
来源:观后感 时间:2016-09-22 12:07:38 阅读:









最后唯一的泪点,当然是对于亲爱的路人观众 们的泪点,电影中把丁思甜的去向终于作出了最终的解读,而且不得不说泪点挺高的,毕竟是初恋,老胡的初恋,胖子的初恋,让他们不顾一切的一个女孩,最后却为他们做了一切。







这只是一个小小的个人感受,未曾想过引起赞赏,实在有愧。 低下的评论我看到了,有人说,陈坤没有“糙感”很正常,因为胡八一叫胡八一是因为建军节出生的,而重名太多,一气之下改为八一,并没有当过兵,质疑我没有看过原著。 有没有看过原著不提(毕竟就算看过也无法向大家证明),胡八一是当过兵的,还做到了连长的位置,这在原著中有过正面、侧面描写。

贴一下《精绝古城:第十九章(考古队)》中,陈教授说的话: 陈教授觉得郝爱国说话太直了,他跟大金牙的父亲也很熟,经常向他们请教一些古玩鉴赏的问题,不愿意把关系闹得太僵,就从沙发上站起身来打圆场,请我们落座,闲聊了几句,问了我和胖子的一些事,听完之后微笑点头:“ 不简单啊,当过解放军的连长,还有参加过战争的经验,而且去过沙漠, 真是难得啊,当我们这些书呆子的领队,那实在是绰绰有余了。沙漠中的遗迹和古墓,大多数都掩埋在黄沙之下,孔雀河故道早已干涸难以寻觅,如果不懂天星风水术,恐怕是找不到的,不知这风水学你们二人懂不懂?”

另外,关于杨雪莉的口音问题,有人说,因为杨雪莉是华裔,说不清国语也很正常,同样来自《精绝古城:第十九章(考古队)》中对于杨雪莉的描写:杨小姐微微一笑:“胡先生,我会说中文,咱们还是用中国话交谈吧。你今后叫我Shirley杨就可以了。” 没想到她的普通话说得很好,没有半点美国口音,至于美国口音是什么样


至于为何选择舒淇饰演这名角色,毕竟是要打开市场的电影,选角儿是经过各方权衡之后的行为,非常理解。 然后有人说,我的某些话对杨颖夫妇不友善,这里也回应一下:并非不友善,只是实话实说。黄晓明自《大汉天子》之后,最经典的角色就是处于落魄时的成冬青,土鳖气息被他演活了。无论从哪一点看,这都是在赞赏其演技,为何说不友善呢?杨颖在饰演丁思甜时同样如此。www.fz173.com_寻龙诀影评。

还有人说,我对于坐在旁边小哥的猜想很无聊,人家看没看过3D电影你咋知道?还TM笑点,就你看多的是不?可能是我没写清楚,之所以成为我的笑点之一,是因为让我想起了 自己第一次看3D时,也会有下意识的闪避动作,这并非嘲讽小哥,而是觉得很可爱。 以下为原答案: 如果有更高期待,想把《寻龙诀》跟好莱坞超A级大作相比,是对于目前整个中国电影工业体系的无敌信


什么是国产商业大片?故事、特效、后期、道具,但最重要的,是 本土 。 本土,不是让导演、编剧们故作姿态来接地气,也不是拉来一帮俊男靓女走走过场,或者复制下港片无厘头梗,或者再复制下好莱坞特效PPT,而是踏踏实实的、认认真真的,去尊重中国观众的智商,讲述一个只可能发生在中国的故事,且完成度还不错。 在这一点上,回过头去看2015一整年,这种片子的数量有多少? 《寻www.fz173.com_寻龙诀影评。


《英雄》和《寻龙诀》都是一个绕不过去的坎。 我们先从导演说起。 张小北说,乌尔善是一个牛X的导演,美术出身,出道拍摄600万成本电影《刀见笑》,第二部电影《画皮2》制作成本过亿。而后,其生涯第三部作品,是万达、光线、华谊兄弟民营电影三巨头联合制作的《寻龙诀》。


有趣的是, 坐在我身边的是一对恋人(影院里除了我,基本都是恋人,泪),小哥可能不经常看3D电影,每有器物,例如爆炸的碎屑,朝着镜头飞来时,他总是下意识的躲避,成为我观影时的最大笑点之一(觉得很可爱)。

这从侧面证明,特效团队很厉害,对比其他打着3D的幌子公然骗钱的国产电影,至少在特效上没骗人。虽然我看的出来,很多时候的3D效果略假,如爆炸的碎屑物、断裂的吊棺木、胡八一手里的飞爪等等。 不过,即便如此,我对乌尔善的能力依然持有戒备心。 再说演员。


主要体现在陈坤不够“糙感”,不像经历过战争的军人。 他的主角扮相,更像是邋遢、不修边幅的中年人。 少了那么点果敢、坚毅的气质。 当然,这是我个人感觉。
















不过我看一个盗墓电影这么平淡,画风好像有些不对吧!全片虽然大场面不少,可没有一处让我看得心紧的。甚至看到有些地方夹杂的大量信仰之跃、大力出奇迹等“五毛特效”时,我竟然笑出了声。唯一能让我感觉紧张些的是所谓的“大粽子”(鬼吹灯里的说法,可以理解为死尸复活)出现。然而电影全程强调唯物主义,大量的回忆部分有唯物主义、相信科学的说法,影片中针对一些现象也是不顾环境进行强行解说。可是最后就是没对“大粽子”给出合理的解释,让人真的相信是彼岸花让他们复活,虽然男主反复强调这是幻觉,可是那真的是大粽子杀死了人了啊 喂!





