
来源:电脑网络 时间:2018-08-04 18:00:12 阅读:


第一篇goof:英语口语练习资料Goof around 不务正业

英语口语网权威发布英语口语练习资料Goof around 不务正业,更多英语口语练习资料Goof around 不务正业相关信息请访问英语口语网。
英语口语频道为大家整理的英语口语练习资料Goof around 不务正业,供大家学习参考:)李华周末来看Larry,Larry却有一大堆事情还没有做。
LL: It sure is nice to see you, Li Hua. But, honestly I"ve got so many things I have to do right now. I"ve just goofed around all weekend and haven"t gotten anything done.
LH: You goofed around? 这是什么意思啊?
LL: To "goof around" means to not do the things you are supposed to do. And I really didn"t do what I was supposed to this weekend.
LH: 噢,原来goof around是游手好闲,不务正业的意思。那你有什么该做的事情没有做呢?
LL: I was supposed to do my laundry, dust and vacuum my apartment, mop my kitchen floor, and clean my bathroom. But because I goofed around, I didn"t do any of the cleaning I needed to do.
LH: 洗衣服、还要打扫房间、擦地板,这么多事啊!那你这两天都干了些什么呢?
LL: Instead of doing my housework, I watched movies on TV, talked to friends on the phone, and played computer games.
LH: You really did goof around. 又是看电影,又是打游戏的。难道你父母没有告诉过你,只有做完正事以后才能玩吗?
LL: They certainly did, Li Hua. But after a full week of work, I really didn"t feel like doing my house cleaning. In fact, I didn"t want to do much else besides goof around.
LH: 这我能理解,大家周末都想好好放松一下,不过也不能整个周末都这样无所事事啊。
LL: I know you are right, Li Hua. The weekend is really the only time I have to make sure my apartment is clean and that I have clean clothes.更多信息请访问:
LH: 现在可倒好,已经星期天晚上了,你明天上班有干净衣服穿吗!
LL: Well, then I"ve goofed around enough! I really need to do my laundry, Li Hua. So if you don"t mind, I am going to get to work.
LH: 我本来想和你出去看场电影,喝杯咖啡的,现在全泡汤了。
LL: Yeah, I am sorry, Li Hua. You shouldn"t have to go home, because I goofed around.
LH: 这样好了,我们商量商量,我可以帮你一起打扫房间。
LL: And then afterwards, we could still go for a cup of coffee.


核心句型:Don"t goof up.别出岔子。goof up直译过来就是:“闲混,打发时间”,这个短语的正确意思是:“出岔子,犯错,把……搞乱”。因此,当美国人说"Don"t goof up."时,他/她要表达的意思就是"Don"t make any mistakes."、"Don"t get into any trouble or accident."、"Take care and don"t do anything wrong."。情景对白:Boss: Don"t goof up. This project is very important, and we have invested a lot of money in it.老板:别出岔子,这个项目很重要,我们已经投了大量资金。Benjamin: I see. I would do as you told.本杰明:我知道。我会按照您的吩咐做的。搭配句积累:①I can"t believe such an arduous task is distributed to me.我不敢相信这么艰巨的任务竟然分配给了我。②I will try me best to accomplish the survey.我会尽力完成这次调查的。③The assignment is a little difficult but of great significance.这项任务虽然有点困难,但是却是意义重大。④You are sent to Beijing to meet some important clients tomorrow.公司派你明天到北京去见一些重要客户。单词:1. goof vi. 打发时间,混We goofed last week at the end of our interview with singer Annie Ross.上周我们采访歌手安妮·罗斯,结果到快结束时犯了个愚蠢的错误。Are you going to goof off everyday?你是不是打算每天都混日子过?I"d never goof around, if I were you.如果我是你,我决不会到处闲荡。2. arduous adj. 费力的The task was more arduous than he had calculated.这项任务比他所估计的要艰巨得多。To remould one"s world outlook involves arduous struggle.改造世界观需要进行艰苦的斗争。Scientific spirit is the subjunctive spirit of human beings which forms and develops during the long and arduous period of scientific research and exploration.科学精神是人类在漫长而艰巨的科学研究探索过程中逐渐形成并不断发展起来的一种主观精神状态。

第三篇goof:流行美语第264课:goof around

英语口语网权威发布流行美语第264课:goof around,更多流行美语第264课相关信息请访问英语口语网。
李华周末来看Larry.李华今天要学两个常用语,goof around和go halvsies.  LL: It sure is nice to see you, Li Hua. But, honestly I"ve got so many things I have to do right now. I"ve just goofed around all weekend and haven"t gotten anything done.  LH: You goofed around? 这是什么意思啊?  LL: To "goof around" means to not do the things you are supposed to do. And I really didn"t do what I was supposed to this weekend.  LH: 噢,原来goof around是游手好闲,不务正业的意思。那你有什么该做的事情没有做呢?  LL: I was supposed to do my laundry, dust and vacuum my apartment, mop my kitchen floor, and clean my bathroom. But because I goofed around, I didn"t do any of the cleaning I needed to do.  LH: 洗衣服、还要打扫房间、擦地板,这么多事啊!那你这两天都干了些什么呢?  LL: Instead of doing my housework, I watched movies on TV, talked to friends on the phone, and played computer games.  LH: You really did goof around. 又是看电影,又是打游戏的。难道你父母没有告诉过你,只有做完正事以后才能玩吗?  LL: They certainly did, Li Hua. But after a full week of work, I really didn"t feel like doing my house cleaning. In fact, I didn"t want to do much else besides goof around.  LH: 这我能理解,大家周末都想好好放松一下,不过也不能整个周末都这样无所事事啊。  LL: I know you are right, Li Hua. The weekend is really the only time I have to make sure my apartment is clean and that I have clean clothes.  LH: 现在可倒好,已经星期天晚上了,你明天上班有干净衣服穿吗!  LL: Well, then I"ve goofed around enough! I really need to do my laundry, Li Hua. So if you don"t mind, I am going to get to work.  LH: 我本来想和你出去看场电影,喝杯咖啡的,现在全泡汤了。  LL: Yeah, I am sorry, Li Hua. You shouldn"t have to go home, because I goofed around.  LH: 这样好了,我们商量商量,我可以帮你一起打扫房间。  LL: And then afterwards, we could still go for a cup of coffee.    LL: I have a proposal for you, Li Hua. How about we go halvsies on my housework?  LH: Go halvsies,那又是什么意思啊?  LL: To "go halvsies" is to split something in half. In this case, I was hoping you could do half of my housework.

