
来源:颁奖词 时间:2018-09-24 08:00:05 阅读:




1.(Judging) from the appearance ,it is very peaceful;but in fact ,a war will break out soon.为什么不能用judge?2.(Given) more attention,the trees could have growen better.同样都是开头,为什么不像1一样用giving?下面2个对比解释一下:3.(Given) his age ,he did it quite well ,so don"t blame him any more.4.(Considering) his age,the little boy read quiet well.为什么两个相似的句子一个是过去,一个是进行?

1.Judging from...,我只能说那个是固定搭配 4也是一样 2.看到后面的Trees了么,他说,给树更多的关心,树就可以长得更好.树木是被关心的对象,即表示被动所以用过去分词 3.和2同样的道理你 你这些可以说是非谓语,简单的说,和主语是主动地关系就用ing,被动就用ed((分词)形式了,当然除了固定的搭配比如还有,Speaking of...(说到.)Generally speaking.(一般来说.)..Supposing...(假如.)


judge from与judging from有什么区别
judge from与judging from都有“根据……来判断”的意思,它们的用法有什么区别?
比如说,______from the number of cars,there were not many cars at the club yet.
应该填To judge还是Judging?为什么?

judge from是一个谓语词组
judging from是非谓语,多用与句子开头,
______from the number of cars,there were not many cars at the club yet.
这里填Judging from.因为“判断”这个动作是人的行为,人主动去判断,而不是被判断.
至于to judge的话是表目的,意思是:为了去判断……



Friends are made in smiles
Never judge a person by his appearance.
True frinds come through thick and thin together.【Judge,not,from,appearance】



Many people say the first impression when you meet a new one is so important that you should keep a good appearance before you go out of home.Acturally,people have been accustomed to judge a stranger by his or her appearance,it is the intinct from people"s heart.In modern society,many companies or employers prefer to hire someone who even has no better regularities on profession than others but own pretty appearance.That makes a consequensence that a new major is born in the universities named “Economy of Appearance”,it is too popular in many places.However,there are many people standing out to object the effection,after all,a person whose worthy is base on the advantages from the inners,appearance is too superical to catch up.In my opinion,the most importance of a person is his or her thinking and the beauty from inner.
At first,judge a person by external appearance is not stable to people who lived in the earth.I had heard a story about a couple.When they hold the wedding in the church, the husband took pride of that,he had got the heart of the most beautiful woman in the world because his wife with a good looking.But the fact of the real life was always fierce,when he huged his first little girl from the nurse at the hospital,he was completly shoken by the ugly face of his daughter.His wife told him she did an operation on her face at 17 years old.The confession made his heart seperated at that moment,he couldn"t bear that so as to divorce with his wife but he still insisted on raising the infant.This story explains a problem,the external appearance often plays a role as a liar covering many people"s eyes.
On the other hand,by contrast of external appearanc,the internal character is more important.Eventually many successful people who have no good looking or the shocking first impression when they appear in the public drawing everyone"s attention.They ofen possess the wide knowledge or do well in a professional filed and get huge achievement,that help them build an excellent figur.Such as Yaoming or Liuxiang,their external appearancs are more close the ordinary people,but they are heros in all chinese hearts.Their severe attitude of facing the difficulty and the spirit at the sports make all admire and adore.When friend introduce us some new people to us,we should focus on what can I learn from them rather than what brands do they wear.
Finally,the external appearance often does not represent the true thinking of the people.Although people are fond of making up by their favor or wear the clothes as their temper,it is still a radom and not objective.Many peolpe like wearing as punk,but their only try to cover their soft heart and pretend strong to prevent from the hurt of the outside.If we want to make friends with new,we ought to communicate with them ,know about what they think in real,look up the advantages of them,share whatever the happiness or sadness,that make them feel u convince them.
By external appearance judging a person is similar to take a dangarous adventure,it is possilbe to miss some good persons who maybe change your all life.Attempt to go into the one"s heart and know more,it is a good way to improve a circle of friends.


