
来源:学雷锋活动 时间:2018-10-01 11:00:20 阅读:




新概念第1册Lesson79 P161
新概念第1册Lesson79 P161
原:We have not got much tea or coffee.Much可改为any吗?
同样,we have not got any sugar or jam .其中any可改much?
原;I have not got much.(我的钱不多了)
可改为“I have not got any money.
I am not going to get any.此句get可改buy?
原文I am not going to get any.(我不打算买) 此句get可改buy?

第一句,可以改,但是改了之后句子意思就会不一样,not much的话,是“不多”,改了not any 就是一点都没有了



TOM:What are you doing,Carol?
CAROL:I"m making a shopping list,Tom.
TOM:What do we need?
CAROL:We need a lot of thing this week.
CAROL:I must go to the grocer"s.
We haven"t got much tea or
coffee,and we haven"t got any
sugar or jam.
TOM:What about vegetables?
CAROL:I must go to the greengrocer"s.
We haven"t got many tomatoes,
but we"ve got a lot of potatoes.
CAROL:I must go to the butcher"s,too.
We need some meat.
We haven"t got any meat at all.
TOM:Have we got any beer and wine?
And I"m not going to get any!
TOM:I hope that you"ve got some
CAROL:I haven"t got much.
TOM:Well,I haven"t got much either!New Word and expressions 生词和短语 shopping list
n.单子 vegetable
n.蔬菜 need
v.需要 hope
v.希望 thing
n.事情 money
n.钱 参考译文 汤 姆:卡罗尔,你在干什么?
汤 姆:我们都需要什么?
汤 姆:蔬菜呢?
汤 姆:我们还有啤酒和葡萄酒吗?
汤 姆:我希望你还有钱.
汤 姆:唉,我也不多了.【suger79】


we haven’t got much tea or coffee,and we haven’t got any sugar of jam.

or除了表示“或者”还表示“和” 的意思
and和or都表示“和” 但and用于肯定句 ,or用于否定句
而 we haven’t got much tea or coffee,and we haven’t got any sugar of jam.中:
haven"t 一词就已经告诉我们是否定句了 所以其中的 我们没有许多茶和咖啡了 就要用or.


we haven"t got much tea or coffee,and we haven"t got any sugar or jam我们的茶叶和咖啡不多了,糖和果酱也没有了.1.为什么要用got?2.or不是用于选择,这里是什么用法?



71.What two things can"t you have for breakfast?
72.What do most gardeners not like to grow?
73.If a band plays in a thunderstorm,who is most likely to get hit by
74.If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea,what would it become?
75.How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
76.How can you leave the room with two legs and return with six legs?
77.How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt?
78.I unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it in my coffee.The sugar didn"t get
79.If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg,how long does it
take to boil four eggs?
80.If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of
them,how many will be left?

71.What two things can"t you have for breakfast?
72.What do most gardeners not like to grow?
73.If a band plays in a thunderstorm,who is most likely to get hit by lightening?
74.If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea,what would it become?
75.How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
76.How can you leave the room with two legs and return with six legs?
77.How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt?你该怎么从二十层楼的楼梯跌落而不受伤呢?
78.I unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it in my coffee.The sugar didn"t get wet.Why?我解开一块糖然后把它放进我的咖啡.那个糖没有变湿.为什么?
79.If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg,how long does it take to boil four eggs?
80.If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them,how many will be left?



初中常见不可数名词汇总 食物(种类时可数)
2.water 水
3.milk 牛奶
4.tea 茶
6.coke 可乐
7.juice 果汁
8.honey 蜂蜜 酒
10.meat 肉
11.beef 牛肉
14.chicken鸡肉 鱼肉
16.salad 沙拉
17.bread 面包
18.chocolate 巧克力
19.rice 米
20.fruit 水果
23.salt 盐
24.powder 粉
25.knowledge 知识
27.pollution 污染
28.peace 和平
32.paper 纸 墨水 金钱
36.exercise 锻炼
38.trouble 麻烦
42.fun乐趣 工作(著作可数)
47.hair头发 天气
53.thunder 雷
54.grass 草
56.housework家务 家具
58.wood木 现金
60.glass玻璃 装备
63.experience 经验(注:“经历”可数)
65.word 消息,新闻(”单词“时可数)
66.baggage/luggage 行李
67.progress 进步
68.practice 练习
69.applause 掌声
70.wealth 财富,富裕
71.friendship 友谊
72.nature 自然
73.luck 运气 技能 帮助
76.hope 希望
77.scenery 风景 珠宝
79.poetry 诗歌


American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time (76) _____ (enjoy) the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Let’s take a look at some of the popular drinks.
Lemonade is (77) ___ (common)of all American summer drinks. It (78) _____ (make)by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice. Ice tea is another  popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually served in a tall glass of ice. Many Americans(79) ___ (choose) to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon while relaxing in the shade. Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle , at almost any store in America.  
The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great way to cool off in the summer heat. It is a mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can (80) ____ (buy) at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans. Milkshakes have a long history in America . It is made of a mix of ice cream , milk and flavoring.

