
来源:作文 时间:2018-08-04 11:00:03 阅读:



于是,我就坐在桌上一边 吃着早饭一边看着外婆忙碌着。
at the memory of my childhood, apart from outside the chinese new year dragon boat festival on a number of the most lively, and because parents are busy job, a child usually with my grandmother to stay in the countryside together. dragon boat festival at that time to make me unforgettable.
with the usual, like the chinese lunar new year, dragon boat festival the day before at night, so my grandmother will always obediently sat bedside, give me some holiday rules, such as "talking nonsense not to" "not allowed to eat cold tzu" "not allowed with small partnership rough "" not allowed to play in the water "... ... i have always been granted to his head. grandma let me early, so that


The annual lunar month, usually around the beginning of spring, so people called it a day as the Spring Festival, commonly known as the lunar year. Spring has come, it means that spring will come, it means a new round of planting, which means we have to grow up a year old, which means that the earth is recovery.Spring arrived, the rich family every household paste couplets, red lanterns hung up. People usually want to paste blessing, we must stick backwards, it referred to the blessing. Some people posted pictures on the wall; some ingenuity of man to cut the grilles ...... Spring Festival, the household must firecrackers, crackling sounds come and go, people began the old and welcome ...... legend, this is a man of very Geely, one on the trees in depressed, not raw herbs; in one over on all things grow, flowers everywhere, in the end how to do this years off? How that can allow people to live a happy life? People use firecrackers away the years, because of fear of red, so that people live a happy life. Spring arrived, and this is a happy and peaceful life, it is a family reunion. Eat dumplings, is north of the custom, we eat a reunion dinner, more intimate it! Southern custom is to eat rice cakes, because they want to steadily rise, let us work together to greet the new life! Spring arrived, men and women are dressed in new clothes, to give the younger elder red envelopes. Spring arrived, and every household to buy New Year, Spring Festival this festive atmosphere, not only filled with joy at home, and filled the streets, some in the lion dance, and some firecrackers, as well as in dancing ......Looking ahead, the city where brightly, it was the city, really crowded! Spring Festival, the new year is about to begin!
每年的农历正月初一,通常都在立春前后,因此,人们称这一天为春节,俗称阴历年。春节来了,意味着春天将要来临,意味着新一轮的播种,意味着我们又要长大一岁,意味着大地万物复苏。  春节到了,家家户户的宅门贴上了春联,挂上了红红的灯笼。人们通常要贴福,必须倒着贴,简称福到了。有的人在墙上贴年画;有的心灵手巧的人剪着窗花……春节到了,家家户户都要放鞭炮,噼里啪啦的声音此起彼伏,人们开始除旧迎新……传说,这个年是对人非常不吉利的,年一来就树木凋敝,百草不生;年一过就万物生长,鲜花


Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的:看热闹。   Donny: Wuqiong, I heard you got your driver’s license!   WQ: 是啊,昨天我已经开车上路啦!   Donny: So how did it go?   WQ: 唉,别提了!我开的那条路上出车祸,结果,开车的、骑车的、走路的,都想看热闹,最后,整条街都堵住了!对了Donny,这些看热闹的人,用英文怎么说呢?   Donny: 英文叫rubberneck。   WQ: rubberneck?橡胶脖子?   Donny: 你想啊,那些看热闹,围观的人,they stretch their necks to watch what’s happening, right?   WQ: 哦……我明白了,伸长脖子看热闹的人好像长了橡胶脖子,所以叫他们rubberneck!哈哈,真形象!   Donny: Right! rubberneck也可以当动词。你刚才说,大家看热闹,整条街大堵车,在英文里就是“The traffic was bumper-to-bumper because of rubbernecking.”   WQ: bumper-to-bumper? bumper不是汽车保险杠么?   Donny: Exactly! So bumper-to-bumper means cars are moving so slowly that their bumpers are almost touching.   WQ: 我明白了,bumper-to-bumper, 汽车一辆紧挨着一辆,慢慢往前拱。I was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic,郁闷死了!   Donny: Wuqiong,那车祸到底严不严重?   WQ: 特严重!六辆车撞在一起了!   Donny: Ouch...a six-car pileup!   WQ: Pileup 就是连环车祸么?   Donny: That’s Right!   WQ: 我跟你说,这个pileup里,有两辆奥迪,一辆奔驰,一辆宝马,好像还有……   Donny: Wuqiong, 你看得这么清楚,真不愧是a good rubberneck! Okay, new driver, tell me what you’ve learned today!   WQ: 第一,看热闹的人叫rubberneck;   第二,堵车可以说bumper-to-bumper;   第三,连环车祸是pileup!