Analysis of “Mojin-The Lost Legend”

Nowadays, a well-known film is shown in the cinemas in China. Its name is “Mojin-The Lost Legend”, also known as “Xun Long Jue” in Chinese Pinyin name. People estimate its future box office will surely exceed 2 billion RMB, which will be a great success in Chinese film industry. I am trying to analysis the internal environment of this great film.

The tangible resources of this film should not be neglected. I believe there are at least five tangible resources contribute to its success. First, the director Wuershan is definitely a key character in the team. Born in 1972 in Inner Mongolia, he has got some international film awards with good reputation. His has successfully directed “Painted Skin II” in 2012, which earn him the master of imaginary film. Second, the main actors in this filmare all big shot. Chen Kun is the chief actor in this film. He has acted several leading roles in different imaginary films in China. He is also a famous singer which earns him a greater range of reputation as well as box office appeal. Shu Qi is the chief actress in the film. She is known as her beauty and nice shape in film industry. Started as a model, her performance skill is becoming better and approaching perfection day by day. Huang Bo is a famous characteristic comedy actor in China. His participation in this film increases the layer and dynamic of the story.

Several of his film is known as the box office champion of the year, which demonstrate his popularity. Third, the scene arrangement of the film is also an important tangible resource. The major scenes are produced in Chinese Film Base in Huairou in Beijing. The whole base has 15 different studios and this film took 13 of all. Forth, the scriptwriter is also a popular character. This film is adapted from a well known tomb robbing novel “Gui Chui Deng”, which is seen as the best of this kind. The writer of this novel is called Zhang Muye, who has a pen name called Tian Xia Ba Chang, which has tong resounded among his readers. He is the scriptwriter and advisor of this film. Fifth, a good technique team is an essential tangible resource of the film. This film has a strong technique team which has more than 2000 people to ensure the fantasticdazzling pictures nail audiences to their seats. Last but not least, tangible resources such as shooting equipment, costumes, stage properties, extras and staff are all essential to the success of this film.

The intangible resources of this film arealso crucial. First, as I mentioned above, the film is adapted from the famous novel “Gui Chui Deng”, which is an intellectual property. Since the team gets the copyright of this novel, it becomes the first and most important intangible resource of the film. “Gui Chui Deng” was published in 2006 and gradually become the top one. It brings the concept of Mojin into the public view. The title of the novel suggests a unique way of tomb digging,

which is lightening a candle in the southeast corner of the tome. Before opening the coffin, the grave robber should check the candle constantly. Once the candle is out, the grave robber should withdraw the action and return everything he/she got from the comb. Otherwise, something bad will happen, usually zombies in the tomb will come out and start to kill. As the novel becomes more and more popular, this concept, also known as Mojin style, becomes the label of almost all tomb robbing related literature products and makes “Gui Chui Deng” to be a great successful intellectual property. The number of the readers of this novel is increasing sharply these years. It is easy to estimate that the readers are the potential audience of this film. Second, this film has a strong investment background. Wanda Media, Enlight Media and Huayi Bros. Media are three major media groups in China. They are all a part of the investment group. They have mature film marketing and operating skills as well as solid public relationship channels, which contribute to the second intangible resource of the film. Third, the good reputation of the actors and the story is also an intangible resource. Lots of people choose a film based on the actors they like before they step into a cinema. This film has six big shotswho are very famous in film and TV industry. Some of them are also singers or models. Their reputation is a key factor to attract their fans and bring them into the cinema. The story adopted from “Gui Chui Deng” also has a reputation, which attract its readers to enjoy and exam it

on the big screen no matter the film is good or bad.

The capability of the film is the joint effort of all sides. First, the director of the film is capable of producing largeimaginary film. His work“Painted Skin II”helps him to strength his unique way of storytelling through camera. Before start with “Mojin-The Lost Legend”, he has carefully examined the original novel for several times. The novel consists of 8 different stories which have abundant film elements. Wuershan picked up the most interesting and essential characteristics from the stories and combined them together. He turned them into film language and retold the story in a new brilliant angle in 2 hours. The whole progress he took is difficult but meaningful. He was creating while learning and adjusting. It takes 2 years for him to finish the final production. All his effort and his diligent attitude ensure his success in this film. Second, the actors are capable of the roles. Chen Kun cast the leader of the tomb robbers in the film. The character needs him to be both tough and smart, who always knows what to do in case of emergency. Chen Kun has the experience of casting such character before. He is able to show him determination and ambition successfully through his performance. Shu Qi cast the only female of the tomb robbers. The character needs her to be sexy and clever, willing to take adventure and fight as male, but can be soft when falling in love. She Qi was a model and kept good body shape. She was seen as the“Lara Croft” in

Chineseversion. She is fully capable for taking a leading role in action film. Most of the actors are seen to be just the perfect image of the roles in the eyes of fans.Third, the background music of the film adds flowers to embroidery. All the music works are come from a very unique Inner Mongolian rock band called Hanggai. This band consists of 7 musicians who are all come from Inner Mongolia, which is also the place where this film was shot at. The music goes with the scenes harmonically that enable the film catch the inner feelings of the audience.

Sometimes the success of a great film belongs to accidental, but it usually under cover certain factors. These factors are the core competence of the film. “Mojin-The Lost Legend” is a successful one in terms of box office as well as audience’s response. There are at least 3 core competences contribute to its success. First, the visual effect is strong enough to hold the all the scenes. Since this film is about zombies, tombs, ghost and unrealistic world, the production team has to create an imaginary world out of nothing. It is said that more than 80% of the shots are producedwith special effect. It takes about 100 million RMB to ensure the perfection of the image. Also, the timeline start with 1980’s, then goes back to 1970’s, and finally turns to modern New York and Beijing. Different time setting requires different costumes and stage properties. The production team fully aware of it and create variety of different imagery systems. Some scenes draw on the experience of Turkish rock



推荐访问:鬼吹灯之寻龙诀影评 乌尔善