
来源:作文 时间:2016-03-21 11:43:50 阅读:



课本作文专项 One day, a man called Wang Wei was visiting New York. When he got to the hotel, he found his ID card was lost. He was very upset. He looked for it everywhere, but he couldn’t find it. Wang Wei was so worried. What should he do? Of course, he decided to return to the train station. At the lost and found, a young man was waiting for him with his ID card. Wang Wei was so happy! He was so thankful that he bowed (鞠躬) before the man. Wang Wei was so surprised when he looked up again. The man was his former (以前) classmate, and they hadn’t seen each other for five years! Kangkang and Michael are good friends. They both study in Ren’ai International School. Michael is as brave as Kangkang. But Michael is not as funny as Kangkang because Kangkang often tells jokes to his friends. Michael is as helpful as Kangkang. They are both glad to help others in need (需要) . Colors can change my feelings

I like listening to music. When I am happy, loud rock music makes me excited and active. But when I am unhappy, loud music makes me feel bored and angry. Colors can affect my feelings a lot. Different colors can change my feelings. When I feel sad, I usually put on bright-colored clothes, such as light green, red, yellow or orange. They will make me feel happier soon. But when I want to calm down, I always look at blue things or put on blue clothes, because blue makes me feel quieter and calmer. What’s more, brown makes me feel better at learning, and white makes me more helpful. And I remember not to wear dark-colored clothes when I feel sad. Dear-----,

Last week, I visited Beijing. I always looked forward to visiting there. I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep last Sunday night. I got up early and packed my backpack for the journey. In my backpack, I put a camera, some clothes, a cellphone and so on . It took me about 35 hours to get there by train. I visited the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace. I enjoyed myself very much because they are so beautiful. I felt tired but excited because I learned a lot about the history of this city. Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? I am very satisfied with everything in China. Michael and his friends are kind to me. Yesterday, Michael, Kangkang

and I went to the Ming Tombs after we checked our bikes carefully. On the way to the Tombs, I saw the Stone Arch, the Great Palace Gate and the Dragon and Phoenix Gate. As soon as we arrived, we saw many interesting stone animals such as horses, camels and lions. But I can’t name any of the others now. In Dingling, there were so many people that I couldn’t find my friends. I was so frightened. Several minutes later, we met again. Thank goodness! Tomorrow we plan to visit the Great Wall. I think it will be an exciting place to visit, too.

Please send an e-mail to me soon.



They were playing while they were riding. They took up most of the road. When they got to the gate of Sifang Supermarket, a motorcycle came so fast that all the students were frightened. But the motorcycle didn’t slow down when it passed by. The student on the left was hit by the motorcycle , his right leg was badly hurt and his bike was broken. The man on the motorcycle called the 122 hotline at once and sent the student to the hospital.

A trip by bicycle

Saturday, May 10th Sunny

Today my classmates and I went out for a field trip. We went to the Forest Garden by bike. We all wore bicycle helmets. At 9 o’clock, we got to the garden. We saw a lot of flowers, and they were very beautiful. There were also many kinds of plants from foreign countries. We had a good time there. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, we rode back home.

I like cycling very much. I think it is good exercise, and it is

good for our health.

A invitation to a parent

Dear Mr. Li,

We are very pleased to invite you to take part in the parents’

meeting in Fuxing School. We’ll have the meeting in the hall of Fuxing School at 8:00 a.m. , on Sunday, May 11th. The meeting will end at 10:00 a.m. We’ll discuss how to improve the students’ health.

Best wishes to you!


Mrs. Xie

How to cook chicken soup

Chicken soup is very delicious, and it’s good for our health. Would you like to eat chicken soup? Well, let’s cook it together.

First, cut up chicken and the green onions. Next, wash the chicken and put it in a deep pot 70%—80% full of water. Then, boil the chicken for 2 hours. Finally, add some salt, the green onions and so on. Now the chicken soup is ready soup is ready and you can enjoy it. Dear Rose,

I’m glad to hear that you will visit China.

I would like to tell you something about eating habits in

China. In the southern part of China, people eat rice a lot. And in the north they often eat noodles and dumplings. All Chinese people eat with chopsticks.

There are many kinds of delicious foods in China. I believe you will enjoy them very much. We should eat bread, meat, fish, milk, and lots of fruit and vegetables, but we should eat less junk food. If we eat regularly, we can keep healthy.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Best wishes!


