
来源:读后感 时间:2018-11-15 18:00:59 阅读:





[《小屁孩日记》读后感]最近我看了一本很有趣的书,叫《小屁孩日记》,《小屁孩日记》读后感.小屁孩日记一共有八本,我买的是第八本.先让我们来了解一下这本书主要说了什么:主人公格雷的老妈带上游泳用品上了旅行车,格雷以为去海滩度假,原来只是去一个水上乐园.好不容易做好一切准备,可因为一场大雨而泡了汤.回家的路上,老妈莫名其妙"失踪".格雷回到家,发现自己心爱的宠物鱼遭到罗德里克的鱼的"毒口".盼望已久的小狗阿甜来了,可却让格雷的生活变得一团糟.老妈安排了一场棒球赛来改善格雷和老爸的关系,格雷却用"甲壳虫小姐"叫来了警察,使他们的关系更僵.老妈安排格雷和死党罗利去海滩度假,结果不仅以罗利爸爸的名义发出了"SOS",而且用头盖骨摇晃机把自己转得晕乎乎的,还把气球打在了罗利的手臂上,使罗利误以为格雷烫他,于是罗利父母叫格雷老爸把他接走了,读后感《《小屁孩日记》读后感》.读这本书,我不停地在笑,很开心.这本书总结起来有以下特点:1.书的文字内容很好看,不仅仅是单调的文字,还配上生动有趣的图画,使书的内容一下子丰富了许多.而且文中运用了许多幽默的手段,使文章变得妙趣横生,也让我们哈哈大笑.比如曼尼讲的笑话:"砰砰砰,谁在哭,你的小内裤."并且,书后面还有原版的英文,也帮助我们学习了许多英语.2.不仅仅是文字,图画也很"幽默"和"生动".比如罗德里克在说话的时候,嘴下的几条线让我觉得好像觉得他真的在说话.而且有的地方我也会觉得很好笑,比如有一个人把满是毛的腿放到格雷的椅子上,我觉得特别好笑,尤其是格雷的样子.还有格雷从头盖骨摇晃机上下来是想吐的那张也很好笑.3.我觉得格雷就代表了我们,因为故事中的格雷很淘气,动不动就惹祸,但每个孩子的淘气是不可能抹杀的.节假日,看看《小屁孩日记》,让我轻松又愉快.()  〔《小屁孩日记》读后感〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益.】



《小屁孩日记》是《Diary of a Wimpy Kid》的简体中文版,分为十二册,书名分别是《小屁孩日记1——鬼屋创意》、《小屁孩日记2——谁“动”了“千年奶酪”》、《小屁孩日记3——好孩子不撒谎》、《小屁孩日记4——偷鸡不成蚀把米》、《小屁孩日记5——午餐零食大盗》、《小屁孩日记6——可怕的炮兵学校》、《小屁孩日记7——从天而降的巨债》、《小屁孩日记8——“头盖骨摇晃机”的幸存者》、《小屁孩日记9——老妈不在家》、《小屁孩日记10——“屁股照片”风波》 、《小屁孩日记11——好孩子 坏孩子》、《小屁孩日记12——雪上加霜》.两册就等于Diary of a Wimpy Kid的一本.





小屁孩日记 英文介绍,差不多一页A4纸左右的字【小屁孩日记手抄报内容】

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (also known as Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Greg Heffley"s Journal or Diary of a Wimpy Kid:A Novel in Cartoons) is a realistic fiction novel written by American author Jeff Kinney.It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series,being released on April 1,2007.However,a slightly different version of the book was originally published online at FunBrain.com in 2004.It is also known as a comic book.A movie of the same name was released on March 19,2010.It stars Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley and Robert Capron as Rowley Jefferson.The books focuses on Greg"s life as he enters middle school and his life with his dysfunctional family.
Gregory Heffley receives a diary from his mother,which he refers to as a journal and in it records his first year of middle school.The book begins with an introduction where Greg explains "the cheese touch".It is very similar to cooties.Greg writes that a student named Darren Walsh touched "the cheese" an old,moldy piece of cheese on the schoolyard with his finger thus becoming an outcast.The cheese touch is then passed around the school.They end up being chased by some teenagers they taunted all the way to Greg"s house.They then get soaked by a trashcan full of water by Greg"s dad who mistakes them for teenagers.Christmas does not get much better for Greg and he becomes jealous when he sees his younger brother Manny becomes wanted.Meanwhile Greg ends up with a weight set his dad got him along with socks and books.His uncle got Greg a picture for Christmas.Rowley gets the video game that Greg wanted.
Greg also created the comic Zoo-Wee Mama which he gets bored of and abandons to allow Rowley to start drawing.Near the end of the school year "zoo wee mama " is published in the school"s newspaper.the comic was made by Rowley.The two prepare to fight each other on the school grounds when they are happily interrupted by the teens who ambushed them on halloween night.They make Rowley eat the Cheese.Greg says "I would,but I"m allergic to dairy.He isn"t.In the play,"The Wizard of Oz",he signs up to be a Tree.Mrs.Norton cuts arm holes in the costumes.Manny yells "Bubby" when the curtains open,but Greg quickly passes it on to Archie Kelly.Greg says "I think you dropped an apple Bubby" to Archie.The play ends when Greg,Rodney James and Archie Kelley throw apples at Patty Farrel.Mom throws away some flowers after the play.



Diary of a Wimpy Kid



《Kid actor Diary》【小屁孩日记手抄报内容】



Diary of A Wimpy Kid tells being a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley, who finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids are taller, meaner, and already shaving.
In Diary of a Wimpy Kid, author and illustrator Jeff Kinney introduces us to an unlikely hero. As Greg says in his diary: Just don"t expect me to be all "Dear Diary" this and "Dear Diary" that. Greg Heffley keeps a diary of his daily experience. The launch of an exciting and innovatively illustrated new series narrated by an unforgettable kid every family can relate to.


求英文的《小屁孩日记》观后感 300词左右

Diary of a Wimpy Kid feedback

After reading it, I have strong feelings. . .
Is that not everyone experienced the growth of that kind of stage?Want to draw attention, seeking to imitate others in order to achieve recognition as cowardly and my friends made a scapegoat for their own ... ... Greg is a typical s wisdom wrong kid actor, always imagined fame, but always as own limitations and weaknesses in character and not successful
Take courage, my friend"s dependency, an insider"s respect, ignorant bystander, powerful leadership, the masses are fooled, intimate brothers (because they are brothers, all the fun of his brother as his brother, brother brother, as a whole will not fell out, speak of the very funny), the hero twists and turns, and finally changed the man, the world is drunk I alone am sober as arrogant to realize the final turn into the eyes of others is not important.
I think I really like and then, perhaps, is the owner and then are like.





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