
来源:阅读答案 时间:2018-11-07 08:00:06 阅读:








第一题:She is going to buy srirt ,T-shirt,dress,suglasses,shortsandsandals.
第二题:He is going tobuycoat sweater,boots,jacket,scarf,gloves,cap,socks.


My name is《 Lin na》.I"m a《 girl》 .I"m a 《student》.《 ..?..》Iike《spots》.My best friend is《.》 She likes 《reading》 very much.

My name is《 Lin na》.I"m a《 girl》 .I"m a 《student》.《I》Iike《spots》.My best friend is《***》 She likes 《reading》 very much.


1.This is an interesting film.(改为感叹句)
_______________ _______________ interesting film this is.
_______________ _______________ this film is.
2.They go to school by bike.(对by bike提问)
______________ _______________ they ______________ to school?
3.He was so busy that he couldn"t go to the comcert.(改为同义句)
He was _____________ busy _____________ go to the comcert.
4.Rose knows something about the matter.(改为否定句)
Rose ______________ ______________ about the matter.
5.He is an American child.(改为复数形式)
They are _____________ ______________.
1.A.television B.pleasure C.sure D.closure 划线部分是s ( )
2.A.museum B.countryside C.school D.subway 划线部分是s ( )
3.A.butter B.supermarket C.bus D.duckling 划线部分是u ( )
4.A.skates B.bake C.take D.gave 划线部分是a ( )
5.A.beer B.pier C.bear D.tear 划线部分是eer ier ear ear ( )
Peter,can you see the photo there?It is my photo.We took it during the last picnic.The reference books belong to my dad.He likes _______ books because he likes reading.The shoes there are my mum"s.______ shoes are always clean because she cleans them every week.The computer belongs to my sister and my brother.I sometimes use ________ computer to do __________ homework.Oh,it is ________ bag.I borrowed it from you last Sunday because I didn"t have a bag for the picnic.

1.What an / How interesting
2.How do / go
3.too / to
4.knows nothing
5.American children
1.Jim is going to go to Australia.
2.my holiday was interesting and exciting.
3.The children are going to swim next Saturday.
4.Where are you going to for summer holiday?
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C
his/ Her/ their/ my/ your



Summer work experience
My summer vacation,like a mysterious treasure chest,sour bitter,no shortage of everything.To listen to it?Come with me!
No.1 acid
Although a summer holiday home should be quiet and calm,but mother has brought a cousin.One day,my parents went to work,leaving me and cousin at home,all right,I"m watching TV,that his cousin talked to me,"aboveboard" and grab the controller,I had let him,but then say that I am timid,I heart was nigh,and a "hungry wolf eat",the remote control to grab his hand."You` What "Halo!Can be 轻功 mother,I have not had time to when her mother saw his face wronged brother,the indiscriminate white that my meal,my nose acid,even cry.
No.2 hard
The day light quarrel with his brother,did not work,of course,was the natural home father training a meal,go training and training,operations,or to make up for.Blame his cousin,this time well,make up work late into the night,a good storm ah!Forget it,make me the only watch TV,alas,to ourselves!
No.3 sweet
The day finally arrived it!Day ah?You will ask.That goes without saying it?My birthday yeah!Others are in the restaurant birthday too,or parents to send a lot of gifts,my parents never did this,but - one day without homework!This is probably the so-called hard work brings it!Guess I"ll take thank you cousin ah!
Thus,it is not cool?Yes,this is my cool,stunning,but also a little naughty summer life!






第二个就是American Broadcasting Corporation的缩写,就是美国广播公司的意思



心安理得 心不在焉 心潮澎湃 心驰神往 心胆俱裂 心恶面善 心烦意乱 心服口服
心腹之患 心甘情愿 心广体胖 心狠手辣 心花怒放 心怀叵测 心慌意乱 心灰意懒
心急如焚 心坚石穿 心惊胆战 心惊肉跳 心口如一 心旷神怡 心劳日拙 心力交瘁
心领神会 心乱如麻 心明眼亮 心平气和 心如刀割 心如死灰 心如铁石
心照不宣 心直口快 心中无数 心中有数
诚心诚意 称心如意 痴心妄想 处心积虑 粗心大意 得心应手 腹心之患 勾心斗角
攻心为上 归心如箭 回心转意 江心被漏 匠心独具 匠心独运 尽心竭力 惊心动魄
居心不良 居心叵测 苦心孤诣 苦心经营 狼心狗肺 离心离德 瞒心昧己 扪心自问
呕心沥血 平心而论 平心静气 齐心协力 全心全意 人心不古 人心惶惶 人心所向
人心向背 三心二意 丧心病狂 赏心悦目 死心塌地 随心所欲 贪心不足 提心吊胆
同心同德 痛心疾首 推心置腹 违心而论 问心无愧 洗心革面 心心相印 雄心壮志
虚心下气 野心勃勃 一心一意 忧心忡忡 忧心如焚 真心实意 忠心耿耿 专心致志
冰心雪操 身心交病
别出心裁 动人心弦 费尽心机 福至心灵 鬼迷心窍 见猎心喜 口是心非 蛇蝎心肠
铁石心肠 挖空心思 枉费心机 言为心声 用尽心机 语重心长 胆颤心惊
包藏祸心 别具匠心 别有用心 不得人心 恻隐之心 赤胆忠心 赤子之心 触目惊心
促膝谈心 掉以轻心 独具匠心 蛊惑人心 刻骨铭心 苦口婆心 狼子野心 力不从心
利欲熏心 笼络人心 戮力同心 漫不经心 漠不关心 人面兽心 煞费苦心 深得人心
深入人心 世道人心 万箭攒心 万众一心 无所用心 一见倾心 一片冰心 一片丹心 有口无心 存乎一心 碧血丹心



