
来源:作文 时间:2016-07-07 10:03:16 阅读:


第一篇:《初二写人作文 :我的弟弟_800字》

我有一对双胞胎弟弟,老大叫王晨旭,老二叫王晨洋。因为都是牛年生的,所以老大小名叫大牛,老二小名叫二牛。今年3岁了,老大比老二早生产力5分钟左右。但是,现在的二牛比大牛重了2斤左右。这还真是奇迹呀。 老大的脸方中带圆,圆中带方而二牛却头向后发展后脑勺上面凸出很多,小舅说这是因为大牛小时候喜欢平躺着睡,而二牛喜欢侧着睡,所以二牛头有点向后凸正着看二牛的头没有大牛的胖可是事实是二牛胖,大牛和二牛的眼像两个大橘子整天在瞪着你,鼻子长得很均匀,但嘴巴就不一样了,大牛的嘴巴很正确但看二牛就有一些别扭,因为二牛的嘴有点左倾像一个横着的小辣椒一说话一笑“小辣椒”就露出来了可爱极了。 “牛”人自有牛处。在我上6年级时流行《造梦西游3》。我和我哥玩双人的可是第4关打不过去上面一会儿掉下一群冰柱一会儿掉下来一群怎么打也会被砸死。大牛二牛在旁边看,这时我爷从老家回来我和我哥去帮忙拎我爷从老家带回来的菜和买的零食,东西很多可是3分钟左右就拎完了在我们准备开始玩时发现大牛二牛已经打过了第4关第5关都打到了一半,我在想:神啊!一剑杀了我吧这俩2B都能过关,你赐给了这俩货外挂了吧!!!我从我哥的表情上可以看出来他也是这样想的。 二牛很机灵。有一次我去我外婆家看到大牛和二牛都拿了一盒奥利奥饼干我对他们说:“我饿了。”二牛听后说:“家栋哥,给。”说着,给我了一块饼干,大牛这时才反应过来也给我了一块。 虽然,大牛心眼不如二牛,但做错事时很机灵。 有一次,大牛玩我坦克模型,二牛玩我的直升飞机模型。我在旁边看书我看到大牛把我的坦克炮头卸了我故意问是谁把他弄坏的,大牛立马说;“是二牛。”二牛委屈地说:“不是我。”我说:“是大牛。”大牛也装委屈地说:“不是我,你要说是我我就变成奥特曼杀死你。”我说;“好好,不是你。”这我才躲过一劫因为他的奥特牛蹄子,太厉害了没指甲也能让你一痛万年。 本人牛弟,撑场专用,每次五毛,无效退款。来看一看呀! 总之,有俩聪明机灵的“牛”弟弟也不是一件坏事。 河南南阳宛城区河南省南阳市第三中学校初二:飞飞飞

第二篇:《初二写人作文 :我的弟弟_500字》

我的弟弟是一个偏胖的小男孩,他看起来要比同龄的小朋友要高出一截,细细的眉毛下一双不大不小的眼睛,一个不太挺的鼻子规规矩矩地呆在嘴巴的上方;对了,他还有一张大大的嘴巴,妈妈总是说弟弟的嘴巴一张起来就大得像簸萁,不过在我看来还蛮可爱的嘛。 我的弟弟非常调皮,经常把我弄得又气又喜,就上上次一样,周五我刚回到家就立刻把书包甩到沙发上,坐到电脑前迅速地把电脑打开,在游戏缓冲的时候我不经意间看到对面的墙上贴着一张纸,我经不住好奇跑过去一看,噢,原来是一幅画:上面画着一个秃头顶的人,没有眼珠子,没有胳膊,但有一双不像翅膀的翅膀。我一看就不禁笑了出来:“这哪是什么人呀,这明明是一个怪物嘛。哈哈哈哈。” 一会弟弟也放学了,我看他一身泥土的样子很是狼狈,于是就调侃他道:“咳咳,小子,你是挖坑去了还是开煤窑去了?不过这个样子还真像你画的怪物。”可他却理直气壮的说:“我是学习去了,再说我画的是你不是我。” 我听到他的话后愣了一下又连忙跑到那幅画前仔细看了看,果然,画的旁边写了几个小字“我的姐姐”。顿时,我的脸一下子变成了最天然的颜色——绿色,“哼哼,臭小子,这下你可跑不掉了,接招吧。”“呵呵,随时奉陪” 怎么样,这下你认识我调皮的小弟了吧。 初二:曹文妍