小题1:to enjoy 
小题2:the commonest  
小题3:is made 
小题5:be bought

小题1:不定式to enjoy做定语,修饰a time 
小题2:因为是of all American summer drinks所以是最高级the commonest  
小题3:它是被制造,用被动式is made 
小题4:用一般现在时,主语是Many Americans 谓语是复数choose     
小题5:他们是被买,用被动语态:can后面接be bought


Scientists estimate that more than 60 percent of cancer deaths in the United States are preventable through lifestyle changes.Although there is no certain way to avoid all cancers,reducing individual risk factors significantly decreases the likelihood of getting many forms of this dangerous disease.
The American Chemical Society estimates that smoking causes nearly 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States — that is,about 166,000 cancer deaths each year.All cancer deaths caused by tobacco smoking could be prevented completely by not smoking and not using smokeless tobacco.For those who already smoke,quitting will reduce the risk of developing cancer.Studies show that after about ten years of not smoking,a past smoker’s risk lowers to about the level of those who have never smoked.
After quitting smoking,eating a healthy diet is the best way to lower the risk of cancer.Certain foods have been found to protect against cancer.Among these foods are cabbage,tomatoes,soy products,and foods high in vitamins A,C,and E.In addition,green and possibly black teas contain compounds that protect the body from cancer-causing substance.
To lower cancer risk,diets should include little or no red meat.Other foods to avoid or consume in moderation include sugar,fat from animal products,and salt.Added fats and oils should come from vegetables,such as olives or corn,rather than from animal sources.Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) should come from whole grains,such as brown rice and whole wheat bread,rather than from processed foods,such as white rice and white bread.
The risk of cancer of the esophagus (食道) increases with heavy alcohol consumption,and many studies suggest that consuming alcoholic drinks increases the risk of breast cancer as well.Studies show that limiting intake to two drinks a day for men,and one drink per day for women,reduces cancer risk.
Low levels of physical activity have been implicated (牵连) in some cancer.Moderate activity for 30 minutes a day enhances the immune system,shortens the time food takes to move through the intestines (肠),and changes body composition and hormone levels.Researchers are studying how these effects might lower cancer risk.
78.What kind of people increase their chances of getting cancers?
A.Their food contains less sugar,animal fat,and salt.
B.One who is not moderate in drinking and eating.
C.Those who have one or two drinks regularly and enjoy doing so with their families.
D.Those whose diet contains a lot of red meat and not a little fruit.
79.The last paragraph implies that ______.
A.Food"s staying in one"s body for too long a time might be related to a kind of cancer
B.Exercise can consume more whole grains
C.30 minutes" physical activity is good for ordinary people
D.Plenty of physical exercise is most important for one to remain healthy

79开头讲要活动活动,最后一段C选项提到了点,但是他不是结果目的,目的是为了A shortens the time food takes to move through the intestines (肠), and changes body composition and hormone levels,也就是后面重点提的,基本上这类题要看目的,而且字数也是A选项的多.仔细斟酌,不难发现时A选项