练习一 Ⅰ.1.untidy 2.stamp 3.interview 4.least 5.fan Ⅱ.1.collections 2.invited 3.did,start 4.has gone 5.came 6.did ,buy,have,had 7.have left,don’t forget Ⅲ.5 BBBBC 10 ADACC Ⅳ.1.will look after 2.like doing 3.To develop 4.great success 5.such as Ⅴ.1.My favourite 2.How many 3.to do 4.When 5.Why do 练习二 Ⅰ.1.She is afraid to walk in the dark.2.Are you afraid of snakes 3.Could you tell me how old Tom is 4.By the way ,why don’t you look up the word in the dictionary 5.I have heard that there is going to be a class meeting on Friday.Ⅱ.5 CADBD 10 AADAB Ⅲ.1.when the train leaves 2.if,wanted 3.if/ whether,was 4.don’t,not 5.Be,or Ⅳ.5 BADBB 10 CCDBC 练习三 Ⅰ.1.make friends 2.day by day 3.at first 4.far away 5.at that moment 6.in a few weeks 7.worry about 8.as a result 9.smile at… 10.a couple of Ⅱ.1.take up 2.spends,practicing 3.At first 4.to do 5.I hope you can have a good time at the party.Ⅲ.5 FBGED Ⅳ.1.cut down 2.in danger 3.fresh 4.save 5.important 6.protect 7.waste 8.throw 9.plant 10.beautiful Ⅴ.1.It seems 2.作者; writer 3.You should tell your parents what you need 4.BCA 5.C 练习二十一 I.1.interesting 2.bored 3.cool 4.tiring 5.interested II.5 AABAA 10 BAADD III.1.had a good time 2.rode a camel 3.fantastic 4.a lot of 5.imagine 6.lonely 7.boring 8.travel 9.by ship 10.make up my mind 11.swimming 12.skiing 13.interesting 14.although 15.happy IV.1.trip 2.famous 3.with 4.when 5.excited 6.visited 7.taking 8.spent 9.but 10.asleep 练习二十二 I.5 CBAAA 7 AB II.1.送行 2.go to college 3.由…制成 4.agree with sb.5.穿衣服 6.fall asleep 7.叫醒 8.depend on III.1.I would go to China to eat dumplings.2.I would go to South Africa to buy some gold.3.I would go to Australia to see koala bears.4.I would go to Japan to climb Mount Fuji.IV.3 DBA 练习二十三 I.5 CABAB 10 AACBA II.1.bad 2.dirty 3.useless 4.wet III.1.football 2.Victoria Adams 3.his children 4.My side is the story of his football career for Manchester United and England,and of his childhood,family and personal life.5.He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.练习二十四 I.1.he was ill,so he didn’t come to the meeting .2.Because they learned new skills,they won the game.3.She spoke in a low voice so that no one could hear.4.I wouldn’t mind going by train but I don’t like to sit on a hard seat for long hours.5.Although Giraffes are tall,they are very gentle animals.6.He always has some smart ideas when we ask him.7.I worked in that factory for five years before I came to this factory.8.We kept on dancing and singing until they all joined us.9.I am playing football while my brother is writing a letter.10.I will come to your place as soon as you ask me.II.5 BACBD III.The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese.It falls on the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar.On the eve of the Spring Festival the Chinese have a family feast.After that they stay up till midnight to welcome the Spring Festival with firecrackers.On New Year’s Day,people visit their relatives and friends to exchange New Year’s greetings.Children receive a lot of gift money.Lion dances and other performances are very 你的是什么版的?


推荐访问:小学英语暑假作业布置 小学英语暑假特色作业