第三篇:《初二写人作文 :我的弟弟_200字》

在我的老家我有一个弟弟,我的弟弟比我小两岁,他有着硕大的眼睛,他的身高几乎可以与我披靡。 我的老弟一位淳朴善良的孩子,即使被骗也不知道。他吃不上饭也要上乞丐吃上。那一次过完年,弟弟拿着自己的过年的压岁钱去商场买哪一套限量版的机甲套装,在半路上他便看到,有一个要饭的小乞丐和他的母亲,他便给了哪一家人所有的压岁钱。 这可能就是我和我弟弟之间的差别,我的弟弟一位淳朴的小学生,竟能做出这事我很配服,这就是我的弟弟。 初二:薛义为


作文一:交流工具My favorite communication tools

As we know, mobile phones are the most popular among people. Also, my favorite communication tool is mobile phone. I have used it since my thirteenth birthday. Mobile phone has lots of advantages. It is a good way for me to start up a conversation and make some new friends./ It’s easy for me to have a talk with others. My friends and parents can find me wherever I am. Besides I can search the Internet, take photos and do lots of things with it .This is the reason why I love it. But it has some disadvantages. If I spend too much time on it, it can influence my study. And we can't communicate face to face. Also, it's bad for our eyes. \

At the same time it is easy to be interrupted especially when I want to be alone. Sometimes I have headaches after talking on the mobile phone for a long time.

All in all (总而言之), I like using mobile phone. But I think I should make a time limit about how to use it. I shouldn’t spend too much time on it.

作文二 :难忘的经历【最新初二作文我的弟弟8篇】

根据中文和英文提示,写出一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语供选用。请不要写出你的真实姓名和校名。 我们每个人都伴随着很多经历得以成长,请以My most unforgettable experience 为题写一篇短文,和大家分享一下你最难忘的经历。内容包括:什么经历让你最难忘,发生了什么事情/你做了什么,你怎么看待那次经历/你从经历中学到了什么。提示问题和词语如下,以供选用:

(1)What is your most unforgettable experience?

(2)What did you do? /What happened?【最新初二作文我的弟弟8篇】

(3)What did you think of it? /What have you learnt from the experience?

提示词语:unforgettable, be afraid of, valuable, treat, encourage, courage, confident

范文一】 The Most Unforgettable Experience

The most unforgettable experience for me is a speech competition. It made a big difference in my life.

One day, my teacher asked me to join a speech competition. Though I didn’t think I could make a perfect speech, I took part in it. It took me three days to prepare for the speech.

On the speech competition day, students made speech one by one. I was so nervous that my hand became wet. My teacher looked at me and said:”take it easy, you can do it.”It was time for me to make a speech. When I stood in front of all students and teachers, I was too nervous to say anything. I was afraid of making mistakes and students would laugh at me. To my surprise, they clapped hands and cheered me up. Then I remembered my teacher’s word. Both of those gave me a lot of energy and confidence. Finally, I tried my best to make a perfect speech.

This experience not only made me confident but also let me realize my teacher’s care for me. Because of the competition, I became more confident.

范文二】 The Most Unforgettable Experience

Our school once took us to go to the old people’s house. I think it is the most unforgettable experience.

We went there by bus. When I got there, I saw an old man sitting on the wheelchair by himself. I went over and talked to him. He told me that his family members died in a big traffic accident. He invited me to his room, I saw some dirty clothes on the floor, I decided to do something for him. I washed the clothes, cleaned the floor, watered the flowers and played the chess with him. I treated

him just like my grandpa. We enjoyed ourselves all day long.