------- The lady is Maria’s mother. Her silk hat is pink. It’s very nice on her head. She is wearing a cotton scarf and a woolen sweater. Her jeans are made of cotton. She is wearing a pair of brown shoes, and they are made of leather. Her leather handbag is pink, too. I think her clothes are very beautiful. My favorite school uniform

Different jobs, different uniforms. I am a middle school student. I think students should wear school uniforms at school every day, especially at school meetings. Suitable school uniforms can not only

show good discipline but also make us happy. I think they can even make us study much harder. What’s more, school uniforms are cheaper than casual clothes. Clothes in fashion cost too much, we can’t afford them. So I don’t think we should wear them at school. The cheongsam is a women’s dress with Chinese features. It is not difficult to make. It doesn’t need much material, either. It came into being in the Qing dynasty. From then on, people called the cheongsam .The Man minority women wore the cheongsam first. It began to become popular in the 1920s. The cheongsam is called“qipao”(旗袍)in most parts of China and it is a traditional dress for Chinese women. Many foreign women like it, too. How can we have healthy eating habits?

As we know, food gives us energy. We must have enough food to keep us healthy. If we choose the right food, we can have healthy eating habits. We should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of cream biscuits, hamburgers, Beijing Roast Duck and so on. We should eat fewer snacks and candies. Different foods help us in different ways. We should have different kinds of foods such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk, meat and fish. Besides, we should exercise more often so that we can become healthier.



1.请柬 张老师打算这个星期天下午4:00 在教室举行家长会。请你帮他向全班同学的家长拟一份邀请函。词数:40-50个。

To all the parents:

I would like to have a parents’ meeting at 4:00 p.m. this Sunday in our classroom. We will invite some students to talk about their school life and their problems. All the parents can talk with their children and the teachers. We hope you all come on time.


Mr. Zhang

2.海报 (1).时间:星期日(10月16日)晚6:00---9:00 (2).地点:仁爱国际学校(3). 内容:电影《音乐之声》(4).票价(the price of ticket):成人(an adult):40元,儿童在1.1米以下(children under

1.1 meter):20元。放映这部电影是为贫困地区的孩子上学筹集资金,请准时观看。


Time: 6:00---9:00p.m.

Place: Ren’ai International School

Program: The Sound of Music

Price: An adult: 40 yuan

Children: (under 1.1 metre) 20 yuan

We do this in order to raise money to help the children in poor areas(地区) to go to school. Please come on time.


1.旅游类 A visit to Jiuzhaigou

(1) Last month, I went to Jiuzhaigou for my vacation with my parents. Jiuzhaigou in Sicuan, in the southwest of China. It’s famous for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes. Many people go there to enjoy their vacation every year. My father booked the rooms before we arrived. We had a two—day trip and took a lot of photos. We saw some pandas and monkeys. They were very lovely and we couldn’t help playing with them. What an exciting trip!

(2) The advantages of the bicycle / your favorite vehicle

There are many kinds of vehicles, such as bicycles and cars. Which kind of vehicles do you like? I like riding bicycles. I think riding bicycles is better than driving cars. Because it saves money and energy. It can avoid air pollution. What’s more, it has low cost. And the bicycle needs less space. Riding bicycles can make us feel tired, but it makes jus healthy.

Driving cars saves more time than riding bicycles. But it has high cost and it can cause air pollution. It needs more space than the bicycle. What do you think of it?

2. 心里健康类


There is a lot of fun in my life, especially (尤其) in my school life. I like studying all my subjects with my classmates. We get on well with each other. We play games together. We often sing, and sometimes we dance. Our teachers are all kind to us. But sometimes they give us too much homework. They and our parents are strict with us.

I will work hard so that I can go to a good university. Then my dreams will come true.