1) 杰匹萨所需的材料
2) 面皮
3) 一片薄面包
4) 鸡肉
5) 番茄酱
6) 一片奶酪
7) 土豆
8) 草莓
9) 洋葱
10) 菠萝
11) 辣椒
12) 香肠
13) 牛肉
14) 鸡蛋
15) 火腿
16) 青椒
17) 虾
18) 蘑菇
19) 樱桃
20) 六个步骤
21) 像盘子一样
22) 放一个樱桃在中间
23) 一片薄的香肠
24) 在樱桃的右边
25) 另一片薄的香肠在樱桃的左边
26) 一片薄青椒
27) 在每片香肠的上方
28) 在樱桃下面
29) 在面包的所有边上
30) 在一个热的烤箱
31) 烤十五分钟
32) 做一个比萨
33) 我的滑稽比萨
34) 他看上去很有趣
35) 多做一个
36) 先看看材料
37) 一小片薄火腿
38) 三根香肠
39) 两个青椒
40) 两个西红柿
41) 一片中厚面包
42) 一小听番茄酱
43) 一小点樱桃
44) 中等
45) 中下
46) 每天需喝大量的水
47) 不需吃太多辣的食物
48) 这是一个关于饮食的测试
49) 吃的时候看电视
50) 在你睡觉前刷牙
51) 在你吃之前洗手
52) 吃一大堆炒的食物
53) 吃早中晚饭
54) 吃大量甜食
55) 面包
56) 薯条
57) 汉堡
58) 水果
59) 饼干
60) 匹萨
61) 蔬菜
62) 冰激凌
63) 泡饭
64) 面条
65) 蛋糕
66) 米饭
67) 柠檬水
68) 橘子汁
69) 可乐
70) 咖啡
71) 水
72) 牛奶
73) 比••••••健康
74) 比••••••不健康
75) 和••••••一样健康
76) 和••••••一样不健康
77) 住在城市
78) 肥胖的和不健康
79) 有一个不健康的饮食
80) 不做运动
81) 他的表兄
82) 住在乡村
83) 健康的和匀称的
84) 有一个好的饮食
85) 在她的花园工作
86) 去拜访
87) 和她一起吃午饭
88) 你午饭想吃什么
89) 那种食物
90) 和他的表兄住在一起
91) 在陈小姐的花园中工作
92) 吃大量的米饭
93) 足够的水果和蔬菜
94) 变得匀称和健康
95) 健康的饮食
96) 好的饮食
97) 不好的饮食
98) 看食物金字塔
99) 一点脂肪
100) 盐和糖
101) 一些牛奶,鸡蛋和酸奶
102) 一些肉鸡和鱼
103) 足够个新鲜水果和蔬菜
104) 大量的米饭,面条和面包
105) 我们每天需要多少糖
106) 你要一些可乐吗
107) 好的
108) 不用谢谢
109) 甜
110) 美味
111) 好吃
112) 辣
113) 酸
114) 苦
115) 涂在面包上
116) 为野餐买一些食物和饮料
117) 让我们买一些苹果汁吧
118) 野餐很有趣
119) 那是个好主意
120) 在鱼摊
121) 在蔬菜摊
122) 在水果摊
123) 在肉摊
124) 在蔬菜部门
125) 在海鲜部门
126) 在水果部门
127) 在肉类部门
128) 在冰冻食品部门
129) 菜单
130) 卷心菜
131) 色拉
132) 肉炖蛋
133) 培根炒蛋
134) 水煮蛋
135) 炒鸡翅
136) 蒸鱼
137) 蒜茸蒸虾
138) 鸡汤
139) 番茄蛋汤
140) 大蒜
141) 我的最爱
142) 我们必须不再教室里吃或喝
143) 我们必须保持安静
144) 我们必须不在教室里玩
145) 我们必须不在教室追逐
146) 我们必须不上学迟到
147) 我们必须不在桌上画画
148) 我们必须听老师讲课
149) 电梯
150) 手扶梯
151) 放我们的单车
152) 进入中心
153) 上楼
154) 不要在草地上走
155) 不要乱扔垃圾
156) 不要进入
157) 不要吃或喝
158) 不要爬树
159) 不要大声说话
160) 不要左转
161) 不要跑
162) 标志a什么意思?
163) 在图书馆
164) 在公园
165) 在马路上
166) 我们在教室里有规则
167) 我们在图书馆有规则
168) 我们在马路上有规则
169) 我们在公园里有股则
170) 我们必须不在草地上走
171) 我们必须不打篮球
172) 我们必须不乱扔垃圾
173) 我们必须不吃或喝
174) 我们必须等绿人
175) 我们必须保持安静
176) 我们必须认真听老师讲课
177) 我们必须不在桌上画
178) 我们必须不跑过马路
179) 我们必须不摘花
180) 公交车
181) 校车
182) 出租车
183) 地铁
184) 轻轨
185) 轮船
186) 树
187) 超市
188) 学校
189) 百货商店
190) 饭店
191) 幼儿园
192) 旅馆
193) 花
194) 住宅小区
195) 广告板
196) 花园
197) 工厂
198) 警署
199) 游泳池
200) 草地
201) 商店
202) 庙宇
203) 办公室
204) 银行
205) 公园
206) 市场
207) 我看见一些家长一些老师和许多学生当我在去学校的路上.
208) 西蒙住得近
209) 乘公交车来校
210) 他花了他大约十分钟.
211) 乔住的离校远
212) 乘地铁来校
213) 他花了他大约三十分钟. 英文
1) ingredients for Jill’s pizza
2) pastry
3) a thick piece of bread
4) chicken
5) tomato sauce
6) a piece of cheese
7) tomato
8) strawberry
9) onion
10) pineapple
11) chilli
12) sausage
13) beef
14) egg
15) ham
16) green pepper
17) prawn
18) mushroom
19) cherry
20) firstly,secondly,next,then,after that, finally
21) as the base
22) put a cherry in the middle
23) a slice of sausage
24) on the right of the cherry
25) another slice of sausage on the left
26) a slice of green pepper
27) above each slice of sausage
28) below the cherry
29) on both sides of bread
30) in a hot oven
31) bake it for 15 minutes
32) make a pizza
33) my funny pizza
34) It looks very interesting.
35) make one more
36) look at the ingredients first
37) a few slices of ham
38) three sausages
39) two green peppers
40) two tomatoes
41) a piece of bread
42) a small tin of tomato sauce
43) a few cherry
44) average
45) fair
46) should drink a lot of water every day
47) should not eat too much spicy food
48) here’s a quiz about eating habits
49) watch TV when you eat
50) brush your teeth before you eat
51) wash your hands before you eat
52) eat a lot of fried food
53) eat breakfast, lunch and dinner
54) eat a lot of sweet food
55) bread
56) chips
57) hamburgers
58) fruit
59) biscuits
60) pizza
61) vegetables
62) ice cream
63) porridge
64) noodles
65) cakes
66) rice
67) lemon tea
68) orange juice
69) cola
70) coffee
71) water
72) milk
73) be healthier than
74) be less healthy than
75) be as healthy as
76) be as unhealthy as
77) live in the city
78) fat and unhealthy
79) have an unhealthy diet
80) do no exercise
81) his cousin
82) live in the countryside
83) fit and healthy
84) have a healthy diet
85) work in her garden
86) go to visit
87) have lunch with her
88) what would you like for lunch
89) that kind of food
90) stay with his cousin