When I got back home, I thought that: old people don’t need a lot of money. They need love from their children. The love is more valuable than the money, and we should always go home to see them.

范文三:My Most Unforgettable Experience

I had the most unforgettable experience last Friday. I went to the community at 8:30 in the morning. I went to help an old couple----Grandpa Li and Grandma Li. I was very excited then.【最新初二作文我的弟弟8篇】

When I got into their house, I saw Grandpa Li lying in bed, Grandma Li told me he was ill in bed for about one year, I was sorry for him. I thought I should do something to make them happy. So I swept the floor first, and then I cleaned the windows. After that , I washed clothes for them. I worked for about 2hours. Although I was very tired, I was very happy when I saw the clean room and the smiling faces of the old couple.

At last, they thanked me very much. I told them I would go to help them every week . Because I think it’s important for us to help the old and helping others will be good for ourselves as well(也).

作文三: 代沟问题

根据中文和英文提示,写出一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语供选用。请不要写出你的真实姓名和校名。 许多青少年都认为自己和父母之间存在“代沟”,经常和父母因为种种问题而产生争执,例如学习、交友、上网等等。


Hi! Liu Ming,

I always argue with my parents. They make me study and study. They scold me when I talk on the phone or use

the computer. They don’t let me go out with my friends.I don’t know what to do. Do you have the same problem?

I need your help.




I am glad to hear from you and hope I can help.

Sometimes I have the same problem with you. I didn’t understand why my parents are so strict with me before. But now , I know it.

I don’t think you need to argue with your parents.They make you study because they want you to have a better future. So you should try your best to study harder and better.

If you want to talk on the phone or use the computer, you can try the ways. Firstly, you can have a good talk with your parents.Tell them why you need to use the phone or the computer.If you have a proper reason(恰当的理由), I believe that your parents will allow you to use them. Also, you had better set a time limit when you use the phone or the computer.

Your parents don’t let you go out with your friends because they worry about your safety. In their eyes, you are always their baby and they think you are too young to handle(处理) the problems around you. If you want to stay with your friends, why not invite them to your house? To make them know your friends is the best way to solve this problem.

I hope what I said can help you.

Yours,Liu Ming



I am sorry to hear about your problem.

I also have the same problem with you, so I can give you some advice.

You should not argue with your parents. You should understand them. They want you to be better, so they make you study.

If you want to talk on the phone or use the computer, you can set the time limit and tell it to your parents.

Your parents don’t let you go out with them because they worry about you. Try to make your parents know your friend, then you will have more time to be with your friends.

I hope my advice will help you. Yours,Liu Ming


I’m sorry to hear about your problems and hope I can help . Here is some advice for you.

First, your parents make you study because they want you to have more chances to choose when you grow up, so you should listen to them. Second, you had better spend less time on the phone and computer. And you may make a plan for your spare time and discuss it with your parents. What’s more, you can invite your parents to go out with you or invite your friends to come to your house. As a result, your parents will worry less about you.

I hope what I say here can help you.

作文四: 中国传统节日

根据中文和英文提示,写出一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语供选用。请不要写出你的真实姓名和校名。 假设你叫李华,最近和美国笔友Jim谈论各自最喜欢的传统节日。他想了解你最喜欢的中国传统节日是哪一个,你喜欢的原因以及人们是如何庆祝这个节日的。请根据他的问题回复邮件。

提示词语:the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival , the Mid-autumn Festival, get together, have a big family meal, set off fireworks, enjoy, happy, excited

I’m happy you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals. My favorite is the Spring Festival.It is the most important festival in China and it’s a time for family members to get together.

