
来源:作文 时间:2018-08-02 08:00:06 阅读:


(1) [玩具英语]英语作文之:我的玩具

I have a toy, my father buys it to me as my birthday present, I like it so much. My toy is Bobby, she is so beautiful, I watch her everyday, I like her golden hair and blown eyes. Bobby is my best friend, I talk to her every night, I will tell her all my secrets. My father says Bobby is like my sister.我有一个玩具,我的爸爸买个我当生日礼物,我非常喜欢它。我的玩具叫芭比,她很漂亮,我每天看着她,我喜欢她的金发和棕色的眼睛。芭比是我最好的朋友,我每晚都和她说话,我会告诉她我所有的秘密。我爸爸说芭比就像是我的妹妹。
When my birthday comes, my father buys me a book as my birthday present. The book is called Snow White, it tells a story about a beautiful princess who is driven out her home by the new queen, princess Snow White is saved by the prince and they defeat the queen. I like the book so much, I wish I have a prince, too.当我的生日来临的时候,我的爸爸给我买了一本书作为生日礼物。那本书叫《白雪公主》,故事讲的是一个美丽的公主被新王后赶出了家园,白雪公主被一个王子救了,他们打败了王后。我很喜欢这本书,我希望我也有一个王子。
One day, my father comes home after work, he tells me he wants to give me a surprise, I am so happy. My father asks me guess what it is, I say out many answers, but none is right, finally, he takes out a Bobby toy, when I see this, I am so excited, I like it very much. I kiss dad and say“you are the best daddy”.有一天,我的爸爸下班后回家,他高诉我他想要给我一个惊喜,我很高兴。我的爸爸叫我猜猜是什么,我讲出了很多答案,但是没有一个是正确的,最后,他拿出了一个芭比娃娃,当我看到时,我很兴奋,我很喜欢这个礼物。我亲了爸爸一口,说“你是世界上最好的爸爸”。

(2) [玩具英语]小孩玩具英语单词

这篇关于小孩玩具英语单词,是特地为大家收集的,希望对大家有所帮助!溜溜球 yoyo球 ball洋娃娃 doll扑克牌 cards气球 balloon积木 blocks机器人 robot木偶 puppet国际象棋 chess口哨 whistle面具 mask拼图 puzzle风筝 kite

(3) [玩具英语]小学英语口语教材:玩具

以下是整理的《小学英语口语教材:玩具》,希望大家喜欢!ball balloon doll drum kite toy-robot map picture pencil-boxOne
I have a ball. Hare you a ball? Yes, I have.
Have you a big ball? No, I have not. I have a small ball.
Hare you a map? No, I have not.
Have you a picture? Yes, I have.
I’m hungry, mum!
Have you any bread? Yes, here you are!
Thank you, mum!
Open the window, please! Close the door, please!
Open your books! Close your books!