千万别以貌取人,因为衣服并不会使我们变得更聪明或愚笨,更好或更糟,更诚实或更虚伪.(judge,more...or less)

Do not judge perople by their appearance,because clothing can not make us more or less intellegent or foolish,better or worse,even more honest or hypocrisy.
more...or less是一个词组,上面分开来用了,而且because不能作为一个句子的开端


My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as ,Oh ,Beckham is so handsome,so cool,that l can’t help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has ” Yeah,I agree to some degree ,though I sometimes do want to ask them how much they know about Beckham,apart from his appearance and how much they know about football apart from scoring goals,It seems funny that we are crazy for things ,with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are uncertain,but we all,my friends as well as I,consider this one of life’s pleasures.
We need these pleasures to brighten up our lives.But that doesn’ t amount to craziness or nonsense (胡闹).As an old saying goes :“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We should not judge anything from its appearance.We should all know,it is one’s good character and great conhibution that makes one a star and unforgettable.Therefore we’d better say less about Beckham’s good looks.
If we close our eyes ,falling in deep thought ,we can find that the things that move us to be in truth happy,sad or moved have a clear meaning.If we don’t go deeper and just satisfied with superficial things,sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because our first impression has blinded and misled us,and we’11 remain ignorant unless we realize that and make some changes.
It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is sign of great progress .1f one day we are willing to go deeper into everything,no matter how much it pains us ,we will finally prove how much we have grown up,how much more sensible (明智的) mature,and intelligent we have become .

最近我耳朵里总充斥着朋友们的兴奋言语,比如“贝克汉姆太帅了,那么酷,俺忍不住爱上他了”,或“他的球技真绝!” 当然,在某种程度上俺对此赞同,但俺有时会想问他们:除了贝克汉姆的外貌外,究竟对贝克汉姆了解多少?除了知道进球外,对足球了解多少?滑稽的是,咱常常会为一些自己并不熟悉或者一知半解的东西而疯狂.但是所有人——朋友们,还有俺——都把这个当作生活的乐趣之一.


求一篇英语作文,views on plastic surgery
My views on plastic surgery
Two spects
I think those people could have cosmetic surgery
1.Some people are not self-confidence about their physical appearance
2.Perhaps their appearance have an impact on their career and getting employment .
3.Perhaps they think their have harmful effect on city enviroment(市容).
Plastic surgery may help them overcome these problems.It can increase one’s self-confidence,add the probability of success,and make the person to be pleasant.
If someone’s appearance is disfigured by accident,such as fire disaster or traffic accident,they should do the plastic surgery to avoid their life suffering bad affects.
It may bring unexpected disasters in the future.Such as double eyelid operation,the older you are,the more loosen your eyelid is!
The operation may fail.How can you face the defeat.May you are more uglily than before.
I think Naturally is beautiful

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” an old maxim that has become so trivial and trite that barely anybody regards it as true or even worth noting.In a world where technological leaps dominate,plastic surgery has become one of the most successful and popular commercial branches.Its possibilities to give people a new start,a new life,attracts more than millions of people every year.Beauty has replaced honour and personality as the new currency in the world.
Why should you consider plastic surgery then?Well as imperfect human beings,we relentlessly strive to overcome the imperfections as written by our genes.Plastic surgery offers a path on which we can overleap the obstacles of natural defects.People born with natural physical defects,or environmental defects caused by tragic accidents such as fires and traffic accidents,may very well choose to have plastic surgery.It not only enhances their physical appearance,but also boosts their own self-confidence.The inconvenient truth is that appearance dominates from careers to relationships,people with better looks usually get the upper-hand in life.
To the many good reasons as to why plastic surgery is beneficial,it is actually a dangerous operation,and goes against the act of God (楼主如果不信神(天命),去掉也可以).The plastic surgeries are not perfect,there are bound to be accidents,even without accidents,operations such as double eyelid operations may potentially making the eyelids more loose with age.If the operations fail,not many people can withstand the pressure and depression.
Evidently,natural beauty is the best beauty.We should not use appearance as the standard to judge,but with personality,skills,and other moral traits to judge a person’s value.This standard of integrity offers a far more valuable standard to the society than the shallow beauty that comes out of plastic surgery could ever offer.


