
来源:作文 时间:2018-10-04 11:00:07 阅读:




随想 作文





也是一种力量 作文【www.nyedu.net,无忧考网:https://m.51test.net/show/8808160/】



粗心的代价 作文




1.亭 庭 潭 螺 谙
2.澜 瑕 攀 峦 泰 骆 驼 罗 障 兀 绵
3.浙 桐 簇 浓 臀 稍 额 擦 蜿 蜒 乳 据 源
5.维 财 属 货 驰 赠 驶 德 惑 码 库 捎 橡 拨
7.尊 沃 呈 惫 堪 善 款 例 瘦 杰 喉 捶 配
9.幼 滩 侦 嘲 啄 企 愚 蠢 返 拦 鸥 帽 吁 彻
11.蝙 蝠 捕 蛾 蚊 避 锐 铛 蝇 揭 碍 荧
13.削 喂 哨 挺 斯 甩 踢 枪 防 鬼 汉 滚 毁 惯
15.牺 牲 凯 征 阿 姨 济 贡 圣 驻 罪 恶 健 康
17.径 畅 磕 绊 瞬 弧 翔 权 缤
19.扰 欲 屈 诊 撼 蹋 限
21.棚 饰 冠 菊 瞧 率 觅 耸 捣 搬 巢 谐 眠 辛
23.蚕 桑 昼 耕 绩 塞 鹭 笠
25.略 辩 奉 违 磅 拴 拖 释 宣 萨 妄 执
27.港 澈 壶 缸 罢 苟 绣 挥 徽 聋 哑
29.昌 妻 刺 绑 扁 鹊 蔡 睬 肠 胃 烫 剂 汤
31.焰 驱 袖 败 罚 佩 饶 抗 押 锁 狠 膝 肝 脏


Pacific Ocean
The mighty Pacific washes the shores of five continents—North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. Its waters mingle in the southeast with the Atlantic Ocean and in the southwest with the Indian Ocean. It is not on the shores of continents or in the costal islands, however, that the soul of the great Pacific is found. It lies far out where the fabled South Sea Islands are scattered over the huge ocean likes stars in the sky.
Here great disturbances at the heart of the earth caused mountains and volcanoes to rise above the water. For hundreds of years tiny coral creatures have worked and died to make thousands of ring-shaped islands called atolls.
The air that sweeps the South Sea Islands is fragrant with flowers and spice. Bright warm days follow clear cool nights, and the rolling swells break in a never-ending roar on the shores. Overhead the slender coconut palms whisper their drowsy song.
When white men came to the Pacific islands, they found that the people living there were like happy children. They were tall men and beautiful women who seemed not to have a care in the world. Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grew at the doors of their huts. The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net. The islanders had little need for clothing. There was almost no disease.
Cruel and bloody wars sometimes broke out between neighboring tribes, and canoe raids were sometimes made on nearby islands. The strong warriors enjoyed fighting. Many of the islanders were cannibals, who cooked and ate the enemies they killed. This was part of their law and religion. These savages, however, were usually friendly, courteous, and hospitable. Some of the early explorers were so fascinated with the Pacific islands that they never returned to their own countries. They preferred to stay.



I hear there"s a d__ show there .
Yao Ming is one of i____ sports stars .
He hopes to r__ a good education.
The boy h__ eating rice day after day.
Some t___ like surfing the Internet very much.

I hear there"s a dragon/dancing__ show there .
Yao Ming is one of important____ sports stars .
He hopes to receive__ a good education.
The boy hates__ eating rice day after day.
Some teachers___ like surfing the Internet very much.【www.nyedu.net,无忧考网:https://m.51test.net/show/8808160/】


we all want to go to the school that provides us()better education.a.for b.with c.of d.in