(2)在日常生活和学习中, 你一定会遇到一些困惑。 那么,如何


















































Unit 5 Topic 1

以个人感受为话题。 运用知识点是 系动词+形容词/make sb +形容词


Unit 5 Topic2



Unit 5 Topic3初二八年级作文--传统节日作文5篇

以心情为话题 :生活中多因素(天气、学习成绩、音乐等)我们的心情,在其中因素中哪些对你影响最深。请你写一篇影响你心情的文章

Unit 6 Topic 1




Unit 6 Topic2

你的笔友Mike想来北京参观,请以Li Lin的名义发e-mail向他介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景点。根据以下提示写一封e-mail。

1. 北京市一个历史文化城,拥有许多名胜古迹;2.紫禁城是现今保存完好的古老皇宫;3.颐和园曾经


Unit 6 Topic 3



请你写一封邀请函,邀请你的同学肖明跟你一起去看今晚7:00在光明电影院放映的电影Love Me Once More, Mom,票已买好。请他6:00在电影院门口见面,以便有足够的时间一起吃晚饭。开头和结尾已给出。




1. Wash different fruits and peel(剥皮); 2. Cut them and mix them up(混合); 3. Add salad, cream and stir(搅拌). 例文:

(B) 如何煲鸡汤

Unit7Topic 3

健康一直是人们关注的问题。请根据提示,以Ways to Keep Healthy 为题,写一篇词数80左右的短文。 1. 饮食健康;多吃水果蔬菜;保持均衡饮食。 2. 摒弃(get rid of )不良习惯;按时吃早饭。 3. 早睡早起;多做运动;强身健体。



Unit 8 Topic 1

请描述你今天穿的衣服,写一篇短文。短文要根据以下的问题提示来写,80词左右。 1. What are you wearing today? 2、What color/size ... are your clothes? 3、What materials are they made of? 4、What do you think of them?

Unit 8 Topic 2


Unit 8 Topic 3

(A) 请你根据以下信息,写一篇关于长衫“旗袍”的短文。

1、 长衫是一种富有中国特色的女性服饰。 2、 在中国的大部分地区,长衫又称为旗袍。 3、 人们于清朝时设计出长衫。

4、 它是用丝绸制造的,上面有一些漂亮的结。

5、 在二十世纪二十年代开始受到欢迎。现在,全世界人们都喜欢。


Unit 5 Feeling Excited


玛丽来自英国,她非常喜欢京剧,但没买到票,很失望。最后在王老师的帮助下得到了票。 要求:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译,要写出玛丽得到票前后的心情。

2. 意思连贯、通顺,词数在60—80之间。


Mary comes from England. She likes Beijing Opera best. She thinks it’s interesting and wonderful. She wanted to see Beijing Opera but couldn’t get a ticket. So she was very disappointed. She didn’t know what to do. Then Mr. Wang got a ticket, but he couldn’t go to see it. His son had a fever last night, so he gave the ticket to Mary. She was pleased and said thanks to Mr. Wang. She was very excited and decided to learn something about Beijing Opera.

每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时, 请试着控制你的情绪, 因为情绪可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己, 笑对人生, 多与父母、朋友沟通。



提示词语:feel happy, mirror, the best, help others in need, believe, have a nice day, express, feelings, talk with ... 参考范文:

Nobody can be happy all the time. When you become unhappy, you should try to control your feelings. Because bad feelings can make you lose your friends and give you other bad effects. Here are some ways to make you feel better.

(1)Look in the mirror and speak to yourself, “I’m the best in the world. I can do anything.” (2)Do something for others. You will feel happy if you always help others in need. (3)Smile when you get up in the morning and believe you will have a nice day.

(4)Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want. Writing always helps you express your feelings.

(5)Stay with your family. You may talk with your parents, relatives, friends and so on.

在日常生活中会出现一些让我们觉得烦恼的事情,然而每一件事情都有解决的办法。请写一篇短文谈谈令你烦恼的事情和你是怎样解决这些问题的。 要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在60—80之间。 参考范文:

Not everything is interesting in life, but we still have to face them. Sometimes I feel worried when I make some silly mistakes in the exams. Sometimes I feel bored when my parents don’t allow me to play. And sometimes I feel annoyed because I have so much homework to do. That kind of feeling is really bad. So I will do something different to relax myself or think about other things. For example, I can listen to the


radio and some soft music. Besides, I often talk with my good friends. Then I become happy again. You can have a try!

(A)假设昨天你病了,请用几句话来表达你的感受(至少5句)。 提示词语:sore throat, cough, fever, headache(头痛) ...


提示词语:look forward to ... , national opera, express Chinese culture, famous stories, facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting, have a nice evening ... 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Last Sunday evening, my father, mother and I went to see Beijing Opera ... 参考范文:


Yesterday I had a bad cold. I had a fever, a cough and a headache. And I also had a sore throat. I felt very terrible. So I went to see the doctor.