托福作文求批改,优缺点,得分 我12.19 一战!
External appearance will provide important clues of people
Some people always assert that we should not just judge a person by his appearance.Admittedly,we should not totally make a conclusion to a person by his external.But we,actually,have to take into account the externals as one standard of judging people.That"s say external appearance is imporant for ones" life and social relationship.
First and foremost,the external appearance of people will effect the recognition of others basically.For instance,you are a boss of a company and need to hire some graduates to join into your company.Two guys come to the interview,which are hosted by you and your colleagues.One is in suits and ties perfectly and another is in dirty cloth and slipper.Which one will have more possibilities to pass the interview,if they are equal in background and professional skills.I think the answer is absolutely clear that most of the leaders will choose the first guy as company"s employee.So apparently our judgement towards people will be easily influented by the external appearance,especially when we don"t know each other better,even through we maybe have not realized the fact.
Another main point worth mentioning of my propensity is that we can see the inner traits of people by the external appearance.Some people frequently boast to others how excellent and perfect they are.How can we trust a guy"s saying thoroughly without a clear T-shirts and shoes.In daily life,we must commit that the bad custom of personal sanitation will give us the feeling that they mostly lack of responsibility and good learning habits etc.The lacking sense of sanitation will not influent only in the outlook of a person,but also in different section of your life.You maybe lazy for everything you involved in and never have the positive attitude to do something even it is your loving part.
From the two factors I deliberated deeply above,it"s seemingly easy to find out that the external appearance is so important and definitely influence different parts of our life.As a conclusion,we should corrects some of our bad personal habits to make us more accessible for the society and life.

1.当用 people 时,后面用 they 和 their .当用person时,后面必须要用 he or she ,而不能只用其中一个.总体感觉你的文章里面 they 和 we 用得比较混乱.2.用第三人称的时候,注意后面动词的形式.(也许只是你的输入错误...


求以“Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first sight?”为话题的对话

A:Hi,Ann,how are you?
B:Fine,and you?
A:Very good.There is a question want to ask you.
A:oh,Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first sight?
B:Maybe.I mean that we get a person"s information just from his or she appearance if he or she havn"t talk.
A:Is"t reasonable?
B:oh,is"t the situation of the first sight,just the first sight.We know a person more from the the performance the do in the later days.Only we stay for a long period of time can we know a person well.
A:That"s right!Your oppinion is very complete.
B:Only my own view.
A:My talk to you is very happy.


1.Some people living in the north are used to _________(swim)in winter.\x05
2.Do you agree that it is important to make yourself____________ (understand).
3.My first workday in Motorola was not as __________ (busy) as I had expected.
4.With all this work on hand ,he shouldn’t __________(go)to the cinema last night.
5.It is requested that every student _________ (give) a performance at the party.
6.Nowadays quite a few young people would rather buy ___________ (cost) consumer goods.
7.To Stew Leonard,the ________ (distinct) between a supermarket and an amusement park is slight.
8.The 29th Olympic Games _________(hold)in Beijing ,Tianjin and some other cities in China in 2008.
9.After the government had taken some _________ (effect) measures,prices began to level off.
10.Most newspapers contain a businesss section,a sport section,and a section for classified ________ (advertise).
11.Like other form of energy,(nature) _________ gas,is now used to heat homes,cook food ,and even run automobiles.
12.The material (test) _________ in the lab when the lab caught fire.
13.He is so (care) __________ as not to notice his mistake.
14.But for the snow we (could climb) __________ the mountain yesterday.
15.If it (not rain) _________yesterday afternoon,I would have gone fishing.
16.(Judge) _________ from his appearance,he must be a foreigner.
17.Technology has increased (produce) ___________ of the factory.
18.I don’t mind (you delay) __________ making the decision as long as it is not too late.
19.Many applicants (reject) __________by the medical school simply because there were not enough places available.
20.The girl said “Good morning” in a most (friend)________ way.

4.have gone
8.was held
12.is being tested
14.could have climbed
15.were not raining
18.you delaying
19.were rejected