No matter how far away from home, the family members always reunion and do many things to celebrate it.My family is no exception. Early in the morning, we put up some New Year decorations,such as the red couplets,the character 福 and the red paper-cut.You know, red is a lucky color in China.We also sweep the dust to say goodbye to the past and welcome the New Year. It often takes us at least an hour to do it.In the afternoon, I usually help my mother prepare the Chinese New Year dinner. There are some typical food,such as fish, the rice cake, jiaozi and so on.Each dish has its meaning, like peace, good luck, good health...I find it difficult to make Jiaozi well. If you want to make it well, you need to practice a lot. We usually wish each other good luck for the next year during dinner. Just before midnight, we go outside and watch fireworks. The


becomes bright and everyone cheers. It’s really exciting. The greatest thing for us is getting lucky money from our parents and grandparents. The money is put in a red pocket. We can use the money to buy anything we want.


Each spring festival brings us so much happiness that we are always looking forward to the next one.


I’ve been in China for 7 days. I have enjoyed my stay very much. My host family is very nice to me.

In the morning, we put up Chinese New Year decorations . I helped to put them on doors and windows . Then in the afternoon I helped the host family to prepare fish , tofu, fried meat ball. Every dish has its meaning, like peace, good luck, good health….I’ve learned to make jiaozi! I tasted jiaozi , it’s delicious . In the evening the family wished each other and me good luck. The best thing about Chinese new year is fireworks .Just before midnight everyone went outside and millions of fireworks went off together. It was exciting.

I felt happy and it has been the best time for me ever.

Dear Mike,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the new year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are.Best wishes!Yours,Liu Wei【最新初二作文我的弟弟8篇】



Two years ago, I had problem with English listening. I found it hard to understand what the teacher said in class. I felt really worried, but I didn’t want to give up.

I talked to my teacher and she gave me some advice. She told me I should catch some key words and try to understand the main idea when I listened to something.What’s more, watching English movies is also a good way to practice listening.

After I tried my teacher’s advice, my English listening improved a lot. Now I am not afraid of English listening any more.

From it, I learned that we will succeed as long as we try hard .


Two years ago, I had problem with English listening. I couldn’t understand what the teacher said in class.

So I talked to my teacher and she gave me some advice. She told me I should know some skills.Watching English movies is also good for listening.

After I tried the advice, my English listening was better.

From it, I know that we will be better if we try our best.


我这个弟弟说起来真好笑!他既是“搞笑大王”,也是“造词大王”,经常闹出笑话,令人为之捧腹,害的我这个“博学多才”的姐姐和那“高深莫测”的爸爸也捉摸不透他。 在家里,我和弟弟睡上下铺,我上他下。弟弟纵酒的睡上铺很好玩,因此对我羡慕不已。 有一天,他心血来潮,吵着非要睡上铺,我没办法,只好“让位”。我在下面睡得不是很香半夜醒来,见头上撑着一把伞,好生奇怪,,但也没多想,收了伞又继续睡了。第二天早晨,我醒来发现身上盖着一件雨衣,便问:“弟弟这是你干的吧?”弟弟说:“是我。”我又问:“那么雨伞也是你撑的了?”他依然如无其事地说:“是啊!”我问:“为什么?”弟弟笑起来说:“听我慢慢道来……”“别废话!快说!”我急了,弟弟说:“我怕我睡在上面尿床,会漏到你身上……”他话还没说完,自己忍不住笑起来。我的天哪!这个弟弟,怎么会有这么多鬼点子! 一天中午,我们正在吃饭,弟弟忽然说:“昨天那个‘屁份公司’可真有趣,居然会叫这个名字。”我听了有些不解,想了一下,顿时嘴里的饭都笑得喷出来……弟弟还一本正经地说:“你怎么回事嘛!不是‘粒粒艰辛苦’吗?”我说:“那是‘股份公司’!”幸亏爸爸妈妈都把刚才那口饭咽了下去,否则这桌菜肯定遭殃。弟弟去不以为然,还理直气壮地说:“这有什么,反正‘屁股’两个字都是连在一起的!


推荐访问:二年级作文我的弟弟 初一作文我的弟弟