆祝我校成立50周年。(celebrate)

18. 离圣诞节还有两周,购物中心挤满了购物者。(crowd)

19. 除了我们去统一所学校的这个事实外,我们完全没有共同之处。(common)

20. 这个故事讲的是一个十九世纪俄国家庭的事。(concerned)

Translation (4)

1. 他那粗暴的行为与他英俊的外表形成强烈的对照。(contrast to)

2. 我鼓起勇气对校长说我不同意他的提议。(courage)

3. 我叔叔在一个农场里种植蔬菜二十多年,积累了丰富的经验。(cultivate)

4. 他就那问题思考了近半个小时,终于想出了一个新的解题方法。(come up)

5. 缺乏睡眠肯定会影响人的健康。(certain)

6. 在这种情况下,我们不可能在继续那项研究了。(circumstance)

7. 她说道:“正相反,你加上的任何相反都受欢迎。”(contrary)

8. 你认为是谁创造了我们人类?(create)

9. 这本书里有50个故事,包括我刚才讲的那一个。(contain)

10. 只要你对自己有信心,我相信你的理想一定会实现的。(come true)

11. 在你离开宾馆前,必须到服务台办理退房手续。(check)

12. 他们请了一个私人侦探来帮助他们找到他们的儿子。(call)

13. 我向你保证我完全能自己照顾自己。(capable, care)

14. 至少我可以无愧于心地面对他们所有的人。(conscience)

15. 最近几次事件破坏了政府的公众形象。(damage)

16. 他们应该正确地,公正地处理任何抱怨。(deal)

17. 他昨天提出的建议值得进一步的考虑。(deserve)

18. 当这本书第一次出版时,遭到了许多评论家的反对。(disapprove)

19. 一切都搞乱了,但似乎没有少掉东西。(disorder)

20. 为了住更多的人,一些大而老的房子已被分割成公寓。(divide)

Translation (5)

1. 几乎所有的人都不可避免的由于这种疾病而病倒了。(down)

2. 这个组织的成员数量在过去的五年中翻了个倍。(double)

3. 还记得在小时候我们在海滩收集了许多贝壳吗?(dozen)

4. 他总是全心全意地帮助穷人。(devote)

5. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城的遗址。(discover)

6. 当警察到来时,人群向四面八方散去。(direction)

7. 我们劝他不要去那教堂,因为那会引起警察的怀疑。(discourage, arouse)

8. 如果一个孩子说他想获得诺贝尔奖,你不能嘲笑他而应该鼓励他。(dream)

9. 比赛输了,他很沮丧。(disappoint)

10. 万圣节(Halloween)人们点燃熊熊大火来赶走妖魔鬼怪。(drive)

11. 我应该说这次实验是不成功的。(describe)

12. 许多老的风俗正逐渐消失。(die)

13. 一些家长对孩子要求太多。(demand)

14. 那时我下决心要成为一个专业的舞蹈家,所以每天练习四小时。(determined)

15. 她的失踪使她父母备感忧虑。(in distress)

16. 令工人们绝望的是,公司宣布关闭工厂。(despair)

17. 军费开支是国家资源的一大消耗。(drain)

18. 不久就该轮到我加薪了。(due)

19. 明天是否去野炊要视天气情况而定。(depend)

20. 毫无疑问在新鲜的空气里锻炼对健康有好处。(do good)

Translation (6)

1. 我很遗憾地告诉大家他这次考试作弊损害了他的好名声。(damage)
















17. 我买了一本讨论中国古代史的新书。(deal) 这些学校有意识地下决心充分利用现代信息技术。(decision) 他们要求该公司赔偿这次火灾的损失。(demand) 不可否认,电脑的迅速发展导致了其他领域的一系列革命性的变化。(no denying) 你能否做好科研工作完全要看你怎么努力了。(depend on) 有些贫穷的孩子被剥夺了公平受教育的机会。(deprive) 我昨晚拟定了一份外出度假的计划,可父亲批评我的计划不切实际。(describe) 他该为他的如此不诚实受到报应。(deserve) 某个冬日,当我们在街上迷路绝望时,警察帮了我们。(despair) 为了养家糊口,他不顾一切地工作。(desperate) 他下定决心要通过努力在学习上赶上同学。(determined) 他一生致力于促进世界和平,因而被授予诺贝尔和平奖。(devote) 不要气馁!如果你提起精神,一切都会好的。(die) 考试之前我收到了来自四面八方好些有关考试的消息。(direction) 即使他不能获利,也不介意为残疾人服务。(disabled) 听到我队最终在那场势均力敌的比赛中以1:2被打败的消息, 我们感到失望。


18. 母亲反对我在三餐之间吃糖果。(disapprove)

19. 我们劝他不要回去,但他还是朝着火车站的方向离去了。(discourage)

20. 母亲责备我,我的整个卧房乱七八糟的。(disorder)

Translation (7)

1. 解除病人的痛苦是医生的职责。(distress)

2. 老师劝我们把业余时间分别用在看书与休息上。(divide)

3. 她肯定是患感冒病了,否则她会来参加会议的。(down)

4. 要特别注意这个单词,它有双重意义。(double)

5. 他们正在一打一打地包装鸡蛋,然后按打出售。(dozen)

6. 你误解我了。你知道的我做梦也不会想要欺骗你。(dream)

7. 他们团结起来并肩作战将敌人驱逐国境。(drive)

8. 据报道那场战争使那个国家的人员和资源耗尽。(drain)

9. 毫无疑问,博览群书对我们是有益的,有助于开拓视野。(do good)

10. 每次当他遇见我的时候,他都假装没有看见我。(Each time)

11. 要克服一个坏习惯并不是一件容易事。(easy job)

12. 这是一场教育公众吸烟有害的运动。(educate)

13. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。(effect)

14. 提高记忆的一种有效方法是反复地说要记住的东西。(effective)

15. 医生们虽然尽了努力,但手术以后病人仍没有存活下来。(effort)

16. 政府是由这个国家的人民选出的人员组成的。(elect)

17. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。(emphasize)

18. 你们为什么不采用那个新方法呢?(employ)


推荐访问:初中英语句子翻译练习 高考文言文翻译练习