provide sth for sb 等于provide sb with sth


1. The news _________good news, the sitcoms are ____________.
A. are, educational B. is, education C. are, education D. is, educational
2. He expects ___________good grades, but I hope __________healthy.
A. to get, keep B. get, to keep C. to get, to keep D. gets, keeping
3. They are ___________this problem, but I don’t take part in the ___________(讨论).
4. I want to ___________who broke the window.
A. look for B. look after C. find out D. find
5. I am ready ___________cook dinner for my family, I am getting ready ________it.
A. to, at B. for, to C. to, for D. to, to
6. She wants to take her mother’s __________to clean the room.
A. room B. seat C. job D. place
7. The game show is _____________(令人愉快的)。
8. I will show you the photo if it __________tomorrow.
A. will come out B. is going to come out C. comes out D. came out
9. I can’t ___________(忍受)the scary movie, but I don’t __________(介意)the action movie.
10. Would you mind my ____________(成为)an actor?
11. The _______________(卡通片) are _________________(没有意义).
12. What _______________(发生了) to you?
13. Zhejiang ________________(以…而出名) the Yue _____________(文化).
14. He is ___________(富有) than me, because he is a ________________(成功) businessman.
15. He ___________(可能) be too young, he couldn’t ______________(穿衣) himself.
16. ____________, he passed the exam, but I I didn’t, I am an _____________boy. (luck)
17. They’ll try _________best to finish the work by ___________.(他们)

3.discussing, discussion
9.stand, mind
11.cartoons, meaningless
13.is famous for, culture
14.richer, successful
15.may, dress
16.Luckily, unlucky
17.their, themselves


------------I love NYU very much,It is my dream school.And I applied NYU ED2 on Jan 1,and also had let my secondary school sent out my transcript and rec letters before deadline.I am not sure whether NYU received it or not could you help check or let me know how to check that will be really appreciated,Thanks so much!
-----------Your documents are currently here.We ask that in the future,you check on your Albert account for the status of your application.We are currently in our busiest time of the year and checking for documents on your Albert account will allow us the time to go through applications.
-----------I"m really sorry about taking up your time.However,the reason I was unable to check my Albert account is that I haven"t received information regarding it yet.I"ve checked my emails a couple times for it and have not received login information for the account.I may have missed the instructions somewhere on the website,please let me now where I can find the information to establish an Albert account.
----------You should be able to find a record of your information through your common application.Most students can look up their status through the Albert account using either their NYU N number of the Common Application number.If you have additional questions,feel free to contact Common App for your information.
所以我该怎么办?在官网需要的NetID和注册用的university ID我全都没有啊,但是他说信息全都接收到了,感觉再发就不好了,怎么办怎么办啊!

using either their NYU N number of the Common Application number.
看来你申请的时候有个什么编号的(Common Application number),挖出来,打到Net ID里activate先?


Describe a problem that you solved using employee involvement.

  ahh i will show you one case and ensure you can fully undersatnd me:)
  You are the captain of a 200-foot Coast Guard cutter,with a crew of 16,including officer.Your mission is general at-sea search and rescue.At 2:00 this morning,while en route to your home port after a routine 28-day patrol,you received word from the nearest Coast Guard station that a small plane had crashed 60 miles offshore.You obtained all the available information concerning the location of the crash,informed your crew of the mission,and set a new course at maximum speed for the scene to commence a search for survivors and wreckage.
  You have now been searching for 20 hours.Your search operation has been increasingly impaired by rough seas,and there is evidence of a severe storm building.The atmospherics associated with the deteriorating weather have made communications with the Coast Guard station impossible.A decision must be made shortly about whether to abandon the search and place your vessel on a course that would ride out the storm (thereby protecting the vessel and your crew,but relegating any possible survivors to almost certain death from exposure) or to continue a potentially futile search and the risks it would entail.
  Before losing communications,you received an update weather advisory concerning severity and duration of the storm.Although your crew members are extremely conscientious about their responsibility,you believe that they would be divided on the decision of leaving or staying.
  Ok now id love to give you some questions which you can think about it^^
  1.\x05To what extent should your subordinates be involved in this decision?Select one of the following levels of involvement:
  a.\x05No involvement – You make the decision alone without any participation from subordinates.
  b.\x05Low involvement – you ask one or more subordinates for information relating to the problem,but you don’t ask for their recommendations and might not mention the problem to them.
  c.\x05Medium involvement – you describe the problem to one or more subordinates (alone or in a meeting) and ask for any relevant information as well as their recommendations on the issue.However,you make the final decision,which might or might not reflect their advice.
  d.\x05High involvement – you describe the problem to subordinates.They discuss the matter,identify a solution without your involvement (unless they invite your idea),and implement that solution.You have agreed to support their decision.
  I hope these could help you a bit^^

