
来源:百科 时间:2018-08-09 11:00:01 阅读:


篇一:[一副眼镜的英文]新概念英语青少版第二册Lesson5: A pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜

一副眼镜的英文_新概念英语青少版第二册Lesson5: A pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜

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Revision Lesson 5 A pair of sunglasses
复习课5 一副太阳镜
Narrator:Mother is at a shop with father.
She wants to buy a pair of sunglasses.
Mother:I want to buy a pair of sunglasses,please.
Assistant:Try on this pair,madam.
Mother:Do you like them,Jim?
Father:No,I don"t like them at all.They don"t suit you.
Father:Take them off.Put on this pair.
Mother:Do you like them?
Father:Yes,dear.They suit you very well.


Formerly in a beautiful house, which is home to two small animals, small monkeys and a small fox. One day they are playing in the house, they found a pair of glasses on the sofa.Monkey picked up the glasses and asked Fox: "glasses are worn on the hat or the tail Shang Hao good?"Fox glanced at the monkey said: "?.. How can you think so glasses are not worn on the tail, nor is it worn on a hat worn on the eye."The monkeys picked up the glasses to wear on their eyes, he uttered a cry: "! Ah how the world has become so clear ah.""It seems that you must watch TV a lot and you have a myopia."Little monkey head down, said: "In the future I may have to watch less TV, take good care of my eyes."
从前在一幢美丽的房子里,里面住着两只小动物,小猴子和小狐狸。有一天他们在屋子里玩耍,他们发现沙发上一副眼镜。 小猴拿起眼镜问小狐狸:“眼镜是戴在尾巴上好还是帽子上好呢?”  狐狸疑惑地看着猴子说:“你怎么会这么想呢?眼镜不是戴在尾巴上,也不是戴在帽子上。而是戴在眼睛上的。”  于是猴子拿起了眼镜往自己的眼睛上一戴,他惊叫了一声:“呀!怎么世界变得那么清楚啊。”  “看来你一定是电视看多了,你得近视眼了。”  小猴子低着头说:“看来以后我得少看电视,好好保护我的眼睛了。”


英语资源频道为大家整理的chinadaily双语新闻:想要求职成功就戴副眼镜,供大家阅读参考。 Never mind a crisp shirt or a firm handshake. If you want to impress a potential employer, put on a pair of spectacles.  Job hunters are more likely to be hired if they wear glasses to their interview, according to a study.  A third of adults think spectacle-wearers look more professional, while 43 per cent think they appear more intelligent.  And 40 per cent of those with 20-20 vision would consider wearing clear lenses if it would improve their chances of getting a job.  Another six per cent would put on glasses to feel fashionable, and nine per cent think spectacles make the wearer look more attractive, the study by the College of Optometrists found.  Psychology professor Cary Cooper, from Lancaster University, said: ‘It is not surprising that businesses want to employ intelligent staff but the idea that intelligent people wear glasses is an old stereotype that has not gone away.  ‘In fact, glasses are a poor indication of intelligence because you can have bad eyesight for a number of reasons and then choose to wear contact lenses.  ‘It is possible that some people have more self-confidence and change their behaviour when they put on glasses, which could in itself improve their chances at interview.’  不用担心衬衫是否挺括,或者握手是否有力了,如果你想给未来的老板留下好印象,就戴一副眼镜吧。  最新研究显示,面试时带眼镜的求职者受聘机率更大。  三分之一的成年受访者认为戴眼镜的人看上去更职业,另有43%的受访者认为这样看上去更聪明。  而有40%的视力极佳的受访者认为,如果戴眼镜会更好找工作,他们会考虑戴平光镜。  还有6%的受访者认为戴眼镜看上去更时尚,9%的受访者认为戴眼镜让人更具魅力。该项调查由验光师学院开展。  兰卡斯特大学的心理学教授卡里•库珀说:“老板们都想雇到聪明的员工,这一点儿也不奇怪。但聪明的人都戴着眼镜这种刻板印象仍然存在。”  “事实上,戴眼镜却并不能代表一个人很聪明,因为造成视力不好的原因有很多,而且人们也可以选择戴隐形眼镜。”  “也许有些人戴上眼镜后会变得更加自信,并且改进自己的行为举止,而这本身就增加了他们面试受雇的机率。”  Vocabulary:  crisp: clean-cut, neat, and well-pressed; well-groomed(洁净的,挺括的)  job hunter: 求职者  20-20 vision: a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet(绝好的视力,也写成20/20 vision)