Last Sunday evening, my father, mother and I went to see Beijing Opera. I was looking forward to seeing it, because I heard that it was our national opera with a history of 200 years. It expresses Chinese culture. It’s full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. On the night before we started, I felt so excited that I couldn’t sleep well. When we got to the theater, I found there were so many people there. They looked very excited, too. Then I had a nice evening there. After seeing it, I think it is really wonderful.

Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling


为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题: 1. 想去哪?为什么? 2. 想在那儿待几天? 3. 怎么去?

4. 打算什么时候开始旅行?

5. 在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么?


提示词语:countryside, air, food and vegetables, environment, fresh, quiet, poor, give, the school things ... 参考范文:

A plan for a trip

1. I’d like to go to the countryside for a trip because the environment there is quite good. The air there is fresh, and I can enjoy a quiet life. The food and vegetables are good, too. 2. I’m going to stay for a week.

3. I’ll go by bike. In this way, I can take exercise as well. 4. I’ll go tomorrow morning.

5. When I go, I’ll take some school things, like books, pens, pencils and so on. I decided to give them to初二八年级作文--传统节日作文5篇

the poor students in the countryside. And I’ll try my best to help them with their study. 6. I think I’ll be very tired but I’ll enjoy myself.


1. 当你工作或学习感到厌烦时,可以选择旅行。休闲的同时也可以领略大自然的美丽风光,呼吸新鲜空气,结交新朋友,散心等。

2. 有时旅行会有烦恼,如天气多变、被雨淋湿等。

3. 出发前应充分了解天气情况,最好结伴同行,可以互相照应,以免发生意外。 除以上需要注意的几点,可根据你的理解自由发挥。

提示词语:be tired of doing sth., enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe, prepare yourself, companion, cause accident ... 参考范文:


Travel is a very good activity. When you are tired of working or studying, or when you have time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air, make some new friends, relax yourself and so on.

But sometimes it may cause trouble. The weather often changes. You may get wet in the rain and may have a cold. You should prepare yourself carefully before your trip. You should know something about the weather. You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other to avoid accidents. In this way, you’ll have a wonderful trip.


1. 乘什么交通工具去上学?是公交车,小汽车还是自行车? 2. 乘车时应注意哪些交通规则?

要求:结构完整,条理清晰,语言通顺。 参考范文:

Do you like riding a bike? I like it very much. I am a student in a middle school. I often go to school by bike, because it is good for our body. It makes us healthy and saves energy. But we must obey the traffic rules. We should ride a bike slowly and ride it on the right-hand side of the road. If the traffic lights are red, we must stop. Now let’s leave cars and buses, and just cycles.

Unit 7 Food Festival




提示词语:废纸 waste paper;塑料瓶 plastic bottle;回收中心 a recycling center;捐钱 donate the money;贫困地区 poor areas 参考范文:


My name’s Liu Hui. I’m a student in Ren’ai International School. I know some children in poor areas need money for school. So my friends and I decided to collect waste paper and plastic bottles after the food festival. After we cleaned the playground of our school, we sold all the waste paper and plastic bottles to a recycling center, and then donated the money to the children in poor areas. Although we felt very tired on that day, we were very happy!


原料:豆芽(bean sprouts),盐。

步骤:首先把锅放在火上。然后在锅里倒一些油。油热了之后,放入豆芽、盐。翻炒(stir fry)一两分钟。最后将豆芽盛入盘子里。 参考范文:

First, put the pan on the fire. And then pour some oil into it. When the oil is hot, put the bean sprouts into the pan. Add some salt. Stir fry them for one or two minutes. Finally, put the bean sprouts on the plate.


提示词语:lower, than, better, the highest, the most friendly … 参考范文:

Tom and Mike did a survey among three restaurants. This is what they told us. The price of the hamburger in Ham is lower than that in Billy, but its quality is better than Billy’s. And Ham’s service isn’t as friendly as Billy’s. The price of the hamburger in Pizza is the highest, but its quality is the best and the service is the most friendly of the three.

(A) 介绍你最喜欢的一种食物,并说明理由。词数在30个左右。

(B) 昨天是母亲节,你为妈妈做了一道水果沙拉。根据参考词汇,用英语写一篇短文,叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程。词数在60个左右。

1. Wash different fruits and peel(剥皮); 2. Cut them and mix them up(混合); 3. Add salad, cream and stir(搅拌). 参考范文:


My favorite food is dumplings. They are very delicious. We eat dumplings on New Year’s Day. We always put a coin inside, and everyone tries to find it for luck and money in the new year.