91) work in miss chen`s garden
92) eat a lot of rice
93) plenty of fresh fruit any vegetables
94) become fit and healthy
95) healthy eating
96) good diet
97) bad diet
98) look at the food pyramid
99) a little fat
100) salt and sugar
101) some milk, eggs and yogurt
102) some meat, chicken and fish
103) plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
104) a lot of rice, noodles and bread
105) how much sugar do we need every day
106) would you like some cola
107) yes, please
108) no, thanks
109) sweet
110) delicious
111) tasty
112) spicy
113) sour
114) bitter
115) spread on the bread
116) buy some food and drinks foe the picnic
117) shall we buy some apple juice
118) picnics are fun
119) that’s a good idea
120) at the fish stall
121) at the vegetable stall
122) at the fruit stall
123) at the meat stall
124) in vegetable section
125) in seafood section
126) in fruit section
127) in meat section
128) in frozen food section
129) menu
130) fried cabbage
131) salad
132) steamed eggs with meat
133) fried eggs with bacon
134) boiled eggs
135) fried chicken wings
136) steamed fish
137) steamed prawns with garlic
138) chicken soup
139) tomato and egg soup
140) garlic
141) my favourite
142) We must not eat or drink in the classroom.
143) We must keep quiet.
144) We must not play in the classroom.
145) We must not chase each other.
146) We must not be late for school.
147) We must not draw on the desk.
148) We must listen to our teachers in class.
149) a lift
150) an escalator
151) leave our bicycles
152) enter the centre
153) go upstairs
154) Don’t walk on the grass.
155) Don’t leave rubbish.
156) Don’t enter.
157) Don’t eat or drink.
158) Don’t climb the trees.
159) Don’t talk loudly.
160) Don’t turn left.
161) Don’t run.
162) What does sign a mean?
163) in a library
164) in a park
165) on a road
166) We have rules in the classroom.
167) We have rules in the library.
168) We have rules on the road.
169) We have rules in the park.
170) We must not walk on the grass.
171) We must not play basketball.
172) We must not leave rubbish.
173) We must not eat or drink.
174) We must wait for the green man.
175) We must keep quiet.
176) We must listen to our teachers carefully.
177) We must not draw on our desks.
178) We must not run across the road.
179) We must not pick the flowers.
180) bus
181) school bus
182) taxi
183) underground
184) light rail
185) ferry
186) trees
187) supermarkets
188) schools
189) department stores
190) restaurants
191) kindergartens
192) hotels
193) flowers
194) housing estates
195) advertisement boards
196) gardens
197) factories
198) police stations
199) swimming pools
200) grass
201) shops
202) temples
203) offices
204) banks
205) parks
206) markets
207) I see a few parents, some teachers and a lot of students when I am walking to school.
208) Simon lives near
209) go to school by bus
210) It takes him about ten minutes.
211) Joe lives far away from school
212) go to school by underground
213) It takes him about half an hour minutes.


Fill in the following blanks with the proper words.
Keeping Healthy
Good health is the most valuable possession a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs ( 75 ) care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good ( 76 ): eat the right foods, get enough ( 77 ), and exercise regularly.
Proper food is important for good health. Your body cannot ( 78 )well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Vegetables and fruits are especially important because they provided the ( 79 ) vitamins and minerals. Getting a proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don’t get ( 80 ) sleep, you feel tired. Over a long period of time an inadequate amount of sleep may even( 81 ) in a change of personality. Be sure to ( 82 ) yourself seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Finally, get plenty of ( 83 ) . Exercise strengthens the muscles. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a( 84 )exercise program, you will probably increase your lifespan.

more tired


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