(B) Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I made a dish of fruit salad for my mom. First, I took an apple, a pear, some purple grapes, an orange and some bananas. Then I washed and peeled them. After that I cut them into small pieces and put them on the plate, and then I added some sugar, a little salad and some cream. The last thing I did was to stir and mix them up. I put the purple grapes around the plate, and my fruit salad looked more beautiful. After I finished my fruit salad, I put it on the table and sang some songs to my mom. My mom felt so happy, and I was very happy, too.

Unit 8 Our Clothes



上周,比尔和妈妈一起去购物。他们买了围巾,棉风衣和皮鞋。后来又一起吃了日本寿司。比尔和妈妈度过了愉快的一天。 参考范文:

Bill’s mother likes going shopping a lot. Last Sunday she went shopping with Bill. First, they saw a beautiful scarf, so they bought it. Then they went to the Men’s Clothing Section. Bill’s mother chose a cotton windbreaker for Bill. The windbreaker made Bill look more handsome. Then they went to the Shoes and Hats Section. There they bought a pair of leather shoes for Bill’s father. After that, they went to eat Japanese sushi. They felt very tired, but they were very happy.


你所在的地区要举办一届服装节,你要负责传统服装的介绍。中国的服装有着悠久的历史,最具代表性的有唐装、旗袍„„请你对自己熟悉的传统服装作个介绍。词数在60—80之间。 参考范文:

Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s my honor to introduce Chinese traditional costumes to you. First, let’s look at the Tang costume. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture. It has a long history. It became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties. People can wear it on casual or formal occasions. It expresses both the wearer’s personal style and China’s rich traditional culture. Now let’s see another Chinese traditional costume—cheongsam. People usually call the cheongsam “qipao” in most parts of China. It came into history in the Qing dynasty and began to become popular in the 1920s. Now more and more people like it. Many foreign women like it, too. That’s all. Thank you for listening.

期末过关检测 (一)








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If you want to learn English well. You must try to be confident and work hard. The following ways may help you. First, try to speak English as much as you can. Second, do more listening. Third, do more reading. Finally, try to write diaries in English.


I don’t like our school uniforms because I look ugly in them. I like to look cool. I like to wear my own clothes. But I have to wear uniforms on weekdays. It makes me bored. If I can design my own school uniforms, I will choose a blue T-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, a pair of running shoes. Oh, the shoes must be white. It is my favorite color. Maybe I can have a sweater and a windbreaker in winter.

期末过关检测 (二)




要求:1. 通过一则细小的事情体现„„爱的伟大。

2. 表达真实可信,内容连贯正确,语言流畅,文中不得使用真名。


April 21st Dear Fangfang,

I’m very sorry to say that I can’t go to your home to do homework with you. Because my parents will take me out for a spring field trip. Meimei


There are many kinds of love in the world, such as mother’s love, father’s love, friends’ love and so on. But I think mother’s love is the greatest of all.

When I was young, my mother taught me to walk, speak and think. She took good care of my life. When I grew up little by little, my mother helped me to study well. She tried her best to keep me healthy. She often talked with me like my good friend. I’m lucky to own mother’s love. I wish everyone in the world could own mother’s love!










一会儿就走到了学校,当走到王老师的办公室前,她发现办公室的门和窗都是敞开的,她将头伸进窗子里,左瞧瞧、右瞧瞧,一个人也没有,空荡荡的,但王老师的办公桌上已放好了语文课本、备课本……在备课本上还没全干的笔迹。说明王老师走了一会儿,可能有一点事出去了吧?小姑娘想。他她把头探进窗子里,从书包里拿出摘好的一束野花,小心翼翼地放入老师的笔筒里。这是她突然想起了王老师为她补课的那件事,那次是因为她生病,已经几天没去上学了,功课也落下了好多,一天夜晚,小姑娘刚要睡觉,突然听到“咚咚咚”的敲门声,她开门一看,原来是王老师,她问:“王老师,您这么晚找我有什么事吗?”王老师说:“你几天没有上学,我是来给你补课的。”每当她想起这件事,就很感动,眼泪就忍不住要掉 本文来自高考资源网










推荐访问:5年级作文 传统节日作文